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Line 566: /* IF NVL (l_utilization_rec.adjustment_type, 'STANDARD') <> ('DECREASE_COMMITTED')

564: -- Here we should check for adjustment_type , if the adjustment_type is DECREASE_COMMITTMENT or DECREASE_EARNED_COMMITTED
565: -- we go and create a debit record for that amount in Ozf_ACT_budgets
566: /* IF NVL (l_utilization_rec.adjustment_type, 'STANDARD') <> ('DECREASE_COMMITTED')
567: -- this is a temporary fix have to fix it from the UI
568: OR l_utilization_rec.utilization_type = 'TRANSFER'
569: --OR NVL (l_utilization_rec.recal_comm_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
570: THEN

Line 2092: l_utilization_rec.adjustment_type IN ('STANDARD', 'DECREASE_EARNED', 'DECREASE_COMM_EARNED') THEN

2088: ELSE
2089: l_gl_posted_flag := ozf_accrual_engine.G_GL_FLAG_FAIL; -- 'F';
2090: -- yzhao: 11/20 raise exception if gl posting failed for manual adjust earned amount
2091: IF l_utilization_rec.utilization_type IN ('ADJUSTMENT', 'CHARGEBACK', 'LEAD_ADJUSTMENT') AND
2092: l_utilization_rec.adjustment_type IN ('STANDARD', 'DECREASE_EARNED', 'DECREASE_COMM_EARNED') THEN
2093: fnd_message.set_name ('OZF', 'OZF_GL_POST_FAILURE');
2094: fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
2095: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
2096: ELSE

Line 3119: IF p_utilization_rec.adjustment_type IN ('DECREASE_EARNED' ,'DECREASE_COMM_EARNED','STANDARD')

3115: x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
3116: RETURN;
3117: END IF;
3118: -- added for customer id for offers 8/14/2002 mpande
3119: IF p_utilization_rec.adjustment_type IN ('DECREASE_EARNED' ,'DECREASE_COMM_EARNED','STANDARD')
3120: AND p_utilization_rec.plan_type = 'OFFR' AND p_utilization_rec.cust_account_id IS NULL THEN -- check for utilization type
3121: IF fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level (fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_error) THEN
3122: fnd_message.set_name ('OZF', 'OZF_FUND_NO_CUST_ID');
3123: fnd_msg_pub.ADD;