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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 13

Return     : 'Y', if project information on the purchase order distribution can be updated.
             'N', if project information on the purchase order distribution cannot be updated.
FUNCTION Allow_Project_Info_Change ( p_po_distribution_id IN po_distributions_all.po_distribution_id%type)
RETURN varchar2 IS

l_sum_amount_interfaced   number := 0;
Line: 27

	select sum(nvl(entered_cr,0) - nvl(entered_dr,0))
	into l_sum_amount_interfaced
	from rcv_transactions rcv_txn,
	     rcv_receiving_sub_ledger rcv_sub
	where rcv_txn.po_distribution_id = l_po_distribution_id
	and rcv_sub.rcv_transaction_id = rcv_txn.transaction_id
	and rcv_sub.pa_addition_flag in ('Y','I')
     and ((rcv_txn.destination_type_code ='EXPENSE') OR
	/*and ((rcv_txn.destination_type_code ='EXPENSE' AND rcv_txn.transaction_type <> 'RETURN TO RECEIVING')  OR */--Bug4630478
	(rcv_txn.destination_type_code='RECEIVING' AND (rcv_txn.transaction_type IN ('RETURN TO VENDOR','RETURN TO RECEIVING')) ) );
Line: 50

        select 1
        into l_uninterfaced_to_pa
	   FROM dual
	   (SELECT 1 FROM rcv_transactions rcv_txn,
           rcv_receiving_sub_ledger rcv_sub
  	     ,po_distributions_all podist/*Bug 3905697*/
           where rcv_txn.po_distribution_id = l_po_distribution_id
   	      and   podist.po_distribution_id=rcv_txn.po_distribution_id/*Bug 3905697*/
	      and   rcv_sub.code_combination_id = podist.code_combination_id/*Bug 3905697*/
           and rcv_sub.rcv_transaction_id = rcv_txn.transaction_id
           and ((rcv_txn.destination_type_code ='EXPENSE')  OR
             (rcv_txn.destination_type_code='RECEIVING' AND (rcv_txn.transaction_type IN ('RETURN TO VENDOR','RETURN TO RECEIVING')) ) )
           and rcv_sub.pa_addition_flag ='N');
Line: 88

        select 1
        into l_uninterfaced_to_pa
	   FROM dual
	   (SELECT 1 FROM rcv_transactions rcv_txn,
           rcv_receiving_sub_ledger rcv_sub
  	     ,po_distributions_all podist/*Bug 3905697*/
           where rcv_txn.po_distribution_id = l_po_distribution_id
   	      and   podist.po_distribution_id=rcv_txn.po_distribution_id/*Bug 3905697*/
	      and   rcv_sub.code_combination_id = podist.code_combination_id/*Bug 3905697*/
           and rcv_sub.rcv_transaction_id = rcv_txn.transaction_id
           and ((rcv_txn.destination_type_code ='EXPENSE')  OR
             (rcv_txn.destination_type_code='RECEIVING' AND (rcv_txn.transaction_type IN ('RETURN TO VENDOR','RETURN TO RECEIVING')) ) )
           and rcv_sub.pa_addition_flag ='N');
Line: 149

select nvl(clm_flag,'N'), nvl(LINE_NUM_DISPLAY,'XXXX'), to_char(line_num)
into v_clm_flag,
from po_doc_style_headers st, po_headers_all poh, po_lines_all pol
where poh.style_id=st.style_id
and poh.po_header_id= pol.po_header_id
and pol.po_line_id=p_po_line_id;
Line: 168

/*This is a public API, which will update PA_ADDITION_FLAG in
  rcv_receiving_sub_ledger table. This API will be called from
  purchasing module at the time of receipt creation.*/

PROCEDURE Update_PA_Addition_Flg (p_api_version       IN  NUMBER,
                                  p_init_msg_list     IN  VARCHAR2 default FND_API.G_FALSE,
                                  p_commit            IN  VARCHAR2 default FND_API.G_FALSE,
                                  p_validation_level  IN  NUMBER   default FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
                                  x_return_status     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
                                  x_msg_count         OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
                                  x_msg_data          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
                                  p_rcv_transaction_id  IN  NUMBER,
                                  p_po_distribution_id  IN  NUMBER,
				  p_accounting_event_id IN  NUMBER)
  /*l_project_id           po_distributions_all.project_id%type; Bug 5585218 */
Line: 201

	   SELECT  /*+ leading(rcv_txn) index(rcvsub RCV_RECEIVING_SUB_LEDGER_N1) */ rcv_txn.transaction_id /*4338075*/
		 ,rcvsub.accounting_event_id -- pricing changes
	    FROM rcv_transactions rcv_txn
		,po_distributions podist
		,rcv_receiving_sub_ledger rcvsub
	   WHERE rcv_txn.transaction_id = rcvsub.rcv_transaction_id
              AND rcv_txn.parent_transaction_id = (SELECT parent_transaction_id
                                                   FROM rcv_transactions rcv_txn3
                                         	   WHERE rcv_txn3.transaction_id = p_transaction_id)
	     and rcv_txn.po_distribution_id = podist.po_distribution_id
	     and podist.code_combination_id = rcvsub.code_combination_id
	     and rcvsub.actual_flag = 'A'
	     and podist.accrue_on_receipt_flag = 'Y'
	     /*and podist.project_id = p_project_id  Bug 5585218 */
	     and rcvsub.pa_addition_flag = 'N' -- pricing changes
	     and ((rcv_txn.destination_type_code = 'EXPENSE' ) OR
		  (rcv_txn.destination_type_code = 'RECEIVING' AND
		   rcv_txn.transaction_type in ('RETURN TO VENDOR','RETURN TO RECEIVING')
	     and 0 = (SELECT /*+ INDEX(RCV_TXN2 RCV_TRANSACTIONS_N1) */sum(nvl(rcvsub2.entered_dr,0)-nvl(rcvsub2.entered_cr,0))/*4338075*/
			FROM rcv_transactions rcv_txn2
			    ,rcv_receiving_sub_ledger rcvsub2
			    ,po_distributions podist2
		       WHERE rcv_txn2.transaction_id        = rcvsub2.rcv_transaction_id
			 and podist2.po_distribution_id     = rcv_txn2.po_distribution_id
			 and podist2.code_combination_id    = rcvsub2.code_combination_id
			 and rcvsub2.actual_flag            = 'A'
			 and rcv_txn2.parent_transaction_id = rcv_txn.parent_transaction_id
			 and rcvsub2.code_combination_id    = rcvsub.code_combination_id
			 and trunc(rcv_txn2.transaction_date)      = trunc(rcv_txn.transaction_date)
			 and rcvsub2.pa_addition_flag      = 'N' -- pricing changes
			 and rcv_txn2.po_distribution_id    = rcv_txn.po_distribution_id
			 and ((rcv_txn2.destination_type_code = 'EXPENSE' ) OR
			      (rcv_txn2.destination_type_code = 'RECEIVING' AND
			       rcv_txn2.transaction_type      in ('RETURN TO VENDOR','RETURN TO RECEIVING')
Line: 253

Line: 254

Line: 255

		 l_rcv_acct_evt_tbl.delete; -- pricing changes
Line: 265

		      UPDATE rcv_receiving_sub_ledger rcv_sub
			  SET rcv_sub.pa_addition_flag         = 'Z'
			WHERE rcv_sub.rcv_transaction_id           = l_rcv_txn_id_tbl(i) --pricing changes
			  AND rcv_sub.pa_addition_flag         = 'N'
			  AND (rcv_sub.accounting_event_id = l_rcv_acct_evt_tbl(i) --pricing changes
				OR rcv_sub.accounting_event_id IS NULL); --pricing changes
Line: 275

	--         write_log (LOG,'Total number of transctions updated to Z:'||l_num_rows);
Line: 277

Line: 278

Line: 279

		 l_rcv_acct_evt_tbl.delete; -- pricing changes
Line: 305

UPDATE rcv_receiving_sub_ledger rcv_sub
   SET rcv_sub.pa_addition_flag = NULL
 WHERE rcv_sub.pa_addition_flag ='N'
   AND rcv_sub.rcv_transaction_id = l_rcv_transaction_id
    SELECT 'X'
    FROM rcv_transactions rcv_txn
      AND ((rcv_txn.destination_type_code IN ('INVENTORY','MULTIPLE','SHOP FLOOR')
            (rcv_txn.destination_type_code = 'RECEIVING'
             (rcv_txn.transaction_type  NOT IN ('RETURN TO VENDOR','RETURN TO RECEIVING')
            (SELECT po_distribution_id
             FROM po_distributions po_dist
             WHERE po_dist.po_distribution_id    = rcv_txn.po_distribution_id
               AND ((rcv_txn.destination_type_code = 'EXPENSE' AND
                     po_dist.project_id             IS NULL)
                    (rcv_txn.destination_type_code   = 'EXPENSE' AND
                     nvl(po_dist.project_id,0)      > 0         AND
                     po_dist.accrue_on_receipt_flag = 'N')
                    (rcv_txn.destination_type_code = 'RECEIVING' AND
                     po_dist.project_id           IS NULL)
                    (rcv_txn.destination_type_code = 'RECEIVING' AND
                     po_dist.project_id            IS NOT NULL AND
                     po_dist.accrue_on_receipt_flag = 'N')
           ) OR
            ( pa_nl_installed.is_nl_installed = 'Y'                 --EIB trackable items
                    AND  EXISTS (SELECT 'X'
                                     FROM  mtl_system_items si,
                                           po_lines_all pol,
                                           po_distributions_all po_dist1
                                     WHERE po_dist1.po_line_id = pol.po_line_id
                                     AND   po_dist1.po_distribution_id  = rcv_txn.po_distribution_id
                                     AND   si.inventory_item_id = pol.item_id
                                     AND   po_dist1.project_id IS NOT NULL
                                     AND   si.comms_nl_trackable_flag = 'Y')
            ) OR
           rcv_sub.actual_flag <> 'A'
Line: 362

   UPDATE rcv_receiving_sub_ledger rcv_sub
      SET rcv_sub.pa_Addition_Flag       = 'X'
    WHERE rcv_sub.pa_addition_flag       IN ('N','I')
      AND rcv_sub.rcv_transaction_id = l_rcv_transaction_id
	( SELECT po_dist.code_combination_id
	FROM Rcv_Transactions rcv_txn, PO_Distributions po_dist
	  (rcv_txn.destination_type_code ='EXPENSE' )
	  OR        (rcv_txn.destination_type_code = 'RECEIVING'
		AND (rcv_txn.transaction_type
--	AND rcv_txn.transaction_date      <= nvl(G_GL_DATE,rcv_txn.transaction_date)
	AND rcv_txn.PO_DISTRIBUTION_ID    =  po_dist.po_distribution_id
	AND rcv_sub.code_combination_id   <> po_dist.code_combination_id
	AND rcv_sub.rcv_transaction_id    =  rcv_txn.transaction_id
	AND rcv_sub.actual_flag           = 'A'
--	AND po_dist.expenditure_item_date <= nvl(G_TRANSACTION_DATE,po_dist.expenditure_item_date)
	AND po_dist.project_ID  > 0
	AND po_dist.accrue_on_receipt_flag= 'Y') ;
Line: 395

END Update_PA_Addition_Flg;
Line: 411

select count(*)
into l_user_c
from per_all_people_f papf
where papf.person_id=(select max(employee_id) from fnd_user where user_id = x_proj_user_id)
and  trunc(sysdate) between papf.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE
        and  Nvl(papf.effective_end_date, Sysdate + 1)
and papf.person_id in
select f.person_id
from pa_project_parties pp, pa_resources pr,PA_PROJ_ROLES_V ppr
,per_all_people_f f, pa_resource_txn_attributes  ptn
where pp.resource_id = pr.resource_id
and trunc(sysdate) between pp.start_date_active and  Nvl(pp.end_date_active, Sysdate + 1) -- Bug 8943693
and pp.project_role_id = ppr.project_role_id
and ptn.resource_id=pp.resource_id
and f.person_id=ptn.person_id
and pp.project_id=x_proj_id);
Line: 443

/* Function to impose project based security in Procurement.It has two modes :UPDATE and VIEW
 * UPDATE : This mode should check if a person has access to 'ALL' the projects
 * in a PO.
 * VIEW :This mode should check if person has access to atleast 'ONE' project on
 * a PO.
 * This is used to restrict the access on PO for which the user is not key member on included projects.
 *This will be called from PO context and the profile PO_ENFORCE_PROJ_SECURITY will be used to enforce the same.
                                 x_proj_user_id   IN NUMBER,
                                 x_mode IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'VIEW'  /* Mode can have 2 values 'VIEW'  or 'UPDATE'*/

l_profile_value VARCHAR2(1) := NULL;
Line: 462

select distinct project_id from po_distributions_all
where po_header_id = x_po_header_id
 and  project_id is not NULL; /* added condition for 8920005 */
Line: 472

	if x_mode = 'UPDATE' then
	open c_proj;
Line: 478

	select count(*)
	into l_user_c
	from per_all_people_f papf
	where papf.person_id=x_proj_user_id
        and  trunc(sysdate) between papf.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE
        and  Nvl(papf.effective_end_date, Sysdate + 1)
	and papf.person_id in
		select f.person_id
		from pa_project_parties pp, pa_resources pr,PA_PROJ_ROLES_V ppr
		,per_all_people_f f, pa_resource_txn_attributes  ptn
		where pp.resource_id = pr.resource_id
		and trunc(sysdate) between pp.start_date_active and  Nvl(pp.end_date_active, Sysdate + 1) -- Bug 8943693
		and pp.project_role_id = ppr.project_role_id
		and ptn.resource_id=pp.resource_id
		and f.person_id=ptn.person_id
		and pp.project_id=l_proj_id);
Line: 503

	end if; --end for mode=update
Line: 512

        select count(*)
        into l_user_c
        from per_all_people_f papf
        where papf.person_id=x_proj_user_id
        and  trunc(sysdate) between papf.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE
        and  Nvl(papf.effective_end_date, Sysdate + 1)
        and papf.person_id in
                select f.person_id
                from pa_project_parties pp, pa_resources pr,PA_PROJ_ROLES_V ppr
                ,per_all_people_f f, pa_resource_txn_attributes  ptn
                where pp.resource_id = pr.resource_id
				and trunc(sysdate) between pp.start_date_active and  Nvl(pp.end_date_active, Sysdate + 1) -- Bug 8943693
                and pp.project_role_id = ppr.project_role_id
                and ptn.resource_id=pp.resource_id
                and f.person_id=ptn.person_id
                and pp.project_id=l_proj_id);
Line: 570

 SELECT DISTINCT ppa.segment1 -- Added for the bug 13617899
   FROM po_distributions_all pod   ,
  pa_budget_versions pbv           ,
  pa_budgetary_control_options pbco,
  pa_budget_entry_methods pbe      ,
  pa_budget_lines pbl              ,
  pa_resource_assignments pra      ,
  pa_resource_list_members prlm,
  pa_projects_all ppa	-- Added for the bug 13617899
  WHERE pod.po_header_id         =p_po_header_id
AND ppa.project_id =   pod.project_id	-- Added for the bug 13617899
AND pod.project_id               = pbv.project_id
AND pod.project_id               =pbco.project_id
AND pbco.bdgt_cntrl_flag         ='Y'
AND pbv.budget_type_code         ='AC'
AND ((pbv.budget_status_code     ='B'
AND pbv.current_flag             ='Y')
OR (pbv.budget_status_code       ='W'))	-- Modified for the bug 13566375
AND pbe.budget_entry_method_code =pbv.budget_entry_method_code
AND pbe.categorization_code      ='R'
AND pbl.budget_version_id        =pbv.budget_version_id
AND pbl.resource_assignment_id   =pra.resource_assignment_id
AND prlm.resource_list_member_id =pra.resource_list_member_id
AND prlm.vendor_id               =p_vendor_id;
Line: 599

 SELECT DISTINCT rsh.receipt_num, rsh.creation_date	-- Added for the bug 13617899
   FROM Rcv_Transactions rcv_txn   ,
  rcv_shipment_headers rsh         ,
  PO_Distributions_all po_dist     ,
  rcv_receiving_sub_ledger rcv_sub1
  WHERE po_dist.po_header_id           =p_po_header_id
AND rcv_txn.destination_type_code  ='EXPENSE'
AND rcv_txn.PO_DISTRIBUTION_ID     = po_dist.po_distribution_id
AND rcv_sub1.code_combination_id   = po_dist.code_combination_id
AND rcv_sub1.rcv_transaction_id    = rcv_txn.transaction_id
AND rsh.shipment_header_id         = rcv_txn.shipment_header_id
AND po_dist.accrue_on_receipt_flag = 'Y'
AND rcv_sub1.pa_addition_flag      = 'N'
AND rcv_sub1.actual_flag           = 'A';
Line: 618

 SELECT DISTINCT ppd.po_number, ppd.creation_date	-- Added for the bug 13617899
   FROM pa_proj_po_distributions ppd
  WHERE ppd.po_header_id=p_po_header_id
  AND ppd.cmt_qty <> 0;	-- Modified for the bug 13566375
Line: 628

 SELECT DISTINCT ppa.segment1, pbt.budget_type		-- Added for the bug 13617899
   FROM pa_budgetary_controls pbc,
  pa_resource_list_members prlm,
  pa_projects_all ppa,
  pa_budget_types pbt,
  pa_budget_versions pbv
  WHERE  prlm.vendor_id  = p_vendor_id
AND ppa.project_id=pbc.project_id
AND pbv.project_id=pbc.project_id
AND ((pbv.budget_status_code     ='B'
AND pbv.current_flag             ='Y')
OR (pbv.budget_status_code       ='W'))
AND pbt.budget_type_code=pbc.budget_type_code
AND pbc.resource_list_member_id=prlm.resource_list_member_id;
Line: 647

 SELECT DISTINCT OD.business_document_number, OD.creation_date	-- Added for the bug 13617899
  hz_parties HP                 ,
  okc_resp_parties_tl resp_party_tl
  WHERE OD.BUSINESS_DOCUMENT_ID       = p_po_header_id
AND OD.external_party_contact_id      = HP.party_id (+)
AND OD.internal_party_id              = org.organization_id (+)
AND OD.MANAGE_YN                      = 'Y'
AND OD.responsible_party              = resp_party_tl.resp_party_code
AND resp_party_tl.language            = USERENV('LANG')
AND resp_party_tl.document_type_class = 'PO';
Line: 665

CURSOR c_update_doc(p_po_header_id IN NUMBER) IS
 SELECT  DISTINCT pcsd.ci_id, pcsd.creation_date		-- Added for the bug 13617899
  WHERE pcsd.PO_HEADER_ID = p_po_header_id
AND pcsd.CI_ID            = pci.CI_ID
Line: 697

      SELECT segment1
        INTO l_po_number
        FROM po_headers_all
       WHERE po_header_id=l_po_header_id;
Line: 712

	 SELECT po_multi_mod_val_results_s.nextval
	  INTO l_multi_mod_val_result_id
	  FROM dual;
Line: 751

	 SELECT po_multi_mod_val_results_s.nextval
	  INTO l_multi_mod_val_result_id
	  FROM dual;
Line: 784

	 SELECT NVL(pp.pji_source_flag,'N')
	   INTO l_pji_source_flag
	   FROM po_headers_all poh,
	  po_distributions_all pod,
	  pa_projects_all pp
	  WHERE poh.po_header_id=l_po_header_id
	AND poh.po_header_id    =pod.po_header_id
	AND pod.project_id      =pp.project_id;
Line: 807

	 SELECT po_multi_mod_val_results_s.nextval
	  INTO l_multi_mod_val_result_id
	  FROM dual;
Line: 845

	 SELECT po_multi_mod_val_results_s.nextval
	  INTO l_multi_mod_val_result_id
	  FROM dual;
Line: 884

	 SELECT po_multi_mod_val_results_s.nextval
	  INTO l_multi_mod_val_result_id
	  FROM dual;
Line: 921

	FOR erec IN c_update_doc(l_po_header_id) LOOP

	 SELECT po_multi_mod_val_results_s.nextval
	  INTO l_multi_mod_val_result_id
	  FROM dual;