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2 /* $Header: ARCALATS.pls 120.2.12010000.1 2008/07/24 16:22:08 appldev ship $ */
4 /*========================================================================+
5   The wraper to parallelize the late charge document generation
6  ========================================================================*/
7 PROCEDURE generate_late_charge
8                         (errbuf                 OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
9                          retcode                OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
10                          p_operating_unit_id    IN      VARCHAR2,
11                          p_customer_id_from     IN      VARCHAR2,
12                          p_customer_id_to       IN      VARCHAR2,
13                          p_customer_num_from    IN      VARCHAR2,
14                          p_customer_num_to      IN      VARCHAR2,
15                          p_cust_site_use_id     IN      VARCHAR2,
16                          p_gl_date              IN      VARCHAR2,
17                          p_fin_charge_date      IN      VARCHAR2,
18                          p_currency_code        IN      VARCHAR2,
19                          p_mode                 IN      VARCHAR2,
20                          p_disputed_items       IN      VARCHAR2,
21                          p_called_from          IN      VARCHAR2,
22                          p_enable_debug         IN      VARCHAR2,
23                          p_total_workers        IN      VARCHAR2);
25 /*========================================================================+
26   The main procedure for the late charge computation engine
27  ========================================================================*/
28 PROCEDURE create_late_charge_document
29                         (errbuf                 OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
30                          retcode                OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
31                          p_operating_unit_id    IN      VARCHAR2,
32                          p_customer_name_from   IN      VARCHAR2,
33                          p_customer_name_to     IN      VARCHAR2,
34                          p_customer_num_from    IN      VARCHAR2,
35                          p_customer_num_to      IN      VARCHAR2,
36                          p_cust_site_use_id     IN      VARCHAR2,
37                          p_gl_date              IN      VARCHAR2,
38                          p_fin_charge_date      IN      VARCHAR2,
39                          p_currency_code        IN      VARCHAR2,
40                          p_mode                 IN      VARCHAR2,
41                          p_disputed_items       IN      VARCHAR2,
42                          p_called_from          IN      VARCHAR2,
43                          p_enable_debug         IN      VARCHAR2,
44                          p_worker_number        IN	VARCHAR2,
45                          p_total_workers        IN	VARCHAR2,
46 			 p_master_request_id	IN	VARCHAR2);
48 /*========================================================================+
49   Procedure which inserts Interest Batches
50  ========================================================================*/
52 PROCEDURE insert_int_batches(p_operating_unit_id        IN      NUMBER,
53                              p_batch_name               IN      VARCHAR2,
54                              p_fin_charge_date          IN      DATE,
55                              p_batch_status             IN      VARCHAR2,
56                              p_gl_date                  IN      DATE,
57                              p_request_id               IN      NUMBER);
59 /*========================================================================+
60   Function which calculates the interest amount
61  ========================================================================*/
63 Function Calculate_Interest (p_amount                   IN      NUMBER,
64                              p_formula                  IN      VARCHAR2,
65                              p_days_late                IN      NUMBER,
66                              p_interest_rate            IN      NUMBER,
67                              p_days_in_period           IN      NUMBER,
68                              p_currency                 IN      VARCHAR2,
69 			     p_payment_schedule_id      IN      NUMBER DEFAULT NULL) return NUMBER;
72 /*========================================================================+
73    Returns the site_use_id of a Late Charge Site associated with the
74    customers address if present else return NULL.
75  ========================================================================*/
76 FUNCTION get_late_charge_site (
77                       p_customer_id  IN         NUMBER,
78                       p_org_id       IN         NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER;
81 /*=======================================================================+
82   If a given site is defined as a Bill To and a Late Charges site, the
83   site_use_id associated with the Bill To Site use will be stored in
84   hz_customer_profiles. Otherwise, the site_use_id associated with the
85   Late Charges site use will be stored in hz_customer_profiles. This
86   function returns the appropriate site_use_id to be joined with the
87   hz_customer_profiles to get the profile set up
88  =======================================================================*/
89 Function get_profile_class_site_use_id(
90                                 p_site_use_id   IN      NUMBER,
91                                 p_org_id        IN      NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER;
93 /*========================================================================+
94   Function which returns the site_use_id corresponding to the bill_to site
95  ========================================================================*/
96 FUNCTION get_bill_to_site_use_id(p_customer_id  IN	NUMBER,
97                                  p_site_use_id  IN	NUMBER,
98 				 p_org_id	IN	NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER;
100 /*========================================================================+
101   Function which rounds the input amount as per the currency
102  ========================================================================*/
103 FUNCTION Currency_Round( p_amount	 IN	NUMBER,
104 			 p_currency_code IN	VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER;
106 /*=======================================================================+
107   Function which returns the next date on which a debit or a credit item
108   is created for a customer, site, currency, org combination. This is with
109   respect to the input as_of_date. If it doesn't find any, it returns the
110   finance charge date. This is used in calculating the average daily balance
111   =======================================================================*/
112 Function get_next_activity_date(p_customer_id		IN	NUMBER,
113 				p_site_use_id		IN	NUMBER,
114 				p_currency_code		IN	VARCHAR2,
115 				p_org_id		IN	NUMBER,
116 				p_post_bill_debit	IN	VARCHAR2,
117 				p_as_of_date		IN	DATE,
118 				p_fin_charge_date	IN	DATE) RETURN DATE ;
120 /*=======================================================================+
121   This fuction retrieves the receivables_trx_id that should be used for
122   creating adjustments for the Interest portion of the late charges. The
123   heirarchy used is Ship To, Bill To and System Options.
124  +=======================================================================*/
125 FUNCTION get_int_rec_trx_id(p_customer_trx_id   IN      NUMBER,
126                             p_fin_charge_date   IN      DATE,
127 		            p_org_id		IN	NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER;
129 /*=======================================================================+
130   This fuction retrieves the receivables_trx_id that should be used for
131   creating adjustments for the Penalty portion of the late charges. The
132   heirarchy used is Ship To, Bill To and System Options.
133  +=======================================================================*/
134 FUNCTION get_penalty_rec_trx_id(p_fin_charge_date   IN      DATE,
135                                 p_org_id            IN      NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER;
137 /*=======================================================================+
138   Function which calculates the balance due of a transaction. If the formula
139   is COMPOUND, it will consider the finance charge type adjustments that
140   were already created against this transaction
141  =======================================================================*/
142 Function get_balance_as_of(p_payment_schedule_id	IN	NUMBER,
143 			   p_as_of_date			IN	DATE,
144                            p_class			IN	VARCHAR2,
145 			   p_formula			IN	VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER;
147 /*=======================================================================+
148   Function which returns the balance of the customer by adding or subtracting
149   the debit or credit items from the balance forward bill
150  =======================================================================*/
151 Function get_cust_balance(p_customer_id			IN	NUMBER,
152 			  p_site_use_id			IN	NUMBER,
153 			  p_currency_code		IN	VARCHAR2,
154 			  p_org_id			IN	NUMBER,
155 			  p_post_billing_debit		IN	VARCHAR2,
156 			  p_as_of_date			IN	DATE) return NUMBER;
158 /*=======================================================================+
159   Function which checks whethers a particular customer, site and currency
160   combination is eligible for charge calculation. It returns 'Y' or 'N'. This
161   is used for applying the customer level tolerances in Average Daily Balance
162   scenario
163  =======================================================================*/
165 FUNCTION check_adb_eligibility(	p_customer_id			IN	NUMBER,
166 				p_site_use_id			IN	NUMBER,
167 			    	p_currency_code			IN	VARCHAR2,
168 			    	p_org_id			IN	VARCHAR2,
169 		    		p_receipt_grace_days		IN	NUMBER,
170                             	p_min_fc_bal_overdue_type   	IN	VARCHAR2,
171 			    	p_min_fc_bal_amount		IN	NUMBER,
172 			    	p_min_fc_bal_percent		IN	NUMBER,
173                             	p_fin_charge_date		IN	DATE) RETURN VARCHAR2 ;
175 /*=======================================================================+
176   Function which returns the first date on which the activity started for
177   a customer. This is for calculating the average daily balance even before
178   creating a Balance Forward Bill
179  =======================================================================*/
181   FUNCTION get_first_activity_date(p_customer_id		IN	NUMBER,
182 				   p_site_use_id		IN	NUMBER,
183 				   p_currency_code		IN	VARCHAR2,
184 				   p_org_id			IN	NUMBER) return DATE;
186 /*=======================================================================+
187   Function which returns the first day of the month corresponding to the
188   input date. This is used when the calculation period is MONTHLY
189  =======================================================================*/
190 Function first_day(p_calculation_date	 IN	DATE ) RETURN DATE;
192 /*=======================================================================+
193   Function which returns the next id to be populated into the
194   ar_interest_headers table. This is required as sequences can not be used
195   in subqueries
196  =======================================================================*/
197 FUNCTION get_next_hdr_id RETURN NUMBER;
200 /*======================================================================+
201   Procedure to update the late charge amount for all customers profile
202   per site per currency to distribute late charge amount of tier over
203   all invoices in tier.Enhacement 6469663
204   =====================================================================*/
205 Procedure update_interest_amt(p_line_type in VARCHAR2);