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1 package body pay_consumed_entry as
2 /* $Header: pyconsum.pkb 120.2.12010000.1 2008/07/27 22:22:34 appldev ship $ */
3 --
4 --
5 FUNCTION consumed_entry (	p_date_earned	IN DATE,
6 				p_payroll_id	IN NUMBER,
7 				p_ele_entry_id	IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
8 --
9 -- Checks for "consumed" element entry (context) in skip rule for earnings
10 -- and deductions.  Payroll Action's DATE_EARNED must be between the
11 -- EARNED period dates.  Have PAY_EARNED_PERIOD_START_DATE and
12 -- PAY_EARNED_PERIOD_END_DATE been requested from core?!?  For now we'll
13 -- derive these period dates in the UDF based on the "date earned" context.
14 --
15 v_consumed	VARCHAR2(1)	:= 'N';
16 v_reversed	VARCHAR2(1)	:= 'N';
17 l_period_start	DATE;
18 l_period_end	DATE;
19 g_debug boolean := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
20 --
22 --
23 if g_debug then
24    hr_utility.set_location('consumed_entry', 10);
25 end if;
26 --
27 -- Find EARNED period dates
28 --
29 SELECT  start_date,
30 	end_date
31 INTO	l_period_start,
32 	l_period_end
33 FROM	per_time_periods
34 WHERE	payroll_id 					= p_payroll_id
35 AND	p_date_earned BETWEEN start_date AND end_date;
36 --
37 if g_debug then
38    hr_utility.set_location('consumed_entry', 20);
39 end if;
40 --
42         DECODE(COUNT(PRR.run_result_id), 0, 'N', 'Y')
43 INTO	v_consumed
44 FROM	pay_run_results		PRR,
45 	pay_assignment_actions	ASA,
46 	pay_payroll_actions	PPA
47 WHERE	PRR.source_id			= p_ele_entry_id
48 AND	PRR.source_type		IN ('E', 'I')
49 AND     PRR.status		in ('P', 'PA', 'R', 'O')
50 AND	ASA.assignment_action_id	= PRR.assignment_action_id
51 AND	PPA.payroll_action_id		= ASA.payroll_action_id
52 --
53 -- Check whether the run_result has been revered.
54 AND     not exists (select null
55                     from pay_run_results prr2
56                     where prr2.source_id = PRR.run_result_id
57                       and prr2.source_type in ('R', 'V'))
58 AND	PPA.date_earned		BETWEEN l_period_start
59 				AND	l_period_end;
60 --
61 if g_debug then
62    hr_utility.set_location('consumed_entry', 39);
63 end if;
65 RETURN v_consumed;
67 exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then
68   if g_debug then
69      hr_utility.set_location('consumed_entry', 40);
70   end if;
71   RETURN v_consumed;
72 --
73 END consumed_entry;
75 end pay_consumed_entry;