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Line 31: FROM hr_locations_all hl

27: -- association exist in the source Organization Operating Unit
28: if ( x_source_org_id is not null) then
29: SELECT count(1)
30: INTO x_location_count
31: FROM hr_locations_all hl
32: WHERE hl.location_id = x_location_id
33: AND sysdate < nvl(hl.inactive_date, sysdate + 1)
34: AND nvl(hl.ship_to_site_flag, 'N') = decode(x_ship_to, 'Y', x_ship_to,
35: nvl(hl.ship_to_site_flag, 'N'))

Line 52: FROM hr_locations_all hl

48: AND org.operating_unit = pla.org_id )); -- Bug 5028505
49: else
50: SELECT count(1)
51: INTO x_location_count
52: FROM hr_locations_all hl
53: WHERE hl.location_id = x_location_id
54: AND sysdate < nvl(hl.inactive_date, sysdate + 1)
55: AND nvl(hl.ship_to_site_flag, 'N') = decode(x_ship_to, 'Y', x_ship_to,
56: nvl(hl.ship_to_site_flag, 'N'))