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1 package body ben_location_object as
2 /* $Header: benlocch.pkb 120.0 2005/05/28 09:06:47 appldev noship $ */
3 --
4 /*
5 +==============================================================================+
6 |                        Copyright (c) 1997 Oracle Corporation                 |
7 |                           Redwood Shores, California, USA                    |
8 |                               All rights reserved.                           |
9 +==============================================================================+
10 --
11 History
12   Version    Date       Who        What?
13   ---------  ---------  ---------- --------------------------------------------
14   115.0      08-Jun-99  bbulusu    Created.
15   115.1      05-Aug-99  GPERRY     Fixed bug in set_object and last
16                                    cached record logic added.
17   115.2      16-Aug-99  GPERRY     Added nocopy compiler directive.
18   115.3      06 May 00  RChase     Added additional NOCOPY directives
19                                    replaced get code and removed additional
20                                    record assignments
21   115.4      29 Dec 00  Tmathers   Fixed chgeck_sql errors.
22   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
23 */
24 --
25 g_package varchar2(30) := 'ben_location_object.';
26 g_hash_key number := ben_hash_utility.get_hash_key;
27 g_hash_jump number := ben_hash_utility.get_hash_jump;
28 --
29 -- Set object routines
30 --
31 procedure set_object(p_rec in out NOCOPY hr_locations_all%rowtype) is
32   --
33   l_proc           varchar2(80) := g_package||'set_object';
34   l_index          pls_integer;
35   l_not_hash_found boolean;
36   --
37 begin
38   --
39   --hr_utility.set_location('Entering '||l_proc,10);
40   --
41   -- 1) get hash index
42   -- 2) If hash index is not used use hash index
43   -- 3) If hash index is used and correct then do nothing
44   -- 4) If hash index is used and not correct then try next hash index
45   --
46   -- Get hashed index value
47   --
48   l_index := ben_hash_utility.get_hashed_index(p_id => p_rec.location_id);
49   --
50     -- 115.3 check for cache entry at current index.  if none exists the NO_DATA_FOUND expection will fire
51     if g_cache_loc_rec(l_index).location_id = p_rec.location_id then
52        -- do nothing, cache entry already exists
53        null;
54     else
55       --
56       -- Loop through the hash using the jump routine to check further
57       -- indexes
58       -- 115.3 if none exists at current index the NO_DATA_FOUND expection will fire
59       --
60       l_index := l_index+g_hash_jump;
61       while g_cache_loc_rec(l_index).location_id <> p_rec.location_id loop
62         --
63         l_index := l_index+g_hash_jump;
65       end loop;
66       --
67     end if;
68   --
69   -- hr_utility.set_location('Leaving '||l_proc,10);
70   --
71 exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then
72   --115.3 set cache entry at current index location
73    g_cache_loc_rec(l_index):=p_rec;
74 --
75 end set_object;
76 --
77 -- Set object alternate route routines
78 --
79 procedure set_loc_object
80   (p_location_id       in number,
81    p_rec               in out nocopy hr_locations_all%rowtype) is
82   --
83   l_proc           varchar2(80) := g_package||'set_loc_object';
84   --
85   cursor c1 is
86     select loc.*
87     from   hr_locations_all loc
88     where  loc.location_id = p_location_id;
89   --115.3 remove additional declaration
90   --l_rec hr_locations_all%rowtype;
91   --
92 begin
93   --
94   --hr_utility.set_location('Entering '||l_proc,10);
95   --
96   -- 1) Get record from database.
97   -- 2) If record not found then raise error.
98   -- 3) Pass record to set_object routine.
99   --
100   open c1;
101     --
102     fetch c1 into p_rec;
103     if c1%notfound then
104       --115.3 altered to use NOCOPY parameter
105       --l_rec.location_id := p_location_id;
106       p_rec.location_id := p_location_id;
107       --
108     end if;
109     --
110   close c1;
111   --
112   set_object(p_rec => p_rec);
113   --115.3 remove assignment
114   --p_rec := l_rec;
115   --
116   --hr_utility.set_location('Leaving '||l_proc,10);
117   --
118 end set_loc_object;
119 --
120 -- Get object routines
121 --
122 procedure get_object(p_location_id  in  number,
123                      p_rec          in out nocopy hr_locations_all%rowtype) is
124   --
125   l_proc           varchar2(80) := g_package||'get_object';
126   l_index          pls_integer;
127   --l_not_hash_found boolean;
128   l_env            ben_env_object.g_global_env_rec_type;
129   --l_rec            hr_locations_all%rowtype;
130   --
131 begin
132   --
133   --hr_utility.set_location('Entering '||l_proc,10);
134   --
135   if g_cache_last_loc_rec.location_id = p_location_id then
136     --
137     p_rec := g_cache_last_loc_rec;
138     return;
139     --
140   end if;
141   -- 1) Get hashed index
142   -- 2) If hashed index is correct pgm then return program
143   -- 3) If hashed index is not correct program then check next index
144   -- 4) Repest 3 until correct program found, if not found raise error.
145   --
146   -- Get hashed index value
147   --
148   l_index := mod(p_location_id,g_hash_key);
149   --
150     if g_cache_loc_rec(l_index).location_id = p_location_id then
151       --
152       g_cache_last_loc_rec := g_cache_loc_rec(l_index);
153       p_rec := g_cache_last_loc_rec;
154       --
155     else
156       --
157       -- We need to loop through all the hashed indexes
158       -- if none exists at current index the NO_DATA_FOUND expection will fire
159       --
160       l_index := l_index+g_hash_jump;
161       while g_cache_loc_rec(l_index).location_id <> p_location_id loop
162         --
163         l_index := l_index+g_hash_jump;
164         --
165       end loop;
166       --
167       g_cache_last_loc_rec := g_cache_loc_rec(l_index);
168       p_rec := g_cache_last_loc_rec;
169       --
170     end if;
171     --
172 exception
173   --
174   when no_data_found then
175     --
176     ben_env_object.get(p_rec => l_env);
177     --
178     set_loc_object(p_location_id       => p_location_id,
179                    p_rec               => p_rec);
180     --
181     g_cache_last_loc_rec := p_rec;
182     --115.3 remove assignment
183     --p_rec := l_rec;
184     --
185 end get_object;
186 --
187 procedure clear_down_cache is
188   --
189   l_last_loc_rec hr_locations_all%rowtype;
190   --
191 begin
192   --
193   g_cache_loc_rec.delete;
194   g_cache_last_loc_rec := l_last_loc_rec;
195   --
196 end clear_down_cache;
197 --
198 end ben_location_object;