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Line 37: and fad.entity_name = 'BOM_OPERATION_SEQUENCES');

33: and wo.wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id
34: and exists (select fad.pk1_value
35: from fnd_attached_documents fad
36: where fad.pk1_value = to_char(wo.operation_sequence_id)
37: and fad.entity_name = 'BOM_OPERATION_SEQUENCES');
38: begin
39: x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
40: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
41: l_params(1).paramName := 'p_orgID';

Line 213: from bom_operation_sequences bos

209: bos.attribute13,
210: bos.attribute14,
211: bos.attribute15,
212: nvl(bos.check_skill,2)
213: from bom_operation_sequences bos
214: where bos.routing_sequence_id = l_routingSeqID
215: and nvl(bos.operation_type, 1) = 1
216: and bos.effectivity_date <= p_routingRevDate
217: and nvl(bos.disable_date, p_routingRevDate+1) >= p_routingRevDate

Line 227: from bom_operation_sequences bos2

223: and eng.routing_sequence_id = l_routingSeqID
224: and ((eng.status_type in (4, 7) and l_excludeECO = 1) or
225: (eng.status_type in (1, 4, 7) and l_excludeECO = 2))))
226: and not exists (select 1
227: from bom_operation_sequences bos2
228: where bos2.routing_sequence_id = bos.routing_sequence_id
229: and bos2.effectivity_date <= p_routingRevDate
230: and bos2.operation_seq_num = bos.operation_seq_num
231: and exists

Line 366: from bom_operation_sequences bos,

362: bor.attribute12,
363: bor.attribute13,
364: bor.attribute14,
365: bor.attribute15
366: from bom_operation_sequences bos,
367: bom_operation_resources bor,
368: bom_resources br
369: where bos.routing_sequence_id = l_routingSeqID
370: and bos.effectivity_date <= p_routingRevDate

Line 377: from bom_operation_sequences bos2,

373: and bor.resource_id = br.resource_id
374: and nvl(bor.acd_type, 0) <> 3
375: and bos.effectivity_date =
376: (select max(effectivity_date)
377: from bom_operation_sequences bos2,
378: bom_operation_resources bor2
379: where bos2.routing_sequence_id = l_routingSeqID
380: and bos2.operation_sequence_id = bor2.operation_sequence_id
381: and bos2.operation_seq_num = bos.operation_seq_num

Line 517: x_from_entity_name => 'BOM_OPERATION_SEQUENCES',

515: FOR op_attach IN op_attachments(p_orgID, p_wipEntityID) LOOP
516: fnd_attached_documents2_pkg.copy_attachments(
517: x_from_entity_name => 'BOM_OPERATION_SEQUENCES',
518: x_from_pk1_value => to_char(op_attach.operation_sequence_id),
519: x_to_entity_name => 'WIP_DISCRETE_OPERATIONS',
520: x_to_pk1_value => to_char(p_wipEntityID),
521: x_to_pk2_value => to_char(op_attach.operation_seq_num),