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1 PACKAGE BODY pa_self_service_msg_pub AS
2 /* $Header: PAXPSSMB.pls 120.2 2005/08/24 14:00:05 rmarcel noship $ */
6 -- be displayed in the final review screen and supervisor approval screens.
4 -- ==========================================================================
5 -- This API will be used to generate a customized message which will
7 --
8 -- The message generated by this API could be used to ensure that the
9 -- employees are billable to a specified percentage determined as follows.
10 --
11 -- (billable hours in timecard )/(total hours on timecard) *100
12 --
13 -- The messages are customizable by customers, hence the customer could
14 -- generate message that would display total number of hours, % utilization
15 -- etc.
16 --
17 --
18 -- Parameter Description
19 -- =====================
20 --
21 -- P_Expenditure_id            System generated identifier of the timecard
22 -- P_Person_Id                 System generated identifire of the employee
23 --                             from whome the timecard was created
24 -- P_Week_Ending_Date          Week Ending date of the timecard
25 -- X_Application_Name          Message owning application short name.
26 -- X_Message_Name              Message Name
27 -- X_Msg_Token1_Name           Optional parameter provided for use in
28 --                             construction of the message.  If this
29 --                             parameter is being used, then the message
30 --                             text should be constructed with token
31 --                             name equal to the value in this parameter.
32 -- X_Msg_Token1_Value          Optional parameter provided for use in
33 --                             construction of message.  If this parameter
34 --                             is being used, then the token used in message
35 --                             text should be populated with the value in this
36 --                             parameter
37 -- X_Msg_Token2_Name           Description, Same as X_Msg_Token1_Name.
38 --
39 -- X_Msg_Token2_Value          Description, Same as X_Msg_Token1_Value.
40 --
41 -- X_Msg_Token3_Name           Description, Same as X_Msg_Token1_Name.
42 --
43 -- X_Msg_Token3_Value          Description, Same as X_Msg_Token1_Value.
44 --
45 --
46 -- Coding calling programs:
47 -- ========================
48 -- Programs that call pa_self_service_msg_pub.business_message should
49 -- construct a translated message using the OUT parameters.  The following
50 -- section will illustrate how to construct a message using the out parameters.
51 --
52 --  The calling procedure should has a out parameter X_return_message.
53 --
54 --  declare local variables
55 --  l_msg_application_name varchar2(50);
56 --  l_msg_token1_name      varchar2(50);
57 --  l_msg_token1_value     varchar2(50);
58 --  l_msg_token2_name      varchar2(50);
59 --  l_msg_token2_value     varchar2(50);
60 --  l_msg_token3_name      varchar2(50);
61 --  l_msg_token3_value     varchar2(50);
62 --  l_msg_name             varchar2(30);
63 --  Begin
64 --
65 --   pa_self_Service_msg_pub.business_message( P_Expenditure_id => 1122,
66 --         P_Person_Id => 1234,
67 --         P_Week_Ending_Date => '01-JAN-97',
68 --         X_Msg_Application_Name => l_msg_application_name
69 --         X_Message_Name => l_msg_name
70 --         X_Msg_Token1_Name => l_msg_token1_name
71 --         X_Msg_Token1_Value => l_msg_token1_value
72 --         X_Msg_Token2_Name => l_msg_token2_name
73 --         X_Msg_Token2_Value => l_msg_token2_value
74 --         X_Msg_Token3_Name => l_msg_token3_name
75 --         X_Msg_Token3_Value => l_msg_token3_value);
76 --
77 --
78 --   If( l_msg_name is NOT NULL ) THEN
79 --
80 --      fnd_message.set_name(l_msg_application_name,l_msg_name);
81 --      fnd_message.set_token(l_msg_token1_name,l_msg_token1_value);
82 --      fnd_message.set_token(l_msg_token2_name,l_msg_token2_value);
83 --      fnd_message.set_token(l_msg_token3_name,l_msg_token3_value);
84 --      fnd_message.set_token(l_msg_token2_name,l_msg_token2_value);
85 --
86 --      X_return_message := fnd_message.get;
87 --     where X_Return_Message is the out parameter of the calling program.
88 --   end if;
89 -- end;
90 --
91 PROCEDURE business_message(
92          P_Expenditure_Id   IN pa_expenditures_all.expenditure_id%TYPE,
93          P_Person_id        IN per_all_people_f.person_id%TYPE,
94          P_Week_Ending_Date IN Date,
95          X_Msg_Application_Name OUT NOCOPY Fnd_Application.Application_short_name%TYPE, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
96          X_Msg_Name     OUT NOCOPY Varchar2, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
97          X_Msg_Token1_Name  OUT NOCOPY Varchar2, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
98          X_Msg_Token1_Value OUT NOCOPY Varchar2, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
99          X_Msg_Token2_Name  OUT NOCOPY Varchar2, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
100          X_Msg_Token2_Value OUT NOCOPY Varchar2, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
101          X_Msg_Token3_Name  OUT NOCOPY Varchar2, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
102          X_Msg_Token3_Value OUT NOCOPY Varchar2) IS --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
104 CURSOR cur_billable IS
105    SELECT sum(nvl(quantity_1,0)) qty_1,
106           sum(nvl(quantity_2,0)) qty_2,
107           sum(nvl(quantity_3,0)) qty_3,
108           sum(nvl(quantity_4,0)) qty_4,
109           sum(nvl(quantity_5,0)) qty_5,
110           sum(nvl(quantity_6,0)) qty_6,
111           sum(nvl(quantity_7,0)) qty_7,
112           sum(decode(ei.billable_flag_1,'Y',ei.quantity_1,0)) bill_qty_1,
113           sum(decode(ei.billable_flag_2,'Y',ei.quantity_2,0)) bill_qty_2,
114           sum(decode(ei.billable_flag_3,'Y',ei.quantity_3,0)) bill_qty_3,
115           sum(decode(ei.billable_flag_4,'Y',ei.quantity_4,0)) bill_qty_4,
116           sum(decode(ei.billable_flag_5,'Y',ei.quantity_5,0)) bill_qty_5,
117           sum(decode(ei.billable_flag_6,'Y',ei.quantity_6,0)) bill_qty_6,
118           sum(decode(ei.billable_flag_7,'Y',ei.quantity_7,0)) bill_qty_7
119     from pa_expenditures exp,
120          pa_ei_denorm ei
121    where ei.expenditure_id = exp.expenditure_id
122      and exp.expenditure_id = p_expenditure_id
123      and exp.incurred_by_person_id = p_person_id
124      and exp.expenditure_ending_date = p_week_ending_date;
125 l_total_qty Number;
126 l_total_bill_qty Number;
130 -- initilize total variables
132    l_total_qty := 0;
133    l_total_bill_qty := 0;
135    FOR bill_rec IN cur_billable
136    LOOP
138       l_total_qty := l_total_qty + bill_rec.qty_1 + bill_rec.qty_2 +
139                      bill_rec.qty_3 + bill_rec.qty_4 + bill_rec.qty_5 +
140                      bill_rec.qty_6 + bill_rec.qty_7;
142       l_total_bill_qty := l_total_bill_qty + bill_rec.bill_qty_1 +
143                           bill_rec.bill_qty_2 + bill_rec.bill_qty_3 +
144                           bill_rec.bill_qty_4 + bill_rec.bill_qty_5 +
145                           bill_rec.bill_qty_6 + bill_rec.bill_qty_7;
147    END LOOP;
149    -- Now calculate the % billable by using the formula
150    -- ( Total Billable hours/ Total hours ) *100
152    IF ( l_total_qty = 0 ) THEN
154       -- Bug 997075, division by zero
155       l_total_qty := 1;
157    END IF;
159    X_msg_Token1_value := to_char( trunc((l_total_bill_qty/l_total_qty ) * 100,2));
161    -- Set the token name. this token name should be used in  the message text
162    -- when the messages is created in Oracle Applications
163    --
164    X_msg_token1_name := 'BILLABLE';
165    X_Msg_name := 'PA_BILLABLE_PERCENT';
166    X_Msg_Application_name := 'PA';
168    -- if customers want to customize the message
169    -- then they have to create a new message in a custom application and
170    -- then modify the client extension to pass back the customized message
171    -- name and custom application short name.
173    -- Example:  steps involved in creating customized messages
174    --
175    -- 1.  create a message using the create messages screen in application
176    --     developer responsibility
177    --
178    -- 2.  Let's say a custom message( name = TK_UTILIZATION ) was created
179    --     in costom application ( name = TK ).  The text of the message
180    --     is as follows.
181    --     " Utilization percentage = <ampersand>UTIL "
182    --
183    -- 3.  Customize the client extension to calculate the utilization
184    --     percentage using your business rules .
185    --
186    -- 4.  After calculating the utilization % set the message name and tokens
187    --     that will used to construct a meaningful message. Use teh following
188    --     api's to set your messages
189    --
190    --     X_msg_application := 'TK';
191    --     X_msg_Name := 'TK_UTILIZATION';
192    --     X_msg_token1_name := 'UTIL';
193    --     X_msg_token1_value := <utilization derived from your business rules>
194    --     the value should be converted to a character using to_char function.
195    --
196    --     where TK is the custom application short name
197    --     and   TK_UTILIZATION is the custom message name
198    --     make sure the custom messages are created in custom application.
199    --     Custom messages created in Oracle Projects Application will not
200    --     be supported, You might loose the contents during upgrade.
201    --
203 END business_message;
205 END pa_self_service_msg_pub;