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Line 29: PROCEDURE insert_fa_whatif_itf (

25: gn_warning_status CONSTANT NUMBER := 1;
26: gn_error_status CONSTANT NUMBER := 2;
27: gn_test NUMBER;
29: PROCEDURE insert_fa_whatif_itf (
30: x_errbuf OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
31: , x_retcode OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
32: , p_request_id IN NUMBER
33: , p_checkbox_check IN VARCHAR2

Line 145: * Cursor lcr_distribution is a private cursor of procedure insert_fa_whatif_itf.

141: * CURSOR
142: * lcr_distribution
143: *
145: * Cursor lcr_distribution is a private cursor of procedure insert_fa_whatif_itf.
146: * Cursor will return distribution records
147: *
149: * ==========

Line 162: * insert_fa_whatif_itf

159: * None
160: *
161: * CALLED BY
162: * insert_fa_whatif_itf
163: *
164: ***********************************************************************/
165: IS
166: SELECT fdh.units_assigned

Line 206: * insert_fa_whatif_itf

203: * None
204: *
205: * CALLED BY
206: * insert_fa_whatif_itf
207: *
208: ***********************************************************************/
209: IS
210: SELECT cp1.period_name

Line 238: * Cursor lcr_periods is a private cursor of procedure insert_fa_whatif_itf.

234: * CURSOR
235: * lcr_periods
236: *
238: * Cursor lcr_periods is a private cursor of procedure insert_fa_whatif_itf.
239: * Cursor will return the Peiord
240: *
242: * ==========

Line 255: * insert_fa_whatif_itf

252: * None
253: *
254: * CALLED BY
255: * insert_fa_whatif_itf
256: *
257: ***********************************************************************/
258: IS
259: SELECT fcp.period_name

Line 484: INSERT INTO fa_whatif_itf

481: -- For loop to insert 0 in the periods between the start and first eligible period.
482: FOR i IN 1 .. l_count
483: LOOP
484: INSERT INTO fa_whatif_itf
485: (request_id
486: , book_type_code
487: , asset_id
488: , period_name

Line 538: UPDATE fa_whatif_itf

534: );
536: l_deprn_value := l_deprn_value + 0;
538: UPDATE fa_whatif_itf
539: SET accumulated_deprn = l_deprn_value
540: WHERE period_name = l_whatif_period_tbl (i).period_name
541: AND book_type_code = p_book_type_code
542: AND request_id = p_request_id;

Line 550: UPDATE fa_whatif_itf

546: FOR i IN 1 .. l_count
547: LOOP
548: l_deprn_value := l_deprn_value + 0;
550: UPDATE fa_whatif_itf
551: SET depreciation = 0
552: , new_depreciation = 0
553: , units = lr_distribution.units_assigned
554: , employee_name = lr_distribution.full_name

Line 566: UPDATE fa_whatif_itf

563: IF i = 61 THEN
564: l_round_value := p_round_value*60;
566: UPDATE fa_whatif_itf
567: SET depreciation = p_round_value*5
568: , new_depreciation = p_round_value*5
569: , units = lr_distribution.units_assigned
570: , employee_name = lr_distribution.full_name

Line 638: INSERT INTO fa_whatif_itf

635: -- For loop to insert 0 in the periods between the first eligible period till the period counter ends
636: FOR i IN 1 .. l_counter2
637: LOOP
638: INSERT INTO fa_whatif_itf
639: (request_id
640: , book_type_code
641: , asset_id
642: , period_name

Line 692: UPDATE fa_whatif_itf

688: );
690: l_deprn_value := l_deprn_value + p_dep_amt;
692: UPDATE fa_whatif_itf
693: SET accumulated_deprn = l_deprn_value
694: WHERE period_name = l_whatif_period_tbl2 (i).period_name
695: AND book_type_code = p_book_type_code
696: AND request_id = p_request_id;

Line 704: UPDATE fa_whatif_itf

700: FOR i IN 1+l_count .. (l_counter2+l_count)
701: LOOP
702: IF i > (61+l_count)
703: THEN --(l_count + i) has been changed to i
704: UPDATE fa_whatif_itf
705: SET depreciation = 0
706: , new_depreciation = 0
707: , units = lr_distribution.units_assigned
708: , employee_name = lr_distribution.full_name

Line 719: UPDATE fa_whatif_itf

715: ELSIF i = (61 + l_count)
716: AND l_period <> 12 * l_twelve_count
717: THEN --(l_count + i) has been changed to i
718: -- l_round_value := p_round_value*60;
719: UPDATE fa_whatif_itf
720: SET depreciation = p_round_value * 5 --l_round_value*5
721: , new_depreciation = p_round_value * 5
722: , units = lr_distribution.units_assigned
723: , employee_name = lr_distribution.full_name

Line 733: UPDATE fa_whatif_itf

729: AND asset_id = p_asset_id;
730: ELSIF i <= (60+l_count)
731: AND l_period <> 12 * l_twelve_count
732: THEN ----(l_count + i) has been changed to i
733: UPDATE fa_whatif_itf
734: SET depreciation = p_dep_amt
735: , new_depreciation = p_dep_amt
736: , units = lr_distribution.units_assigned
737: , employee_name = lr_distribution.full_name

Line 746: UPDATE fa_whatif_itf

742: AND request_id = p_request_id
743: AND asset_id = p_asset_id;
744: ELSIF l_period = 12 * l_twelve_count
745: THEN
746: UPDATE fa_whatif_itf
747: SET depreciation = (FLOOR (p_dep_amt_annual) - p_dep_amt * 11)
748: , new_depreciation =
749: (FLOOR (p_dep_amt_annual) - p_dep_amt * 11
750: )

Line 774: END insert_fa_whatif_itf;

772: THEN
773: NULL;
774: END insert_fa_whatif_itf;
776: PROCEDURE whatif_main (
777: x_errbuf OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
778: , x_retcode OUT NOCOPY NUMBER

Line 1124: l_req_id fa_whatif_itf.request_id%TYPE;

1120: AND fcp.calendar_type = fct.calendar_type
1121: AND fcp.calendar_type = fbc.deprn_calendar
1122: AND fcp.end_date = p_end_date;
1124: l_req_id fa_whatif_itf.request_id%TYPE;
1125: l_sob fa_book_controls.set_of_books_id%TYPE;
1126: l_fully_reserved_flag VARCHAR2 (1);
1127: lc_return BOOLEAN;
1128: l_profile_tax_reform VARCHAR2 (100);

Line 1248: --Step 8 Insert data into FA_WHATIF_ITF

1244: -- STEP 5 VALIDATION using the concept for Period Counter
1245: -- IF (TO_DATE(l_first_eligible_period,'MM-RRRR') > TO_DATE(p_first_begin_period,'MM-RRRR') ) THEN
1246: IF ln_first_elg_period > ln_first_beg_period
1247: THEN
1248: --Step 8 Insert data into FA_WHATIF_ITF
1249: insert_fa_whatif_itf
1250: (x_errbuf => lc_errmsg
1251: , x_retcode => ln_retcode
1252: , p_request_id => p_request_id

Line 1249: insert_fa_whatif_itf

1245: -- IF (TO_DATE(l_first_eligible_period,'MM-RRRR') > TO_DATE(p_first_begin_period,'MM-RRRR') ) THEN
1246: IF ln_first_elg_period > ln_first_beg_period
1247: THEN
1248: --Step 8 Insert data into FA_WHATIF_ITF
1249: insert_fa_whatif_itf
1250: (x_errbuf => lc_errmsg
1251: , x_retcode => ln_retcode
1252: , p_request_id => p_request_id
1253: , p_checkbox_check => p_full_rsrv_checkbox

Line 1284: --Step 8 Insert data into FA_WHATIF_ITF

1280: RAISE ex_user_exception;
1281: END IF;
1282: ELSE
1283: --Calculating extended depreciation starting from the first period provided in the form
1284: --Step 8 Insert data into FA_WHATIF_ITF
1285: insert_fa_whatif_itf
1286: (x_errbuf => lc_errmsg
1287: , x_retcode => ln_retcode
1288: , p_request_id => p_request_id

Line 1285: insert_fa_whatif_itf

1281: END IF;
1282: ELSE
1283: --Calculating extended depreciation starting from the first period provided in the form
1284: --Step 8 Insert data into FA_WHATIF_ITF
1285: insert_fa_whatif_itf
1286: (x_errbuf => lc_errmsg
1287: , x_retcode => ln_retcode
1288: , p_request_id => p_request_id
1289: , p_checkbox_check => p_full_rsrv_checkbox

Line 1322: --Step 8 Insert data into FA_WHATIF_ITF

1318: END IF;
1319: --IF (p_first_begin_period > p_end_asset_date) THEN
1320: --Step 6 calculate depreciation projections based on Period When Fully Reserved
1321: ELSE -- IF p_first_begin_period IS NOT NULL THEN
1322: --Step 8 Insert data into FA_WHATIF_ITF
1324: insert_fa_whatif_itf
1325: (x_errbuf => lc_errmsg
1326: , x_retcode => ln_retcode

Line 1324: insert_fa_whatif_itf

1320: --Step 6 calculate depreciation projections based on Period When Fully Reserved
1321: ELSE -- IF p_first_begin_period IS NOT NULL THEN
1322: --Step 8 Insert data into FA_WHATIF_ITF
1324: insert_fa_whatif_itf
1325: (x_errbuf => lc_errmsg
1326: , x_retcode => ln_retcode
1327: , p_request_id => p_request_id
1328: , p_checkbox_check => p_full_rsrv_checkbox

Line 1841: l_req_id fa_whatif_itf.request_id%TYPE;

1837: AND fb.date_ineffective IS NULL
1838: AND fb.transaction_header_id_out IS NULL
1839: AND fb.deprn_method_code LIKE '%STL%';
1841: l_req_id fa_whatif_itf.request_id%TYPE;
1842: l_sob fa_book_controls.set_of_books_id%TYPE;
1843: l_fully_reserved_flag VARCHAR2 (1);
1844: lc_return BOOLEAN;
1845: l_profile_tax_reform VARCHAR2 (100);

Line 2216: --Step 8 Insert data into FA_WHATIF_ITF

2212: -- STEP 5 VALIDATION using the concept for Period Counter
2213: --IF (TO_DATE(l_first_eligible_period,'MM-RRRR') > TO_DATE(p_first_begin_period,'MM-RRRR') ) THEN
2214: IF ln_first_elg_period > ln_first_beg_period
2215: THEN
2216: --Step 8 Insert data into FA_WHATIF_ITF
2217: insert_fa_whatif_itf
2218: (x_errbuf => lc_errmsg
2219: , x_retcode => ln_retcode
2220: , p_request_id => p_request_id

Line 2217: insert_fa_whatif_itf

2213: --IF (TO_DATE(l_first_eligible_period,'MM-RRRR') > TO_DATE(p_first_begin_period,'MM-RRRR') ) THEN
2214: IF ln_first_elg_period > ln_first_beg_period
2215: THEN
2216: --Step 8 Insert data into FA_WHATIF_ITF
2217: insert_fa_whatif_itf
2218: (x_errbuf => lc_errmsg
2219: , x_retcode => ln_retcode
2220: , p_request_id => p_request_id
2221: , p_checkbox_check => p_full_rsrv_checkbox

Line 2252: --Step 8 Insert data into FA_WHATIF_ITF

2248: RAISE ex_user_exception;
2249: END IF;
2250: ELSE
2251: --Calculating extended depreciation starting from the first period provided in the form
2252: --Step 8 Insert data into FA_WHATIF_ITF
2253: insert_fa_whatif_itf
2254: (x_errbuf => lc_errmsg
2255: , x_retcode => ln_retcode
2256: , p_request_id => p_request_id

Line 2253: insert_fa_whatif_itf

2249: END IF;
2250: ELSE
2251: --Calculating extended depreciation starting from the first period provided in the form
2252: --Step 8 Insert data into FA_WHATIF_ITF
2253: insert_fa_whatif_itf
2254: (x_errbuf => lc_errmsg
2255: , x_retcode => ln_retcode
2256: , p_request_id => p_request_id
2257: , p_checkbox_check => p_full_rsrv_checkbox

Line 2290: --Step 8 Insert data into FA_WHATIF_ITF

2286: END IF;
2287: --IF (p_first_begin_period > p_end_asset_date) THEN
2288: --Step 6 calculate depreciation projections based on Period When Fully Reserved
2289: ELSE -- IF p_first_begin_period IS NOT NULL THEN
2290: --Step 8 Insert data into FA_WHATIF_ITF
2291: insert_fa_whatif_itf
2292: (x_errbuf => lc_errmsg
2293: , x_retcode => ln_retcode
2294: , p_request_id => p_request_id

Line 2291: insert_fa_whatif_itf

2287: --IF (p_first_begin_period > p_end_asset_date) THEN
2288: --Step 6 calculate depreciation projections based on Period When Fully Reserved
2289: ELSE -- IF p_first_begin_period IS NOT NULL THEN
2290: --Step 8 Insert data into FA_WHATIF_ITF
2291: insert_fa_whatif_itf
2292: (x_errbuf => lc_errmsg
2293: , x_retcode => ln_retcode
2294: , p_request_id => p_request_id
2295: , p_checkbox_check => p_full_rsrv_checkbox

Line 2517: FROM fa_whatif_itf

2513: , new_bonus_depreciation
2514: , current_bonus_rule
2515: , period_num
2516: , currency_code
2517: FROM fa_whatif_itf
2518: WHERE request_id = x_request_id
2519: AND book_type_code = x_book
2520: AND asset_id = x_asset_id
2521: AND EXISTS (

Line 2523: FROM fa_whatif_itf

2519: AND book_type_code = x_book
2520: AND asset_id = x_asset_id
2521: AND EXISTS (
2522: SELECT fiscal_year
2523: FROM fa_whatif_itf
2524: WHERE request_id = x_request_id
2525: AND book_type_code = x_book
2526: AND asset_id = x_asset_id)
2527: ORDER BY fiscal_year ASC;

Line 3474: UPDATE fa_whatif_itf

3470: BEGIN
3471: --fa_round_pkg.fa_round (lt_whatitf (j).depreciation, x_book);
3472: --fa_round_pkg.fa_round (lt_whatitf (j).new_depreciation, x_book);
3473: --fa_round_pkg.fa_round (lt_whatitf (j).accumulated_deprn,x_book);
3474: UPDATE fa_whatif_itf
3475: SET depreciation = lt_whatitf (j).depreciation
3476: , new_depreciation = lt_whatitf (j).new_depreciation
3477: , accumulated_deprn = lt_whatitf (j).accumulated_deprn
3478: WHERE period_name = lt_whatitf (j).period_name