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Line 1134: po_headers_all poh

1130: po_accrual_write_offs_all pawo,
1131: rcv_receiving_sub_ledger rrs,
1132: xla_distribution_links xld, --BUG#7275286
1133: rcv_transactions rt,
1134: po_headers_all poh
1135: ,cst_accrual_accounts ca --BUG#7528609
1136: ,PO_distributions_all pod
1137: WHERE pawo.org_id = p_operating_unit
1138: AND pawo.transaction_source_code = 'PO'

Line 1535: po_headers_all poh,

1531: FROM
1532: po_accrual_write_offs_all pawo,
1533: po_distributions_all pod,
1534: po_releases_all pra,
1535: po_headers_all poh,
1536: ap_invoice_distributions_all aida,
1537: financials_system_params_all fsp,
1538: gl_sets_of_books gsob,
1539: fnd_currencies fc,

Line 1703: po_headers_all poh,

1699: FROM
1700: po_accrual_write_offs_all pawo,
1701: po_distributions_all pod,
1702: po_releases_all pra,
1703: po_headers_all poh,
1704: ap_invoice_distributions_all aida,
1705: financials_system_params_all fsp,
1706: gl_sets_of_books gsob,
1707: fnd_currencies fc,

Line 2192: FROM po_headers_all poh,

2188: AND pra.po_release_id = pod.po_release_id
2189: AND NVL(pra.consigned_consumption_flag,'N') = 'Y'
2190: )
2192: FROM po_headers_all poh,
2193: po_distributions_all pod
2194: WHERE pod.po_distribution_id = aida.po_distribution_id
2195: AND pod.po_release_id IS NULL
2196: AND poh.po_header_id = pod.po_header_id

Line 2496: po_headers_all poh

2492: ap_invoice_distributions_all aida,
2493: ap_invoices_all apia,
2494: po_distributions_all pod,
2495: po_lines_all pol,
2496: po_headers_all poh
2497: WHERE xla.source_distribution_id_num_1 = aida.invoice_distribution_id
2498: AND aida.org_id = p_operating_unit
2499: AND apia.invoice_id = aida.invoice_id
2500: AND aida.po_distribution_id = pod.po_distribution_id(+)

Line 2583: po_headers_all poh

2579: ap_self_assessed_tax_dist_all aida,
2580: ap_invoices_all apia,
2581: po_distributions_all pod,
2582: po_lines_all pol,
2583: po_headers_all poh
2584: WHERE xla.source_distribution_id_num_1 = aida.invoice_distribution_id
2585: AND aida.org_id = p_operating_unit
2586: AND apia.invoice_id = aida.invoice_id
2587: AND aida.po_distribution_id = pod.po_distribution_id(+)

Line 3503: FROM po_headers_all poh

3499: )
3501: (
3502: SELECT 1
3503: FROM po_headers_all poh
3504: WHERE pod.po_release_id is NULL
3505: AND poh.org_id = p_operating_unit
3506: AND poh.po_header_id = pod.po_header_id
3507: AND NVL(poh.consigned_consumption_flag,'N') = 'Y'

Line 3528: FROM po_headers_all poh

3524: )
3526: (
3528: FROM po_headers_all poh
3529: WHERE pod.po_release_id is NULL
3530: AND poh.po_header_id = pod.po_header_id
3531: AND NVL(poh.consigned_consumption_flag,'N') = 'Y'
3532: );

Line 3663: po_headers_all poh,

3659: xla_ae_headers xah,
3660: xla_ae_lines xal,
3661: xla_transaction_entities_upg xte,
3662: xla_distribution_links xdl,
3663: po_headers_all poh,
3664: po_lines_all pol,
3665: po_distributions_all pod,
3666: cst_accrual_accounts caa,
3667: financials_system_params_all fsp

Line 3784: po_headers_all poh,

3780: xla_ae_headers xah,
3781: xla_ae_lines xal,
3782: xla_transaction_entities_upg xte,
3783: xla_distribution_links xdl,
3784: po_headers_all poh,
3785: po_lines_all pol,
3786: po_distributions_all pod,
3787: cst_accrual_accounts caa,
3788: financials_system_params_all fsp

Line 3954: po_headers_all poh /* -- Changes to pick Vendor from PO instead of APIA. Bug 7312170 */

3950: po_distributions_all pod,
3951: cst_accrual_accounts caa,
3952: financials_system_params_all fsp,
3953: xla_transaction_entities_upg xte,
3954: po_headers_all poh /* -- Changes to pick Vendor from PO instead of APIA. Bug 7312170 */
3955: WHERE xal.code_combination_id = caa.accrual_account_id
3956: AND caa.operating_unit_id = p_operating_unit
3957: AND fsp.org_id = p_operating_unit
3958: AND fsp.set_of_books_id = xah.ledger_id

Line 4043: po_headers_all poh

4039: l_request_id
4040: FROM cst_write_offs cwo,
4041: --{ Immunization for po_vendor merge
4042: po_distributions_all pod,
4043: po_headers_all poh
4044: --}
4045: WHERE cwo.po_distribution_id is NOT NULL
4046: AND cwo.operating_unit_id = p_operating_unit
4047: AND cwo.inventory_transaction_id is NULL -- do not pick up old deliver txns