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Line 176: from ff_formulas_f a

172: -- formula being validated.
173: --
174: select null into dummy from dual where exists
175: (select null
176: from ff_formulas_f a
177: where a.formula_name = p_item_name
178: and a.formula_type_id = p_formula_type_id
179: and
180: ( startup_mode = 'MASTER'

Line 234: from ff_formulas_f a,

230: -- Check if there any rows in FDIU for this item but take into account
231: -- the business group of the formula
232: select 'X' into dummy from dual where exists
233: (select null
234: from ff_formulas_f a,
235: ff_fdi_usages_f b
236: where a.formula_id = b.formula_id
237: and (b.item_name = p_item_name or
238: b.alternative_item_name = p_item_name)

Line 315: ff_formulas_f a

311: --
312: select 'X' into dummy from dual where exists
313: (select null
314: from ff_fdi_usages_f b,
315: ff_formulas_f a
316: where b.alternative_item_name = p_tl_user_name
317: and a.formula_id = b.formula_id
318: and a.effective_start_date = b.effective_start_date
319: and

Line 394: ff_formulas_f a

390: , b.effective_end_date
391: , a.business_group_id
392: , a.legislation_code
393: from ff_fdi_usages_f b,
394: ff_formulas_f a
395: where b.alternative_item_name = p_tl_user_name
396: and a.formula_id = b.formula_id
397: and a.effective_start_date = b.effective_start_date
398: and a.effective_end_date = b.effective_end_date

Line 435: ff_formulas_f a

431: , b.effective_end_date
432: , a.business_group_id
433: , a.legislation_code
434: from ff_fdi_usages_f b,
435: ff_formulas_f a
436: where b.item_name = p_tl_user_name
437: and a.formula_id = b.formula_id
438: and a.effective_start_date = b.effective_start_date
439: and a.effective_end_date = b.effective_end_date

Line 575: ff_formulas_f a

571: --
572: select 'X' into dummy from dual where exists
573: (select null
574: from ff_fdi_usages_f b,
575: ff_formulas_f a
576: where b.item_name = p_user_name
577: and a.formula_id = b.formula_id
578: and a.effective_start_date = b.effective_start_date
579: and

Line 667: ff_formulas_f a

663: --
664: select 'X' into dummy from dual where exists
665: (select null
666: from ff_fdi_usages_f b,
667: ff_formulas_f a
668: where b.item_name = p_item_name
669: and b.usage <> 'D'
670: and a.formula_id = b.formula_id
671: and a.effective_start_date = b.effective_start_date

Line 1433: from ff_formulas_f ff

1429: rgeflg varchar2(1);
1430: --
1431: cursor csr_formula_clash(p_startup_mode varchar2) is
1432: select 'X'
1433: from ff_formulas_f ff
1434: where upper(ff.formula_name) = upper(p_formula_name)
1435: and ff.formula_type_id = p_formula_type_id
1436: -- bug 9187920 check should not be date effective (name is reserved)
1437: --and p_effective_start_date between ff.effective_start_date

Line 1461: from ff_formulas_f ff

1457: and ff.legislation_code = p_leg_code))));
1458: --
1459: cursor csr_new_end_date(p_startup_mode varchar2) is
1460: select (min(ff.effective_start_date)-1)
1461: from ff_formulas_f ff
1462: where ff.formula_name = p_formula_name
1463: and ff.formula_type_id = p_formula_type_id
1464: and p_effective_end_date between ff.effective_start_date
1465: and ff.effective_end_date

Line 1489: l_name ff_formulas_f.formula_name%type := p_formula_name;

1485: --
1486: l_dummy varchar2(1);
1487: l_effective_end_date date := null;
1488: l_startup_mode varchar2(10);
1489: l_name ff_formulas_f.formula_name%type := p_formula_name;
1490: l_pdummy varchar2(80);
1491: --
1492: begin
1493: --

Line 2207: INDEX(B FF_FORMULAS_F_PK) */ null

2203: (
2204: select /*+ ORDERED
2207: INDEX(B FF_FORMULAS_F_PK) */ null
2208: from ff_database_items c,
2209: ff_fdi_usages_f a,
2210: ff_formulas_f b
2211: where a.formula_id = b.formula_id

Line 2210: ff_formulas_f b

2207: INDEX(B FF_FORMULAS_F_PK) */ null
2208: from ff_database_items c,
2209: ff_fdi_usages_f a,
2210: ff_formulas_f b
2211: where a.formula_id = b.formula_id
2212: and a.item_name = c.user_name
2213: and a.usage = 'D'
2214: and c.user_entity_id = p_user_entity_id

Line 2492: select null from ff_formulas_f a,

2488: -- which use the context
2489: select 'X' into dummy from dual
2490: where exists
2491: (
2492: select null from ff_formulas_f a,
2493: ff_fdi_usages_f b,
2494: ff_contexts c
2495: where a.formula_type_id = p_ftype_id
2496: and a.formula_id = b.formula_id