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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 19

     select to_number(UE.creator_id)
     from  ff_user_entities  UE,
           ff_database_items DI
     where  DI.user_name            = p_db_item_name
       and  UE.user_entity_id       = DI.user_entity_id
       and  Ue.creator_type         = 'B';
Line: 68

   SELECT '1'
   INTO l_resides_true
   FROM dual
      SELECT '1'
      FROM per_assignments_f paf,
        per_addresses pad
      WHERE paf.assignment_id = p_assignment_id AND
        paf.person_id = pad.person_id AND
        pad.date_from <= p_period_end AND
        NVL(pad.date_to ,p_period_end) >= p_period_start AND
        pad.region_2 = p_state AND
        pad.primary_flag = 'Y');
Line: 141

   select legislative_parameters,
     into leg_param,
     from pay_payroll_actions ppa
    where ppa.payroll_action_id = pactid;
Line: 151

   sqlstr :=  'SELECT distinct ASG.person_id
          FROM   per_assignments_f           ASG,
                 hr_organization_units       HOU,
                 pay_payrolls_f              PPY,
                 pay_state_rules             SR,
                 hr_organization_information HOI,
                 pay_us_asg_reporting        puar,
                 pay_payroll_actions         PPA
          WHERE  PPA.payroll_action_id       = :payroll_action_id
            AND  SR.state_code               = '''||l_state||'''
            AND  substr(SR.jurisdiction_code,1,2) = substr(puar.jurisdiction_code,1,2)
            AND  ASG.assignment_id           = puar.assignment_id
            AND  puar.tax_unit_id            = HOU.organization_id
            AND  ASG.business_group_id + 0   = PPA.business_group_id
            AND  ASG.assignment_type         = ''E''
            AND  ASG.effective_start_date    <= PPA.effective_date
            AND  ASG.effective_end_date      >= PPA.start_date
            AND ((not exists (
                         select ''x'' from hr_organization_information hoi2
                         where HOI2.ORG_INFORMATION_CONTEXT = ''1099R Magnetic Report Rules''
                         and   HOI2.org_information2 is not null
                         and HOI2.organization_id = hou.organization_id))
                   or ( '''||l_state||''' =  ''CA'')
                           AND  HOI.organization_id = puar.tax_unit_id
                           AND  HOI.ORG_INFORMATION_CONTEXT = ''State Tax Rules''
                           AND  HOI.ORG_INFORMATION1 = '''||l_state||'''
            AND  PPY.payroll_id              = ASG.payroll_id
          ORDER  BY ASG.person_id';
Line: 215

     SELECT paa.assignment_action_id    locked_action_id,
            asg.assignment_id           assignment_id,
            asg.person_id               person_id,
            paa.tax_unit_id             tax_unit_id,
            ppa.effective_date          effective_end_date,
            sr.jurisdiction_code        jurisdiction_code
      FROM  hr_organization_information hoi,
            pay_payroll_actions         ppa,
            pay_assignment_actions      paa,
            pay_state_rules             sr,
            per_assignments_f           asg,
            pay_payroll_actions         ppa_arch
     WHERE  ppa_arch.payroll_action_id  = pactid
       AND  asg.person_id between         stperson and endperson
       AND  asg.business_group_id + 0   = ppa_arch.business_group_id
       AND  asg.assignment_type         = 'E'
       AND  asg.effective_start_date    <= l_period_end
       AND  asg.effective_end_date      >= l_period_start
       AND  paa.assignment_id           = asg.assignment_id
       AND  (paa.action_sequence,asg.person_id,paa.tax_unit_id)
                                    in (select max(paa1.action_sequence),paf1.person_id, paa1.tax_unit_id
                                             from pay_action_classifications pac,
                                                  pay_payroll_actions        ppa1,
                                                  pay_assignment_actions     paa1,
                                                  per_assignments_f          paf1
                                            where paf1.person_id          = asg.person_id
                                              AND paf1.business_group_id + 0   = ppa_arch.business_group_id
                                              AND paf1.assignment_type         = 'E'
                                              AND paf1.effective_start_date    <= l_period_end
                                              AND paf1.effective_end_date      >= l_period_start
                                              and paa1.assignment_id           = paf1.assignment_id
                                              and paa1.tax_unit_id             = paa.tax_unit_id
                                              and ppa1.payroll_action_id       = paa1.payroll_action_id
                                              and ppa1.action_type             = pac.action_type
                                              and pac.classification_name      = 'SEQUENCED'
                                              and ppa1.effective_date     between
                                                                          and l_period_end
                                              group by paf1.person_id, paa1.tax_unit_id)
       AND  ppa.payroll_action_id        = paa.payroll_action_id
       AND  ppa.effective_date            between l_period_start
                                              and l_period_end
       AND  ppa.action_type               in ('R','Q','V','B','I')
       AND  ppa.effective_date            between asg.effective_start_date
                                              and asg.effective_end_date
       AND  SR.state_code               = l_state
       AND  hoi.organization_id         = paa.tax_unit_id
       AND  hoi.org_information_context = 'State Tax Rules'
       AND  hoi.org_information1        = l_state
       AND  EXISTS                        (select '' from pay_us_asg_reporting puar
                                            where asg.assignment_id = puar.assignment_id
                                              and paa.tax_unit_id   = puar.tax_unit_id
                                              and substr(SR.jurisdiction_code  ,1,2) =
Line: 274

          SELECT decode(l_state,'CA',null,hoi2.org_information2)
            FROM hr_organization_information hoi2
           WHERE hoi2.organization_id         = greid
             AND hoi2.org_information_context = '1099R Magnetic Report Rules';
Line: 284

      select pay_negbal_pkg.get_parameter('TRANSFER_STATE',
             ppa.legislative_parameters) state_abbrev,
             trunc(ppa.effective_date, 'Y'),
             add_months(trunc(ppa.effective_date, 'Y'),12) - 1
     into l_state,
     from pay_payroll_actions ppa
    where ppa.payroll_action_id = pactid;
Line: 299

         selecting people in the 4th quarter is different to that used for the
         first 3 quarters of the tax year. */

         if     l_state = 'NY' and  to_char(l_qtr_end,'MM')= '12' then
         	/* Period is the last quarter of the year.*/
         	l_period_start         := l_year_start;
Line: 348

          select count(*)
            into l_sui_exempt
            from pay_us_emp_state_tax_rules_f ptax,
                 pay_us_states pst
           where ptax.assignment_id = assignid
             and ptax.effective_start_date <= l_qtr_end
             and ptax.effective_end_date >= l_qtr_start
             and pst.state_code = ptax.state_code
             and pst.state_abbrev = l_state
             and ptax.sui_exempt = 'Y'
             and not exists ( select 'x'
                                from pay_us_emp_state_tax_rules_f ptax,
                                     pay_us_states pst
                               where ptax.assignment_id = assignid
                                 and ptax.effective_start_date <= l_qtr_end
                                 and ptax.effective_end_date >= l_qtr_start
                                 and pst.state_code = ptax.state_code
                                 and pst.state_abbrev = l_state
                                 and ptax.sui_exempt = 'N') ;
Line: 384

	  	select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
	  	into   lockingactid
	  	from   dual;
Line: 387

          	-- insert the action record.
Line: 391

          	-- insert an interlock to this action
            -- Bug fix 1850043
     	  	-- hr_nonrun_asact.insint(lockingactid,lockedactid);
Line: 414

      sqlstr :=  'select paa.rowid
                  from pay_payroll_actions    ppa,
                       pay_assignment_actions paa,
                       per_all_assignments_f paf,   -- #1894165
                       hr_organization_units hou,
                       hr_organization_units hou1
                  where ppa.payroll_action_id = :pactid
                  and   paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
                  and   paf.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
                  and   paf.business_group_id + 0   = ppa.business_group_id
                  and   paf.assignment_type         = ''E''
                  and   paf.effective_start_date  = (select max(paf1.effective_start_date)
                                                     from per_all_assignments_f paf1   --# 1894165
                                                     where paf1.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
                                                       and paf1.business_group_id + 0   = ppa.business_group_id
                                                       and paf1.assignment_type         = ''E''
                                                       and paf1.effective_start_date <= ppa.effective_date
                                                       and paf1.effective_end_date >=
                                                                4, trunc(ppa.start_date, ''Y''), ppa.start_date
                                                               , ppa.start_date
                  and   paa.tax_unit_id   = hou.organization_id
                  and   hou1.organization_id = nvl(paf.organization_id,paf.business_group_id)  -- # 1894165
                  order by hou.name,hou1.name,paf.assignment_number
		  for update of paf.assignment_id';