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Line 199: ,okc_k_headers_all_b b /* Bug 6459571 */

195: -- processed in Fixed Assets. AMT - amortization, AED - evergreen, FSC - Salvage value writedown.
196: CURSOR l_distinctasset_csr(cp_date IN DATE, p_org_id NUMBER) IS
197: SELECT DISTINCT l.asset_number, l.kle_id, b.authoring_org_id
198: FROM OKL_TRX_ASSETS h, OKL_TXL_ASSETS_B l -- SECHAWLA 19-FEB-04 3439647 : Use base tables instead of views
199: ,okc_k_headers_all_b b /* Bug 6459571 */
200: WHERE h.id = l.tas_id
201: AND h.tsu_code in('ENTERED','ERROR') -- SMODUGA 07-FEB-05 3578894 : process trx in entered and error status only
202: AND h.date_trans_occurred <= cp_date
203: -- SECHAWLA 06-MAY-04 3578894 : Removing 'AED' as evergreen transactions are not created