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Line 52: --Variable for QP_LIST_LINES updation

48: l_rows_processed_hdr number;
52: --Variable for QP_LIST_LINES updation
53: l_worker_id_line number;
54: l_product_line varchar2(30) := 'QP';
55: l_table_name_line varchar2(30) := 'QP_LIST_LINES';
56: -- l_update_name_line varchar2(30) := 'UPDATE LIST LINES';

Line 55: l_table_name_line varchar2(30) := 'QP_LIST_LINES';

52: --Variable for QP_LIST_LINES updation
53: l_worker_id_line number;
54: l_product_line varchar2(30) := 'QP';
55: l_table_name_line varchar2(30) := 'QP_LIST_LINES';
56: -- l_update_name_line varchar2(30) := 'UPDATE LIST LINES';
57: l_update_name_line varchar2(30) := 'LINE::'||to_char(sysdate,'MM/DD/YYYY:HH:MI:SS'); -- modified by rassharm for unique name
58: l_status_line varchar2(30);
59: l_industry_line varchar2(30);

Line 211: update qp_list_lines l

207: TRUE);
208: --Update The Line
209: while (l_any_rows_to_process_line = TRUE)
210: loop
211: update qp_list_lines l
212: set l.orig_sys_line_ref=to_char(l.list_line_id),
213: l.orig_sys_header_ref=
214: (
215: select nvl(h.orig_system_header_ref,'INT'||to_char(h.list_header_id))

Line 229: UPDATE qp_list_lines l

225: -- orig_sys_header_ref could still be null for those list lines which were created post R12
226: -- and before running this program since orig_sys_line_ref will not be null for those lines and
227: -- orig_sys_header_ref was null for corresponding headers.
229: UPDATE qp_list_lines l
230: SET l.orig_sys_header_ref=
231: (
232: select nvl(h.orig_system_header_ref,'INT'||to_char(h.list_header_id))
233: from qp_list_headers_b h

Line 285: from qp_list_lines l

281: ),
282: p.orig_sys_line_ref=
283: (
284: select nvl(l.orig_sys_line_ref,l.list_line_id)
285: from qp_list_lines l
286: where l.list_line_id = p.list_line_id
287: )
288: where p.ORIG_SYS_PRICING_ATTR_REF is null
289: and p.rowid between l_start_rowid_pa and l_end_rowid_pa;

Line 313: from qp_list_lines l

309: update qp_pricing_attributes p
310: set p.orig_sys_line_ref=
311: (
312: select nvl(l.orig_sys_line_ref,l.list_line_id)
313: from qp_list_lines l
314: where l.list_line_id = p.list_line_id
315: )
316: where p.orig_sys_line_ref is null
317: and p.rowid between l_start_rowid_pa and l_end_rowid_pa;