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Line 83: From Ota_category_usages_vl ocu

79: l_err_msg varchar2(2000);
80: l_course_min_st_dt date;
81: Cursor csr_check_dm(p_dm in varchar2) is
82: Select Ocu.Category_usage_id
83: From Ota_category_usages_vl ocu
84: Where ocu.Business_group_id = p_business_group_id
85: and ocu.Category = p_dm
86: and ocu.Type = 'DM' ;
87: l_delivery_mode_id ota_category_usages.category_usage_id%Type;

Line 321: from ota_category_usages_vl

317: return number
318: is
319: cursor c_duplicate_dm(p_cat_name varchar2,p_bg_id number) is
320: select category_usage_id
321: from ota_category_usages_vl
322: where category = p_cat_name
323: and type = 'DM'
324: and business_group_id = p_bg_id;

Line 362: from ota_category_usages_vl ctu

358: ,ctu.category
359: ,ctu.online_flag
360: ,ctu.synchronous_flag
361: ,ctu.business_group_id
362: from ota_category_usages_vl ctu
363: where ctu.type ='DM'
364: and nvl(ctu.online_flag,'N') = 'N'
365: and nvl(ctu.synchronous_flag,'Y')= 'Y'
366: and ctu.category in (select lkp.meaning

Line 462: from ota_category_usages_vl ctu

458: ,ctu.category
459: ,ctu.online_flag
460: ,ctu.synchronous_flag
461: ,ctu.business_group_id
462: from ota_category_usages_vl ctu
463: where ctu.type = 'DM'
464: and nvl(ctu.online_flag,'N') = 'N'
465: and nvl(ctu.synchronous_flag,'Y')= 'Y'
466: and ctu.category not in (select lkp.meaning

Line 577: from ota_category_usages_vl ctu

573: cursor c_online_dms is
574: select ctu.category_usage_id
575: ,ctu.category
576: ,ctu.business_group_id
577: from ota_category_usages_vl ctu
578: where ctu.online_flag = 'Y'
579: and ctu.type = 'DM';
581: cursor c_attach_online_dms(p_dm_id in number)is

Line 1504: Ota_category_usages_vl ocu, hr_lookups lkp

1500: AND off.activity_version_id = p_act_ver_id;
1502: cursor c_def_dm_for_bg(l_bg_id number) is
1503: Select ocu.category_usage_id from
1504: Ota_category_usages_vl ocu, hr_lookups lkp
1505: Where Ocu.Category = Meaning
1506: and lkp.Lookup_type = 'ACTIVITY_CATEGORY'
1507: and lkp.lookup_code = 'INCLASS'
1508: and ocu.type = 'DM'

Line 1520: ota_category_usages_vl ctu

1516: cursor c_get_tav_dms(p_tav_id number) is
1517: select ctu.category_usage_id,
1518: ctu.category
1519: from ota_act_cat_inclusions aci ,
1520: ota_category_usages_vl ctu
1521: where aci.activity_version_id = p_tav_id
1522: and ctu.category_usage_id = aci.category_usage_id
1523: and ctu.type = 'DM';