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Line 2158: --* : po_vendor_sites SELECT *--

2154: --* Calls : insert_error *--
2155: --* : fv_utility.debug_mesg *--
2156: --* : fv_utility.log_mesg *--
2157: --* Tables Used : fv_ccr_vendors SELECT *--
2158: --* : po_vendor_sites SELECT *--
2159: --* Logic : 1. Check against fv_ccr_vendors to see if a record exists with the *--
2160: --* : specific vendor id duns and duns+4 combination *--
2161: --* : 2. If no record exists then provide an error DUNS_NOT_SETUP and *--
2162: --* : insert the error and return. *--

Line 2164: --* : from po_vendor_sites table *--

2160: --* : specific vendor id duns and duns+4 combination *--
2161: --* : 2. If no record exists then provide an error DUNS_NOT_SETUP and *--
2162: --* : insert the error and return. *--
2163: --* : 3. Get the vendor site id using the duns and duns+4 combinatiion *--
2164: --* : from po_vendor_sites table *--
2165: --* : 4. If no record exists then provide an error INAVALID_SITE_CODE and *--
2166: --* : insert the error and return. *--
2167: --* : 5. If the site id does not match with the PO site id, then provide *--
2168: --* : an error PO_SITE_MISMATCH and insert the error and return *--

Line 2182: l_vendor_site_id po_vendor_sites.vendor_site_id%TYPE;

2178: l_location VARCHAR2(200);
2179: l_dummy VARCHAR2(1);
2180: l_validation_code fv_ipac_import_errors.error_code%TYPE;
2181: l_validation_err fv_ipac_import_errors.error_desc%TYPE;
2182: l_vendor_site_id po_vendor_sites.vendor_site_id%TYPE;
2183: BEGIN
2184: l_module_name := g_module_name || 'validate_duns';
2185: p_error_code := g_SUCCESS;
2186: p_error_desc := NULL;

Line 2229: fv_utility.debug_mesg(fnd_log.level_statement, l_module_name,'Select po_vendor_sites');

2226: IF (p_error_code = g_SUCCESS AND l_validation_code IS NULL) THEN
2227: BEGIN
2228: IF (fnd_log.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
2229: fv_utility.debug_mesg(fnd_log.level_statement, l_module_name,'Select po_vendor_sites');
2230: END IF;
2231: SELECT vendor_site_id
2232: INTO l_vendor_site_id
2233: FROM po_vendor_sites pvs

Line 2233: FROM po_vendor_sites pvs

2229: fv_utility.debug_mesg(fnd_log.level_statement, l_module_name,'Select po_vendor_sites');
2230: END IF;
2231: SELECT vendor_site_id
2232: INTO l_vendor_site_id
2233: FROM po_vendor_sites pvs
2234: WHERE pvs.vendor_id = p_ipac_import_rec.vendor_id
2235: AND pvs.vendor_site_code = p_ipac_import_rec.receiver_duns||p_ipac_import_rec.receiver_duns_4;
2236: IF (fnd_log.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
2237: fv_utility.debug_mesg(fnd_log.level_statement, l_module_name,'l_vendor_site_id='||l_vendor_site_id);