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Line 30: -- 1. Standard 2. Inspect 3. Direct

27: -- This is the global cache table used to store the default routing ID for supplies
28: -- based on the item, org, and vendor. We do not want to include supply lines with a
29: -- routing ID of 3 = Direct. The available routing ID's are as follows:
30: -- 1. Standard 2. Inspect 3. Direct
32: g_item_routing_id_tb routing_id_tb;
33: g_org_routing_id_tb routing_id_tb;
34: g_vendor_routing_id_tb routing_id_tb;

Line 318: -- Standard routing as the default.

317: -- If an exception occurs, just return a value of 1 to indicate
318: -- Standard routing as the default.
319: RETURN 1;
320: END get_default_routing_id;
321: -- {{ }}
322: -- {{******************** End get_default_routing_id ********************}}

Line 568: -- Round the converted quantity to the standard precision

564: -- and decide where to goto next.
565: x_error_code := 'UOM';
567: END IF;
568: -- Round the converted quantity to the standard precision
569: l_atd_wdd_qty := ROUND(l_conversion_rate * l_atd_qty, l_conversion_precision);
570: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
571: print_debug(p_log_prefix || 'ATD qty in WDD UOM: => ' || l_atd_wdd_qty || ' ' ||
572: l_demand_uom_code);

Line 589: -- Round the converted quantity to the standard precision

585: -- and decide where to goto next.
586: x_error_code := 'UOM';
588: END IF;
589: -- Round the converted quantity to the standard precision
590: l_atd_wdd_qty2 := ROUND(l_conversion_rate * l_atd_qty, l_conversion_precision);
591: ELSE
592: -- Secondary WDD UOM code is NULL
593: l_atd_wdd_qty2 := NULL;

Line 855: -- Round the converted quantity to the standard precision

851: -- and decide where to goto next.
852: x_error_code := 'UOM';
854: END IF;
855: -- Round the converted quantity to the standard precision
856: l_atd_rsv_qty := ROUND(l_conversion_rate * l_atd_qty, l_conversion_precision);
857: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
858: print_debug(p_log_prefix || 'ATD qty in RSV UOM: => ' || l_atd_rsv_qty || ' ' ||
859: l_rsv_uom_code);

Line 876: -- Round the converted quantity to the standard precision

872: -- and decide where to goto next.
873: x_error_code := 'UOM';
875: END IF;
876: -- Round the converted quantity to the standard precision
877: l_atd_rsv_qty2 := ROUND(l_conversion_rate * l_atd_qty, l_conversion_precision);
878: ELSE
879: -- Secondary RSV UOM code is NULL
880: l_atd_rsv_qty2 := NULL;

Line 1114: -- Round the converted quantity to the standard precision

1110: -- and decide where to goto next.
1111: x_error_code := 'UOM';
1113: END IF;
1114: -- Round the converted quantity to the standard precision
1115: l_atd_mol_qty2 := ROUND(l_conversion_rate * l_atd_qty, l_conversion_precision);
1116: ELSE
1117: -- Secondary RSV UOM code is NULL
1118: l_atd_mol_qty2 := NULL;

Line 1774: WHERE poh.type_lookup_code IN ('STANDARD','PLANNED','BLANKET','CONTRACT')

1770: MIN(pod.task_id) AS task_id,
1771: NULL AS lpn_id
1772: FROM po_headers_all poh, po_lines_all pol, po_line_locations_all poll,
1773: po_distributions_all pod, po_line_types plt, mtl_units_of_measure muom
1774: WHERE poh.type_lookup_code IN ('STANDARD','PLANNED','BLANKET','CONTRACT')
1775: AND NVL(poh.cancel_flag, 'N') IN ('N', 'I')
1777: AND pol.po_header_id = poh.po_header_id
1778: AND poh.po_header_id = poll.po_header_id

Line 1790: AND poll.shipment_type IN ('STANDARD', 'BLANKET', 'SCHEDULED')

1786: AND poll.unit_meas_lookup_code = muom.unit_of_measure
1787: AND NVL(poll.approved_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
1788: AND NVL(poll.cancel_flag, 'N') = 'N'
1790: AND poll.shipment_type IN ('STANDARD', 'BLANKET', 'SCHEDULED')
1791: AND poll.ship_to_organization_id = l_organization_id
1792: AND poll.quantity > NVL(poll.quantity_received, 0)
1793: AND NVL(poll.receiving_routing_id,
1794: WMS_Xdock_Pegging_Pub.get_default_routing_id(l_organization_id,

Line 2393: -- The standard Inventory precision is to 5 decimal places. Define this in a local constant

2389: l_mol_lpn_id NUMBER;
2391: -- Conversion rate when converting quantity values to different UOMs
2392: l_conversion_rate NUMBER;
2393: -- The standard Inventory precision is to 5 decimal places. Define this in a local constant
2394: -- in case this needs to be changed later on. Variable is used to round off converted values
2395: -- to this precision level.
2396: l_conversion_precision CONSTANT NUMBER := 5;

Line 2687: -- Standard Call to check for call compatibility

2683: l_progress := '10';
2685: l_simulation_mode := p_simulation_mode;
2687: -- Standard Call to check for call compatibility
2688: IF NOT fnd_api.Compatible_API_Call(l_api_version, p_api_version, l_api_name, g_pkg_name) THEN
2689: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
2690: print_debug('FND_API version not compatible!');
2691: END IF;

Line 3850: -- Round the converted quantity to the standard precision

3846: ROLLBACK TO Existing_Reservation_sp;
3847: -- Process the next existing reservation record.
3848: GOTO next_reservation;
3849: END IF;
3850: -- Round the converted quantity to the standard precision
3851: l_wdd_txn_qty := ROUND(l_conversion_rate * l_demand_qty, l_conversion_precision);
3852: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
3853: print_debug('2.4 - WDD qty: =====> ' || l_demand_qty || ' ' || l_demand_uom_code);
3854: print_debug('2.4 - WDD txn qty: => ' || l_wdd_txn_qty || ' ' || l_supply_uom_code);

Line 3873: -- Round the converted quantity to the standard precision

3869: ROLLBACK TO Existing_Reservation_sp;
3870: -- Process the next existing reservation record.
3871: GOTO next_reservation;
3872: END IF;
3873: -- Round the converted quantity to the standard precision
3874: l_rsv_txn_qty := ROUND(l_conversion_rate * l_rsv_qty, l_conversion_precision);
3875: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
3876: print_debug('2.4 - RSV qty: =====> ' || l_rsv_qty || ' ' || l_rsv_uom_code);
3877: print_debug('2.4 - RSV txn qty: => ' || l_rsv_txn_qty || ' ' || l_supply_uom_code);

Line 3939: -- Round the converted quantity to the standard precision

3935: ROLLBACK TO Existing_Reservation_sp;
3936: -- Process the next existing reservation record.
3937: GOTO next_reservation;
3938: END IF;
3939: -- Round the converted quantity to the standard precision
3940: l_atd_prim_qty := ROUND(l_conversion_rate * l_atd_qty, l_conversion_precision);
3941: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
3942: print_debug('2.4 - ATD qty in primary UOM: => ' || l_atd_prim_qty || ' ' ||
3943: l_primary_uom_code);

Line 4363: -- Round the converted quantity to the standard precision

4359: print_debug('2.6 - Error while obtaining Primary UOM conversion rate for WDD');
4360: END IF;
4361: GOTO next_record;
4362: END IF;
4363: -- Round the converted quantity to the standard precision
4364: l_demand_atr_qty := ROUND(l_conversion_rate * l_demand_atr_prim_qty, l_conversion_precision);
4365: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
4366: print_debug('2.6 - Available qty to reserve for demand: ' || l_demand_atr_qty ||
4367: ' ' || l_demand_uom_code);

Line 4957: -- Round the converted quantity to the standard precision

4953: -- table can therefore be a sparsely populated table after running custom logic.
4954: l_shopping_basket_tb.DELETE(i);
4955: GOTO next_custom_supply;
4956: END IF;
4957: -- Round the converted quantity to the standard precision
4958: l_supply_atr_qty := ROUND(l_conversion_rate * l_supply_atr_prim_qty, l_conversion_precision);
4959: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
4960: print_debug('3.6 - Supply line ATR qty: ' || l_supply_atr_qty || ' ' ||
4961: l_supply_uom_code);

Line 5454: -- Round the converted quantity to the standard precision

5450: -- Rollback any db changes that might have occurred (currently none).
5451: ROLLBACK TO Crossdock_Supply_sp;
5452: GOTO next_supply;
5453: END IF;
5454: -- Round the converted quantity to the standard precision
5455: l_supply_atr_qty := ROUND(l_conversion_rate * l_supply_atr_prim_qty, l_conversion_precision);
5457: -- Set the reservable quantity field for the current supply line
5458: -- in the shopping basket table.

Line 5503: -- Round the converted quantity to the standard precision

5499: -- Rollback any db changes that might have occurred (currently none).
5500: ROLLBACK TO Crossdock_Supply_sp;
5501: GOTO next_supply;
5502: END IF;
5503: -- Round the converted quantity to the standard precision
5504: l_wdd_atr_txn_qty := ROUND(l_conversion_rate * l_demand_atr_qty, l_conversion_precision);
5505: l_wdd_txn_qty := ROUND(l_conversion_rate * l_demand_qty, l_conversion_precision);
5506: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
5507: print_debug('4.3 - WDD ATR txn qty: => ' || l_wdd_atr_txn_qty || ' ' || l_supply_uom_code);

Line 5631: -- Round the converted quantity to the standard precision

5627: -- Bug 5608611: Use quantity from demand document where possible
5628: IF (l_atd_qty = l_wdd_atr_txn_qty AND l_demand_uom_code = l_primary_uom_code) THEN
5629: l_atd_prim_qty := l_demand_atr_qty;
5630: ELSE
5631: -- Round the converted quantity to the standard precision
5632: l_atd_prim_qty := ROUND(l_conversion_rate * l_atd_qty, l_conversion_precision);
5633: END IF;
5634: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
5635: print_debug('4.3 - ATD qty in primary UOM: => ' || l_atd_prim_qty || ' ' ||

Line 6298: -- Standard call to commit

6294: IF (l_debug = 1) AND SQL%FOUND THEN
6295: print_debug('5.5 - Cleared the temp table wms_xdock_pegging_gtmp');
6296: END IF;
6298: -- Standard call to commit
6299: IF fnd_api.To_Boolean(p_commit) THEN
6300: COMMIT;
6301: END IF;
6302: l_progress := '620';

Line 6811: -- The standard Inventory precision is to 5 decimal places. Define this in a local constant

6807: l_demand_src_code NUMBER;
6809: -- Conversion rate when converting quantity values to different UOMs
6810: l_conversion_rate NUMBER;
6811: -- The standard Inventory precision is to 5 decimal places. Define this in a local constant
6812: -- in case this needs to be changed later on. Variable is used to round off converted values
6813: -- to this precision level.
6814: l_conversion_precision CONSTANT NUMBER := 5;

Line 7711: -- Round the converted quantity to the standard precision

7707: print_debug('2.1 - Error while obtaining UOM conversion rate for RSV qty');
7708: END IF;
7709: GOTO next_reservation;
7710: END IF;
7711: -- Round the converted quantity to the standard precision
7712: l_wip_xdock_qty := ROUND(l_conversion_rate * l_wip_xdock_prim_qty, l_conversion_precision);
7713: l_rsv_qty := l_rsv_qty - l_wip_xdock_qty;
7714: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
7715: print_debug('2.1 - Adjusted RSV Qty: ======> ' || l_rsv_qty || ' ' ||

Line 7735: -- Round the converted quantity to the standard precision

7731: print_debug('2.1 - Error while obtaining UOM conversion rate for RSV qty2');
7732: END IF;
7733: GOTO next_reservation;
7734: END IF;
7735: -- Round the converted quantity to the standard precision
7736: l_wip_xdock_qty2 := ROUND(l_conversion_rate * l_wip_xdock_prim_qty, l_conversion_precision);
7737: l_rsv_qty2 := l_rsv_qty2 - l_wip_xdock_qty2;
7738: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
7739: print_debug('2.1 - Adjusted RSV Qty2: =====> ' || l_rsv_qty2 || ' ' ||

Line 7981: -- Round the converted quantity to the standard precision

7977: ROLLBACK TO Reserved_WDD_sp;
7978: -- Process the next existing reserved WDD.
7979: GOTO next_reserved_wdd;
7980: END IF;
7981: -- Round the converted quantity to the standard precision
7982: l_wdd_txn_qty := ROUND(l_conversion_rate * l_demand_qty, l_conversion_precision);
7983: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
7984: print_debug('2.4 - WDD qty: =====> ' || l_demand_qty || ' ' || l_demand_uom_code);
7985: print_debug('2.4 - WDD txn qty: => ' || l_wdd_txn_qty || ' ' || l_supply_uom_code);

Line 8004: -- Round the converted quantity to the standard precision

8000: ROLLBACK TO Reserved_WDD_sp;
8001: -- Process the next existing reserved WDD.
8002: GOTO next_reserved_wdd;
8003: END IF;
8004: -- Round the converted quantity to the standard precision
8005: l_rsv_txn_qty := ROUND(l_conversion_rate * l_rsv_qty, l_conversion_precision);
8006: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8007: print_debug('2.4 - RSV qty: =====> ' || l_rsv_qty || ' ' || l_rsv_uom_code);
8008: print_debug('2.4 - RSV txn qty: => ' || l_rsv_txn_qty || ' ' || l_supply_uom_code);

Line 8057: -- Round the converted quantity to the standard precision

8053: ROLLBACK TO Reserved_WDD_sp;
8054: -- Process the next existing reserved WDD.
8055: GOTO next_reserved_wdd;
8056: END IF;
8057: -- Round the converted quantity to the standard precision
8058: l_atd_prim_qty := ROUND(l_conversion_rate * l_atd_qty, l_conversion_precision);
8059: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8060: print_debug('2.4 - ATD qty in primary UOM: => ' || l_atd_prim_qty || ' ' ||
8061: l_primary_uom_code);

Line 8391: -- Round the converted quantity to the standard precision

8387: print_debug('2.5 - Error while obtaining Primary UOM conversion rate for WDD');
8388: END IF;
8389: GOTO end_crossdock;
8390: END IF;
8391: -- Round the converted quantity to the standard precision
8392: l_supply_atr_qty := ROUND(l_conversion_rate * l_supply_atr_prim_qty, l_conversion_precision);
8393: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8394: print_debug('2.5 - Available qty to reserve for supply: ' || l_supply_atr_qty ||
8395: ' ' || l_supply_uom_code);

Line 9028: -- Round the converted quantity to the standard precision

9024: -- table can therefore be a sparsely populated table after running custom logic.
9025: l_shopping_basket_tb.DELETE(i);
9026: GOTO next_custom_demand;
9027: END IF;
9028: -- Round the converted quantity to the standard precision
9029: l_demand_atr_qty := ROUND(l_conversion_rate * l_demand_atr_prim_qty, l_conversion_precision);
9030: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9031: print_debug('3.5 - Demand line ATR qty: ' || l_demand_atr_qty || ' ' ||
9032: l_demand_uom_code);

Line 9349: -- Round the converted quantity to the standard precision

9345: -- Rollback any db changes that might have occurred (currently none).
9346: ROLLBACK TO Crossdock_Demand_sp;
9347: GOTO next_demand;
9348: END IF;
9349: -- Round the converted quantity to the standard precision
9350: l_demand_atr_qty := ROUND(l_conversion_rate * l_demand_atr_prim_qty, l_conversion_precision);
9352: -- Set the reservable quantity field for the current demand line
9353: -- in the shopping basket table.

Line 9395: -- Round the converted quantity to the standard precision

9391: -- Rollback any db changes that might have occurred (currently none).
9392: ROLLBACK TO Crossdock_Demand_sp;
9393: GOTO next_demand;
9394: END IF;
9395: -- Round the converted quantity to the standard precision
9396: l_wdd_atr_txn_qty := ROUND(l_conversion_rate * l_demand_atr_qty, l_conversion_precision);
9397: l_wdd_txn_qty := ROUND(l_conversion_rate * l_demand_qty, l_conversion_precision);
9398: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9399: print_debug('4.3 - WDD/WIP ATR txn qty: => ' || l_wdd_atr_txn_qty || ' ' || l_supply_uom_code);

Line 9452: -- Round the converted quantity to the standard precision

9448: -- Bug 5608611: Use quantity from demand document where possible
9449: IF (l_atd_qty = l_wdd_atr_txn_qty AND l_demand_uom_code = l_primary_uom_code) THEN
9450: l_atd_prim_qty := l_demand_atr_qty;
9451: ELSE
9452: -- Round the converted quantity to the standard precision
9453: l_atd_prim_qty := ROUND(l_conversion_rate * l_atd_qty, l_conversion_precision);
9454: END IF;
9455: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9456: print_debug('4.3 - ATD qty in primary UOM: => ' || l_atd_prim_qty || ' ' ||