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Line 1165: FROM per_addresses pad

1161: ,pad.address_line3 address_line3
1162: ,get_postal_code(pad.postal_code) postcode --get the postal code and remove the space
1163: ,hr_general.decode_lookup('HR_NL_CITY',pad.town_or_city) city
1164: ,pad.country country
1165: FROM per_addresses pad
1166: WHERE pad.person_id=p_person_id
1167: AND p_effective_date between date_from AND NVL(date_to,hr_general.end_of_time)
1168: AND ((pad.primary_flag = 'Y' and p_address_type is null)
1169: or (p_address_type is not null and pad.address_type = p_address_type));

Line 1213: FROM per_addresses pad

1209: ,pad.address_line3 address_line3
1210: ,get_postal_code_new(pad.postal_code) postcode --introduce a space at the 5th position if there isn't one
1211: ,hr_general.decode_lookup('HR_NL_CITY',pad.town_or_city) city
1212: ,pad.country country
1213: FROM per_addresses pad
1214: WHERE pad.person_id=p_person_id
1215: AND p_effective_date between date_from AND NVL(date_to,hr_general.end_of_time)
1216: AND ((pad.primary_flag = 'Y' and p_address_type is null)
1217: or (p_address_type is not null and pad.address_type = p_address_type));