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Line 105: decode(cp_organization_type, 'M', online_claim_flag, jai_constants.yes)

101: Following changes have been -
102: (i) Changed the cursor - c_receipt_cenvat_dtl.
103: Added in Input parameter - cp_organization_type.
104: Select for the column online_claim_flag is changed from online_claim_flag to
105: decode(cp_organization_type, 'M', online_claim_flag, jai_constants.yes)
106: (ii) While opening the cursor c_receipt_cenvat_dtl, passed the additional parameter
107: r_trx.organization_type
108: (iii) In the If condition after lv_statement_id := 27, added the condition -
109: and r_trx.organization_type = 'M'

Line 220: "if p_process_vat_flag = jai_constants.successful THEN

216: 1) In the procedure - process_transaction, moved the cursor - c_trx, before calling validate_transaction
217: 2) In the procedure - process_transaction, Variables - lv_process_vat_flag, lv_process_vat_message are
218: assigned value before calling validate_transaction
219: 3) In the procedure - validate_transaction, added the following condition -
220: "if p_process_vat_flag = jai_constants.successful THEN
221: goto end_of_vat_validation;
222: end if;"
224: Column process_vat_flag changed to process_vat_status (jai_rcv_transactions).

Line 410: Fix - Commented the "and (attribute2 IS NULL or attribute2 <> jai_constants.yes)"

407: 40 23-Oct-2009 Bug 9032251 File version 120.11.12000000.12 / 120.25.12010000.10 / 120.34
408: Issue - If the receipt line has excise and vat taxes, and excise is unclaimed after
409: vat is unclaimed, costing entries are not generated for the exicse (cenvat) taxes.
410: Fix - Commented the "and (attribute2 IS NULL or attribute2 <> jai_constants.yes)"
411: condition in c_trxs_for_unclaim cursor in process_deferred_cenvat_claim procedure.
413: 41. 26-Oct-2009 CSahoo for bug#9019561, File Version 120.11.12000000.13

Line 630: b.regime_code= jai_constants.vat_regime

626: IS
627: SELECT 1
628: FROM JAI_RCV_LINE_TAXES a , jai_regime_tax_types_v b
629: WHERE shipment_line_id = cp_shipment_line_id AND
630: b.regime_code= jai_constants.vat_regime
631: and b.tax_type = a.tax_type ;
633: ln_vat_exists NUMBER ;
634: -- ended, Ramananda for bug # 4519719

Line 703: r_excise_invoice_no.online_claim_flag, -- Vijay Shankar for Bug#4346453. RCV DFF Elim. Enh. nvl(r_base_trx.online_claim_flag, jai_constants.no),

699: ) VALUES (
700: r_trx.transaction_id, r_trx.shipment_line_id, ln_cenvat_amount, 0, 0,
701: ln_other_cenvat_amt, 0, sysdate, fnd_global.user_id, sysdate,
702: fnd_global.user_id, fnd_global.login_id,
703: r_excise_invoice_no.online_claim_flag, -- Vijay Shankar for Bug#4346453. RCV DFF Elim. Enh. nvl(r_base_trx.online_claim_flag, jai_constants.no),
704: jai_constants.no
705: );
707: -- Vijay Shankar for Bug#3940588 EDUCATION CESS

Line 704: jai_constants.no

700: r_trx.transaction_id, r_trx.shipment_line_id, ln_cenvat_amount, 0, 0,
701: ln_other_cenvat_amt, 0, sysdate, fnd_global.user_id, sysdate,
702: fnd_global.user_id, fnd_global.login_id,
703: r_excise_invoice_no.online_claim_flag, -- Vijay Shankar for Bug#4346453. RCV DFF Elim. Enh. nvl(r_base_trx.online_claim_flag, jai_constants.no),
704: jai_constants.no
705: );
707: -- Vijay Shankar for Bug#3940588 EDUCATION CESS
708: IF r_tax.excise_edu_cess <> 0 THEN

Line 710: p_source_register => jai_constants.reg_receipt_cenvat,

707: -- Vijay Shankar for Bug#3940588 EDUCATION CESS
708: IF r_tax.excise_edu_cess <> 0 THEN
709: jai_rcv_excise_processing_pkg.other_cenvat_rg_recording(
710: p_source_register => jai_constants.reg_receipt_cenvat,
711: p_source_register_id => r_trx.transaction_id,
712: p_tax_type => jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess,
713: p_credit => r_tax.excise_edu_cess,
714: p_debit => null,

Line 712: p_tax_type => jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess,

708: IF r_tax.excise_edu_cess <> 0 THEN
709: jai_rcv_excise_processing_pkg.other_cenvat_rg_recording(
710: p_source_register => jai_constants.reg_receipt_cenvat,
711: p_source_register_id => r_trx.transaction_id,
712: p_tax_type => jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess,
713: p_credit => r_tax.excise_edu_cess,
714: p_debit => null,
715: p_process_status => p_process_status,
716: p_process_message => p_process_message

Line 726: p_source_register => jai_constants.reg_receipt_cenvat,

722: END IF;
723: /*Added by kunkumar for forward porting bug#5989740, start*/
724: IF r_tax.sh_exc_edu_cess <> 0 THEN
725: jai_rcv_excise_processing_pkg.other_cenvat_rg_recording(
726: p_source_register => jai_constants.reg_receipt_cenvat,
727: p_source_register_id => r_trx.transaction_id,
728: p_tax_type => jai_constants.tax_type_sh_exc_edu_cess,
729: p_credit => r_tax.sh_exc_edu_cess,
730: p_debit => null,

Line 728: p_tax_type => jai_constants.tax_type_sh_exc_edu_cess,

724: IF r_tax.sh_exc_edu_cess <> 0 THEN
725: jai_rcv_excise_processing_pkg.other_cenvat_rg_recording(
726: p_source_register => jai_constants.reg_receipt_cenvat,
727: p_source_register_id => r_trx.transaction_id,
728: p_tax_type => jai_constants.tax_type_sh_exc_edu_cess,
729: p_credit => r_tax.sh_exc_edu_cess,
730: p_debit => null,
731: p_process_status => p_process_status,
732: p_process_message => p_process_message

Line 742: p_source_register => jai_constants.reg_receipt_cenvat,

738: END IF;
740: IF r_tax.sh_cvd_edu_cess <> 0 THEN
741: jai_rcv_excise_processing_pkg.other_cenvat_rg_recording(
742: p_source_register => jai_constants.reg_receipt_cenvat,
743: p_source_register_id => r_trx.transaction_id,
744: p_tax_type => jai_constants.tax_type_sh_cvd_edu_cess,
745: p_credit => r_tax.sh_cvd_edu_cess,
746: p_debit => null,

Line 744: p_tax_type => jai_constants.tax_type_sh_cvd_edu_cess,

740: IF r_tax.sh_cvd_edu_cess <> 0 THEN
741: jai_rcv_excise_processing_pkg.other_cenvat_rg_recording(
742: p_source_register => jai_constants.reg_receipt_cenvat,
743: p_source_register_id => r_trx.transaction_id,
744: p_tax_type => jai_constants.tax_type_sh_cvd_edu_cess,
745: p_credit => r_tax.sh_cvd_edu_cess,
746: p_debit => null,
747: p_process_status => p_process_status,
748: p_process_message => p_process_message

Line 761: p_source_register => jai_constants.reg_receipt_cenvat,

759: IF r_tax.cvd_edu_cess <> 0 THEN
760: jai_rcv_excise_processing_pkg.other_cenvat_rg_recording(
761: p_source_register => jai_constants.reg_receipt_cenvat,
762: p_source_register_id => r_trx.transaction_id,
763: p_tax_type => jai_constants.tax_type_cvd_edu_cess,
764: p_credit => r_tax.cvd_edu_cess,
765: p_debit => null,

Line 763: p_tax_type => jai_constants.tax_type_cvd_edu_cess,

759: IF r_tax.cvd_edu_cess <> 0 THEN
760: jai_rcv_excise_processing_pkg.other_cenvat_rg_recording(
761: p_source_register => jai_constants.reg_receipt_cenvat,
762: p_source_register_id => r_trx.transaction_id,
763: p_tax_type => jai_constants.tax_type_cvd_edu_cess,
764: p_credit => r_tax.cvd_edu_cess,
765: p_debit => null,
766: p_process_status => p_process_status,
767: p_process_message => p_process_message

Line 787: p_regime_code => jai_constants.vat_regime

783: jai_rcv_rgm_claims_pkg.insert_rcv_lines(
784: p_shipment_header_id => null,
785: p_shipment_line_id => p_shipment_line_id,
786: p_transaction_id => p_transaction_id,
787: p_regime_code => jai_constants.vat_regime
788: , p_process_status => p_process_status,
789: p_process_message => p_process_message,
790: p_simulate_flag => p_simulate_flag
791: );

Line 793: IF p_process_status <> jai_constants.successful THEN

789: p_process_message => p_process_message,
790: p_simulate_flag => p_simulate_flag
791: );
793: IF p_process_status <> jai_constants.successful THEN
794: p_process_status := 'E';
795: RETURN;
796: END IF;
797: END IF ;

Line 916: if p_process_status in (jai_constants.unexpected_error) then

912: p_process_status => p_process_status,
913: p_process_message => p_process_message
914: );
916: if p_process_status in (jai_constants.unexpected_error) then
917: p_process_status := 'E';
918: return;
919: end if;
920: end if;

Line 1050: --and (attribute2 IS NULL or attribute2 <> jai_constants.yes) /*commented for bug 9032251*/

1046: and shipment_line_id = cp_shipment_line_id
1047: -- and cenvat_rg_flag <> ('P','X') -- pending for parent receive claim
1048: -- and cenvat_rg_flag IN ('N', 'X', 'P', 'XT')
1049: /* and attribute1 = jai_rcv_deliver_rtr_pkg.cenvat_costed_flag commented for bug 8346068 by vumaasha */
1050: --and (attribute2 IS NULL or attribute2 <> jai_constants.yes) /*commented for bug 9032251*/
1051: FOR UPDATE OF cenvat_rg_status, cenvat_rg_message
1052: order by shipment_line_id, transaction_id;
1054: CURSOR c_trxs_to_be_claimed IS

Line 1195: p_excise_processing_reqd => jai_constants.yes, --File.Sql.35 Cbabu

1191: p_simulate_flag => p_simulate_flag,
1192: p_codepath => lv_codepath,
1193: p_process_special_reason => lv_process_special_reason,
1194: p_process_special_qty => ln_qty_to_claim,
1195: p_excise_processing_reqd => jai_constants.yes, --File.Sql.35 Cbabu
1196: p_vat_processing_reqd => jai_constants.yes --File.Sql.35 Cbabu
1197: );
1199: lv_codepath := jai_general_pkg.plot_codepath(10, lv_codepath);

Line 1196: p_vat_processing_reqd => jai_constants.yes --File.Sql.35 Cbabu

1192: p_codepath => lv_codepath,
1193: p_process_special_reason => lv_process_special_reason,
1194: p_process_special_qty => ln_qty_to_claim,
1195: p_excise_processing_reqd => jai_constants.yes, --File.Sql.35 Cbabu
1196: p_vat_processing_reqd => jai_constants.yes --File.Sql.35 Cbabu
1197: );
1199: lv_codepath := jai_general_pkg.plot_codepath(10, lv_codepath);

Line 1390: p_process_special_source => jai_constants.cenvat_noclaim,

1386: p_simulate => p_simulate_flag,
1387: p_codepath => lv_codepath,
1388: p_process_status => lv_process_flag,
1389: p_process_message => lv_process_message,
1390: p_process_special_source => jai_constants.cenvat_noclaim,
1391: p_process_special_amount => ln_process_special_amount
1392: );
1394: IF p_process_flag IN ('E', 'X') THEN

Line 1483: AND Upper(jrtl.tax_type) IN ('EXCISE', 'ADDL. EXCISE', 'OTHER EXCISE', jai_constants.tax_type_cvd,

1479: AND jrtl.transaction_id=r_trx.tax_transaction_id
1480: AND jrtl.modvat_flag = 'Y'
1481: AND jrtl.shipment_line_id = temp_rec.shipment_line_id
1482: AND jrtl.tax_id = jatd.tax_id
1483: AND Upper(jrtl.tax_type) IN ('EXCISE', 'ADDL. EXCISE', 'OTHER EXCISE', jai_constants.tax_type_cvd,
1484: jai_constants.tax_type_add_cvd,
1485: jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess, jai_constants.tax_type_cvd_edu_cess,
1486: jai_constants.tax_type_sh_exc_edu_cess, jai_constants.tax_type_sh_cvd_edu_cess))
1487: AND LINE_TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE = 'MISCELLANEOUS' ; /*Added line_type_lookup_code condition for bug # 11659328 */

Line 1484: jai_constants.tax_type_add_cvd,

1480: AND jrtl.modvat_flag = 'Y'
1481: AND jrtl.shipment_line_id = temp_rec.shipment_line_id
1482: AND jrtl.tax_id = jatd.tax_id
1483: AND Upper(jrtl.tax_type) IN ('EXCISE', 'ADDL. EXCISE', 'OTHER EXCISE', jai_constants.tax_type_cvd,
1484: jai_constants.tax_type_add_cvd,
1485: jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess, jai_constants.tax_type_cvd_edu_cess,
1486: jai_constants.tax_type_sh_exc_edu_cess, jai_constants.tax_type_sh_cvd_edu_cess))
1487: AND LINE_TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE = 'MISCELLANEOUS' ; /*Added line_type_lookup_code condition for bug # 11659328 */

Line 1485: jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess, jai_constants.tax_type_cvd_edu_cess,

1481: AND jrtl.shipment_line_id = temp_rec.shipment_line_id
1482: AND jrtl.tax_id = jatd.tax_id
1483: AND Upper(jrtl.tax_type) IN ('EXCISE', 'ADDL. EXCISE', 'OTHER EXCISE', jai_constants.tax_type_cvd,
1484: jai_constants.tax_type_add_cvd,
1485: jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess, jai_constants.tax_type_cvd_edu_cess,
1486: jai_constants.tax_type_sh_exc_edu_cess, jai_constants.tax_type_sh_cvd_edu_cess))
1487: AND LINE_TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE = 'MISCELLANEOUS' ; /*Added line_type_lookup_code condition for bug # 11659328 */

Line 1486: jai_constants.tax_type_sh_exc_edu_cess, jai_constants.tax_type_sh_cvd_edu_cess))

1482: AND jrtl.tax_id = jatd.tax_id
1483: AND Upper(jrtl.tax_type) IN ('EXCISE', 'ADDL. EXCISE', 'OTHER EXCISE', jai_constants.tax_type_cvd,
1484: jai_constants.tax_type_add_cvd,
1485: jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess, jai_constants.tax_type_cvd_edu_cess,
1486: jai_constants.tax_type_sh_exc_edu_cess, jai_constants.tax_type_sh_cvd_edu_cess))
1487: AND LINE_TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE = 'MISCELLANEOUS' ; /*Added line_type_lookup_code condition for bug # 11659328 */

Line 1506: jai_constants.tax_type_add_cvd,

1502: AND upper(tax_type) IN ('EXCISE',
1503: 'ADDL. EXCISE',
1505: 'CVD',
1506: jai_constants.tax_type_add_cvd,
1507: -- Modified by SACSETHI Bug# 5228046
1508: -- Forward porting the change in 11i bug 5365523
1509: -- (Additional CVD Enhancement) as part of the R12 bug 5228046
1510: jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess,

Line 1510: jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess,

1506: jai_constants.tax_type_add_cvd,
1507: -- Modified by SACSETHI Bug# 5228046
1508: -- Forward porting the change in 11i bug 5365523
1509: -- (Additional CVD Enhancement) as part of the R12 bug 5228046
1510: jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess,
1511: jai_constants.tax_type_cvd_edu_cess, jai_constants.tax_type_sh_exc_edu_cess,
1512: jai_constants.tax_type_sh_cvd_edu_cess) -- By kunkumar for bug 5989740
1513: AND modvat_flag ='Y';

Line 1511: jai_constants.tax_type_cvd_edu_cess, jai_constants.tax_type_sh_exc_edu_cess,

1507: -- Modified by SACSETHI Bug# 5228046
1508: -- Forward porting the change in 11i bug 5365523
1509: -- (Additional CVD Enhancement) as part of the R12 bug 5228046
1510: jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess,
1511: jai_constants.tax_type_cvd_edu_cess, jai_constants.tax_type_sh_exc_edu_cess,
1512: jai_constants.tax_type_sh_cvd_edu_cess) -- By kunkumar for bug 5989740
1513: AND modvat_flag ='Y';
1515: lv_codepath := jai_general_pkg.plot_codepath(27.1, lv_codepath);

Line 1512: jai_constants.tax_type_sh_cvd_edu_cess) -- By kunkumar for bug 5989740

1508: -- Forward porting the change in 11i bug 5365523
1509: -- (Additional CVD Enhancement) as part of the R12 bug 5228046
1510: jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess,
1511: jai_constants.tax_type_cvd_edu_cess, jai_constants.tax_type_sh_exc_edu_cess,
1512: jai_constants.tax_type_sh_cvd_edu_cess) -- By kunkumar for bug 5989740
1513: AND modvat_flag ='Y';
1515: lv_codepath := jai_general_pkg.plot_codepath(27.1, lv_codepath);

Line 1522: OR lv_cenvat_rg_flag IN ('E', jai_constants.unexpected_error, jai_constants.expected_error)

1519: << next_record >>
1521: If lv_common_err_mesg IS NOT NULL
1522: OR lv_cenvat_rg_flag IN ('E', jai_constants.unexpected_error, jai_constants.expected_error)
1523: THEN
1525: lv_codepath := jai_general_pkg.plot_codepath(28, lv_codepath);
1526: ROLLBACK TO start_deferred_claim;

Line 1553: p_process_flag := jai_constants.unexpected_error;

1550: END LOOP;
1552: IF ln_errored_cnt > 0 THEN
1553: p_process_flag := jai_constants.unexpected_error;
1554: p_process_message := 'Errored Record Count:'||ln_errored_cnt;
1555: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, 'DeferredClaimError Cnt>0:'||p_process_message);
1556: END IF;

Line 1693: process_vat_status IN ('N', 'E', 'P', jai_constants.unexpected_error, jai_constants.expected_error)

1689: OR
1690: ( process_status IS NULL OR process_status IN ('N', 'E','P') OR cenvat_rg_status IN ('N', 'E','P')
1691: -- following condition added by Vijay Shankar for Bug#4250236(4245089). VAT Implementation
1692: OR -- process_vat_status IN ('N', 'E', 'P') this condition is modified as below for DFF elimination. Vijay Shankar for Bug#4346453. RCV DFF Elim. Enh.
1693: process_vat_status IN ('N', 'E', 'P', jai_constants.unexpected_error, jai_constants.expected_error)
1694: -- Vijay Shankar for Bug#3940588 RECEIPTS DEPLUG
1695: -- This is no more required because 2nd 50% Claim is handled seperately through deferred Claim procedure
1696: -- However process_transaction still uses cenvat_claimed_ptg flag to process 2nd 50% Claim
1697: -- OR cenvat_claimed_ptg = 50

Line 1871: OR process_vat_status IN ('N', 'E', 'P', jai_constants.unexpected_error, jai_constants.expected_error)

1867: OR
1868: ( process_status IS NULL
1869: OR process_status IN ('N', 'E','P')
1870: OR cenvat_rg_status IN ('N', 'E','P')
1871: OR process_vat_status IN ('N', 'E', 'P', jai_constants.unexpected_error, jai_constants.expected_error)
1872: )
1873: )
1874: AND (
1875: ( p_transaction_from IS NULL AND p_transaction_to IS NULL)

Line 1914: OR process_vat_status IN ('N', 'E', 'P', jai_constants.unexpected_error, jai_constants.expected_error)

1910: OR
1911: ( process_status IS NULL
1912: OR process_status IN ('N', 'E','P')
1913: OR cenvat_rg_status IN ('N', 'E','P')
1914: OR process_vat_status IN ('N', 'E', 'P', jai_constants.unexpected_error, jai_constants.expected_error)
1915: )
1916: )
1917: AND (
1918: ( p_transaction_from IS NULL AND p_transaction_to IS NULL)

Line 1959: OR process_vat_status IN ('N', 'E', 'P', jai_constants.unexpected_error, jai_constants.expected_error)

1955: OR
1956: ( process_status IS NULL
1957: OR process_status IN ('N', 'E','P')
1958: OR cenvat_rg_status IN ('N', 'E','P')
1959: OR process_vat_status IN ('N', 'E', 'P', jai_constants.unexpected_error, jai_constants.expected_error)
1960: )
1961: )
1962: AND (
1963: ( p_transaction_from IS NULL AND p_transaction_to IS NULL)

Line 2002: OR process_vat_status IN ('N', 'E', 'P', jai_constants.unexpected_error, jai_constants.expected_error)

1998: OR
1999: ( process_status IS NULL
2000: OR process_status IN ('N', 'E','P')
2001: OR cenvat_rg_status IN ('N', 'E','P')
2002: OR process_vat_status IN ('N', 'E', 'P', jai_constants.unexpected_error, jai_constants.expected_error)
2003: )
2004: )
2005: AND receipt_num IS NOT NULL
2006: AND (p_transaction_id IS NULL OR transaction_id = p_transaction_id)

Line 2163: IF lv_process_flag IN (jai_constants.unexpected_error, jai_constants.expected_error) THEN

2159: p_process_message => lv_process_message
2160: );
2162: FND_FILE.put_line( FND_FILE.log, '~~~~~ End of Deferred Claim ~~~~~');
2163: IF lv_process_flag IN (jai_constants.unexpected_error, jai_constants.expected_error) THEN
2164: FND_FILE.put_line(fnd_file.log, 'PROCESS_DEFERRED_CENVAT_CLAIM. Err Message - '||lv_process_message);
2165: FND_FILE.put_line(fnd_file.log, 'For details, Please refer to JAI_RCV_CENVAT_CLAIMS table with batch_id = '||ln_batch_id);
2166: retcode := jai_constants.request_warning;
2167: END IF;

Line 2166: retcode := jai_constants.request_warning;

2162: FND_FILE.put_line( FND_FILE.log, '~~~~~ End of Deferred Claim ~~~~~');
2163: IF lv_process_flag IN (jai_constants.unexpected_error, jai_constants.expected_error) THEN
2164: FND_FILE.put_line(fnd_file.log, 'PROCESS_DEFERRED_CENVAT_CLAIM. Err Message - '||lv_process_message);
2165: FND_FILE.put_line(fnd_file.log, 'For details, Please refer to JAI_RCV_CENVAT_CLAIMS table with batch_id = '||ln_batch_id);
2166: retcode := jai_constants.request_warning;
2167: END IF;
2169: GOTO end_of_batch;

Line 2178: retcode := jai_constants.request_error;

2176: FND_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, 'Error Message:'||SQLERRM);
2177: /*dbms_output.put_line('MainProc-DeferredClaim:Err:'||SQLERRM);*/
2178: retcode := jai_constants.request_error;
2179: RETURN;
2180: END;
2181: /******************** END OF DEFERRED CLAIM **************/

Line 2265: retcode := jai_constants.request_warning;

2261: ROLLBACK to start_trx_population;
2263: process_msg_tab(trx.transaction_id):='Transaction_id->'||trx.transaction_id||' Error Message->'||lv_process_message;
2264: IF p_shipment_header_id is NULL THEN
2265: retcode := jai_constants.request_warning;
2266: ELSE
2267: retcode := jai_constants.request_error;
2268: END IF;

Line 2267: retcode := jai_constants.request_error;

2263: process_msg_tab(trx.transaction_id):='Transaction_id->'||trx.transaction_id||' Error Message->'||lv_process_message;
2264: IF p_shipment_header_id is NULL THEN
2265: retcode := jai_constants.request_warning;
2266: ELSE
2267: retcode := jai_constants.request_error;
2268: END IF;
2271: WHERE transaction_id = trx.transaction_id;

Line 2296: retcode := jai_constants.request_error;

2292: /*IF lv_process_flag = 'E' THEN
2294: FND_FILE.put_line( FND_FILE.log, '*** POPULATE_DETAILS Error ***:'||lv_process_message);
2295: errbuf := lv_process_message;
2296: retcode := jai_constants.request_error;
2297: RETURN;
2298: ELSIF p_commit_switch = 'Y' THEN
2299: -- first commit to save all the populated details of JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS
2300: COMMIT;

Line 2356: p_excise_processing_reqd => jai_constants.yes, --File.Sql.35 Cbabu

2352: p_common_err_mesg => lv_common_err_mesg,
2353: p_called_from => p_called_from,
2354: p_simulate_flag => p_simulate_flag,
2355: p_codepath => lv_codepath,
2356: p_excise_processing_reqd => jai_constants.yes, --File.Sql.35 Cbabu
2357: p_vat_processing_reqd => jai_constants.yes --File.Sql.35 Cbabu
2358: );
2360: OPEN c_trx(trx.transaction_id);

Line 2357: p_vat_processing_reqd => jai_constants.yes --File.Sql.35 Cbabu

2353: p_called_from => p_called_from,
2354: p_simulate_flag => p_simulate_flag,
2355: p_codepath => lv_codepath,
2356: p_excise_processing_reqd => jai_constants.yes, --File.Sql.35 Cbabu
2357: p_vat_processing_reqd => jai_constants.yes --File.Sql.35 Cbabu
2358: );
2360: OPEN c_trx(trx.transaction_id);
2361: FETCH c_trx INTO r_trx_after_processing;

Line 2387: -- Vijay Shankar for Bug#4346453. RCV DFF Elim. Enh. ELSIF r_trx_after_processing.process_vat_status <> jai_constants.successful THEN

2383: ||fnd_global.local_chr(10)||fnd_global.local_chr(9)||'- ErrorMessage:'||lv_cenvat_rg_message
2384: );
2386: /* added for VAT Impl. Vijay Shankar for Bug#4250236(4245089) */
2387: -- Vijay Shankar for Bug#4346453. RCV DFF Elim. Enh. ELSIF r_trx_after_processing.process_vat_status <> jai_constants.successful THEN
2388: ELSIF r_trx_after_processing.process_vat_status in ('E', jai_constants.unexpected_error, jai_constants.expected_error) then
2389: FND_FILE.put_line(FND_FILE.log, '*** VAT Message *** Transaction_id:'||trx.transaction_id
2390: ||fnd_global.local_chr(10)||fnd_global.local_chr(9)||', Flag:'||r_trx_after_processing.process_vat_status
2391: ||' - ErrorMessage:'||r_trx_after_processing.process_vat_message

Line 2388: ELSIF r_trx_after_processing.process_vat_status in ('E', jai_constants.unexpected_error, jai_constants.expected_error) then

2384: );
2386: /* added for VAT Impl. Vijay Shankar for Bug#4250236(4245089) */
2387: -- Vijay Shankar for Bug#4346453. RCV DFF Elim. Enh. ELSIF r_trx_after_processing.process_vat_status <> jai_constants.successful THEN
2388: ELSIF r_trx_after_processing.process_vat_status in ('E', jai_constants.unexpected_error, jai_constants.expected_error) then
2389: FND_FILE.put_line(FND_FILE.log, '*** VAT Message *** Transaction_id:'||trx.transaction_id
2390: ||fnd_global.local_chr(10)||fnd_global.local_chr(9)||', Flag:'||r_trx_after_processing.process_vat_status
2391: ||' - ErrorMessage:'||r_trx_after_processing.process_vat_message
2392: );

Line 2537: decode( b.excise_batch_num, cpn_batch_num, jai_constants.yes, jai_constants.no) process_excise_in_batch,

2533: -- , a.attribute1 excise_invoice_action, a.attribute2 vat_invoice_action, commented and added the below by vkaranam for bug#13364465
2534: , a.excise_inv_gen_status excise_invoice_action, a.vat_inv_gen_status vat_invoice_action,
2535: nvl(b.receipt_excise_rate,0) receipt_excise_rate,
2536: nvl(b.rtv_excise_rate, nvl(b.receipt_excise_rate, 0)) rtv_excise_rate,
2537: decode( b.excise_batch_num, cpn_batch_num, jai_constants.yes, jai_constants.no) process_excise_in_batch,
2538: decode( b.vat_batch_num, cpn_batch_num, jai_constants.yes, jai_constants.no) process_vat_in_batch
2539: from JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS a, jai_rcv_rtv_batch_trxs b
2540: where a.transaction_id = b.transaction_id
2541: and (pn_min_transaction_id is null or a.transaction_id >= pn_min_transaction_id)

Line 2538: decode( b.vat_batch_num, cpn_batch_num, jai_constants.yes, jai_constants.no) process_vat_in_batch

2534: , a.excise_inv_gen_status excise_invoice_action, a.vat_inv_gen_status vat_invoice_action,
2535: nvl(b.receipt_excise_rate,0) receipt_excise_rate,
2536: nvl(b.rtv_excise_rate, nvl(b.receipt_excise_rate, 0)) rtv_excise_rate,
2537: decode( b.excise_batch_num, cpn_batch_num, jai_constants.yes, jai_constants.no) process_excise_in_batch,
2538: decode( b.vat_batch_num, cpn_batch_num, jai_constants.yes, jai_constants.no) process_vat_in_batch
2539: from JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS a, jai_rcv_rtv_batch_trxs b
2540: where a.transaction_id = b.transaction_id
2541: and (pn_min_transaction_id is null or a.transaction_id >= pn_min_transaction_id)
2542: and (pn_max_transaction_id is null or a.transaction_id <= pn_max_transaction_id)

Line 2646: pv_regime_code => jai_constants.vat_regime,

2642: lv_statement_id := '4';
2643: lv_same_invoice_no_flag := null;
2644: lv_same_invoice_no_flag :=
2645: jai_cmn_rgm_recording_pkg.get_rgm_attribute_value(
2646: pv_regime_code => jai_constants.vat_regime,
2647: pv_organization_type => jai_constants.orgn_type_io,
2648: pn_organization_id => ln_organization_id,
2649: pn_location_id => ln_location_id,
2650: pv_registration_type => jai_constants.regn_type_others, --'OTHERS',

Line 2647: pv_organization_type => jai_constants.orgn_type_io,

2643: lv_same_invoice_no_flag := null;
2644: lv_same_invoice_no_flag :=
2645: jai_cmn_rgm_recording_pkg.get_rgm_attribute_value(
2646: pv_regime_code => jai_constants.vat_regime,
2647: pv_organization_type => jai_constants.orgn_type_io,
2648: pn_organization_id => ln_organization_id,
2649: pn_location_id => ln_location_id,
2650: pv_registration_type => jai_constants.regn_type_others, --'OTHERS',
2651: pv_attribute_type_code => NULL,

Line 2650: pv_registration_type => jai_constants.regn_type_others, --'OTHERS',

2646: pv_regime_code => jai_constants.vat_regime,
2647: pv_organization_type => jai_constants.orgn_type_io,
2648: pn_organization_id => ln_organization_id,
2649: pn_location_id => ln_location_id,
2650: pv_registration_type => jai_constants.regn_type_others, --'OTHERS',
2651: pv_attribute_type_code => NULL,
2652: pv_attribute_code => jai_constants.attr_code_same_inv_no -- 'SAME_INVOICE_NO'
2653: );

Line 2652: pv_attribute_code => jai_constants.attr_code_same_inv_no -- 'SAME_INVOICE_NO'

2648: pn_organization_id => ln_organization_id,
2649: pn_location_id => ln_location_id,
2650: pv_registration_type => jai_constants.regn_type_others, --'OTHERS',
2651: pv_attribute_type_code => NULL,
2652: pv_attribute_code => jai_constants.attr_code_same_inv_no -- 'SAME_INVOICE_NO'
2653: );
2655: lv_statement_id := '5';
2656: lv_same_invoice_no_flag := nvl(lv_same_invoice_no_flag, jai_constants.no);

Line 2656: lv_same_invoice_no_flag := nvl(lv_same_invoice_no_flag, jai_constants.no);

2652: pv_attribute_code => jai_constants.attr_code_same_inv_no -- 'SAME_INVOICE_NO'
2653: );
2655: lv_statement_id := '5';
2656: lv_same_invoice_no_flag := nvl(lv_same_invoice_no_flag, jai_constants.no);
2657: lv_gen_excise_invoice_no := null;
2658: ld_gen_excise_invoice_date := null;
2659: lv_gen_vat_invoice_no := null;
2660: ld_gen_vat_invoice_date := null;

Line 2686: if lv_same_invoice_no_flag = jai_constants.yes then

2683: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, '2. INSIDE IF');
2685: lv_statement_id := '7';
2686: if lv_same_invoice_no_flag = jai_constants.yes then
2687: lv_statement_id := '8';
2688: lv_excise_invoice_no := rtv_rec.vat_invoice_no;
2689: ld_excise_invoice_date := rtv_rec.vat_invoice_date;
2690: end if;

Line 2732: if lv_same_invoice_no_flag = jai_constants.yes then

2728: if rtv_rec.vat_batch_num = pn_batch_num and rtv_rec.vat_invoice_no is null
2729: and rtv_rec.vat_invoice_action = INV_GEN_STATUS_GENERATE
2730: then
2731: lv_statement_id := '16';
2732: if lv_same_invoice_no_flag = jai_constants.yes then
2733: lv_statement_id := '17';
2734: lv_vat_invoice_no := lv_excise_invoice_no;
2735: ld_vat_invoice_date := ld_excise_invoice_date;
2736: end if;

Line 2746: open c_regime_id(jai_constants.vat_regime);

2743: if lv_vat_invoice_no is null then
2745: lv_statement_id := '19';
2746: open c_regime_id(jai_constants.vat_regime);
2747: fetch c_regime_id into ln_regime_id;
2748: close c_regime_id;
2750: lv_statement_id := '20';

Line 2765: if lv_process_flag in (jai_constants.expected_error, jai_constants.unexpected_error) then

2761: p_process_msg => lv_process_message
2762: );
2764: lv_statement_id := '21';
2765: if lv_process_flag in (jai_constants.expected_error, jai_constants.unexpected_error) then
2766: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, 'VAT Inv Gen Error. Params- RgmId:'||ln_regime_id
2767: ||', OrgnId:'||ln_organization_id ||', LocId:'||ln_location_id
2768: ||', InvDate:'||ld_gen_vat_invoice_date||', TrxId:'|| rtv_rec.transaction_id );
2769: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, 'ErrorCode:'||lv_process_flag

Line 2842: if rtv_rec.process_excise_in_batch = jai_constants.yes and ln_excise_batch_group_id is null then

2838: lv_vat_inv_gen_action := rtv_rec.vat_invoice_action;
2839: end if;
2840: end if;
2842: if rtv_rec.process_excise_in_batch = jai_constants.yes and ln_excise_batch_group_id is null then
2843: lv_statement_id := '26.1';
2844: insert_rtv_batch_group(
2845: pn_batch_group_id => ln_excise_batch_group_id,
2846: pn_batch_num => pn_batch_num,

Line 2847: pv_regime_code => jai_constants.excise_regime,

2843: lv_statement_id := '26.1';
2844: insert_rtv_batch_group(
2845: pn_batch_group_id => ln_excise_batch_group_id,
2846: pn_batch_num => pn_batch_num,
2847: pv_regime_code => jai_constants.excise_regime,
2848: pn_organization_id => ln_organization_id,
2849: pn_location_id => ln_location_id,
2850: pn_vendor_id => ln_vendor_id,
2851: pn_vendor_site_id => ln_vendor_site_id,

Line 2858: if lv_process_flag in (jai_constants.unexpected_error, jai_constants.expected_error) then

2854: pv_process_status => lv_process_flag,
2855: pv_process_message => lv_process_message
2856: );
2858: if lv_process_flag in (jai_constants.unexpected_error, jai_constants.expected_error) then
2859: RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR( 20015, 'Error in Excise insert_rtv_batch_group. MSG:'||lv_process_message);
2860: end if;
2861: end if;

Line 2863: if rtv_rec.process_vat_in_batch = jai_constants.yes and ln_vat_batch_group_id is null then

2859: RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR( 20015, 'Error in Excise insert_rtv_batch_group. MSG:'||lv_process_message);
2860: end if;
2861: end if;
2863: if rtv_rec.process_vat_in_batch = jai_constants.yes and ln_vat_batch_group_id is null then
2864: lv_statement_id := '26.2';
2865: insert_rtv_batch_group(
2866: pn_batch_group_id => ln_vat_batch_group_id,
2867: pn_batch_num => pn_batch_num,

Line 2868: pv_regime_code => jai_constants.vat_regime,

2864: lv_statement_id := '26.2';
2865: insert_rtv_batch_group(
2866: pn_batch_group_id => ln_vat_batch_group_id,
2867: pn_batch_num => pn_batch_num,
2868: pv_regime_code => jai_constants.vat_regime,
2869: pn_organization_id => ln_organization_id,
2870: pn_location_id => ln_location_id,
2871: pn_vendor_id => ln_vendor_id,
2872: pn_vendor_site_id => ln_vendor_site_id,

Line 2879: if lv_process_flag in (jai_constants.unexpected_error, jai_constants.expected_error) then

2875: pv_process_status => lv_process_flag,
2876: pv_process_message => lv_process_message
2877: );
2879: if lv_process_flag in (jai_constants.unexpected_error, jai_constants.expected_error) then
2880: RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR( 20015, 'Error in Excise insert_rtv_batch_group. MSG:'||lv_process_message);
2881: end if;
2882: end if;

Line 2884: if rtv_rec.process_excise_in_batch = jai_constants.yes

2880: RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR( 20015, 'Error in Excise insert_rtv_batch_group. MSG:'||lv_process_message);
2881: end if;
2882: end if;
2884: if rtv_rec.process_excise_in_batch = jai_constants.yes
2885: or rtv_rec.process_vat_in_batch = jai_constants.yes
2886: then
2887: update jai_rcv_rtv_batch_trxs
2888: set excise_batch_group_id = decode(rtv_rec.process_excise_in_batch, jai_constants.yes, ln_excise_batch_group_id),

Line 2885: or rtv_rec.process_vat_in_batch = jai_constants.yes

2881: end if;
2882: end if;
2884: if rtv_rec.process_excise_in_batch = jai_constants.yes
2885: or rtv_rec.process_vat_in_batch = jai_constants.yes
2886: then
2887: update jai_rcv_rtv_batch_trxs
2888: set excise_batch_group_id = decode(rtv_rec.process_excise_in_batch, jai_constants.yes, ln_excise_batch_group_id),
2889: vat_batch_group_id = decode(rtv_rec.process_vat_in_batch, jai_constants.yes, ln_vat_batch_group_id)

Line 2888: set excise_batch_group_id = decode(rtv_rec.process_excise_in_batch, jai_constants.yes, ln_excise_batch_group_id),

2884: if rtv_rec.process_excise_in_batch = jai_constants.yes
2885: or rtv_rec.process_vat_in_batch = jai_constants.yes
2886: then
2887: update jai_rcv_rtv_batch_trxs
2888: set excise_batch_group_id = decode(rtv_rec.process_excise_in_batch, jai_constants.yes, ln_excise_batch_group_id),
2889: vat_batch_group_id = decode(rtv_rec.process_vat_in_batch, jai_constants.yes, ln_vat_batch_group_id)
2890: where transaction_id = rtv_rec.transaction_id;
2891: end if;

Line 2889: vat_batch_group_id = decode(rtv_rec.process_vat_in_batch, jai_constants.yes, ln_vat_batch_group_id)

2885: or rtv_rec.process_vat_in_batch = jai_constants.yes
2886: then
2887: update jai_rcv_rtv_batch_trxs
2888: set excise_batch_group_id = decode(rtv_rec.process_excise_in_batch, jai_constants.yes, ln_excise_batch_group_id),
2889: vat_batch_group_id = decode(rtv_rec.process_vat_in_batch, jai_constants.yes, ln_vat_batch_group_id)
2890: where transaction_id = rtv_rec.transaction_id;
2891: end if;
2893: lv_statement_id := '27';

Line 2902: if rtv_rec.process_excise_in_batch = jai_constants.yes

2898: lv_cenvat_rg_message := rtv_rec.cenvat_rg_message;
2899: lv_common_err_mesg := null;
2900: lb_err_flag := false;
2902: if rtv_rec.process_excise_in_batch = jai_constants.yes
2903: and rtv_rec.excise_invoice_action = INV_GEN_STATUS_GENERATE
2904: then
2905: lv_excise_processing_reqd := jai_constants.yes;
2906: else

Line 2905: lv_excise_processing_reqd := jai_constants.yes;

2902: if rtv_rec.process_excise_in_batch = jai_constants.yes
2903: and rtv_rec.excise_invoice_action = INV_GEN_STATUS_GENERATE
2904: then
2905: lv_excise_processing_reqd := jai_constants.yes;
2906: else
2907: lv_excise_processing_reqd := jai_constants.no;
2908: end if;

Line 2907: lv_excise_processing_reqd := jai_constants.no;

2903: and rtv_rec.excise_invoice_action = INV_GEN_STATUS_GENERATE
2904: then
2905: lv_excise_processing_reqd := jai_constants.yes;
2906: else
2907: lv_excise_processing_reqd := jai_constants.no;
2908: end if;
2910: if rtv_rec.process_vat_in_batch = jai_constants.yes
2911: and rtv_rec.vat_invoice_action in (INV_GEN_STATUS_GENERATE, INV_GEN_STATUS_INV_NA)

Line 2910: if rtv_rec.process_vat_in_batch = jai_constants.yes

2906: else
2907: lv_excise_processing_reqd := jai_constants.no;
2908: end if;
2910: if rtv_rec.process_vat_in_batch = jai_constants.yes
2911: and rtv_rec.vat_invoice_action in (INV_GEN_STATUS_GENERATE, INV_GEN_STATUS_INV_NA)
2912: and rtv_rec.process_vat_status <> jai_constants.successful
2913: then
2914: lv_vat_processing_reqd := jai_constants.yes;

Line 2912: and rtv_rec.process_vat_status <> jai_constants.successful

2908: end if;
2910: if rtv_rec.process_vat_in_batch = jai_constants.yes
2911: and rtv_rec.vat_invoice_action in (INV_GEN_STATUS_GENERATE, INV_GEN_STATUS_INV_NA)
2912: and rtv_rec.process_vat_status <> jai_constants.successful
2913: then
2914: lv_vat_processing_reqd := jai_constants.yes;
2915: else
2916: lv_vat_processing_reqd := jai_constants.no;

Line 2914: lv_vat_processing_reqd := jai_constants.yes;

2910: if rtv_rec.process_vat_in_batch = jai_constants.yes
2911: and rtv_rec.vat_invoice_action in (INV_GEN_STATUS_GENERATE, INV_GEN_STATUS_INV_NA)
2912: and rtv_rec.process_vat_status <> jai_constants.successful
2913: then
2914: lv_vat_processing_reqd := jai_constants.yes;
2915: else
2916: lv_vat_processing_reqd := jai_constants.no;
2917: end if;

Line 2916: lv_vat_processing_reqd := jai_constants.no;

2912: and rtv_rec.process_vat_status <> jai_constants.successful
2913: then
2914: lv_vat_processing_reqd := jai_constants.yes;
2915: else
2916: lv_vat_processing_reqd := jai_constants.no;
2917: end if;
2919: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, '3. BEFORE PROCESS TRANSACTION');

Line 2968: ELSIF r_trx_after_processing.process_vat_status in ('E', jai_constants.unexpected_error, jai_constants.expected_error) THEN

2964: ||fnd_global.local_chr(10)||fnd_global.local_chr(9)||'- ErrorMessage:'||lv_cenvat_rg_message
2965: );
2966: lb_err_flag := true;
2967: goto end_of_trx;
2968: ELSIF r_trx_after_processing.process_vat_status in ('E', jai_constants.unexpected_error, jai_constants.expected_error) THEN
2969: FND_FILE.put_line(FND_FILE.log, '*** VAT Message *** Transaction_id:'||rtv_rec.transaction_id
2970: ||fnd_global.local_chr(10)||fnd_global.local_chr(9)||', Flag:'||r_trx_after_processing.process_vat_status
2971: ||' - ErrorMessage:'||r_trx_after_processing.process_vat_message
2972: );

Line 2997: if lv_excise_processing_reqd = jai_constants.yes and rtv_rec.receipt_excise_rate <> rtv_rec.rtv_excise_rate then

2993: -- retcode := 1;
2994: END IF;
2996: /* following procedure call is a replacement for SSI functinoality of JAINRTVN. This is created due to DFF removal */
2997: if lv_excise_processing_reqd = jai_constants.yes and rtv_rec.receipt_excise_rate <> rtv_rec.rtv_excise_rate then
2998: jai_rcv_excise_processing_pkg.rtv_processing_for_ssi(
2999: pn_transaction_id => rtv_rec.transaction_id,
3000: pv_codepath => lv_codepath,
3001: pv_process_status => lv_ssi_cenvat_rg_flag,

Line 3037: --if lv_excise_processing_reqd = jai_constants.yes then

3033: /* Following code is a replacement for removal of ja_in_create_rcv_57f4_trg trigger
3034: as part of RTV DFF Elimination */
3035: -- if r_trx.attribute1 = INV_GEN_STATUS_INV_GENERATED then
3036: --Commented below code and added if condition for bug #14508154
3037: --if lv_excise_processing_reqd = jai_constants.yes then
3038: if Check_57F4_transaction(rtv_rec.transaction_id) = 'YES' then
3039: jai_po_osp_pkg.create_rcv_57f4(
3040: p_transaction_id => rtv_rec.transaction_id,
3041: p_process_status => lv_process_flag,

Line 3047: if lv_process_flag in (jai_constants.unexpected_error, jai_constants.expected_error) then

3043: );
3044: end if;
3046: lv_statement_id := '33';
3047: if lv_process_flag in (jai_constants.unexpected_error, jai_constants.expected_error) then
3048: FND_FILE.put_line(FND_FILE.log, 'Error in Call to jai_po_osp_pkg.create_rcv_57f4. Mesg:'||lv_process_message);
3049: lv_process_flag := 'E';
3050: lb_err_flag := true;
3051: goto end_of_trx;

Line 3071: if pv_commit_switch = jai_constants.yes then

3067: lv_common_err_mesg := null;
3068: lv_codepath := '';
3069: end loop;
3071: if pv_commit_switch = jai_constants.yes then
3072: COMMIT;
3073: -- ROLLBACK;
3074: end if;

Line 3079: pv_retcode := jai_constants.request_error;

3079: pv_retcode := jai_constants.request_error;
3080: pv_errbuf := 'Error(StmtId:'||lv_statement_id||')-'||SQLERRM;
3081: FND_FILE.put_line( FND_FILE.log, pv_errbuf);
3082: -- FND_FILE.put_line( FND_FILE.log, 'Error Path:'||lv_codepath);
3083: end process_rtv;

Line 3100: p_excise_processing_reqd IN VARCHAR2, --File.Sql.35 Cbabu DEFAULT jai_constants.yes,

3096: -- following parameters introduced for second claim of receive transaction
3097: p_process_special_reason IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
3098: p_process_special_qty IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
3099: /*Vijay Shankar for Bug#4346453. RCV DFF Elim. Enh.*/
3100: p_excise_processing_reqd IN VARCHAR2, --File.Sql.35 Cbabu DEFAULT jai_constants.yes,
3101: p_vat_processing_reqd IN VARCHAR2 --File.Sql.35 Cbabu DEFAULT jai_constants.yes
3102: ) IS
3104: --added by ssawant

Line 3101: p_vat_processing_reqd IN VARCHAR2 --File.Sql.35 Cbabu DEFAULT jai_constants.yes

3097: p_process_special_reason IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
3098: p_process_special_qty IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
3099: /*Vijay Shankar for Bug#4346453. RCV DFF Elim. Enh.*/
3100: p_excise_processing_reqd IN VARCHAR2, --File.Sql.35 Cbabu DEFAULT jai_constants.yes,
3101: p_vat_processing_reqd IN VARCHAR2 --File.Sql.35 Cbabu DEFAULT jai_constants.yes
3102: ) IS
3104: --added by ssawant
3105: CURSOR c_base_trx(cp_transaction_id IN NUMBER) IS

Line 3390: ( p_excise_processing_reqd = jai_constants.yes -- Vijay Shankar for Bug#4346453. RCV DFF Elim. Enh.

3386: /* RG/Cenvat Works only incase if its not a Simulation. Because simulation is not implemented for CENVAT Part */
3387: IF p_simulate_flag = 'N'
3388: AND ( -- Vijay Shankar for Bug#4346453. RCV DFF Elim. Enh. p_cenvat_rg_flag IN ('N', 'E')
3389: -- condition modified as part of DFF Elimination. Vijay Shankar for Bug#4346453. RCV DFF Elim. Enh.
3390: ( p_excise_processing_reqd = jai_constants.yes -- Vijay Shankar for Bug#4346453. RCV DFF Elim. Enh.
3391: AND p_cenvat_rg_flag IN ('N', 'E','C','XT') /*Added by nprashar for bug # 8644480 */
3392: /*Added the XT condition for bug # 9821680*/
3393: AND (r_trx.transaction_type <> 'RETURN TO VENDOR'
3394: OR (r_trx.transaction_type = 'RETURN TO VENDOR' and p_called_from = CALLED_FROM_JAITIGRTV) -- nvl(r_trx.attribute1,'XXX')<> INV_GEN_STATUS_PENDING)

Line 3458: ( p_vat_processing_reqd = jai_constants.yes -- Vijay Shankar for Bug#4346453. RCV DFF Elim. Enh.

3455: /* Start of VAT Execution. Vijay Shankar for Bug#4250236(4245089) */
3456: IF p_simulate_flag = 'N'
3457: AND -- Vijay Shankar for Bug#4346453. RCV DFF Elim. Enh. lv_process_vat_flag IN ('N', 'E')
3458: ( p_vat_processing_reqd = jai_constants.yes -- Vijay Shankar for Bug#4346453. RCV DFF Elim. Enh.
3459: AND lv_process_vat_flag IN ('N', 'E', jai_constants.expected_error, jai_constants.unexpected_error)
3460: AND (r_trx.transaction_type <> 'RETURN TO VENDOR'
3461: OR (r_trx.transaction_type = 'RETURN TO VENDOR' and p_called_from = CALLED_FROM_JAITIGRTV)
3462: )

Line 3459: AND lv_process_vat_flag IN ('N', 'E', jai_constants.expected_error, jai_constants.unexpected_error)

3455: /* Start of VAT Execution. Vijay Shankar for Bug#4250236(4245089) */
3456: IF p_simulate_flag = 'N'
3457: AND -- Vijay Shankar for Bug#4346453. RCV DFF Elim. Enh. lv_process_vat_flag IN ('N', 'E')
3458: ( p_vat_processing_reqd = jai_constants.yes -- Vijay Shankar for Bug#4346453. RCV DFF Elim. Enh.
3459: AND lv_process_vat_flag IN ('N', 'E', jai_constants.expected_error, jai_constants.unexpected_error)
3460: AND (r_trx.transaction_type <> 'RETURN TO VENDOR'
3461: OR (r_trx.transaction_type = 'RETURN TO VENDOR' and p_called_from = CALLED_FROM_JAITIGRTV)
3462: )
3463: )

Line 3488: IF lv_process_vat_flag = jai_constants.successful THEN

3485: lv_execution_point := 'END_PROCESS_VAT';
3487: lv_statement_id := '12';
3488: IF lv_process_vat_flag = jai_constants.successful THEN
3489: lv_process_vat_message := 'Successful';
3490: p_codepath := jai_general_pkg.plot_codepath(16, p_codepath);
3491: ELSIF lv_process_vat_flag <> jai_constants.successful THEN
3492: FND_FILE.put_line(FND_FILE.log, 'PrcVatFlg Err: RollingBack to process_vat_flag. Mesg:'||lv_process_vat_message);

Line 3491: ELSIF lv_process_vat_flag <> jai_constants.successful THEN

3487: lv_statement_id := '12';
3488: IF lv_process_vat_flag = jai_constants.successful THEN
3489: lv_process_vat_message := 'Successful';
3490: p_codepath := jai_general_pkg.plot_codepath(16, p_codepath);
3491: ELSIF lv_process_vat_flag <> jai_constants.successful THEN
3492: FND_FILE.put_line(FND_FILE.log, 'PrcVatFlg Err: RollingBack to process_vat_flag. Mesg:'||lv_process_vat_message);
3493: p_codepath := jai_general_pkg.plot_codepath(15, p_codepath);
3494: ROLLBACK TO process_vat_flag;
3495: ELSE

Line 3631: AND upper(tax_type) NOT IN (jai_constants.tax_type_tds, jai_constants.tax_type_modvat_recovery) --('TDS', 'MODVAT RECOVERY')

3627: AND vendor_id <> (SELECT vendor_id
3628: FROM rcv_shipment_headers
3629: WHERE shipment_header_id = cp_shipment_header_id
3630: )
3631: AND upper(tax_type) NOT IN (jai_constants.tax_type_tds, jai_constants.tax_type_modvat_recovery) --('TDS', 'MODVAT RECOVERY')
3632: AND tax_amount > 0 ;
3633: -- End, Vijay Shankar for Bug#3940588
3634: /*
3635: || srjayara bug 5064235 -- forward porting for bug# 5054114

Line 3924: p_return_in_inr_curr => jai_constants.yes --File.Sql.35 Cbabu

3920: ln_tax_amount := get_trxn_tax_amount(
3921: p_transaction_id => p_transaction_id,
3922: p_shipment_line_id => r_base_trx.shipment_line_id,
3923: p_curr_conv_rate => r_base_trx.currency_conversion_rate,
3924: p_return_in_inr_curr => jai_constants.yes --File.Sql.35 Cbabu
3925: );
3927: ln_cenvat_amount := get_trxn_cenvat_amount(
3928: p_transaction_id => p_transaction_id,

Line 4082: jai_constants.tax_type_add_cvd,1,

4078: sum( decode(upper(tax_type), 'EXCISE', 1,
4079: 'ADDL. EXCISE', 1,
4080: 'OTHER EXCISE', 1,
4081: 'CVD', 1,
4082: jai_constants.tax_type_add_cvd,1,
4083: -- Modified by SACSETHI Bug# 5228046
4084: -- Forward porting the change in 11i bug 5365523
4085: -- (Additional CVD Enhancement) as part of the R12 bug 5228046
4086: jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess,1,

Line 4086: jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess,1,

4082: jai_constants.tax_type_add_cvd,1,
4083: -- Modified by SACSETHI Bug# 5228046
4084: -- Forward porting the change in 11i bug 5365523
4085: -- (Additional CVD Enhancement) as part of the R12 bug 5228046
4086: jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess,1,
4087: jai_constants.tax_type_cvd_edu_cess,1,jai_constants.tax_type_sh_exc_edu_cess,1,
4088: jai_constants.tax_type_sh_cvd_edu_cess,1, 0) --kunkumar for bugno5989740 -- Vijay Shankar for Bug#3940588 EDU CESS
4089: ) excise_cnt

Line 4087: jai_constants.tax_type_cvd_edu_cess,1,jai_constants.tax_type_sh_exc_edu_cess,1,

4083: -- Modified by SACSETHI Bug# 5228046
4084: -- Forward porting the change in 11i bug 5365523
4085: -- (Additional CVD Enhancement) as part of the R12 bug 5228046
4086: jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess,1,
4087: jai_constants.tax_type_cvd_edu_cess,1,jai_constants.tax_type_sh_exc_edu_cess,1,
4088: jai_constants.tax_type_sh_cvd_edu_cess,1, 0) --kunkumar for bugno5989740 -- Vijay Shankar for Bug#3940588 EDU CESS
4089: ) excise_cnt
4091: WHERE shipment_line_id = cp_shipment_line_id

Line 4088: jai_constants.tax_type_sh_cvd_edu_cess,1, 0) --kunkumar for bugno5989740 -- Vijay Shankar for Bug#3940588 EDU CESS

4084: -- Forward porting the change in 11i bug 5365523
4085: -- (Additional CVD Enhancement) as part of the R12 bug 5228046
4086: jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess,1,
4087: jai_constants.tax_type_cvd_edu_cess,1,jai_constants.tax_type_sh_exc_edu_cess,1,
4088: jai_constants.tax_type_sh_cvd_edu_cess,1, 0) --kunkumar for bugno5989740 -- Vijay Shankar for Bug#3940588 EDU CESS
4089: ) excise_cnt
4091: WHERE shipment_line_id = cp_shipment_line_id
4092: AND tax_type not in (jai_constants.tax_type_tds, jai_constants.tax_type_modvat_recovery); --('TDS', 'MODVAT RECOVERY')

Line 4092: AND tax_type not in (jai_constants.tax_type_tds, jai_constants.tax_type_modvat_recovery); --('TDS', 'MODVAT RECOVERY')

4088: jai_constants.tax_type_sh_cvd_edu_cess,1, 0) --kunkumar for bugno5989740 -- Vijay Shankar for Bug#3940588 EDU CESS
4089: ) excise_cnt
4091: WHERE shipment_line_id = cp_shipment_line_id
4092: AND tax_type not in (jai_constants.tax_type_tds, jai_constants.tax_type_modvat_recovery); --('TDS', 'MODVAT RECOVERY')
4094: CURSOR c_excise_tax_count(cp_shipment_line_id JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.shipment_line_id%type) is
4095: SELECT count(1)

Line 4099: AND modvat_flag = jai_constants.yes

4095: SELECT count(1)
4097: WHERE shipment_line_id = cp_shipment_line_id
4098: -- AND tax_type NOT IN ('TDS','Modvat Recovery')
4099: AND modvat_flag = jai_constants.yes
4100: AND upper(tax_type) IN ( 'EXCISE',
4101: 'ADDL. EXCISE',
4103: 'CVD',

Line 4104: jai_constants.tax_type_add_cvd ,

4100: AND upper(tax_type) IN ( 'EXCISE',
4101: 'ADDL. EXCISE',
4103: 'CVD',
4104: jai_constants.tax_type_add_cvd ,
4105: -- Modified by SACSETHI Bug# 5228046
4106: -- Forward porting the change in 11i bug 5365523
4107: -- (Additional CVD Enhancement) as part of the R12 bug 5228046
4108: jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess,

Line 4108: jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess,

4104: jai_constants.tax_type_add_cvd ,
4105: -- Modified by SACSETHI Bug# 5228046
4106: -- Forward porting the change in 11i bug 5365523
4107: -- (Additional CVD Enhancement) as part of the R12 bug 5228046
4108: jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess,
4109: jai_constants.tax_type_cvd_edu_cess,jai_constants.tax_type_sh_exc_edu_cess,
4110: jai_constants.tax_type_sh_cvd_edu_cess);--Added by kunkumar for bugno5989740 -- Vijay Shankar for Bug#3940588 EDU CESS

Line 4109: jai_constants.tax_type_cvd_edu_cess,jai_constants.tax_type_sh_exc_edu_cess,

4105: -- Modified by SACSETHI Bug# 5228046
4106: -- Forward porting the change in 11i bug 5365523
4107: -- (Additional CVD Enhancement) as part of the R12 bug 5228046
4108: jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess,
4109: jai_constants.tax_type_cvd_edu_cess,jai_constants.tax_type_sh_exc_edu_cess,
4110: jai_constants.tax_type_sh_cvd_edu_cess);--Added by kunkumar for bugno5989740 -- Vijay Shankar for Bug#3940588 EDU CESS
4113: ln_recoverable_vat_tax_cnt NUMBER;

Line 4110: jai_constants.tax_type_sh_cvd_edu_cess);--Added by kunkumar for bugno5989740 -- Vijay Shankar for Bug#3940588 EDU CESS

4106: -- Forward porting the change in 11i bug 5365523
4107: -- (Additional CVD Enhancement) as part of the R12 bug 5228046
4108: jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess,
4109: jai_constants.tax_type_cvd_edu_cess,jai_constants.tax_type_sh_exc_edu_cess,
4110: jai_constants.tax_type_sh_cvd_edu_cess);--Added by kunkumar for bugno5989740 -- Vijay Shankar for Bug#3940588 EDU CESS
4113: ln_recoverable_vat_tax_cnt NUMBER;
4114: CURSOR c_recoverable_vat_tax_cnt(cp_shipment_line_id number, cp_regime_code varchar2) is

Line 4118: AND modvat_flag = jai_constants.yes

4114: CURSOR c_recoverable_vat_tax_cnt(cp_shipment_line_id number, cp_regime_code varchar2) is
4115: SELECT count(1)
4117: WHERE shipment_line_id = cp_shipment_line_id
4118: AND modvat_flag = jai_constants.yes
4119: AND tax_type IN
4120: ( select tax_type from jai_regime_tax_types_v /*modified this to use View as part of OPM changes */
4121: where regime_code = cp_regime_code
4122: );

Line 4160: SELECT decode(cp_organization_type, 'M', online_claim_flag, jai_constants.yes) online_claim_flag, -- Changed by Vijay Shankar for Bug #4172424

4156: AND organization_id = cp_organization_id
4157: AND transaction_source_num = 18;
4159: CURSOR c_receipt_cenvat_dtl(cp_transaction_id IN NUMBER, cp_organization_type IN VARCHAR2) IS
4160: SELECT decode(cp_organization_type, 'M', online_claim_flag, jai_constants.yes) online_claim_flag, -- Changed by Vijay Shankar for Bug #4172424
4161: cenvat_claimed_ptg, cenvat_claimed_amt, unclaim_cenvat_flag, cenvat_amount
4163: WHERE transaction_id = cp_transaction_id;

Line 4230: AND upper(tax_type) IN (jai_constants.tax_type_cvd, jai_constants.tax_type_add_cvd, UPPER(jai_constants.tax_type_customs),

4226: CURSOR ship_cur (c_shipment_line_id NUMBER) IS
4227: SELECT tax_amount,currency
4228: FROM jai_Rcv_line_taxes
4229: WHERE shipment_line_id = c_shipment_line_id
4230: AND upper(tax_type) IN (jai_constants.tax_type_cvd, jai_constants.tax_type_add_cvd, UPPER(jai_constants.tax_type_customs),
4231: jai_constants.tax_type_cvd_edu_cess, jai_constants.tax_type_customs_edu_cess,jai_constants.tax_type_sh_cvd_edu_cess,
4232: jai_constants.tax_type_sh_customs_edu_Cess);
4234: v_ship_rec ship_cur % ROWTYPE;

Line 4231: jai_constants.tax_type_cvd_edu_cess, jai_constants.tax_type_customs_edu_cess,jai_constants.tax_type_sh_cvd_edu_cess,

4227: SELECT tax_amount,currency
4228: FROM jai_Rcv_line_taxes
4229: WHERE shipment_line_id = c_shipment_line_id
4230: AND upper(tax_type) IN (jai_constants.tax_type_cvd, jai_constants.tax_type_add_cvd, UPPER(jai_constants.tax_type_customs),
4231: jai_constants.tax_type_cvd_edu_cess, jai_constants.tax_type_customs_edu_cess,jai_constants.tax_type_sh_cvd_edu_cess,
4232: jai_constants.tax_type_sh_customs_edu_Cess);
4234: v_ship_rec ship_cur % ROWTYPE;

Line 4232: jai_constants.tax_type_sh_customs_edu_Cess);

4228: FROM jai_Rcv_line_taxes
4229: WHERE shipment_line_id = c_shipment_line_id
4230: AND upper(tax_type) IN (jai_constants.tax_type_cvd, jai_constants.tax_type_add_cvd, UPPER(jai_constants.tax_type_customs),
4231: jai_constants.tax_type_cvd_edu_cess, jai_constants.tax_type_customs_edu_cess,jai_constants.tax_type_sh_cvd_edu_cess,
4232: jai_constants.tax_type_sh_customs_edu_Cess);
4234: v_ship_rec ship_cur % ROWTYPE;
4236: CURSOR fetch_sob_id(cp_org_id NUMBER) IS

Line 4967: if p_process_vat_flag = jai_constants.successful THEN

4964: /* 4 Start of PROCESS_VAT_FLAG Validation */
4966: --added the below by Ramananda for Bug#4519697
4967: if p_process_vat_flag = jai_constants.successful THEN
4968: goto end_of_vat_validation;
4969: end if;
4971: /* following condition added as part of DFF elimination. Vijay Shankar for Bug#4346453. RCV DFF Elim. Enh. */

Line 4972: if r_trx.process_vat_status in (jai_constants.yes, 'X', 'O') then

4968: goto end_of_vat_validation;
4969: end if;
4971: /* following condition added as part of DFF elimination. Vijay Shankar for Bug#4346453. RCV DFF Elim. Enh. */
4972: if r_trx.process_vat_status in (jai_constants.yes, 'X', 'O') then
4973: lv_codepath := jai_general_pkg.plot_codepath(42.0, lv_codepath);
4974: goto end_of_vat_validation;
4975: end if;

Line 4992: OPEN c_recoverable_vat_tax_cnt(r_trx.shipment_line_id, jai_constants.vat_regime);

4988: p_process_vat_message := 'VAT Processing not required for this Transaction Type';
4989: GOTO end_of_vat_validation;
4990: END IF;
4992: OPEN c_recoverable_vat_tax_cnt(r_trx.shipment_line_id, jai_constants.vat_regime);
4993: FETCH c_recoverable_vat_tax_cnt INTO ln_recoverable_vat_tax_cnt;
4994: CLOSE c_recoverable_vat_tax_cnt;
4996: IF ln_recoverable_vat_tax_cnt = 0 THEN

Line 5149: AND upper(tax_type) IN ('EXCISE', 'ADDL. EXCISE', 'OTHER EXCISE', jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess,jai_constants.tax_type_sh_exc_edu_cess); --Added by kunkumar for bugno5989740 -- Vijay Shankar for Bug#3940588 EDU CESS

5145: SELECT count(1)
5147: WHERE shipment_line_id = cp_shipment_line_id
5148: -- CVD is Not Considered, because in ISO scenario CVD is not supported.
5149: AND upper(tax_type) IN ('EXCISE', 'ADDL. EXCISE', 'OTHER EXCISE', jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess,jai_constants.tax_type_sh_exc_edu_cess); --Added by kunkumar for bugno5989740 -- Vijay Shankar for Bug#3940588 EDU CESS
5151: CURSOR c_organization_info(cp_organization_id number) IS
5152: SELECT nvl(trading, 'N') trading, nvl(manufacturing, 'N') manufacturing
5153: , nvl(excise_in_rg23d, 'N') excise_in_rg23d -- Vijay Shankar for Bug#4171469

Line 5354: jai_constants.tax_type_add_cvd,

5350: AND upper(a.tax_type) IN ( 'EXCISE',
5351: 'ADDL. EXCISE',
5353: 'CVD',
5354: jai_constants.tax_type_add_cvd,
5355: -- Modified by SACSETHI Bug# 5228046
5356: -- Forward porting the change in 11i bug 5365523
5357: -- (Additional CVD Enhancement) as part of the R12 bug 5228046
5358: jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess,

Line 5358: jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess,

5354: jai_constants.tax_type_add_cvd,
5355: -- Modified by SACSETHI Bug# 5228046
5356: -- Forward porting the change in 11i bug 5365523
5357: -- (Additional CVD Enhancement) as part of the R12 bug 5228046
5358: jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess,
5359: jai_constants.tax_type_cvd_edu_cess,jai_constants.tax_type_sh_exc_edu_cess,
5360: jai_constants.tax_type_sh_cvd_edu_cess) --Added by kunkumar for bugno5989740 -- Vijay Shankar for Bug#3940588 EDU CESS
5361: AND (cp_organization_type = 'T' OR (cp_organization_type <> 'T' AND a.modvat_flag = 'Y') );

Line 5359: jai_constants.tax_type_cvd_edu_cess,jai_constants.tax_type_sh_exc_edu_cess,

5355: -- Modified by SACSETHI Bug# 5228046
5356: -- Forward porting the change in 11i bug 5365523
5357: -- (Additional CVD Enhancement) as part of the R12 bug 5228046
5358: jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess,
5359: jai_constants.tax_type_cvd_edu_cess,jai_constants.tax_type_sh_exc_edu_cess,
5360: jai_constants.tax_type_sh_cvd_edu_cess) --Added by kunkumar for bugno5989740 -- Vijay Shankar for Bug#3940588 EDU CESS
5361: AND (cp_organization_type = 'T' OR (cp_organization_type <> 'T' AND a.modvat_flag = 'Y') );
5363: ln_manufacturing_cenvat_amount NUMBER;

Line 5360: jai_constants.tax_type_sh_cvd_edu_cess) --Added by kunkumar for bugno5989740 -- Vijay Shankar for Bug#3940588 EDU CESS

5356: -- Forward porting the change in 11i bug 5365523
5357: -- (Additional CVD Enhancement) as part of the R12 bug 5228046
5358: jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess,
5359: jai_constants.tax_type_cvd_edu_cess,jai_constants.tax_type_sh_exc_edu_cess,
5360: jai_constants.tax_type_sh_cvd_edu_cess) --Added by kunkumar for bugno5989740 -- Vijay Shankar for Bug#3940588 EDU CESS
5361: AND (cp_organization_type = 'T' OR (cp_organization_type <> 'T' AND a.modvat_flag = 'Y') );
5363: ln_manufacturing_cenvat_amount NUMBER;
5364: ln_trading_cenvat_amount NUMBER;