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1 package body WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUS as
2 /* $Header: wfengb.pls 120.38.12020000.3 2012/11/13 19:42:45 alsosa ship $ */
4 -- Runtime cache
5 c_itemtype varchar2(8);
6 c_itemkey varchar2(240);
7 c_actid number;
8 c_status varchar2(8);
9 c_result varchar2(30);
10 c_assigned_user varchar2(320);
11 c_notification_id number;
12 c_begindate date;
13 c_enddate date;
14 c_duedate date;
15 c_errname varchar2(30);
16 c_errmsg varchar2(2000);
17 c_errstack varchar2(4000);
19 -- Global Execution Counter (PRIVATE)
20 g_ExecCounter number := 0;
22 --
23 -- ClearCache
24 --   Clear runtime cache
25 --
26 procedure ClearCache
27 is
28 begin
29   wf_item_activity_status.c_itemtype := '';
30   wf_item_activity_status.c_itemkey := '';
31   wf_item_activity_status.c_actid := '';
32   wf_item_activity_status.c_status := '';
33   wf_item_activity_status.c_result := '';
34   wf_item_activity_status.c_assigned_user := '';
35   wf_item_activity_status.c_notification_id := '';
36   wf_item_activity_status.c_begindate := to_date(NULL);
37   wf_item_activity_status.c_enddate := to_date(NULL);
38   wf_item_activity_status.c_duedate := to_date(NULL);
39   wf_item_activity_status.c_errname := '';
40   wf_item_activity_status.c_errmsg := '';
41   wf_item_activity_status.c_errstack := '';
42 exception
43   when others then
44     Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Item_Activity_Status', 'ClearCache');
45     raise;
46 end ClearCache;
48 --
49 -- InitCache
50 --   Initialize runtime cache
51 --
52 procedure InitCache(
53   itemtype in varchar2,
54   itemkey in varchar2,
55   actid in number,
56   ignore_notfound in boolean default FALSE)
58 is
59 begin
60   -- Check for refresh
61   if ((itemtype = wf_item_activity_status.c_itemtype) and
62       (itemkey = wf_item_activity_status.c_itemkey) and
63       (actid = wf_item_activity_status.c_actid)) then
64     return;
65   end if;
67   -- SYNCHMODE: Error if this is not current activity.
68   if (itemkey = wf_engine.eng_synch) then
69     Wf_Core.Token('ITEMTYPE', itemtype);
70     Wf_Core.Token('ITEMKEY', itemkey);
71     Wf_Core.Token('ACTID', to_char(actid));
72     Wf_Core.Raise('WFSQL_INTERNAL');
73   end if;
75   -- Query new values
80          WIAS.DUE_DATE,
82          WIAS.ERROR_STACK
83   into wf_item_activity_status.c_status, wf_item_activity_status.c_result,
84        wf_item_activity_status.c_assigned_user,
85        wf_item_activity_status.c_notification_id,
86        wf_item_activity_status.c_begindate, wf_item_activity_status.c_enddate,
87        wf_item_activity_status.c_duedate,
88        wf_item_activity_status.c_errname, wf_item_activity_status.c_errmsg,
89        wf_item_activity_status.c_errstack
91   where WIAS.ITEM_TYPE = itemtype
92   and WIAS.ITEM_KEY = itemkey
93   and WIAS.PROCESS_ACTIVITY = actid;
95   -- Save cache key values
96   wf_item_activity_status.c_itemtype := itemtype;
97   wf_item_activity_status.c_itemkey := itemkey;
98   wf_item_activity_status.c_actid := actid;
100 exception
102  when NO_DATA_FOUND then
103   if (ignore_notfound) then
104       WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUS.ClearCache;
106   else
108      Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Item_Activity_Status', 'InitCache',
109         itemtype, itemkey, to_char(actid));
110      raise;
112   end if;
114  when others then
115     Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Item_Activity_Status', 'InitCache',
116         itemtype, itemkey, to_char(actid));
117     raise;
118 end InitCache;
120 --
121 -- Update_Notification (PRIVATE)
122 --   Update the notification id and assigned user in WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES
123 --   table for a given item activity.
124 -- IN
125 --   itemtype - Activity item type.
126 --   itemkey  - The item key.
127 --   actid    - Process activity (instance id).
128 --   notid    - Notification id for this notification activity.
129 --   user     - The perform user for this notification activity.
130 --
131 procedure Update_Notification(itemtype in varchar2,
132                               itemkey  in varchar2,
133                               actid    in number,
134                               notid    in number,
135                               user     in varchar2)
136 is
137 begin
138   update
140     NOTIFICATION_ID = notid,
141     ASSIGNED_USER = user
142   where ITEM_TYPE = itemtype
143   and   ITEM_KEY = itemkey
144   and   PROCESS_ACTIVITY = actid;
146   -- Update runtime cache if this is the current row
147   if ((wf_item_activity_status.c_itemtype = itemtype) and
148       (wf_item_activity_status.c_itemkey = itemkey) and
149       (wf_item_activity_status.c_actid = actid)) then
150     wf_item_activity_status.c_assigned_user := user;
151     wf_item_activity_status.c_notification_id := notid;
152   end if;
154   if (Wf_Engine.Debug) then
155     commit;
156   end if;
157 exception
158   when OTHERS then
159     Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Item_Activity_Status', 'Update_Notification', itemtype,
160                     itemkey, to_char(actid), to_char(notid), user);
161     raise;
162 end Update_Notification;
164 --
165 -- Root_Status (PRIVATE)
166 --   Returns the status and result for the root process of this item.
167 --   If the process is not yet active, the status and result will be null.
168 -- IN
169 --   itemtype - Activity item type.
170 --   itemkey  - The item key.
171 -- OUT
172 --   status   - Activity status for root process of this item
173 --   result   - Result code for root process of this item
174 --
175 procedure Root_Status(itemtype in varchar2,
176                  itemkey  in varchar2,
177                  status   out NOCOPY varchar2,
178                  result   out NOCOPY varchar2)
179 is
180   root varchar2(30);
181   version pls_integer;
182   rootid pls_integer;
183 begin
184   -- Get root process
185   Wf_Item.root_process(itemtype, itemkey, root, version);
186   if (root is null) then
187     Wf_Core.Token('TYPE', itemtype);
188     Wf_Core.Token('KEY', itemkey);
189     Wf_Core.Raise('WFENG_ITEM');
190   end if;
192   -- Get root process actid
193   rootid := Wf_Process_Activity.RootInstanceId(itemtype, itemkey, root);
194   if (rootid is null) then
195     Wf_Core.Token('TYPE', itemtype);
196     Wf_Core.Token('NAME', root);
197     Wf_Core.Raise('WFENG_PROCESS_RUNNABLE');
198   end if;
200   -- Get status
201   Wf_Item_Activity_Status.Result(itemtype, itemkey, rootid, status, result);
203 exception
204   when others then
205     Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Item_Activity_Status', 'Root_Status',
206                     itemtype, itemkey);
207     raise;
208 end Root_Status;
210 --
211 -- LastResult
212 --   Get the instid and status of current row in cache.
213 --   Only used in SYNCHMODE.
214 -- IN
215 --   itemtype - itemtype of item
216 --   itemkey - itemkey of item
217 -- OUT
218 --   actid - instance id of current activity in cache
219 --   status - status of current activity in cache
220 --   result - result of current activity in cache
221 -- NOTE: ### Used by Flex - inform them of any api changes.
222 --
223 procedure LastResult(
224   itemtype in varchar2,
225   itemkey in varchar2,
226   actid out NOCOPY number,
227   status out NOCOPY varchar2,
228   result out NOCOPY varchar2)
229 is
230 begin
231   -- Check that the item matches one in the cache
232   if ((itemtype <> nvl(wf_item_activity_status.c_itemtype, 'x')) or
233       (itemkey <> nvl(wf_item_activity_status.c_itemkey, 'x'))) then
234     Wf_Core.Token('ITEMTYPE', itemtype);
235     Wf_Core.Token('ITEMKEY', itemkey);
236     Wf_Core.Raise('WFENG_SYNCH_ITEM');
237   end if;
239   actid := wf_item_activity_status.c_actid;
240   status := wf_item_activity_status.c_status;
241   result := wf_item_activity_status.c_result;
242 exception
243   when others then
244     Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Item_Activity_Status', 'LastResult',
245         itemtype, itemkey);
246     raise;
247 end LastResult;
249 --
250 -- Status (PRIVATE)
251 --   Returns the status for this item activity. If there is no row in
252 --   the WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES table, the status out variable will be null.
253 -- IN
254 --   itemtype - Activity item type.
255 --   itemkey  - The item key.
256 --   actid    - Process activity (instance id).
257 -- OUT
258 --   status   - Activity status for this item activity.
259 --
260 procedure Status(itemtype in varchar2,
261                  itemkey  in varchar2,
262                  actid    in number,
263                  status   out NOCOPY varchar2)
264 is
265 begin
267   Wf_Item_Activity_Status.InitCache(itemtype, itemkey, actid,
268                                     ignore_notfound=>TRUE);
269   status := wf_item_activity_status.c_status;
270   return;
272 exception
273   when OTHERS then
274     Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Item_Activity_Status', 'Status', itemtype,
275                     itemkey, to_char(actid));
276     raise;
277 end Status;
279 --
280 -- Result (PRIVATE)
281 --   Returns the status and result for this item activity. If there is no
282 --   row in the WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES table, both status and result
283 --   out variables will be null.
284 -- IN
285 --   itemtype - Activity item type.
286 --   itemkey  - The item key.
287 --   actid    - Process activity (instance id).
288 -- OUT
289 --   status   - Activity status for this item activity.
290 --   result   - Activity result for this item activity.
291 --
292 procedure Result(itemtype in varchar2,
293                  itemkey  in varchar2,
294                  actid    in number,
295                  status   out NOCOPY varchar2,
296                  result   out NOCOPY varchar2) is
298 begin
300   Wf_Item_Activity_Status.InitCache(itemtype, itemkey, actid,
301                                     ignore_notfound=>TRUE);
303   status := wf_item_activity_status.c_status;
304   result := wf_item_activity_status.c_result;
305   return;
307 exception
308   when NO_DATA_FOUND then
309     status := '';
310     result := '';
311   when OTHERS then
312     Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Item_Activity_Status', 'Result', itemtype,
313                     itemkey, to_char(actid));
314     raise;
315 end Result;
317 --
318 -- Due_Date (PRIVATE)
319 --   Returns the duedate of an activity that will timeout
320 -- IN
321 --   itemtype - Activity item type.
322 --   itemkey  - The item key.
323 --   actid    - Process activity (instance id).
324 -- RETURNS
325 --   duedate - Date activity will timeout
326 --
327 function Due_Date(
328   itemtype in varchar2,
329   itemkey  in varchar2,
330   actid    in number)
331 return date
332 is
333 begin
335   Wf_Item_Activity_Status.InitCache(itemtype, itemkey, actid);
336   return(wf_item_activity_status.c_duedate);
338 exception
339   when others then
340     Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Item_Activity_Status', 'Due_Date', itemtype,
341                     itemkey, to_char(actid));
342     raise;
343 end Due_Date;
345 --
346 -- Notification_Status (PRIVATE)
347 --   Returns the notification id and assigned user for this item activity.
348 --   If there is no row in the WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES table, the notid
349 --   and user out variables will contain null.
350 -- IN
351 --   itemtype - Activity item type.
352 --   itemkey  - The item key.
353 --   actid    - Process activity (instance id).
354 -- OUT
355 --   notid   - The notification id for this notification activity.
356 --   user    - The assigned user for this notification activity.
357 --
358 procedure Notification_Status(itemtype in varchar2,
359                               itemkey  in varchar2,
360                               actid    in number,
361                               notid    out NOCOPY number,
362                               user     out NOCOPY varchar2)
363 is
364 begin
366   Wf_Item_Activity_Status.InitCache(itemtype, itemkey, actid,
367                                     ignore_notfound=>TRUE);
368   notid := wf_item_activity_status.c_notification_id;
369   user := wf_item_activity_status.c_assigned_user;
370   return;
372 exception
373   when OTHERS then
374     Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Item_Activity_Status', 'Notification_Status', itemtype,
375                     itemkey, to_char(actid));
376     raise;
377 end Notification_Status;
379 --
380 -- Error_Info (PRIVATE)
381 --   Returns all error info for an activity.
382 -- IN
383 --   itemtype - Activity item type.
384 --   itemkey  - The item key.
385 --   actid    - Process activity (instance id).
386 -- OUT
387 --   errname - Error name
388 --   errmsg - Error message
389 --   errstack - Error stack
390 --
391 procedure Error_Info(itemtype in varchar2,
392                      itemkey  in varchar2,
393                      actid    in number,
394                      errname out NOCOPY varchar2,
395                      errmsg out NOCOPY varchar2,
396                      errstack out NOCOPY varchar2)
397 is
398 begin
400   Wf_Item_Activity_Status.InitCache(itemtype, itemkey, actid);
401   errname := wf_item_activity_status.c_errname;
402   errmsg := wf_item_activity_status.c_errmsg;
403   errstack := wf_item_activity_status.c_errstack;
404   return;
406 exception
407   when NO_DATA_FOUND then
408     Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Item_Activity_Status', 'Error_Info', itemtype,
409                     itemkey, to_char(actid));
410     Wf_Core.Token('TYPE', itemtype);
411     Wf_Core.Token('KEY', itemkey);
412     Wf_Core.Token('ACTID', to_char(actid));
413     Wf_Core.Raise('WFENG_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUS');
414   when OTHERS then
415     Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Item_Activity_Status', 'Error_Info', itemtype,
416                     itemkey, to_char(actid));
417     raise;
418 end Error_Info;
420 --
421 -- Set_Error (PRIVATE)
422 --   Set error status and save current error info for this item activity.
423 --   To be called when a client activity function has raised an
424 --   unhandled exception.
425 -- IN
426 --   itemtype - Activity item type
427 --   itemkey - Item Key
428 --   actid - Process activity id
429 --   errcode - Result code of activity
430 --   error_process - Flag if this error is in the error process,
431 --                   not in original activity
432 --
433 procedure Set_Error(itemtype in varchar2,
434                     itemkey in varchar2,
435                     actid in number,
436                     errcode in varchar2,
437                     error_process in boolean default FALSE)
438 is
439   errname varchar2(30);
440   errmsg varchar2(2000);
441   errstack varchar2(4000);
442   l_errname varchar2(30);
443   l_errmsg varchar2(2000);
444   l_errstack varchar2(4000);
445   prefix varchar2(80);
446   l_exist number(1);
447 begin
448   -- First look for a standard WF_CORE exception.
449   Wf_Core.Get_Error(errname, errmsg, errstack);
451   if (errname is null) then
452     -- If no WF_CORE exception, look for an Oracle error.
453     errname := to_char(sqlcode);
454     errmsg := sqlerrm;
455   end if;
457   if (error_process) then
458     -- For an error in the error process, append the error info,
459     -- but do NOT change the status or result.  Those come from the
460     -- original error.
462     -- SYNCHMODE:  This should NEVER happen in synchmode, since
463     -- error processes are not allowed.
464     if (itemkey = wf_engine.eng_synch) then
465         wf_core.token('OPERATION',
466             'Wf_Item_Activity_Status.Set_Error(error_process)');
467         wf_core.raise('WFENG_SYNCH_DISABLED');
468     end if;
470     prefix := substrb(' ['||Wf_Core.Translate('WFENG_ERR_PROC_ERROR')||': ',
471               1, 80);
473     select
474     error_name,error_message,error_stack
475     into l_errname,l_errmsg,l_errstack
477     where ITEM_TYPE = itemtype
478     and ITEM_KEY = itemkey
479     and PROCESS_ACTIVITY = actid;
481     l_errname:= substrb(l_errname||prefix||errname||']', 1, 30);
482     l_errmsg:=substrb(l_errmsg||prefix||errmsg||']', 1, 2000);
483     l_errstack:=substrb(l_errstack||prefix||errstack||']', 1, 4000);
484     update
486       ERROR_NAME=l_errname,
487       ERROR_MESSAGE = l_errmsg,
488       ERROR_STACK = l_errstack
489     where ITEM_TYPE = itemtype
490     and ITEM_KEY = itemkey
491     and PROCESS_ACTIVITY = actid;
494     -- Update runtime cache
495     if ((wf_item_activity_status.c_itemtype = itemtype) and
496         (wf_item_activity_status.c_itemkey = itemkey) and
497         (wf_item_activity_status.c_actid = actid)) then
499       wf_item_activity_status.c_errname :=
500           substrb(wf_item_activity_status.c_errname||prefix||errname||']',
501                   1, 30);
502       wf_item_activity_status.c_errmsg :=
503           substrb(wf_item_activity_status.c_errmsg||prefix||errmsg||']',
504                   1, 2000);
505       wf_item_activity_status.c_errstack :=
506           substrb(wf_item_activity_status.c_errstack||prefix||errstack||']',
507                   1, 4000);
509     end if;
511   else
512     -- Update runtime cache
513     if ((wf_item_activity_status.c_itemtype = itemtype) and
514         (wf_item_activity_status.c_itemkey = itemkey) and
515         (wf_item_activity_status.c_actid = actid)) then
517       wf_item_activity_status.c_errname := errname;
518       wf_item_activity_status.c_errmsg := errmsg;
519       wf_item_activity_status.c_errstack := errstack;
520       wf_item_activity_status.c_status := wf_engine.eng_error;
521       wf_item_activity_status.c_result := errcode;
523     end if;
525     -- SYNCHMODE:  In synch mode stop after updating internal cache.
526     -- Note the ONLY place this should be called in synchmode
527     -- is function_call or execute_activity if an activity raises
528     -- an unhandled exception.
529     if (itemkey = wf_engine.eng_synch) then
530       return;
531     end if;
533     -- Store error info and set status/result
535     update
537       ACTIVITY_STATUS = wf_engine.eng_error,
538       ACTIVITY_RESULT_CODE = errcode,
539       ERROR_NAME = errname,
540       ERROR_MESSAGE = errmsg,
541       ERROR_STACK = errstack
542     where ITEM_TYPE = itemtype
543     and ITEM_KEY = itemkey
544     and PROCESS_ACTIVITY = actid;
547   end if;
549   -- Bug 3960517
550   -- No record was found in WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES.  We will check
551   -- the history table.  If record exists in WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_H,
552   -- we may have re-entered a node causing engine to prepare for looping.
553   -- But instead of going through all the activities along the loop, it has
554   -- progressed through a different path.  Since there maybe multiple records
555   -- in the history table with the same item type, item key and actid, we may
556   -- not be able to mark the error accordingly, so we just simply ignore the error.
557   if (SQL%NOTFOUND) then
558     select 1 into l_exist
560     where ITEM_TYPE = itemtype
561     and ITEM_KEY= itemkey
562     and process_activity = actid
563     and rownum < 2;
564     --raise NO_DATA_FOUND;
565   end if;
567   if (Wf_Engine.Debug) then
568     commit;
569   end if;
570 exception
571   when NO_DATA_FOUND then
572     Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Item_Activity_Status', 'Set_Error',
573                     itemtype, itemkey, to_char(actid), errcode);
574     Wf_Core.Token('TYPE', itemtype);
575     Wf_Core.Token('KEY', itemkey);
576     Wf_Core.Token('ACTID', to_char(actid));
577     Wf_Core.Raise('WFENG_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUS');
578   when OTHERS then
579     Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Item_Activity_Status', 'Set_Error',
580                     itemtype, itemkey, to_char(actid), errcode);
582     raise;
583 end Set_Error;
585 --
586 -- Delete_Status (PRIVATE)
587 --   Deletes the row for this item activity from WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES.
588 -- IN
589 --   itemtype - Activity item type.
590 --   itemkey  - The item key.
591 --   actid    - Process activity (instance id).
592 --
593 procedure Delete_Status(itemtype in varchar2,
594                         itemkey in varchar2,
595                         actid in number)
596 is
597 begin
598   delete
600   where ITEM_TYPE = itemtype
601   and ITEM_KEY = itemkey
602   and PROCESS_ACTIVITY = actid;
604   -- Clear runtime cache if needed
605   if ((wf_item_activity_status.c_itemtype = itemtype) and
606       (wf_item_activity_status.c_itemkey = itemkey) and
607       (wf_item_activity_status.c_actid = actid)) then
608     wf_item_activity_status.c_itemtype := '';
609     wf_item_activity_status.c_itemkey := '';
610     wf_item_activity_status.c_actid := '';
611   end if;
613   if (Wf_Engine.Debug) then
614     commit;
615   end if;
616 exception
617   when OTHERS then
618     Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Item_Activity_Status', 'Delete_Status', itemtype,
619                     itemkey, to_char(actid));
620     raise;
621 end Delete_Status;
623 --
624 -- Create_Status (PRIVATE)
625 --   If this item activity status already exists, then update its
626 --   status, result, begin date and end date.
627 --   Otherwise, create the activity status by inserting a new row into WIAS
628 --   table with the supplied status and result.
629 -- IN
630 --   itemtype - Activity item type.
631 --   itemkey  - The item key.
632 --   actid    - Process activity (instance id).
633 --   status   - Activity status for this item activity.
634 --   result   - Activity result for this item activity.
635 --   beginning - Activity begin_date, or null to leave unchanged
636 --   ending    - Activity end_date, or null to leave unchanged
637 --   callout   - determines if activity is a call outside the database
638 --   suspended - flag only ever set when called from Process_Activity
639 --               when parent is suspended
640 procedure Create_Status(itemtype  in varchar2,
641                         itemkey   in varchar2,
642                         actid     in number,
643                         status    in varchar2,
644                         result    in varchar2,
645                         beginning in date,
646                         ending    in date,
647                         suspended in boolean,
648                         newStatus in boolean)
649 is
650   root varchar2(30);          -- Root process of activity
651   version pls_integer;        -- Root process version
652   rootid  pls_integer;        -- Id of root process
653   act_fname varchar2(240);
654   act_ftype varchar2(30);
655   delay  number; -- dont use pls_integer or numeric overflow can occur.
656   msg_id  raw(16):=null;
657   l_result number;
659   -- Timeout processing stuff
660   duedate date;
661   timeout number;
662   msg varchar2(30);
663   msgtype varchar2(8);
664   expand_role varchar2(8);
666   -- status flags
667   l_newStatus boolean default FALSE;
669 begin
670   if (itemkey = wf_engine.eng_synch) then
672     -- SYNCHMODE:  Only update runtime cache.
673     if ((wf_item_activity_status.c_itemtype = itemtype) and
674         (wf_item_activity_status.c_itemkey = itemkey) and
675         (wf_item_activity_status.c_actid = actid)) then
676       -- Existing row.  Only update relevant parts
677       wf_item_activity_status.c_status := status;
678       if (result is not null) then
679         wf_item_activity_status.c_result := result;
680       end if;
681       if (beginning is not null) then
682         wf_item_activity_status.c_begindate := beginning;
683       end if;
684       if (ending is not null) then
685         wf_item_activity_status.c_enddate := ending;
686       end if;
687     else
688       -- Fresh new row.  Re-initialize everything.
689       wf_item_activity_status.c_itemtype := itemtype;
690       wf_item_activity_status.c_itemkey := itemkey;
691       wf_item_activity_status.c_actid := actid;
692       wf_item_activity_status.c_status := status;
693       wf_item_activity_status.c_result := result;
694       wf_item_activity_status.c_begindate := beginning;
695       wf_item_activity_status.c_enddate := ending;
696       wf_item_activity_status.c_duedate := to_date(NULL);
697       wf_item_activity_status.c_assigned_user := '';
698       wf_item_activity_status.c_notification_id := '';
699       wf_item_activity_status.c_errname := '';
700       wf_item_activity_status.c_errmsg := '';
701       wf_item_activity_status.c_errstack := '';
702     end if;
704   else
705     -- NORMAL mode:
708     -- Calculate new timeout date if begin_date is being changed.
709     if (beginning is not null) then
710       begin
711         -- 1. Look first for a '#TIMEOUT' NUMBER attribute
712         timeout := Wf_Engine.GetActivityAttrNumber(itemtype, itemkey,
713                        actid, wf_engine.eng_timeout_attr,
714                        ignore_notfound=>TRUE);
716         if (nvl(timeout, 0) <> 0) then
717           -- Figure duedate as offset from begin time.
718           -- NOTE: Default timeout is in units of minutes, not days like
719           -- all other 'date as number' values, thus the 1440 fudge factor.
720           duedate := beginning + (timeout / 1440);
721         else
722           -- 2. Look for a '#TIMEOUT' DATE attribute
723           duedate := Wf_Engine.GetActivityAttrDate(itemtype, itemkey,
724                          actid, wf_engine.eng_timeout_attr,
725                          ignore_notfound=>TRUE);
726         end if;
727       exception
728         when others then
729           if (wf_core.error_name = 'WFENG_ACTIVITY_ATTR') then
730             -- No #TIMEOUT attr means no timeout
731             wf_core.clear;
732             duedate := null;
733           else
734             raise;
735           end if;
736       end;
737     end if;
740     -- if deferred, insert into the deferred queue
741     -- but not if parent is SUSPENDED or we get infinite loop in queue
742     if create_status.status = wf_engine.eng_deferred
743     and (not create_status.suspended )then
745       act_fname:= Wf_Activity.activity_function(itemtype,itemkey,actid);
746       act_ftype:= Wf_Activity.activity_function_type(itemtype,itemkey,actid);
748       -- If enqueue fails, only the activity should error and not the root
749       begin
750         if act_ftype = 'PL/SQL' then
752            if beginning is null then
753               delay :=0;
754            else
755               delay := round((beginning - sysdate)*24*60*60 + 0.5);
756            end if;
757            wf_queue.enqueue_event
758             (queuename=>wf_queue.DeferredQueue,
759              itemtype=> itemtype,
760              itemkey=>create_status.itemkey,
761              actid=>create_status.actid,
762              delay=>delay,
763              message_handle=>msg_id);
764             -- even when internal, keep message for cross reference.
765             -- msg_id :=null;
766         elsif act_ftype = 'EXTERNAL' then
767            -- this is a callout so write to OUTBOUND queue
768            -- do not set the correlation here for compatibility reason
769            wf_queue.enqueue_event
770             (queuename=>wf_queue.OutboundQueue,
771              itemtype=> create_status.itemtype,
772              itemkey=>create_status.itemkey,
773              actid=>create_status.actid,
774              funcname=>act_fname,
775              paramlist=>wf_queue.get_param_list(itemtype,itemkey,actid),
776              message_handle=>msg_id);
777         else
778            -- this is a callout so write to OUTBOUND queue for other type
779            wf_queue.enqueue_event
780             (queuename=>wf_queue.OutboundQueue,
781              itemtype=> create_status.itemtype,
782              itemkey=>create_status.itemkey,
783              actid=>create_status.actid,
784              correlation=>act_ftype,
785              funcname=>act_fname,
786              paramlist=>wf_queue.get_param_list(itemtype,itemkey,actid),
787              message_handle=>msg_id);
788         end if;
789       exception
790         when others then
791             -- If any error while enqueing, set the activity status to ERROR
792             Wf_Item_Activity_Status.Create_Status(itemtype, itemkey, actid,
793                                          wf_engine.eng_error, wf_engine.eng_exception,
794                                          sysdate, null, newStatus=>TRUE);
795             Wf_Item_Activity_Status.Set_Error(itemtype, itemkey, actid,
796                                               wf_engine.eng_exception, FALSE);
797             Wf_Engine_Util.Execute_Error_Process(itemtype, itemkey, actid,
798                                                  wf_engine.eng_exception);
799             return;
800       end;
801     end if;
803     -- Increment Counter
804     g_ExecCounter := (g_ExecCounter + 1);
806     -- Update the status in db. The execution_time is also reset if:
807     -- 1. Changing status to active
808     -- 2. Changing status to complete/error AND the execution_time is
809     --    not yet set (activity has been aborted without being executed).
811    if not (newStatus) then
812     update
814       ACTIVITY_STATUS = create_status.status,
815       ACTIVITY_RESULT_CODE = nvl(create_status.result, ACTIVITY_RESULT_CODE),
816       BEGIN_DATE = nvl(create_status.beginning, BEGIN_DATE),
817       END_DATE = nvl(create_status.ending, END_DATE),
818       DUE_DATE = decode(create_status.beginning,
819                         to_date(NULL), DUE_DATE,
820                         create_status.duedate),
821       OUTBOUND_QUEUE_ID = msg_id,
822       EXECUTION_TIME =
823           decode(create_status.status,
824               wf_engine.eng_active, g_ExecCounter,
825               wf_engine.eng_completed, nvl(EXECUTION_TIME, g_ExecCounter),
826               wf_engine.eng_error, nvl(EXECUTION_TIME, g_ExecCounter),
827               EXECUTION_TIME)
828     where ITEM_TYPE = create_status.itemtype
829     and ITEM_KEY = create_status.itemkey
830     and PROCESS_ACTIVITY = create_status.actid;
831    end if;
833     -- Create the status if not found
834     if ((newStatus) or (SQL%ROWCOUNT = 0)) then
835      begin
836       insert
837         into WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES (
838         ITEM_TYPE,
839         ITEM_KEY,
841         ACTIVITY_STATUS,
843         ASSIGNED_USER,
844         NOTIFICATION_ID,
845         BEGIN_DATE,
846         END_DATE,
847         DUE_DATE,
848         EXECUTION_TIME,
850       ) values (
851         create_status.itemtype,
852         create_status.itemkey,
853         create_status.actid,
854         create_status.status,
855         create_status.result,
856         null,
857         null,
858         create_status.beginning,
859         create_status.ending,
860         create_status.duedate,
861         decode(create_status.status,
862             wf_engine.eng_active, g_ExecCounter,
863             wf_engine.eng_completed, g_ExecCounter,
864             wf_engine.eng_error, g_ExecCounter,
865             null),
866         create_status.msg_id
867       );
869       -- Initialize runtime cache with new row
870       wf_item_activity_status.c_itemtype := itemtype;
871       wf_item_activity_status.c_itemkey := itemkey;
872       wf_item_activity_status.c_actid := actid;
873       wf_item_activity_status.c_status := status;
874       wf_item_activity_status.c_result := result;
875       wf_item_activity_status.c_begindate := beginning;
876       wf_item_activity_status.c_enddate := ending;
877       wf_item_activity_status.c_duedate := duedate;
878       wf_item_activity_status.c_assigned_user := '';
879       wf_item_activity_status.c_notification_id := '';
880       wf_item_activity_status.c_errname := '';
881       wf_item_activity_status.c_errmsg := '';
882       wf_item_activity_status.c_errstack := '';
884       l_newStatus := TRUE;
886      exception
887     when DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX then
888     -- If we are attempting to insert but the record exists, we will then
889     -- automatically update to ensure fault tolerance.
890      l_newStatus := FALSE;
892        update
893               WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES set
894               ACTIVITY_STATUS = create_status.status,
895               ACTIVITY_RESULT_CODE = nvl(create_status.result,
896                                         ACTIVITY_RESULT_CODE),
897               BEGIN_DATE = nvl(create_status.beginning, BEGIN_DATE),
898               END_DATE = nvl(create_status.ending, END_DATE),
899               DUE_DATE = decode(create_status.beginning,
900                                 to_date(NULL), DUE_DATE,
901                                 create_status.duedate),
902               OUTBOUND_QUEUE_ID = msg_id,
903               EXECUTION_TIME = decode(create_status.status,
904                                 wf_engine.eng_active, g_ExecCounter,
905                                 wf_engine.eng_completed, nvl(EXECUTION_TIME,
906                                                              g_ExecCounter),
907                                 wf_engine.eng_error, nvl(EXECUTION_TIME,
908                                                          g_ExecCounter),
909                                       EXECUTION_TIME)
910             where ITEM_TYPE = create_status.itemtype
911             and ITEM_KEY = create_status.itemkey
912             and PROCESS_ACTIVITY = create_status.actid;
913      end;
914     end if;
917     if (not l_newStatus) then
918       -- Update runtime cache with new data, if current row
919       if ((wf_item_activity_status.c_itemtype = itemtype) and
920           (wf_item_activity_status.c_itemkey = itemkey) and
921           (wf_item_activity_status.c_actid = actid)) then
922         wf_item_activity_status.c_status := status;
923         if (result is not null) then
924           wf_item_activity_status.c_result := result;
925         end if;
926         if (beginning is not null) then
927           wf_item_activity_status.c_begindate := beginning;
928           wf_item_activity_status.c_duedate := duedate;
929         end if;
930         if (ending is not null) then
931           wf_item_activity_status.c_enddate := ending;
932         end if;
933       end if;
934     end if;
936     -- If the root process is being marked completed or active,
937     -- then also update the end_date of the item.
938     Wf_Item.Root_Process(itemtype, itemkey, root, version);
939     rootid := Wf_Process_Activity.RootInstanceId(itemtype, itemkey, root);
940     if (actid = rootid) then
941       if (status = wf_engine.eng_completed) then
942         l_result := WF_ITEM.SetEndDate(itemtype, itemkey);
943       elsif (status = wf_engine.eng_active) then
945           END_DATE = to_date(NULL)
946         WHERE ITEM_TYPE = itemtype
947         AND ITEM_KEY = itemkey;
948       end if;
949     end if;
950   end if;
952   -- High availability support.  creates dependency on datamodel changes
953   -- and WF_HA_MIGRATION package (WFHAMIG[S|B].pls)
955   --        WF_HA_MIGRATION.SET_HA_FLAG(itemtype, itemkey);
956   --end if;
958   if (Wf_Engine.Debug) then
959     commit;
960   end if;
961 exception
962   when OTHERS then
963     Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Item_Activity_Status', 'Create_Status', itemtype,
964                     itemkey, to_char(actid), status, result);
965     raise;
966 end Create_Status;
968 --
969 -- Audit (PRIVATE)
970 --   Procedure to update the item activity status record with Audit
971 --   information if the activity was expedited from Status Monitor
972 -- IN
973 --   itemtype  - Item Type
974 --   itemkey   - Item Key
975 --   actid     - Activity Id
976 --   action    - Action performed on the activity
977 --   performer - User performed the action
978 procedure Audit(itemtype  in varchar2,
979                 itemkey   in varchar2,
980                 actid     in number,
981                 action    in varchar2,
982                 performer in varchar2)
983 is
984   l_username varchar2(320);
985 begin
986   -- if the performer is not provided get the current session user
987   if (performer is null) then
988     l_username := wfa_sec.GetUser();
989   else
990     l_username := performer;
991   end if;
993   -- update the status record with the action and performer
994   UPDATE wf_item_activity_statuses
995   SET    action = Audit.action,
996          performed_by = l_username
997   WHERE  item_type = Audit.itemtype
998   AND    item_key = Audit.itemkey
999   AND    process_activity = Audit.actid;
1001   --Bug 3361746
1002   --The existing handleerror API does not mandatorily require an entry in
1003   --wf_item_activity_statuses table, hence we should not throw an
1004   --exception if no row is found for the activity.
1006 exception
1007   when others then
1008     Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Item_Activity_Status', 'Audit', itemtype, itemkey, to_char(actid));
1009     raise;
1010 end Audit;
1012 -- 3966635 Workflow Provisioning Project
1013 -- The following is added in order not to loose the changes required.
1014 -- --
1015 -- -- Update_Prov_Request (PRIVATE)
1016 -- --   Procedure to update the item activity status record with Provision Request Id
1017 -- -- IN
1018 -- --   itemtype        - Item Type
1019 -- --   itemkey         - Item Key
1020 -- --   actid           - Activity Id
1021 -- --   prov_request_id - Provision request id
1022 -- procedure Update_Prov_Request(itemtype        in varchar2,
1023 --                               itemkey         in varchar2,
1024 --                               actid           in number,
1025 --                               prov_request_id in number)
1026 -- is
1027 -- begin
1028 --
1029 --   UPDATE wf_item_activity_statuses
1030 --   SET    prov_request_id = Update_Prov_Request.prov_request_id
1031 --   WHERE  item_type = Update_Prov_Request.itemtype
1032 --   AND    item_key = Update_Prov_Request.itemkey
1033 --   AND    process_activity = Update_Prov_Request.actid;
1034 --
1035 -- exception
1036 --   when others then
1037 --     Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Item_Activity_Status', 'Update_Prov_Request', itemtype, itemkey, to_char(actid));
1038 --     raise;
1039 -- end Update_Prov_Request;
1040 --