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2 /* $Header: INVLAP6B.pls 120.3 2005/08/25 19:23:59 satkumar ship $ */
4 LABEL_B		CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50) := '<label';
5 LABEL_E		CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50) := '</label>'||fnd_global.local_chr(10);
6 VARIABLE_B	CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50) := '<variable name= "';
7 VARIABLE_E	CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50) := '</variable>'||fnd_global.local_chr(10);
8 TAG_E		CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50)  := '>'||fnd_global.local_chr(10);
9 l_debug number;
11 PROCEDURE trace(p_message IN VARCHAR2) iS
13    	INV_LABEL.trace(p_message, 'LABEL_LOCATION');
14 END trace;
16 PROCEDURE get_variable_data(
17 	x_variable_content 	OUT NOCOPY INV_LABEL.label_tbl_type
18 ,	x_msg_count		OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
19 ,	x_msg_data		OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
20 ,	x_return_status		OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
21 ,	p_label_type_info	IN INV_LABEL.label_type_rec
22 ,	p_transaction_id	IN NUMBER
24 ,   p_transaction_identifier IN NUMBER
25 ) IS
28 	l_subinventory_code VARCHAR2(10);
29 	l_locator_id NUMBER;
30 	l_organization_id NUMBER;
32 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
33 -- Project: 'Custom Labels' (A 11i10+ Project)                                               |
34 -- Author: Dinesh ([email protected])                                                      |
35 -- Change Description:                                                                       |
36 --   Following variables were added (as a part of 11i10+ 'Custom Labels' Project)            |
37 --   to retrieve and hold the SQL Statement and it's result.                                 |
38 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
39    l_sql_stmt  VARCHAR2(4000);
40    l_sql_stmt_result VARCHAR2(4000) := NULL;
41    TYPE sql_stmt IS REF CURSOR;
42    c_sql_stmt sql_stmt;
43    l_custom_sql_ret_status VARCHAR2(1);
44    l_custom_sql_ret_msg VARCHAR2(2000);
46    -- Fix for bug: 4179593 Start
47    l_CustSqlWarnFlagSet BOOLEAN;
48    l_CustSqlErrFlagSet BOOLEAN;
49    l_CustSqlWarnMsg VARCHAR2(2000);
50    l_CustSqlErrMsg VARCHAR2(2000);
51    -- Fix for bug: 4179593 End
53 ------------------------End of this change for Custom Labels project code--------------------
55 	CURSOR	c_all_sub IS
56 		SELECT secondary_inventory_name
57 		FROM mtl_secondary_inventories
58 		WHERE organization_id = l_organization_id;
59 	CURSOR c_all_sub_loc IS
60 		SELECT msi.secondary_inventory_name, milkfv.inventory_location_id
61 		FROM mtl_secondary_inventories msi
62 			,mtl_item_locations milkfv
63 		WHERE msi.organization_id = l_organization_id
64 		AND	  msi.secondary_inventory_name = nvl(l_subinventory_code, msi.secondary_inventory_name)
65 		AND	  milkfv.organization_id(+) = l_organization_id
66 		AND	  milkfv.subinventory_code(+)  = msi.secondary_inventory_name;
68 	CURSOR c_location IS
70 			mp.organization_id    organization_id
71 		,  mp.organization_code    organization
72 		,  msi.secondary_inventory_name     subinventory_code
73 		,  msi.description            subinventory_description
74 		,  msi.status_id           status_id
75 		,  mmsvl1.status_code          subinventory_status
76 		,  msi.pick_uom_code          subinventory_pick_uom
77 		,  msi.attribute_category        subinv_attribute_category
78 		,  msi.attribute1          subinventory_attribute1
79 		,  msi.attribute2          subinventory_attribute2
80 		,  msi.attribute3          subinventory_attribute3
81 		,  msi.attribute4          subinventory_attribute4
82 		,  msi.attribute5          subinventory_attribute5
83 		,  msi.attribute6          subinventory_attribute6
84 		,  msi.attribute7          subinventory_attribute7
85 		,  msi.attribute8          subinventory_attribute8
86 		,  msi.attribute9          subinventory_attribute9
87 		,  msi.attribute10         subinventory_attribute10
88 		,  msi.attribute11         subinventory_attribute11
89 		,  msi.attribute11         subinventory_attribute12
90 		,  msi.attribute13         subinventory_attribute13
91 		,  msi.attribute14         subinventory_attribute14
92 		,  msi.attribute15         subinventory_attribute15
93 		,  msi.picking_order       subinventory_pick_order
94 		,  msi.default_cost_group_id  subinventory_def_cost_group_id
95 		,  ccg.cost_group       subinventory_def_cost_group
96 		,  milkfv.inventory_location_id         locator_id
97 		,  INV_PROJECT.GET_LOCSEGS(milkfv.inventory_location_id,milkfv.organization_id)  locator
98 		,  milkfv.description      locator_description
99 		,  milkfv.status_id      locator_status_id
100 		,  mmsvl2.status_code    locator_status
101 		,  milkfv.pick_uom_code    locator_pick_uom
102 		,  milkfv.attribute_category  locator_attribute_category
103 		,  milkfv.attribute1    locator_attribute1
104 		,  milkfv.attribute2    locator_attribute2
105 		,  milkfv.attribute3    locator_attribute3
106 		,  milkfv.attribute4    locator_attribute4
107 		,  milkfv.attribute5    locator_attribute5
108 		,  milkfv.attribute6    locator_attribute6
109 		,  milkfv.attribute7    locator_attribute7
110 		,  milkfv.attribute8    locator_attribute8
111 		,  milkfv.attribute9    locator_attribute9
112 		,  milkfv.attribute10      locator_attribute10
113 		,  milkfv.attribute11      locator_attribute11
114 		,  milkfv.attribute12      locator_attribute12
115 		,  milkfv.attribute13      locator_attribute13
116 		,  milkfv.attribute14      locator_attribute14
117 		,  milkfv.attribute15      locator_attribute15
118 		,  milkfv.project_id    locator_project_id
119 		,  pap.name       locator_project
120 		,  milkfv.task_id    locator_task_id
121 		,  pat.task_name     locator_task
122 		,  milkfv.picking_order    locator_pick_order
123 		,  milkfv.max_weight    locator_weight_capacity
124 		,  milkfv.location_weight_uom_code  locator_weight_capacity_uom
125 		,  milkfv.max_cubic_area      locator_volume_capacity
126 		,  milkfv.volume_uom_code     locator_volume_capacity_uom
127 		,  milkfv.location_maximum_units    locator_unit_capacity
128 		,  milkfv.alias    locator_alias
129 		FROM    mtl_parameters                       mp
130 			,  mtl_secondary_inventories            msi
131 			,  mtl_material_statuses_vl             mmsvl1
132 			,  mtl_material_statuses_vl             mmsvl2
133 			,  mtl_item_locations               milkfv
134 			,  pa_tasks                             pat
135 			,  pa_projects_all                      pap
136 			,  cst_cost_groups                      ccg
137 		WHERE	mp.organization_id                   = l_organization_id
138 		AND		msi.secondary_inventory_name(+)      = l_subinventory_code
139 		AND		msi.organization_id(+)               = mp.organization_id
140 		AND		mmsvl1.status_id(+)                  = msi.status_id
141 		AND		mmsvl2.status_id(+)                  = milkfv.status_id
142 		AND		milkfv.inventory_location_id(+)      = l_locator_id
143 		AND		milkfv.subinventory_code(+)          = l_subinventory_code
144 		AND		milkfv.organization_id(+)            = mp.organization_id
145 		AND		pap.project_id(+)                    = milkfv.project_id
146 		AND		pat.task_id(+)                       = milkfv.task_id
147 		AND		ccg.COST_GROUP_ID(+)                 = msi.DEFAULT_COST_GROUP_ID;
150 	l_location_data LONG;
152 	l_selected_fields INV_LABEL.label_field_variable_tbl_type;
153 	l_selected_fields_count	NUMBER;
155 	l_content_rec_index NUMBER := 0;
157 	l_label_format_id       NUMBER := 0 ;
158 	l_label_format     VARCHAR2(100);
159 	l_printer        	VARCHAR2(30);
161 	l_api_name VARCHAR2(20) := 'get_variable_data';
163 	l_return_status VARCHAR2(240);
165 	l_error_message  VARCHAR2(240);
166 	l_msg_count      NUMBER;
167 	l_api_status     VARCHAR2(240);
168 	l_msg_data		 VARCHAR2(240);
170 	l_print_all_mode NUMBER := 0;
172 	i NUMBER;
174 	l_label_index NUMBER;
175 	l_label_request_id NUMBER;
177 	--I cleanup, use l_prev_format_id to record the previous label format
178 	l_prev_format_id      NUMBER;
180 	-- I cleanup, user l_prev_sub to record the previous subinventory
181 	--so that get_printer is not called if the subinventory is the same
182 	l_prev_sub VARCHAR2(30);
184 	-- a list of columns that are selected for format
185 	l_column_name_list LONG;
187     l_debug := INV_LABEL.l_debug;
188 	IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
189    	trace('**In PVT6: Location label**');
190    	trace('  Business_flow: '||p_label_type_info.business_flow_code);
191    	trace('  Transaction ID:'||p_transaction_id);
192 	END IF;
194 	-- Get Org, Sub, Loc
195 	IF p_transaction_id IS NOT NULL THEN
196 		l_organization_id := null;
197 		l_subinventory_code := null;
198 		l_locator_id	:=null;
199 	ELSE
200 		-- On demand, get information from input_param
201         l_organization_id := p_input_param.organization_id;
202         l_subinventory_code := p_input_param.subinventory_code;
203         l_locator_id := p_input_param.locator_id;
204 	END IF;
206 	IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
207    	trace(' Input Organization Id = '|| l_organization_id||
208    	      ',subinventory_code='|| l_subinventory_code||
209    	      ',Locator Id = '|| l_locator_id);
210 	END IF;
211 	IF (l_organization_id IS NULL) THEN
212 		IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
213    		trace(' Oranization IS NULL, cannot process ');
214 		END IF;
215 		RETURN;
216 	END IF;
218 	IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
219    	trace('Getting the print all mode');
220 	END IF;
221 	--  If Sub or Loc is passed as NULL, it will print
222 	--		all the sub or locator
223 	--	If Sub or Loc is passed as -1, it will not print
224 	--		all the sub or locator, it will just print
225 	--		 the org or sub.
226 	-- l_print_all_mode =
227 	--		0: nothing to print
228 	--		1: print just the org
229 	--		2: print org and all the sub
230 	--		3: print just the org and sub
231 	--		4: print org, sub and all the locators
232 	--		5: print the given org, sub and locator
233 	IF l_subinventory_code IS NULL THEN
234 		-- Print just the Org
235 		l_print_all_mode := 1;
236 	ELSIF l_subinventory_code = '-1' THEN
237 		-- Print all the sub
238 		IF l_locator_id IS NULL THEN
239 			-- just org and sub
240 			l_print_all_mode := 2;
241 		ELSE
242 			l_print_all_mode := 4;
243 		END IF;
244 	ELSE
245 		-- Giving a subinventory
246 		IF l_locator_id IS NULL THEN
247 			-- Print just org and sub
248 			l_print_all_mode := 3;
249 		ELSIF l_locator_id = -1 THEN
250 			-- Finding all the locators for this sub
251 			l_print_all_mode := 4;
252 		ELSE
253 			-- print given org, sub and loc
254 			l_print_all_mode := 5;
255 		END IF;
256 	END IF;
257 	IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
258    	trace(' Got the l_print_all_mode = '|| l_print_all_mode);
259    	--trace(' Getting selected fields ');
260 	END IF;
263 	IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
264    	trace(' Getting org, sub, locator based on l_print_all_mode');
265 	END IF;
266 	IF l_print_all_mode = 0 THEN
267 		-- Nothing to print
268 		RETURN;
269 	ELSIF l_print_all_mode = 1 THEN
270 		-- set sub and loc as null
271 		l_subinventory_code := null;
272 		l_locator_id := null;
273 	ELSIF l_print_all_mode = 2 THEN
274 		-- print org and all the sub
275 		l_subinventory_code := null;
276 		OPEN c_all_sub;
277 		FETCH c_all_sub INTO l_subinventory_code;
278 		IF c_all_sub%NOTFOUND THEN
279 			IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
280    			trace(' No subinventory found for this org: '|| l_organization_id);
281 			END IF;
282 			l_subinventory_code := null;
283 			l_locator_id := null;
284 			CLOSE c_all_sub;
285 		END IF;
286 	ELSIF l_print_all_mode = 3 THEN
287 		-- print org and just given sub
288 		l_locator_id := null;
289 	ELSIF l_print_all_mode = 4 THEN
290 		-- Print org, all the locators for the given sub or all sub
291 		IF l_subinventory_code = '-1' THEN
292 			l_subinventory_code := null;
293 		END IF;
294 		l_locator_id := null;
295 		OPEN c_all_sub_loc;
296 		FETCH c_all_sub_loc INTO l_subinventory_code, l_locator_id;
297 		IF c_all_sub_loc%NOTFOUND THEN
298 			IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
299    			trace(' No subinventory and locator found for this org: '|| l_organization_id || l_subinventory_code);
300 			END IF;
301 			--l_subinventory_code := null;
302 			l_locator_id := null;
303 			CLOSE c_all_sub_loc;
304 		END IF;
305 	ELSIF l_print_all_mode = 5 THEN
306 		null;
307 	END IF;
309 	l_content_rec_index := 0;
310 	l_location_data := '';
311 	IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
312    	trace('** in PVT6.get_variable_dataa ** , start ');
313 	END IF;
314 	l_printer := p_label_type_info.default_printer;
316 	l_label_index := 1;
317 	l_prev_format_id := -999; --p_label_type_info.default_format_id;--in R12
318  	l_prev_sub := '####';
320 	WHILE l_organization_id IS NOT NULL LOOP
321 		l_content_rec_index := l_content_rec_index + 1;
322 		IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
323    		trace(' before FOR c_location org, sub, loc = '|| l_organization_id ||', '||l_subinventory_code || ', ' || l_locator_id);
324 		END IF;
325 		l_location_data := '';
326 		FOR v_location IN c_location LOOP
327 			IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
328    			trace(' In Loop ' || l_content_rec_index ||' ^^^^^^^^New Label ^^^^^^^^^^^');
329    			trace(' org, sub, loc = '|| l_organization_id ||', '||l_subinventory_code || ', ' || l_locator_id);
330 			END IF;
333 			--R12 : RFID compliance project
334 			--Calling rules engine before calling to get printer
336 			IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
337     			trace('Apply Rules engine to get format '
338  				||',manual_format_id='||p_label_type_info.manual_format_id
339  				||',manual_format_name='||p_label_type_info.manual_format_name);
340  			END IF;
342 			/* insert a record into wms_label_requests entity to
343 			call the label rules engine to get appropriate label */
345 			( 	p_document_id        =>p_label_type_info.label_type_id,
346 				P_LABEL_FORMAT_ID    => p_label_type_info.manual_format_id,
347 			 	p_organization_id    =>v_location.organization_id,
348 				p_subinventory_code  =>v_location.subinventory_code,
349 				p_locator_id         =>v_location.locator_id,
350         			P_BUSINESS_FLOW_CODE =>   p_label_type_info.business_flow_code,
351 				P_LAST_UPDATE_DATE   =>sysdate,
352 				P_LAST_UPDATED_BY    =>FND_GLOBAL.user_id,
353 				P_CREATION_DATE      =>sysdate,
354 				P_CREATED_BY         =>FND_GLOBAL.user_id,
355 				--P_PRINTER_NAME   =>	l_printer,-- Removed in R12: 4396558
356 				x_return_status      =>l_return_status,
357 				x_label_format_id    =>l_label_format_id,
358 				x_label_format	     =>l_label_format,
359 				x_label_request_id   =>l_label_request_id);
361 			IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
362 			   trace('did apply label ' || l_label_format || ',' || l_label_format_id);
363 			END IF;
364 			IF l_return_status <> 'S' THEN
366 			   FND_MSG_PUB.ADD;
367 			   l_label_format:= p_label_type_info.default_format_id;
368 			   l_label_format_id:= p_label_type_info.default_format_name;
369 			END IF;
370 			IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
371 			   trace('did apply label ' || l_label_format || ',' || l_label_format_id||',req_id '||l_label_request_id);
373 			   trace(' Getting printer, manual_printer='||p_label_type_info.manual_printer
374  					||',sub='||v_location.subinventory_code
375  					||',default printer='||p_label_type_info.default_printer);
376  			END IF;
378 			-- IF clause Added for Add format/printer for manual request
379  			IF p_label_type_info.manual_printer IS NULL THEN
380  			-- The p_label_type_info.manual_printer is the one  passed from the manual page.
381  			-- As per the design, if a printer is passed from the manual page, then we use that printer irrespective.
383 				IF (v_location.subinventory_code IS NOT NULL) AND
384 				   (v_location.subinventory_code <> l_prev_sub) THEN
385 				    IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
386    				    trace('getting printer with sub '||v_location.subinventory_code);
387 				    END IF;
388 				    BEGIN
390 				    		p_concurrent_program_id=>p_label_type_info.label_type_id,
391 				    		p_user_id              =>fnd_global.user_id,
392 				    		p_responsibility_id    =>fnd_global.resp_id,
393 				    		p_application_id       =>fnd_global.resp_appl_id,
394 				    		p_organization_id      =>v_location.organization_id,
395 				    		p_zone                 =>v_location.subinventory_code,
396 						p_format_id            =>l_label_format_id, --added in r12 RFID
397 						x_printer              =>l_printer,
398 				    		x_api_status           =>l_api_status,
399 				    		x_error_message        =>l_error_message);
400 				    	IF l_api_status <> 'S' THEN
401 				    		IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
402    				    		trace('Error in calling get_printer, set printer as default printer, err_msg:'||l_error_message);
403 				    		END IF;
404 				    		l_printer := p_label_type_info.default_printer;
405 				    	END IF;
407 				    EXCEPTION
408 				    	WHEN others THEN
409 				    	l_printer := p_label_type_info.default_printer;
410 				    END;
411 				    l_prev_sub := v_location.subinventory_code;
412 				END IF;
413 			ELSE
414 				IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
415    				trace('Set printer as Manual Printer passed in:' || p_label_type_info.manual_printer );
416 				END IF;
417 				l_printer := p_label_type_info.manual_printer;
418 			END IF;
421 			IF p_label_type_info.manual_format_id IS NOT NULL THEN
422 				l_label_format_id := p_label_type_info.manual_format_id;
423 				l_label_format := p_label_type_info.manual_format_name;
424 				IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
425    				trace('Manual format passed in:'||l_label_format_id||','||l_label_format);
426 				END IF;
427 			END IF;
428 			IF (l_label_format_id IS NOT NULL) THEN
429 				-- Derive the fields for the format either passed in or derived via the rules engine.
430 				IF l_label_format_id <> l_prev_format_id
431 				  THEN --l_prev_format_id initial value is -999
432 					IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
433    					trace(' Getting variables for new format ' || l_label_format);
434 					END IF;
436 						x_variables 		=> l_selected_fields
437 					,	x_variables_count	=> l_selected_fields_count
438 					,	p_format_id		=> l_label_format_id);
440 					l_prev_format_id := l_label_format_id;
442 					IF (l_selected_fields_count=0) OR (l_selected_fields.count =0 ) THEN
443 						IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
444    						trace('no fields defined for this format: ' || l_label_format|| ',' ||l_label_format_id);
445 						END IF;
446 						GOTO NextLabel;
447 					END IF;
448 					IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
449    					trace('   Found selected_fields for format ' || l_label_format ||', num='|| l_selected_fields_count);
450 					END IF;
451 				END IF;
452 			ELSE
453 				IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
454    				trace('No format exists for this label, goto nextlabel');
455 				END IF;
456 				GOTO NextLabel;
457 			END IF;
459  			/* variable header */
460 			l_location_data := l_location_data || LABEL_B;
461 			IF l_label_format <> nvl(p_label_type_info.default_format_name, '@@@') THEN
462 				l_location_data := l_location_data || ' _FORMAT="' || nvl(p_label_type_info.manual_format_name, l_label_format) || '"';
463 			END IF;
464 			IF (l_printer IS NOT NULL) AND (l_printer <> nvl(p_label_type_info.default_printer,'###')) THEN
465 				l_location_data := l_location_data || ' _PRINTERNAME="'||l_printer||'"';
466 			END IF;
468 			l_location_data := l_location_data || TAG_E;
470 			IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
471    			trace('Starting assign variables, ');
472 			END IF;
474 			l_column_name_list := 'Set variables for ';
476          /* Modified for Bug 4072474 -start*/
477          l_custom_sql_ret_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
478          /* Modified for Bug 4072474 -End*/
480          -- Fix for bug: 4179593 Start
481          l_CustSqlWarnFlagSet := FALSE;
482          l_CustSqlErrFlagSet := FALSE;
483          l_CustSqlWarnMsg := NULL;
484          l_CustSqlErrMsg := NULL;
485          -- Fix for bug: 4179593 End
487 			/* Loop for each selected fields, find the columns and write into the XML_content*/
488 			FOR i IN 1..l_selected_fields.count LOOP
489 				IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
490    					l_column_name_list := l_column_name_list || ',' ||l_selected_fields(i).column_name;
491 				END IF;
493 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
494 -- Project: 'Custom Labels' (A 11i10+ Project)                                               |
495 -- Author: Dinesh ([email protected])                                                      |
496 -- Change Description:                                                                       |
497 --  The check (SQL_STMT <> NULL and COLUMN_NAME = NULL) implies that the field is a          |
498 --  Custom SQL based field. Handle it appropriately.                                         |
499 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
500    		  IF (l_selected_fields(i).SQL_STMT IS NOT NULL AND l_selected_fields(i).column_name = 'sql_stmt') THEN
501    			 IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
502    			  trace('Custom Labels Trace [INVLAP6B.pls]: ------------------------- REPORT BEGIN-------------------------------------');
503    			  trace('Custom Labels Trace [INVLAP6B.pls]: LABEL_FIELD_ID       : ' || l_selected_fields(i).label_field_id);
504    			  trace('Custom Labels Trace [INVLAP6B.pls]: FIELD_VARIABLE_NAME  : ' || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name);
505    			  trace('Custom Labels Trace [INVLAP6B.pls]: COLUMN_NAME          : ' || l_selected_fields(i).column_name);
506    			  trace('Custom Labels Trace [INVLAP6B.pls]: SQL_STMT             : ' || l_selected_fields(i).sql_stmt);
507    			 END IF;
508    			 l_sql_stmt := l_selected_fields(i).sql_stmt;
509    			 IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
510    			  trace('Custom Labels Trace [INVLAP6B.pls]: l_sql_stmt BEFORE REQUEST_ID Filter Concatenation: ' || l_sql_stmt);
511    			 END IF;
512    			 l_sql_stmt := l_sql_stmt || ' AND WLR.LABEL_REQUEST_ID = :REQUEST_ID';
513    			 IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
514    			  trace('Custom Labels Trace [INVLAP6B.pls]: l_sql_stmt AFTER REQUEST_ID Filter Concatenation: ' || l_sql_stmt);
516    			 END IF;
517    			 BEGIN
518    			 IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
519    			  trace('Custom Labels Trace [INVLAP6B.pls]: At Breadcrumb 1');
520    			  trace('Custom Labels Trace [INVLAP6B.pls]: LABEL_REQUEST_ID     : ' || l_label_request_id);
521    			 END IF;
522    			 OPEN c_sql_stmt FOR l_sql_stmt using l_label_request_id;
523    			 LOOP
524    				 FETCH c_sql_stmt INTO l_sql_stmt_result;
525    				 EXIT WHEN c_sql_stmt%notfound OR c_sql_stmt%rowcount >=2;
526    			 END LOOP;
528              IF (c_sql_stmt%rowcount=1 AND l_sql_stmt_result IS NULL) THEN
529                 x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
530                 l_custom_sql_ret_status  := INV_LABEL.G_WARNING;
531                 fnd_message.set_name('WMS','WMS_CS_NULL_VALUE_RETURNED');
532                 fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
533                 -- Fix for bug: 4179593 Start
534                 --fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_encoded => fnd_api.g_false, p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => l_custom_sql_ret_msg);
535                 l_custom_sql_ret_msg := fnd_msg_pub.get(p_msg_index => fnd_msg_pub.g_last, p_encoded => fnd_api.g_false);
536                 l_CustSqlWarnMsg := l_custom_sql_ret_msg;
537                 l_CustSqlWarnFlagSet := TRUE;
538                 -- Fix for bug: 4179593 End
539                IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
540                 trace('Custom Labels Trace [INVLAP6B.pls]: At Breadcrumb 2');
541                 trace('Custom Labels Trace [INVLAP6B.pls]: l_sql_stmt_result is: ' || l_sql_stmt_result);
542                 trace('Custom Labels Trace [INVLAP6B.pls]: WARNING: NULL value returned by the custom SQL Query.');
543                 trace('Custom Labels Trace [INVLAP6B.pls]: l_custom_sql_ret_status  is set to : ' || l_custom_sql_ret_status );
544                END IF;
545              ELSIF c_sql_stmt%rowcount=0 THEN
546    				IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
547    				 trace('Custom Labels Trace [INVLAP6B.pls]: At Breadcrumb 3');
548    				 trace('Custom Labels Trace [INVLAP6B.pls]: WARNING: No row returned by the Custom SQL query');
549    				END IF;
550    				x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
551                l_custom_sql_ret_status  := INV_LABEL.G_WARNING;
552    				fnd_message.set_name('WMS','WMS_CS_NO_DATA_FOUND');
553    				fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
554                /* Replaced following statement for Bug 4207625: Anupam Jain*/
555          		/*fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_encoded => fnd_api.g_false, p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => l_custom_sql_ret_status);*/
556                -- Fix for bug: 4179593 Start
557                --fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_encoded => fnd_api.g_false, p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => l_custom_sql_ret_msg);
558                l_custom_sql_ret_msg := fnd_msg_pub.get(p_msg_index => fnd_msg_pub.g_last, p_encoded => fnd_api.g_false);
559                l_CustSqlWarnMsg := l_custom_sql_ret_msg;
560                l_CustSqlWarnFlagSet := TRUE;
561                -- Fix for bug: 4179593 End
562    			 ELSIF c_sql_stmt%rowcount>=2 THEN
563    				IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
564    				 trace('Custom Labels Trace [INVLAP6B.pls]: At Breadcrumb 4');
565    				 trace('Custom Labels Trace [INVLAP6B.pls]: ERROR: Multiple values returned by the Custom SQL query');
566    				END IF;
567                l_sql_stmt_result := NULL;
568    				x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
569                l_custom_sql_ret_status  := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
570    				fnd_message.set_name('WMS','WMS_CS_MULTIPLE_VALUES_RETURN');
571    				fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
572                /* Replaced following statement for Bug 4207625: Anupam Jain*/
573          		/*fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_encoded => fnd_api.g_false, p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => l_custom_sql_ret_status);*/
574                -- Fix for bug: 4179593 Start
575                --fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_encoded => fnd_api.g_false, p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => l_custom_sql_ret_msg);
576                l_custom_sql_ret_msg := fnd_msg_pub.get(p_msg_index => fnd_msg_pub.g_last, p_encoded => fnd_api.g_false);
577                l_CustSqlErrMsg := l_custom_sql_ret_msg;
578                l_CustSqlErrFlagSet := TRUE;
579                -- Fix for bug: 4179593 End
580    			 END IF;
581              IF (c_sql_stmt%ISOPEN) THEN
582 	            CLOSE c_sql_stmt;
583              END IF;
584    			EXCEPTION
586             IF (c_sql_stmt%ISOPEN) THEN
587 	            CLOSE c_sql_stmt;
588             END IF;
589    			  IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
590    				trace('Custom Labels Trace [INVLAP6B.pls]: At Breadcrumb 5');
591    				trace('Custom Labels Trace [INVLAP6B.pls]: Unexpected Error has occured in GET_VARIABLES_DATA');
592    			  END IF;
593               x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
594    			  fnd_message.set_name('WMS','WMS_CS_WRONG_SQL_CONSTRUCT');
595    			  fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
596    			  fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_encoded => fnd_api.g_false, p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
598    		   END;
599    		   IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
600    			  trace('Custom Labels Trace [INVLAP6B.pls]: At Breadcrumb 6');
601    			  trace('Custom Labels Trace [INVLAP6B.pls]: Before assigning it to l_location_data');
602    		   END IF;
603    			l_location_data  :=   l_location_data
604    							   || variable_b
605    							   || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
606    							   || '">'
607    							   || l_sql_stmt_result
608    							   || variable_e;
609    			l_sql_stmt_result := NULL;
610    			l_sql_stmt        := NULL;
611    			IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
612    			  trace('Custom Labels Trace [INVLAP6B.pls]: At Breadcrumb 7');
613    			  trace('Custom Labels Trace [INVLAP6B.pls]: After assigning it to l_location_data');
614               trace('Custom Labels Trace [INVLAP6B.pls]: --------------------------REPORT END-------------------------------------');
615    			END IF;
616 ------------------------End of this change for Custom Labels project code--------------------
617 	         ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'current_date' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || INV_LABEL.G_DATE || VARIABLE_E;
618 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'current_time' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || INV_LABEL.G_TIME || VARIABLE_E;
619 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'request_user' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || INV_LABEL.G_USER || VARIABLE_E;
620 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'organization' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.organization || VARIABLE_E;
621 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'subinventory_code' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.subinventory_code || VARIABLE_E;
622 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'subinventory_description' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.subinventory_description || VARIABLE_E;
623 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'subinventory_status' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.subinventory_status || VARIABLE_E;
624 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'subinventory_pick_uom' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.subinventory_pick_uom || VARIABLE_E;
625 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'subinv_attribute_category' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.subinv_attribute_category || VARIABLE_E;
626 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'subinventory_attribute1' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.subinventory_attribute1 || VARIABLE_E;
627 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'subinventory_attribute2' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.subinventory_attribute2 || VARIABLE_E;
628 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'subinventory_attribute3' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.subinventory_attribute3 || VARIABLE_E;
629 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'subinventory_attribute4' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.subinventory_attribute4 || VARIABLE_E;
630 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'subinventory_attribute5' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.subinventory_attribute5 || VARIABLE_E;
631 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'subinventory_attribute6' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.subinventory_attribute6 || VARIABLE_E;
632 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'subinventory_attribute7' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.subinventory_attribute7 || VARIABLE_E;
633 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'subinventory_attribute8' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.subinventory_attribute8 || VARIABLE_E;
634 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'subinventory_attribute9' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.subinventory_attribute9 || VARIABLE_E;
635 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'subinventory_attribute10' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.subinventory_attribute10 || VARIABLE_E;
636 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'subinventory_attribute11' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.subinventory_attribute11 || VARIABLE_E;
637 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'subinventory_attribute12' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.subinventory_attribute12 || VARIABLE_E;
638 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'subinventory_attribute13' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.subinventory_attribute13 || VARIABLE_E;
639 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'subinventory_attribute14' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.subinventory_attribute14 || VARIABLE_E;
640 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'subinventory_attribute15' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.subinventory_attribute15 || VARIABLE_E;
641 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'subinventory_pick_order' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.subinventory_pick_order || VARIABLE_E;
642 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'subinventory_def_cost_group' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.subinventory_def_cost_group || VARIABLE_E;
643 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'locator' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.locator || VARIABLE_E;
644 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'locator_description' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.locator_description || VARIABLE_E;
645 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'locator_status' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.locator_status || VARIABLE_E;
646 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'locator_pick_uom' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.locator_pick_uom || VARIABLE_E;
647 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'locator_attribute_category' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.locator_attribute_category || VARIABLE_E;
648 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'locator_attribute1' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.locator_attribute1 || VARIABLE_E;
649 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'locator_attribute2' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.locator_attribute2 || VARIABLE_E;
650 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'locator_attribute3' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.locator_attribute3 || VARIABLE_E;
651 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'locator_attribute4' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.locator_attribute4 || VARIABLE_E;
652 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'locator_attribute5' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.locator_attribute5 || VARIABLE_E;
653 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'locator_attribute6' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.locator_attribute6 || VARIABLE_E;
654 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'locator_attribute7' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.locator_attribute7 || VARIABLE_E;
655 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'locator_attribute8' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.locator_attribute8 || VARIABLE_E;
656 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'locator_attribute9' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.locator_attribute9 || VARIABLE_E;
657 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'locator_attribute10' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.locator_attribute10 || VARIABLE_E;
658 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'locator_attribute11' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.locator_attribute11 || VARIABLE_E;
659 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'locator_attribute12' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.locator_attribute12 || VARIABLE_E;
660 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'locator_attribute13' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.locator_attribute13 || VARIABLE_E;
661 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'locator_attribute14' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.locator_attribute14 || VARIABLE_E;
662 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'locator_attribute15' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.locator_attribute15 || VARIABLE_E;
663 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'locator_project' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.locator_project || VARIABLE_E;
664 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'locator_task' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.locator_task || VARIABLE_E;
665 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'locator_pick_order' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.locator_pick_order || VARIABLE_E;
666 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'locator_weight_capacity' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.locator_weight_capacity || VARIABLE_E;
667 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'locator_weight_capacity_uom' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.locator_weight_capacity_uom || VARIABLE_E;
668 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'locator_volume_capacity' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.locator_volume_capacity || VARIABLE_E;
669 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'locator_volume_capacity_uom' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.locator_volume_capacity_uom || VARIABLE_E;
670 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'locator_unit_capacity' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.locator_unit_capacity || VARIABLE_E;
671 				ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'locator_alias' THEN l_location_data := l_location_data || VARIABLE_B || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name || '">' || v_location.locator_alias || VARIABLE_E;
672 				END IF;
674 			END LOOP;
675 			l_location_data := l_location_data || LABEL_E;
676 			x_variable_content(l_label_index).label_content := l_location_data;
677 			x_variable_content(l_label_index).label_request_id := l_label_request_id;
679 ------------------------Start of changes for Custom Labels project code------------------
680         -- Fix for bug: 4179593 Start
681         IF (l_CustSqlWarnFlagSet) THEN
682          l_custom_sql_ret_status := INV_LABEL.G_WARNING;
683          l_custom_sql_ret_msg := l_CustSqlWarnMsg;
684         END IF;
686         IF (l_CustSqlErrFlagSet) THEN
687          l_custom_sql_ret_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
688          l_custom_sql_ret_msg := l_CustSqlErrMsg;
689         END IF;
690         -- Fix for bug: 4179593 End
692         x_variable_content(l_label_index).label_status      := l_custom_sql_ret_status ;
693         x_variable_content(l_label_index).error_message     := l_custom_sql_ret_msg;
694 ------------------------End of this changes for Custom Labels project code---------------
696 			l_label_index := l_label_index + 1;
697 			<<NextLabel>>
698 			l_location_data := '';
699 			l_label_request_id := null;
701 ------------------------Start of changes for Custom Labels project code------------------
702         l_custom_sql_ret_status  := NULL;
703         l_custom_sql_ret_msg    := NULL;
704 ------------------------End of this changes for Custom Labels project code---------------
706 			IF(l_debug=1) THEN
707 				trace(l_column_name_list);
708 				trace('Finished writing one label');
709 			END IF;
710 		END LOOP;
712 		--x_variable_content := x_variable_content || l_location_data;
713 		IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
714    		trace(' Getting the next sub/locator ');
715 		END IF;
716 		IF l_print_all_mode = 2 THEN
717 		-- print org and all the sub
718 			FETCH c_all_sub INTO l_subinventory_code;
719 			IF c_all_sub%NOTFOUND THEN
720 				l_organization_id := null;
721 				l_subinventory_code := null;
722 				l_locator_id := null;
723 				CLOSE c_all_sub;
724 			ELSE
725 				IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
726    				trace(' Found next sub'|| l_subinventory_code );
727 				END IF;
728 			END IF;
729 		ELSIF l_print_all_mode = 4 THEN
730 			-- Print org, all the locators for the given sub or all sub
731 			FETCH c_all_sub_loc INTO l_subinventory_code, l_locator_id;
732 			IF c_all_sub_loc%NOTFOUND THEN
733 				IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
734    				trace(' Done with org '	|| l_organization_id);
735 				END IF;
736 				l_organization_id := null;
737 				l_subinventory_code := null;
738 				l_locator_id := null;
739 				CLOSE c_all_sub_loc;
740 			ELSE
741 				IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
742    				trace(' Found next sub, loc : '|| l_subinventory_code ||','|| l_locator_id);
743 				END IF;
744 			END IF;
745 		ELSE
746 			l_organization_id := null;
747 		END IF;
749 	END LOOP;
750 END get_variable_data;
752 PROCEDURE get_variable_data(
753    x_variable_content   OUT NOCOPY LONG
754 ,  x_msg_count    OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
755 ,  x_msg_data           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
756 ,  x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
757 ,  p_label_type_info IN INV_LABEL.label_type_rec
758 ,  p_transaction_id  IN NUMBER
760 ,  p_transaction_identifier IN NUMBER
761 ) IS
762    l_variable_data_tbl INV_LABEL.label_tbl_type;
764    get_variable_data(
765       x_variable_content   => l_variable_data_tbl
766    ,  x_msg_count    => x_msg_count
767    ,  x_msg_data           => x_msg_data
768    ,  x_return_status      => x_return_status
769    ,  p_label_type_info => p_label_type_info
770    ,  p_transaction_id  => p_transaction_id
771    ,  p_input_param     => p_input_param
772    ,  p_transaction_identifier=> p_transaction_identifier
773    );
775    x_variable_content := '';
777    FOR i IN 1..l_variable_data_tbl.count() LOOP
778       x_variable_content := x_variable_content || l_variable_data_tbl(i).label_content;
779    END LOOP;
781 END get_variable_data;