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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 43

 |                           is updated in ic_lots_mst.                     |
 |   									    |
 |    25-Oct-2001  A. Mundhe Bug 1886611 - Assign vendor_lot_no without     |
 |                           validating shipvendor_id.                      |
 |    21-DEC-2001  K. RajaSekhar Reddy BUG#2158123                          |
 |                          Modified the code to create the Retest Date,    |
 |                          Expire Date and Expaction Dates correctly.      |
 |   Jalaj Srivastava 08/20/02 Bug 2520129                                  |
 |      The lot rec typ record is changed in GMIGAPI to not default lot     |
 |      created date to sysdate to make it referencable from forms. Forms   |
 |      has a limitation of not acceptinf default values of sysdate for     |
 |      record objects.  We will default the lot created date here          |
 |      from now on.                                                        |
 |      Assigned proper value to x_ic_lots_mst_row.lot_created in the       |
 |      beginning and used that instead of p_lot_rec.lot_created to check   |
 |      the validation for other dates.                                     |
 |    16-Sep-2002  A. Cataldo Bug 2458413 - Properly initialize expaction   |
 |                 date for non grd cntl items (lot crt API) and setup deflt|
 |                 dates for default trans in lots_mst (item create API).   |
 |    04-Nov-2002  A.Cataldo Bug # 2343411                                  |
 |                 Based on a new profile option, allow the user to control |
 |                 what the lot description will be defaulted to when       |
 |                 creating lots either via screen or APIs.                 |
 |    22-FEB-2003  Jalaj Srivastava Bug 2811747                             |
 |                 error status wold be set as soon as error condition is   |
 |                 encountered. messages could be already written in        |
 |                 global message table by calling programs so the check for|
 |                 looking whether something is there in the message table  |
 |                 to set error status is not good.                         |
 |    27-AUG-2003  James Bernard Bug 3115930 Modified code so that user can |
 |                 create expired lots.                                     |
 |    25-NOV-2003  RajaSekhar Reddy BUG#3259379                             |
 |                 Modified code to set the default effective max date      |
 |                 for retest, expire and expaction dates if item is a      |
 |                 non grade controlled item and Retest Interval, Shelf Life|
 |                 or Expiration Interval are equal to zero.                |
 |    04-DEC-2003  Sastry BUG#3270249                                       |
 |                 Modified code to set the correct timestamp for           |
 |                 lot_created, creation_date and last_update_date          |
 |                 for a new lot created while receving.                    |
 |    17-MAY-2004  Archana Mundhe Bug 3621870                               |
 |                 Assign max date to retest,expire and expaction date for  |
 |                 non grade ctl items.                                     |
 |     6-JUL-2004  3739308 - changed above interval check to <> 0. Jatinder |
PROCEDURE Validate_Lot
( p_api_version      IN  NUMBER
, p_validation_level IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
, p_lot_rec          IN  GMIGAPI.lot_rec_typ
, p_ic_item_mst_row     IN  ic_item_mst%ROWTYPE
, p_ic_item_cpg_row     IN  ic_item_cpg%ROWTYPE
, x_ic_lots_mst_row  OUT NOCOPY ic_lots_mst%ROWTYPE
, x_ic_lots_cpg_row  OUT NOCOPY ic_lots_cpg%ROWTYPE
, x_return_status    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
, x_msg_count        OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
, x_msg_data         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  l_api_name       CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (30) := 'Validate_Lot';
Line: 137

  /*  Default creation/update dates if not passed in */
  /* **************************************************
     Jalaj Srivastava 08/20/02 Bug 2520129
     The lot rec typ record is changed in GMIGAPI
     to not default lot created date to sysdate to
     make it referencable from forms. Forms has a
     limitation of not acceptinf default values
     of sysdate for record objects.
     We will default the lot created date here
     from now on.
     ************************************************** */
  -- BEGIN BUG#3270249 Sastry
  -- Modified code so that the timestamp for lot_created, creation_date and
  -- last_update_date date is correct for a new lot created while receving.
  -- Jatinder Gogna - 3470841 - Do not default NULL lot_created date to sysdate
  IF (TRUNC(p_lot_rec.lot_created) = TRUNC(SYSDATE))
    x_ic_lots_mst_row.lot_created      := SYSDATE;
Line: 159

  x_ic_lots_mst_row.last_update_date   := SYSDATE;
Line: 163

  x_ic_lots_mst_row.last_updated_by := GMIGUTL.DEFAULT_USER_ID;
Line: 164

  x_ic_lots_mst_row.last_update_login:= GMIGUTL.DEFAULT_LOGIN;
Line: 171

  x_ic_lots_cpg_row.last_updated_by := GMIGUTL.DEFAULT_USER_ID;
Line: 173

  x_ic_lots_cpg_row.last_update_date := x_ic_lots_mst_row.last_update_date;
Line: 174

  x_ic_lots_cpg_row.last_update_login:= GMIGUTL.DEFAULT_LOGIN;
Line: 196

       SELECT item_no
         INTO x_ic_lots_mst_row.lot_desc
         FROM   ic_item_mst
         WHERE  item_id = (SELECT whse_item_id
                            FROM ic_item_mst
                            WHERE item_id = p_ic_item_mst_row.item_id);
Line: 225

  x_ic_lots_mst_row.delete_mark      := 0;
Line: 281

	 p_ic_item_mst_row.delete_mark = 1