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Line 165: WHERE upper(document_type)='STANDARD'

161: CURSOR all_invoices_csr(p_instruction_id NUMBER)
162: IS
163: SELECT calling_app_doc_unique_ref2
164: FROM IBY_DOCS_PAYABLE_ALL -- added all
165: WHERE upper(document_type)='STANDARD'
166: AND calling_app_id=200
167: AND UPPER(payment_function) IN ('PAYABLES_DISB','EMPLOYEE_EXP')
168: AND document_status = 'PAYMENT_CREATED'
169: AND payment_id in (select payment_id

Line 404: AND UPPER(ibydocpay.document_type)='STANDARD'

400: WHERE ibydocpay.payment_id = p_payment_id
401: AND ibydocpay.calling_app_doc_unique_ref2 = p_invoice_id
402: AND ibydocpay.payment_id=ibypmt.payment_id
403: AND ibydocpay.calling_app_id=200
404: AND UPPER(ibydocpay.document_type)='STANDARD'
405: AND UPPER(ibydocpay.payment_function) IN ('PAYABLES_DISB','EMPLOYEE_EXP');

Line 957: 'US_FV_D','US_FV_O','US_FV_R', 'US_FV_X'. For the Supplier type of Organization (Standard Supplier),

953: AND asst.vendor_id = asup.vendor_id ;
955: /* Validation rule: Bug 5457879: The validation set must look at the type of supplier. If the supplier is
956: a type of Employee then the only type of reason codes that the invoice can have is 'US_FV_B','US_FV_C',
957: 'US_FV_D','US_FV_O','US_FV_R', 'US_FV_X'. For the Supplier type of Organization (Standard Supplier),
958: the reason code can only be 'US_FV_V'.
959: */
961: IF (l_vendor_type_lookup_code = 'EMPLOYEE') THEN

Line 974: x_error_mesg := 'Payments to a Standard Supplier can only have a payment reason code of ''Vendor Payment Sub-Type'' ';

970: log_error_messages(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, l_module_name, l_message);
971: END IF;
972: ELSE -- vendor is of type organization
973: IF (l_payment_reason_code <> 'US_FV_V') THEN
974: x_error_mesg := 'Payments to a Standard Supplier can only have a payment reason code of ''Vendor Payment Sub-Type'' ';
975: p_docErrorRec.transaction_error_id := null;
976: p_docErrorRec.error_code := 'INVALID_PAY_TAX_BENEFIT';
977: p_docErrorRec.error_message := x_error_mesg;
978: x_error_code := g_ERROR;