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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 33

        SELECT   MET.rowid row_id, MET.*
        FROM     fa_mass_external_transfers MET
        WHERE    MET.batch_name = 'FA_MODIFY_DISTS'
        AND      MET.transaction_status = 'POST'
        AND      MET.transaction_type in ('UNIT ADJUSTMENT', 'TRANSFER')
Line: 88

Line: 173

             UPDATE fa_mass_external_transfers MET
             SET    MET.transaction_status = l_transaction_status
             WHERE  MET.rowid = asgn_table(i).row_id
             AND    MET.transaction_status = 'POST';
Line: 185

Line: 192

        if (METInfo.last_update_login is NULL) then
            METInfo.last_update_login := METInfo.last_updated_by;
Line: 196

        insert_dist_table( row_id            =>  METInfo.row_id,
                           asset_id          =>  METInfo.from_asset_id,
                           transfer_units    =>  METInfo.transfer_units,
                           from_dist_id      =>  METInfo.from_distribution_id,
                           from_location_id  =>  METInfo.from_location_id,
                           from_assigned_to  =>  METInfo.from_employee_id,
                           from_ccid         =>  METInfo.from_gl_ccid,
                           to_dist_id        =>  METInfo.to_distribution_id,
                           to_location_id    =>  METInfo.to_location_id,
                           to_assigned_to    =>  METInfo.to_employee_id,
                           to_ccid           =>  METInfo.to_gl_ccid,
                           attribute1        =>  METInfo.attribute1,
                           attribute2        =>  METInfo.attribute2,
                           attribute3        =>  METInfo.attribute3,
                           attribute4        =>  METInfo.attribute4,
                           attribute5        =>  METInfo.attribute5,
                           attribute6        =>  METInfo.attribute6,
                           attribute7        =>  METInfo.attribute7,
                           attribute8        =>  METInfo.attribute8,
                           attribute9        =>  METInfo.attribute9,
                           attribute10       =>  METInfo.attribute10,
                           attribute11       =>  METInfo.attribute11,
                           attribute12       =>  METInfo.attribute12,
                           attribute13       =>  METInfo.attribute13,
                           attribute14       =>  METInfo.attribute14,
                           attribute15       =>  METInfo.attribute15,
                                       =>  METInfo.attribute_category_code,
                           post_batch_id     =>  METInfo.post_batch_id,
                           last_updated_by   =>  METInfo.last_updated_by,
                           last_update_date  =>  METInfo.last_update_date,
                           last_update_login =>  METInfo.last_update_login,
                           p_Log_level_rec   => g_log_level_rec);
Line: 261

  PROCEDURE insert_dist_table(
        row_id            IN  ROWID,
        asset_id          IN  NUMBER,
        transfer_units    IN  NUMBER,
                          IN  DATE,
        from_dist_id      IN  NUMBER,
        from_location_id  IN  NUMBER,
        from_assigned_to  IN  NUMBER,
        from_ccid         IN  NUMBER,
        to_dist_id        IN  NUMBER,
        to_location_id    IN  NUMBER,
        to_assigned_to    IN  NUMBER,
        to_ccid           IN  NUMBER,
        attribute1        IN  VARCHAR2,
        attribute2        IN  VARCHAR2,
        attribute3        IN  VARCHAR2,
        attribute4        IN  VARCHAR2,
        attribute5        IN  VARCHAR2,
        attribute6        IN  VARCHAR2,
        attribute7        IN  VARCHAR2,
        attribute8        IN  VARCHAR2,
        attribute9        IN  VARCHAR2,
        attribute10       IN  VARCHAR2,
        attribute11       IN  VARCHAR2,
        attribute12       IN  VARCHAR2,
        attribute13       IN  VARCHAR2,
        attribute14       IN  VARCHAR2,
        attribute15       IN  VARCHAR2,
        attribute_category_code IN  VARCHAR2,
        post_batch_id     IN  NUMBER,
        last_updated_by   IN  NUMBER,
        last_update_date IN  DATE,
        last_update_login IN  NUMBER
  , p_log_level_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type) IS

    X_row_id              ROWID := NULL;
Line: 308

        SELECT DH.rowid row_id, DH.*
        FROM   fa_distribution_history DH
        WHERE  DH.asset_id = X_asset_id
        AND    DH.distribution_id = NVL(X_dist_id, DH.distribution_id)
        AND    DH.location_id = NVL(X_location_id, DH.location_id)
        AND    DH.code_combination_id = NVL(X_ccid, DH.code_combination_id)
        AND    NVL(DH.assigned_to, -1) = NVL(X_assigned_to, -1)
        AND    DH.date_ineffective IS NULL;
Line: 323

        UPDATE fa_mass_external_transfers MET
        SET    MET.transaction_status = 'IGNORED'
        WHERE  MET.rowid = row_id;
Line: 379

            p_record_status     => 'UPDATE', p_log_level_rec => g_log_level_rec);
Line: 394

            p_record_status     => 'UPDATE',
            p_attribute1        => attribute1,
            p_attribute2        => attribute2,
            p_attribute3        => attribute3,
            p_attribute4        => attribute4,
            p_attribute5        => attribute5,
            p_attribute6        => attribute6,
            p_attribute7        => attribute7,
            p_attribute8        => attribute8,
            p_attribute9        => attribute9,
            p_attribute10       => attribute10,
            p_attribute11       => attribute11,
            p_attribute12       => attribute12,
            p_attribute13       => attribute13,
            p_attribute14       => attribute14,
            p_attribute15       => attribute15,
            p_attribute_category_code => attribute_category_code,
            p_last_updated_by   => last_updated_by,
            p_last_update_date  => last_update_date,
            p_last_update_login => last_update_login,
            p_Log_level_rec    => g_log_level_rec);
Line: 469

                p_record_status     => 'INSERT', p_log_level_rec => g_log_level_rec);
Line: 484

                p_record_status     => 'INSERT',
                p_attribute1        => attribute1,
                p_attribute2        => attribute2,
                p_attribute3        => attribute3,
                p_attribute4        => attribute4,
                p_attribute5        => attribute5,
                p_attribute6        => attribute6,
                p_attribute7        => attribute7,
                p_attribute8        => attribute8,
                p_attribute9        => attribute9,
                p_attribute10       => attribute10,
                p_attribute11       => attribute11,
                p_attribute12       => attribute12,
                p_attribute13       => attribute13,
                p_attribute14       => attribute14,
                p_attribute15       => attribute15,
                p_attribute_category_code => attribute_category_code,
                p_last_updated_by   => last_updated_by,
                p_last_update_date => last_update_date,
                p_last_update_login => last_update_login,
                p_Log_level_rec    => g_log_level_rec);
Line: 519

                p_record_status     => 'UPDATE', p_log_level_rec => g_log_level_rec);
Line: 534

                p_record_status     => 'UPDATE',
                p_attribute1        => attribute1,
                p_attribute2        => attribute2,
                p_attribute3        => attribute3,
                p_attribute4        => attribute4,
                p_attribute5        => attribute5,
                p_attribute6        => attribute6,
                p_attribute7        => attribute7,
                p_attribute8        => attribute8,
                p_attribute9        => attribute9,
                p_attribute10       => attribute10,
                p_attribute11       => attribute11,
                p_attribute12       => attribute12,
                p_attribute13       => attribute13,
                p_attribute14       => attribute14,
                p_attribute15       => attribute15,
                p_attribute_category_code => attribute_category_code,
                p_last_updated_by   => last_updated_by,
                p_last_update_date  => last_update_date,
                p_last_update_login => last_update_login,
                p_Log_level_rec    => g_log_level_rec);
Line: 566

        UPDATE fa_mass_external_transfers MET
        SET    MET.transaction_status = 'ERRORED'
        WHERE  MET.rowid = row_id;
Line: 575

        UPDATE fa_mass_external_transfers MET
        SET    MET.transaction_status = 'ERRORED'
        WHERE  MET.rowid = row_id;
Line: 579

  END insert_dist_table;
Line: 619

          p_last_updated_by   IN  NUMBER,
          p_last_update_date  IN  DATE,
          p_last_update_login IN  NUMBER
  , p_log_level_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type) IS
       if (g_asgn_count=0) then   /* initialize the table */
Line: 659

       asgn_table(g_asgn_count).last_updated_by := p_last_updated_by;
Line: 660

       asgn_table(g_asgn_count).last_update_date := p_last_update_date;
Line: 661

       asgn_table(g_asgn_count).last_update_login := p_last_update_login;
Line: 686

          SELECT   AD.*
          FROM     fa_additions_b AD
          WHERE    AD.asset_id = X_asset_id;
Line: 695

          SELECT   LEA.rowid row_id, LEA.*
          FROM     fa_leases LEA
          WHERE    LEA.lease_id = X_lease_id;
Line: 849

            p_last_update_date      => asgn_table(1).last_update_date,
            p_created_by            => asgn_table(1).last_updated_by,
            p_creation_date         => asgn_table(1).last_update_date,
            p_last_updated_by       => asgn_table(1).last_updated_by,
            p_last_update_login     => asgn_table(1).last_update_login,
            p_attribute1            => asgn_table(1).attribute1,
            p_attribute2            => asgn_table(1).attribute2,
            p_attribute3            => asgn_table(1).attribute3,
            p_attribute4            => asgn_table(1).attribute4,
            p_attribute5            => asgn_table(1).attribute5,
            p_attribute6            => asgn_table(1).attribute6,
            p_attribute7            => asgn_table(1).attribute7,
            p_attribute8            => asgn_table(1).attribute8,
            p_attribute9            => asgn_table(1).attribute9,
            p_attribute10           => asgn_table(1).attribute10,
            p_attribute11           => asgn_table(1).attribute11,
            p_attribute12           => asgn_table(1).attribute12,
            p_attribute13           => asgn_table(1).attribute13,
            p_attribute14           => asgn_table(1).attribute14,
            p_attribute15           => asgn_table(1).attribute15,
            -- Asset Header Info --
            p_asset_id              => ADDInfo.Asset_Id,
            p_book_type_code        => book_type_code
Line: 919

          SELECT   AD.*
          FROM     fa_additions_b AD
          WHERE    AD.asset_id = X_asset_id;
Line: 1049

      select count(1)
      into l_count
      from    fa_deprn_summary ds
      where   ds.book_type_code = l_book
      and     ds.asset_id     = l_asset
      and     ds.deprn_source_code = 'BOOKS'
      and     ds.period_counter = l_current_pc - 1;
Line: 1088

         p_last_update_date      => asgn_table(1).last_update_date,
         p_last_updated_by       => asgn_table(1).last_updated_by,
         p_created_by            => asgn_table(1).last_updated_by,
         p_creation_date         => asgn_table(1).last_update_date,
         p_last_update_login     => asgn_table(1).last_update_login,
         p_attribute1            => asgn_table(1).attribute1,
         p_attribute2            => asgn_table(1).attribute2,
         p_attribute3            => asgn_table(1).attribute3,
         p_attribute4            => asgn_table(1).attribute4,
         p_attribute5            => asgn_table(1).attribute5,
         p_attribute6            => asgn_table(1).attribute6,
         p_attribute7            => asgn_table(1).attribute7,
         p_attribute8            => asgn_table(1).attribute8,
         p_attribute9            => asgn_table(1).attribute9,
         p_attribute10           => asgn_table(1).attribute10,
         p_attribute11           => asgn_table(1).attribute11,
         p_attribute12           => asgn_table(1).attribute12,
         p_attribute13           => asgn_table(1).attribute13,
         p_attribute14           => asgn_table(1).attribute14,
         p_attribute15           => asgn_table(1).attribute15,
                                 => asgn_table(1).attribute_category_code,
         -- Asset Header Info --
         p_asset_id              => asset_id,
         p_book_type_code        => book_type_code
Line: 1155

      select fa_transaction_headers_s.nextval
      into   X_Transaction_Header_Id
      from   sys.dual;
Line: 1159

      select greatest(calendar_period_open_date,
             least(sysdate, calendar_period_close_date)),
      into   X_Transaction_Date_Entered,
      from   fa_deprn_periods
      where  book_type_code = X_Book_Type_Code
      and    period_close_date is null;
Line: 1172

      select fiscal_year_name, current_fiscal_year
      into   lv_fiscal_year_name, lv_fiscal_year
      from   fa_book_controls
      where  book_type_code = X_Book_Type_Code;
Line: 1177

      select start_date, end_date
      into   X_FY_Start_Date, X_FY_End_Date
      from   fa_fiscal_year
      where  fiscal_year = lv_fiscal_year
      and    fiscal_year_name = lv_fiscal_year_name;
Line: 1183

      select max(transaction_date_entered)
      into   X_Max_Transaction_Date
      from   fa_transaction_headers
      where  asset_id = X_Asset_Id
      and    book_type_code = X_Book_Type_Code;
Line: 1206

        SELECT count(*)
        FROM   fa_book_controls BC
        WHERE  BC.book_type_code = X_corp_book_type_code
        AND    BC.book_class = 'CORPORATE'
        AND    rownum <= 1;
Line: 1278

        SELECT count(*)
        FROM   fa_locations loc
        WHERE  loc.location_id = NVL(X_location_id, -1)
        AND    loc.enabled_flag = 'Y'
        AND    rownum <= 1;
Line: 1285

        SELECT  count(*)
        FROM    gl_code_combinations glcc
        WHERE   glcc.code_combination_id = NVL(X_ccid_id, -1)
        AND     glcc.enabled_flag = 'Y'
        AND     nvl(glcc.end_date_active, sysdate) >= sysdate
        AND     rownum <= 1;
Line: 1300

        SELECT  count(*)
        FROM    gl_code_combinations glcc
        WHERE   glcc.code_combination_id = NVL(X_ccid_id, -1)
        AND     glcc.enabled_flag = 'Y'
        AND     nvl(glcc.end_date_active, sysdate) >= sysdate
        AND     rownum <= 1;