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2 /* $Header: WSHDDSHS.pls 120.5.12020000.3 2013/04/08 10:49:12 suppal ship $ */
7 TYPE t_InterfaceRecord is RECORD (
8      shipping_quantity oe_order_lines_all.shipping_quantity%TYPE,
9      shipping_quantity_UOM    oe_order_lines_all.shipping_quantity_uom%TYPE,
10      actual_shipment_date     oe_order_lines_all.actual_shipment_date%TYPE,
11      over_ship_reason_code    oe_order_lines_all.over_ship_reason_code%TYPE);
12 TYPE process_order_table is table of t_InterfaceRecord INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
15 --
16 --Procedure:        Ship_Confirm_A_Trip_Stop
17 --Parameters:       p_stop_id,
18 --                  x_return_status
19 --Description:      This procedure will ship confirm the whole trip stop.
20 --                  It submits the inventory interface program -- inv_interface
21 PROCEDURE Ship_Confirm_A_Trip_Stop
22 		(p_stop_id number,
23 		 x_return_status out NOCOPY  varchar2);
25 --
26 --Function:              More_Shipment_Exist
27 --Parameters:            p_delivery_id,
28 --                       p_source_line_id
29 --Description:           This function returns a boolean value to indicate
30 --                       if there is more shipment exist for the source line
31 --                       that is being shipped within the delivery
33 FUNCTION More_Shipment_Exist(p_delivery_id number,p_source_code varchar2, p_source_line_id number) RETURN BOOLEAN;
35 --
36 --Function:              Get_Line_Expected_Qty
37 --Parameters:            p_source_line_id
38 --                       p_batch_id
39 --                       p_fulfill_base
40 --Description:           This function returns expected shipped quantity (or secondary shipped quantity)
41 --                       for a source line besides the shipped quantity(or secondary shipped quantity) in
42 --                       the current stop depending on whether fulfillment base is primary or secondary
44 -- muom
45 FUNCTION Get_Line_Expected_Qty(p_source_line_id number, p_batch_id number, p_fulfill_base varchar2) RETURN NUMBER ;
48 --R12:MOAC made get_new_tolerance internal to this package
51 --
52 --Function:              Part_of_PTO
53 --Parameters:            p_source_line_id
54 --Description:           This function returns a boolean value to
55 --                       indicate if the order line is part of a PTO
57 FUNCTION Part_Of_PTO(p_source_code varchar2,p_source_line_id number) RETURN BOOLEAN;
58 FUNCTION Top_Of_Model(p_source_code varchar2,p_source_line_id number) RETURN NUMBER;
60 /* OE_interface can be called from the ship confirm program or
61    it can be called from a concurrent program by user in the case of
62 	 oe interface failed and it needs to be re-run manually by user */
63 	 --
64 	 --Procedure:             oe_interface
65 	 --                       errbuf
66 	 --                       retcode
67 	 --                       p_stop_id
68 	 --Description:           It loops through all deliveries at the stop and
69 	 --                       call interface_header_to_OM to interface all
70 	 --                       deliveries to Order Management
72 PROCEDURE oe_interface(errbuf OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2, retcode OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2, p_stop_id IN number);
75 -- start bug 1578251: move oe_interface logic to oe_interface_trip_stop and set completion_status
76 --
77 --Procedure:  oe_interface_trip_stop
78 --            p_batch_id
79 --            x_completion_status
80 --            x_num_stop_removed, number of stops removed
81 --             from the batch.
82 --            p_stop_tab the table of stop_ids which were in
83 --            the patch before calling this API
84 --            x_stop_tab  This table will be populated as follow.  If the call
85 --            to Interface_Stop_To_OM returns warning or error, then if there
86 --            some stops that are processed successfully, then these stops will
87 --            be populated in x_stop_tab, if non of the stops are successful
88 --            then x_stop_tab will be populated with p_stop_tab
89 --
90 --
91 --Description:           It loops through all deliveries at the stop and
92 --            call interface_header_to_OM to interface all
93 --            deliveries to Order Management
95 PROCEDURE oe_interface_trip_stop(p_batch_id           IN  number,
96                              p_stop_tab IN wsh_util_core.id_tab_type,
97                              x_stop_tab OUT NOCOPY wsh_util_core.id_tab_type,
98                              x_num_stops_removed OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
99                              x_completion_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
100 -- end bug 1578251: move oe_interface logic to oe_interface_trip_stop and set completion_status
103 -- start bug 1578251: Interface_ALL to batch process the stops
104 --
105 --Procedure:        Interface_ALL
106 --Parameters:       errbuf
107 --                  retcode
108 --                  p_mode ('INV', 'OM DSNO', 'INV OM DSNO', etc.)
109 --                  p_stop_id
110 --                  p_delivery_id (supersedes p_stop_id)
111 --                  p_log_level
112 --Description:      It loops through all stops that need interfacing
113 --                  It calls interfaces selected by p_mode
114 procedure interface_ALL(errbuf        OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
115                         retcode       OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
116                         p_mode        IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'ALL',
117                         p_stop_id     IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
118                         p_delivery_id IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
119                         p_log_level   IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT 0,
120                         p_batch_id IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
121                         p_trip_type IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
122                         p_organization_id IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
123                         p_stops_per_batch IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL);
125 -- end bug 1578251: Interface_ALL to batch process the stops
128 --
129 --Procedure:        Inv_Interface
130 --Parameters:       errbuf
131 --                  retcode
132 --                  p_stop_id
133 --Description:      It is a wrapper for Interface_ALL (bug 1578251)
134 -- This procedure is maintained for backward compatibility
135 procedure inv_interface(errbuf    out NOCOPY  varchar2,
136                         retcode   out NOCOPY  varchar2,
137                         p_stop_id in  number);
140 -- begin bug 1578251: create new procedure Inv_Interface_Trip_stop
141 --
142 --Procedure:        Inv_Interface_Trip_Stop
143 --Parameters:       p_batch_id
144 --                  x_completion_status
145 --Description:      It loops through all deliveries at the stop
146 --                  and handles INV Interface.
147 procedure inv_interface_trip_stop(p_batch_id           IN  NUMBER,
148                                   x_completion_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
149 -- end bug 1578251: create new procedure inv_Interface_Trip_Stop
152 procedure process_inv_online  ( p_batch_id in number ,
153 				p_transaction_header_id  in number  ,
154 			        x_return_status         out NOCOPY  varchar2 ) ;
156 procedure update_interfaced_details ( p_batch_id in number  , x_return_status out NOCOPY  varchar2  ) ;
158 -- Name        	Get_Account
159 -- Purpose     	This function will return default account for interface to
160 -- 					inventory when ship confirm
161 -- Arguments   	p_delivery_detail_id
162 --             	x_return_status  result from execution of this function
163 -- Assumption  	IF account not found, NULL will be returned
164 -- TPA selector   WSH_TPA_SELECTOR_PKG.DeliveryDetailTP
166 FUNCTION Get_Account(
167   p_delivery_detail_id           IN     NUMBER
168 , x_return_status                   OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
174 FUNCTION ALL_INTERFACED ( p_batch_id in number ) RETURN BOOLEAN  ;
175 FUNCTION INV_INTERFACED ( p_batch_id in number ) RETURN BOOLEAN  ;
176 FUNCTION OM_INTERFACED  ( p_batch_id in number ) RETURN BOOLEAN  ;
178 -- bug 1651076
179 ont_source_code  varchar2(40) := NULL;
181 --Added to fix bug 1678453
182 l_currentDate DATE;
185 --HVOP:INV heali
186     --Recode of table for mtl_transactions_interface
187     TYPE  Mtl_txn_if_rec_type IS RECORD(
188          source_code			WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v40,
189          source_header_id               WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
190          source_line_id			WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
191          inventory_item_id              WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
192          subinventory                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v40,
193          trx_quantity           	WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
194          trx_date               	WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_date,
195          organization_id              	WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
196          trx_source_id          	WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
197          trx_source_type_id     	WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
198          trx_action_id          	WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
199          trx_type_id            	WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
200          distribution_account_id        WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
201          trx_reference          	WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v240,
202          trx_header_id          	WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
203          trx_source_line_id             WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
204          trx_source_delivery_id         WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
205          revision              		WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v3,
206          locator_id              	WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
207          picking_line_id              	WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
208          transfer_subinventory          WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v10,
209          transfer_organization          WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
210          ship_to_location_id            WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
211          requisition_line_id            WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
212          requisition_distribution_id    WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
213          trx_uom              		WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v3,
214          trx_interface_id               WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
215          shipment_number                WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v30,
216          expected_arrival_date          WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_date,
217          encumbrance_account            WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
218          encumbrance_amount             WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
219          movement_id              	WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
220          freight_code              	WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v30,
221          waybill_airbill              	WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v30,
222 	 content_lpn_id			WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
223          requested_quantity		WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
224          inv_interfaced_flag		WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v1,
225          ship_method_code		WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v30,
226          cycle_count_quantity		WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
227          src_requested_quantity_uom	WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v3,
228          transaction_temp_id		WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
229 -- HW OPMCONV.Use length of 80 for lot_number
230          lot_number			WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v80,
231          serial_number			WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v30,
232          to_serial_number		WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v30,
233          trip_id			WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
234 -- HW OPMCONV. No need for sublot anymore
235 --       sublot_number			WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v32,
236          ship_tolerance_above		WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
237          ship_tolerance_below		WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
238          src_requested_quantity		WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
239          org_id				WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
240 -- OPM 3064890 added qty2
241          trx_quantity2           	WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
242          error_flag			WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v1,
243 -- HW OPMCONV. New variables
244          GRADE_CODE                     WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
245          SECONDARY_TRX_UOM              WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v3,
246 --Added for Bug 4538005
247           ship_from_location_id		WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
248 	  ship_to_site_use_id		WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num
249 	 );
254      --Roecode of table for mtl_serial_numbers_interface
255      -- Attributes Added For Bug 3628620
256      TYPE  Mtl_ser_txn_if_rec_type IS RECORD(
257          source_code			WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v30,
258          source_line_id			WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
259          fm_serial_number		WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v30,
260          to_serial_number		WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v30,
261          transaction_interface_id	WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
262          attribute_category             WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v30,
263          attribute1                     WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
264          attribute2                     WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
265          attribute3                     WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
266          attribute4                     WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
267          attribute5                     WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
268          attribute6                     WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
269          attribute7                     WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
270          attribute8                     WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
271          attribute9                     WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
272          attribute10                    WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
273          attribute11                    WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
274          attribute12                    WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
275          attribute13                    WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
276          attribute14                    WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
277          attribute15                    WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
278          --Bug 8467875	Start
279          serial_attribute_category 	    WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v30,
280          cycles_since_mark	 	          WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
281          cycles_since_new 		          WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
282          cycles_since_overhaul 		      WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
283          cycles_since_repair 		        WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
284          cycles_since_visit 		        WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
285          c_attribute1			              WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
286          c_attribute10 	                WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
287          c_attribute11 	                WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
288          c_attribute12 	                WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
289          c_attribute13 	                WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
290          c_attribute14 	                WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
291          c_attribute15 	                WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
292          c_attribute16 	                WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
293          c_attribute17 	                WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
294          c_attribute18 	                WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
295          c_attribute19 	                WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
296          c_attribute2 		              WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
297          c_attribute20		              WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
298          c_attribute3 		              WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
299          c_attribute4 		              WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
300          c_attribute5 		              WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
301          c_attribute6 		              WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
302          c_attribute7 		              WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
303          c_attribute8 		              WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
304          c_attribute9 		              WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
305          d_attribute1 		              WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_date,
306          d_attribute10 	                WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_date,
307          d_attribute2 		              WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_date,
308          d_attribute3 		              WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_date,
309          d_attribute4 	                WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_date,
310          d_attribute5 		              WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_date,
311          d_attribute6 		              WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_date,
312          d_attribute7 		              WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_date,
313          d_attribute8 		              WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_date,
314          d_attribute9 		              WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_date,
315          number_of_repairs  	          WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
316          n_attribute1 		              WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
317          n_attribute10 	                WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
318          n_attribute2 		              WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
319          n_attribute3 		              WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
320          n_attribute4 		              WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
321          n_attribute5 		              WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
322          n_attribute6 		              WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
323          n_attribute7 		              WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
324          n_attribute8 		              WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
325          n_attribute9 		              WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
326          territory_code 	              WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v30,
327          time_since_mark                WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
328          time_since_new 	              WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
329          time_since_overhaul	          WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
330          time_since_repair	            WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
331          time_since_visit               WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num
332          --Bug 8467875	End
333          );
335      --Roecode of table for mtl_transaction_lots_interface
336      TYPE  Mtl_lot_txn_if_rec_type IS RECORD(
337          source_code			WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v30,
338          source_line_id			WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
339 -- HW OPMCONV. Make length of lot 80
340          lot_number			WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v80,
341          trx_quantity			WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
342          transaction_interface_id	WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
343          serial_transaction_temp_id     WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
344 -- HW OPMCONV. New variables
345          secondary_trx_quantity         WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
346          grade_code                     WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
347          --Bug 13529169, added attibute columns to populate them in MTL_TRANSACTION_LOTS_INTERFACE tbl
348          attribute_category             WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v30,
349          attribute1                     WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
350          attribute2                     WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
351          attribute3                     WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
352          attribute4                     WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
353          attribute5                     WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
354          attribute6                     WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
355          attribute7                     WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
356          attribute8                     WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
357          attribute9                     WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
358          attribute10                    WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
359          attribute11                    WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
360          attribute12                    WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
361          attribute13                    WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
362          attribute14                    WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
363          attribute15                    WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
364          c_attribute1                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
365          c_attribute10                  WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
366          c_attribute11                  WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
367          c_attribute12                  WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
368          c_attribute13                  WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
369          c_attribute14                  WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
370          c_attribute15                  WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
371          c_attribute16                  WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
372          c_attribute17                  WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
373          c_attribute18                  WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
374          c_attribute19                  WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
375          c_attribute2                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
376          c_attribute20                  WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
377          c_attribute3                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
378          c_attribute4                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
379          c_attribute5                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
380          c_attribute6                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
381          c_attribute7                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
382          c_attribute8                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
383          c_attribute9                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v150,
384          d_attribute1                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_date,
385          d_attribute10                  WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_date,
386          d_attribute2                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_date,
387          d_attribute3                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_date,
388          d_attribute4                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_date,
389          d_attribute5                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_date,
390          d_attribute6                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_date,
391          d_attribute7                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_date,
392          d_attribute8                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_date,
393          d_attribute9                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_date,
394          n_attribute1                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
395          n_attribute10                  WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
396          n_attribute2                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
397          n_attribute3                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
398          n_attribute4                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
399          n_attribute5                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
400          n_attribute6                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
401          n_attribute7                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
402          n_attribute8                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
403          n_attribute9                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_num,
404          lot_attribute_category         WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_v30 );
406  -- HW OPMCONV. Removed parameters x_opm_org_exist
407 -- and x_non_opm_org_exist
408 -- HW BUG#:3999479- Need x_non_opm_org_exist
409      PROCEDURE Interface_Detail_To_Inv(
410         p_batch_id               IN              NUMBER,
411         P_transaction_header_id IN              NUMBER,
412 --      x_opm_org_exist         OUT NOCOPY      BOOLEAN,
413         x_non_opm_org_exist     OUT NOCOPY      BOOLEAN,
414         x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2);
416 --HVOP:INV heali
418 --HVOP:OM heali
419 PROCEDURE Interface_Stop_To_OM(
420   p_batch_id     IN NUMBER,
421   x_return_status out NOCOPY  varchar2);
423 --HVOP:OM heali
426 --
427 --Procedure:        Interface_ALL_wrp
428 --Parameters:       errbuf
429 --                  retcode
430 --                  p_mode ('INV', 'OM DSNO', 'INV OM DSNO', etc.)
431 --                  p_stop_id
432 --                  p_delivery_id (supersedes p_stop_id)
433 --                  p_log_level
434 --                  p_organization_id
435 --                  p_num_requests  number of concurrent requests
436 --Description:      This is a wrapper to the original procedure interface_all
437 --                  and will allow the user to enter the organization_id
438 --                  and the number of the concurrent requests needed.
440 procedure interface_ALL_wrp(errbuf        OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
441                         retcode       OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
442                         p_mode        IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'ALL',
443                         p_stop_id     IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
444                         p_delivery_id IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
445                         p_log_level   IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT 0,
446                         p_batch_id IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
448                         p_trip_type IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
449                         p_organization_id IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
450                         p_num_requests IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
451                         p_stops_per_batch IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL);
454 --Standalone WMS project changes
455 --
456 --Procedure:        Process_Lines_To_OM
457 --Parameters:       line_id_tab             table of line_ids need to be interfaced
458 --                  x_return_status         return status of the API.
459 --
460 --Description:      This API is created to be called only from Standalone code
461 --                  API interfaces the lines passed to OM only if there are no
462 --                  unshipped wdd remaining for the order line.
463 --                  -If complete quantity is shipped then BUlk mode variable are popualted
464 --                  AND/OR
465 --                  -If line is shipped within tolerances then Non BUlk mode variable are
466 --                  popualted
467 --                  Based on Bulk and Non bulk varaiables OM API will be called in Bulk and
468 --	                Non Bulk mode.
470 PROCEDURE Process_lines_To_OM(p_line_id_tab IN wsh_util_core.id_Tab_type,
471                                  x_return_status  OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
474 --Standalone WMS project changes
475 --
476 --Procedure:        Process_Delivery_To_OM
477 --Parameters:       delivery_id             Delivery_id need to be interfaced
478 --                  x_return_status         return status of the API.
479 --
480 --Description:      This API is created to be used only by Standalone code.
481 --                  API will interfaces the delivery passed to OM only if
482 --                  the delivery is completely shipped or shipped within tolerances.
483 --                  For tolerance case remaining delivery details will be cancelled
486 PROCEDURE Process_Delivery_To_OM (p_delivery_id IN  NUMBER,
487                               x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
489 --Standalone WMS project changes ,created new record
490 TYPE oe_interface_rec is RECORD (
491       source_header_id          wsh_delivery_details.source_header_id%TYPE,
492       source_header_number      wsh_delivery_details.source_header_number%TYPE,
493       source_line_set_id        wsh_delivery_details.source_line_set_id%TYPE,
494       source_line_id            wsh_delivery_details.source_line_id%TYPE,
495       order_line_quantity          oe_order_lines_all.ordered_quantity%TYPE,
496       -- muom
497       order_line_quantity2         oe_order_lines_all.ordered_quantity%TYPE,
498       requested_quantity_uom    wsh_delivery_details.requested_quantity_uom%TYPE,
499       requested_quantity_uom2   wsh_delivery_details.requested_quantity_uom2%TYPE,
500       ordered_quantity          oe_order_lines_all.ordered_quantity%TYPE,
501       order_quantity_uom        oe_order_lines_all.order_quantity_uom%TYPE,
502       ordered_quantity2         oe_order_lines_all.ordered_quantity2%TYPE,
503       ordered_quantity_uom2     oe_order_lines_all.ordered_quantity_uom2%TYPE,
504       model_remnant_flag        oe_order_lines_all.model_remnant_flag%TYPE,
505       item_type_code            oe_order_lines_all.item_type_code%TYPE,
506       calculate_price_flag      oe_order_lines_all.calculate_price_flag%TYPE,
507       ship_tolerance_below      wsh_delivery_details.ship_tolerance_below%TYPE,
508       ship_tolerance_above      wsh_delivery_details.ship_tolerance_above%TYPE,
509       org_id                    oe_order_lines_all.org_id%TYPE,
510       organization_id           wsh_delivery_details.organization_id%TYPE,
511       oe_interfaced_flag        wsh_delivery_details.oe_interfaced_flag%TYPE,
512       initial_pickup_date    wsh_new_deliveries.initial_pickup_date%TYPE,
513       top_model_line_id         wsh_delivery_details.top_model_line_id%TYPE                                                                                                            ,
514       ato_line_id               wsh_delivery_details.ato_line_id%TYPE,
515       ship_set_id               wsh_delivery_details.ship_set_id%TYPE,
516       ship_model_complete_flag  wsh_delivery_details.ship_model_complete_flag%TYPE,
517       arrival_set_id            wsh_delivery_details.arrival_set_id%TYPE,
518       inventory_item_id         wsh_delivery_details.inventory_item_id%TYPE,
519       flow_status_code          oe_order_lines_all.flow_status_code%TYPE,
520       total_requested_quantity        wsh_delivery_details.requested_quantity%TYPE,
521       total_requested_quantity2       wsh_delivery_details.requested_quantity2%TYPE,
522       total_shipped_quantity          wsh_delivery_details.shipped_quantity%TYPE,
523       total_shipped_quantity2         wsh_delivery_details.shipped_quantity2%TYPE,
524       -- muom
525       total_om_shipped_quantity       wsh_delivery_details.shipped_quantity%TYPE);