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Line 50: from po_releases por,

46: poh.segment1,
47: por.release_num,
48: pdt.type_name,
49: por.po_release_id--8551445
50: from po_releases por,
51: po_headers poh,
52: po_document_types_vl pdt
53: where por.po_header_id = poh.po_header_id
54: and por.agent_id = x_old_buyer_id

Line 67: x_rel_num po_releases.release_num%TYPE;

63: x_po_rowid ROWID;
64: x_rel_rowid ROWID;
65: x_doc_type po_document_types_all.type_name%TYPE;
66: x_po_num po_headers.segment1%TYPE;
67: x_rel_num po_releases.release_num%TYPE;
68: x_old_buyer_name varchar2(240);
69: x_new_buyer_name varchar2(240);
70: x_org_id number;

Line 374: update po_releases_all

370: /* Bug#3082301 Added the WHO columns to the below update statement so that
371: ** Mass Update Buyer Name Program will update the WHO columns also on all
372: ** Purchasing Documents(Releases) which are effected by the program.
373: */
374: update po_releases_all
375: set agent_id = x_new_buyer_id,
376: last_update_date = sysdate,
377: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
378: last_update_login = fnd_global.login_id

Line 383: UPDATE po_releases_archive_all

379: where rowid = x_rel_rowid;
381: --Bug 8551445, update archive also.
382: BEGIN
383: UPDATE po_releases_archive_all
384: SET agent_id = x_new_buyer_id,
385: last_update_date = sysdate,
386: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
387: last_update_login = fnd_global.login_id