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1 PACKAGE BODY qa_chart_control_pkg AS
2 /* $Header: qacctrlb.pls 120.3 2006/02/08 16:26:15 bso noship $ */
4     --
5     -- Tracking Bug 4939897
6     -- R12 Forms Tech Stack Upgrade - Obsolete Oracle Graphics
7     --
10 --
11 -- Define a character to be used as separator to pass two y-axis
12 -- labels in one shot.  It can be anything that is not possible as
13 -- as collection element name nor one of the seeded characters.
14 -- We will use a vertical bar.  The Control Chart Controller
15 -- Object will use the same character to parse out the y-axises.
16 --
17 g_separator CONSTANT VARCHAR2(1) := '|';
20     FUNCTION get_x_axis_label(p_subgroup_size NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
21     BEGIN
22         --
23         -- x-axis label is constructed by QA_CHART_CONTROL_X_LABEL
24         --
25         fnd_message.set_name('QA', 'QA_CHART_CONTROL_X_LABEL');
26         fnd_message.set_token('SIZE', p_subgroup_size);
27         RETURN fnd_message.get;
28     END get_x_axis_label;
31     FUNCTION get_y_axis_label(
32         p_chart_type NUMBER,
33         p_element_id NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
35         l_label VARCHAR2(2000);
36         l_element qa_chars.name%TYPE;
38     BEGIN
39         --
40         -- The y-axis label is constructed by concatenating the
41         -- top chart label and the bottom chart label into one
42         -- string by g_separator.  They will be parsed out by
43         -- the control chart's Controller Object then set to
44         -- the appropriate chart bean.
45         --
46         -- Top label is QA_CHART_CONTROL_TOP_Y_LABELxx
47         -- Bottom label is QA_CHART_CONTROL_BOT_Y_LABELxx
48         --
49         -- where xx is the subchart type.
50         --
51         l_element := qa_chars_api.get_element_name(p_element_id);
52         fnd_message.set_name('QA', 'QA_CHART_CONTROL_TOP_Y_LABEL' ||
53             p_chart_type);
54         fnd_message.set_token('ELEMENT_NAME', l_element);
55         l_label := fnd_message.get;
57         fnd_message.set_name('QA', 'QA_CHART_CONTROL_BOT_Y_LABEL' ||
58             p_chart_type);
59         fnd_message.set_token('ELEMENT_NAME', l_element);
60         l_label := l_label || g_separator || fnd_message.get;
62         RETURN l_label;
63     END get_y_axis_label;
66         PROCEDURE populate_data(
67             p_chart_id      NUMBER,
68             p_top_ucl       NUMBER,
69             p_top_mean      NUMBER,
70             p_top_lcl       NUMBER,
71             p_bottom_ucl    NUMBER,
72             p_bottom_mean   NUMBER,
73             p_bottom_lcl    NUMBER,
74             x_row_count     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER) IS
76         --
77         -- This is a very specific private procedure that assumes
78         -- qltcontb has been called to populate qa_chart_data
79         -- (the old data point table), it then migrates the data over
80         -- to the qa_chart_control table.  It does a direct INSERT INTO
81         -- qa_chart_control...SELECT FROM qa_chart_data.  This is not
82         -- the most efficient way to achieve a histogram, but in order
83         -- to completely re-use the legacy code for implementation and
84         -- maintenance efficient and, more importantly, to not destabilize
85         -- existing code, this is a reasonable approach.
86         --
87         -- bso Fri Jan 13 18:52:25 PST 2006
88         --
90         BEGIN
91             --
92             -- There is no WHERE clause because this table always
93             -- hold data for one single session.  This will result
94             -- in a Full Table Scan in Performance Repository.
95             -- This is expected and there is no performance issue
96             -- as the session data will be rolled back momentarily,
97             -- so it always contains a small no. of records only.
98             --
99             -- bso Fri Jan 13 18:57:22 PST 2006
100             --
101             INSERT INTO qa_chart_control(
102                 created_by,
103                 creation_date,
104                 last_updated_by,
105                 last_update_date,
106                 last_update_login,
107                 chart_id,
108                 line,
109                 x_value,
110                 top_y_value,
111                 top_ucl_value,
112                 top_mean_value,
113                 top_lcl_value,
114                 bottom_y_value,
115                 bottom_ucl_value,
116                 bottom_mean_value,
117                 bottom_lcl_value)
118             SELECT
119                 /* Small amount of data from one session only. */
120                 /* FTS expected and reviewed by bso 1/13/2006. */
121                 fnd_global.user_id,
122                 sysdate,
123                 fnd_global.user_id,
124                 sysdate,
125                 fnd_global.login_id,
126                 p_chart_id,
127                 rownum,
128                 subgroup_number,
129                 average,
130                 p_top_ucl,
131                 p_top_mean,
132                 p_top_lcl,
133                 nvl(range, 0),  -- range can be NULL for XmR
134                 p_bottom_ucl,
135                 p_bottom_mean,
136                 p_bottom_lcl
137             FROM
138                 qa_chart_data;
140             x_row_count := sql%ROWCOUNT;
142         END populate_data;
145     PROCEDURE create_chart(
146         p_criteria_id                   NUMBER,
147         p_chart_type                    NUMBER,
148         p_element_id                    NUMBER,
149         p_title                         VARCHAR2,
150         p_description                   VARCHAR2,
151         p_sql                           VARCHAR2,
152         p_subgroup_size                 NUMBER,
153         p_subgroup_num                  NUMBER,
154         p_dec_prec                      NUMBER,
155         p_top_ucl                       NUMBER,
156         p_top_mean                      NUMBER,
157         p_top_lcl                       NUMBER,
158         p_bottom_ucl                    NUMBER,
159         p_bottom_mean                   NUMBER,
160         p_bottom_lcl                    NUMBER,
161         x_chart_id           OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
162         x_row_count          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER) IS
164         l_dec_prec       NUMBER;
165         l_subgroup_num   NUMBER;
167         --
168         -- The following are dummies required by qltcontb
169         --
170         l_top_mean       NUMBER;
171         l_bottom_mean    NUMBER;
172         l_top_ucl        NUMBER;
173         l_top_lcl        NUMBER;
174         l_bottom_ucl     NUMBER;
175         l_bottom_lcl     NUMBER;
176         l_dummy          NUMBER;
178     BEGIN
180         l_dec_prec := nvl(p_dec_prec, 12);
181         l_subgroup_num := p_subgroup_num;
183         qa_chart_headers_pkg.create_chart(
184             p_criteria_id => p_criteria_id,
185             p_title => p_title,
186             p_description => p_description,
187             p_x_label => get_x_axis_label(p_subgroup_size),
188             p_y_label => get_y_axis_label(p_chart_type, p_element_id),
189             x_chart_id => x_chart_id);
191         CASE p_chart_type
192         WHEN qa_ss_const.control_chart_XBarR THEN
193             qltcontb.x_bar_r(
194                 sql_string => p_sql,
195                 subgrp_size => p_subgroup_size,
196                 num_subgroups => l_subgroup_num,
197                 dec_prec => l_dec_prec,
198                 grand_mean => l_top_mean,
199                 range_average => l_bottom_mean,
200                 ucl => l_top_ucl,
201                 lcl => l_top_lcl,
202                 r_ucl => l_bottom_ucl,
203                 r_lcl => l_bottom_lcl,
204                 not_enough_data => l_dummy,
205                 compute_new_limits => false);
207         WHEN qa_ss_const.control_chart_XmR THEN
208             qltcontb.xmr(
209                 sql_string => p_sql,
210                 subgrp_size => p_subgroup_size,
211                 num_points => l_subgroup_num,
212                 dec_prec => l_dec_prec,
213                 grand_mean => l_top_mean,
214                 range_average => l_bottom_mean,
215                 ucl => l_top_ucl,
216                 lcl => l_top_lcl,
217                 r_ucl => l_bottom_ucl,
218                 r_lcl => l_bottom_lcl,
219                 not_enough_data => l_dummy,
220                 compute_new_limits => false);
222         WHEN qa_ss_const.control_chart_XBarS THEN
223             qltcontb.x_bar_s(
224                 sql_string => p_sql,
225                 subgrp_size => p_subgroup_size,
226                 num_subgroups => l_subgroup_num,
227                 dec_prec => l_dec_prec,
228                 grand_mean => l_top_mean,
229                 std_dev_average => l_bottom_mean,
230                 ucl => l_top_ucl,
231                 lcl => l_top_lcl,
232                 r_ucl => l_bottom_ucl,
233                 r_lcl => l_bottom_lcl,
234                 not_enough_data => l_dummy,
235                 compute_new_limits => false);
236         END CASE;
238         populate_data(
239             p_chart_id => x_chart_id,
240             p_top_ucl => p_top_ucl,
241             p_top_mean => p_top_mean,
242             p_top_lcl => p_top_lcl,
243             p_bottom_ucl => p_bottom_ucl,
244             p_bottom_mean => p_bottom_mean,
245             p_bottom_lcl => p_bottom_lcl,
246             x_row_count => x_row_count);
248         DELETE
249             /* Small amount of data from one session only. */
250             /* FTS expected and reviewed by bso 1/13/2006. */
251             FROM qa_chart_data;
253     END create_chart;
256     PROCEDURE create_chart_autonomous(
257         p_criteria_id                   NUMBER,
258         p_chart_type                    NUMBER,
259         p_element_id                    NUMBER,
260         p_title                         VARCHAR2,
261         p_description                   VARCHAR2,
262         p_sql                           VARCHAR2,
263         p_subgroup_size                 NUMBER,
264         p_subgroup_num                  NUMBER,
265         p_dec_prec                      NUMBER,
266         p_top_ucl                       NUMBER,
267         p_top_mean                      NUMBER,
268         p_top_lcl                       NUMBER,
269         p_bottom_ucl                    NUMBER,
270         p_bottom_mean                   NUMBER,
271         p_bottom_lcl                    NUMBER,
272         x_chart_id           OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
273         x_row_count          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER) IS
275     --
276     -- This is a wrapper to create_chart and performs
277     -- autonomous commit.
278     --
279     PRAGMA autonomous_transaction;
281     BEGIN
282         create_chart(
283             p_criteria_id,
284             p_chart_type,
285             p_element_id,
286             p_title,
287             p_description,
288             p_sql,
289             p_subgroup_size,
290             p_subgroup_num,
291             p_dec_prec,
292             p_top_ucl,
293             p_top_mean,
294             p_top_lcl,
295             p_bottom_ucl,
296             p_bottom_mean,
297             p_bottom_lcl,
298             x_chart_id,
299             x_row_count);
300         COMMIT;
301     END create_chart_autonomous;
304     PROCEDURE delete_data(p_chart_id NUMBER) IS
305     BEGIN
306         DELETE FROM qa_chart_control
307         WHERE chart_id = p_chart_id;
308     END delete_data;
311     PROCEDURE delete_data_autonomous(p_chart_id NUMBER) IS
312     --
313     -- This is a wrapper to delete_data and performs
314     -- autonomous commit.
315     --
316     PRAGMA autonomous_transaction;
317     BEGIN
318         delete_data(p_chart_id);
319         COMMIT;
320     END delete_data_autonomous;
323 END qa_chart_control_pkg;