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APPS.PAY_ZA_ACB_TAPE dependencies on DUAL

Line 79: sys.dual

75: p_payroll_action_id
76: , p_user_code
77: , user_gen
78: From
79: sys.dual
80: Where
81: not exists
82: (
83: Select 1

Line 140: sys.dual

136: p_payroll_action_id
137: , p_acb_inst_code
138: , inst_gen
139: From
140: sys.dual
141: Where
142: not exists
143: (
144: Select 1

Line 158: sys.dual;

155: Select
156: pay_za_acb_user_gen_nos_s.nextval into inst_gen
157: From
158: sys.dual;
160: /* Check that installation gen no > user gen, since the
161: installation gen no may have been reset from 9999 to
162: 1 and may then be < user gen no and this cannot be the