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Line 13: from fnd_new_messages_il

9: select application_id,
10: message_name,
11: message_text,
12: language_code
13: from fnd_new_messages_il
14: where industry_id = p_industry_id;
16: cursor get_original_text(p_app_id IN NUMBER,
17: p_message_name IN VARCHAR2,

Line 21: from fnd_new_messages

17: p_message_name IN VARCHAR2,
18: p_language_code IN VARCHAR2) is
19: select
20: message_text
21: from fnd_new_messages
22: where application_id = p_app_id and
23: message_name = p_message_name and
24: language_code = p_language_code and
25: last_updated_by IN ('0','1','2');

Line 30: -- get the list of messages for the current industry from fnd_new_messages_il

29: FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Updating industry translated message text.');
30: -- get the list of messages for the current industry from fnd_new_messages_il
31: for v1 in industry_message_list(v_industry_id) loop
32: -- populate the orig_message_text column
33: for v2 in get_original_text(v1.application_id,
34: v1.message_name,

Line 36: update fnd_new_messages_il

32: -- populate the orig_message_text column
33: for v2 in get_original_text(v1.application_id,
34: v1.message_name,
35: v1.language_code) loop
36: update fnd_new_messages_il
37: set orig_message_text = v2.message_text
38: where application_id = v1.application_id and
39: message_name = v1.message_name and
40: language_code = v1.language_code and

Line 43: -- replace the message_text in fnd_new_messages with the message_text for the active

39: message_name = v1.message_name and
40: language_code = v1.language_code and
41: industry_id = v_industry_id;
42: end loop;
43: -- replace the message_text in fnd_new_messages with the message_text for the active
44: -- industry
45: update fnd_new_messages
46: set message_text = v1.message_text,
47: last_updated_by = 8

Line 45: update fnd_new_messages

41: industry_id = v_industry_id;
42: end loop;
43: -- replace the message_text in fnd_new_messages with the message_text for the active
44: -- industry
45: update fnd_new_messages
46: set message_text = v1.message_text,
47: last_updated_by = 8
48: where application_id = v1.application_id and
49: message_name = v1.message_name and

Line 194: from fnd_new_messages_il il,

190: select il.application_id,
191: il.message_name,
192: il.language_code,
193: il.orig_message_text
194: from fnd_new_messages_il il,
195: fnd_new_messages n
196: where il.industry_id = v_industry_id and
197: il.application_id = n.application_id and
198: il.language_code = n.language_code and

Line 195: fnd_new_messages n

191: il.message_name,
192: il.language_code,
193: il.orig_message_text
194: from fnd_new_messages_il il,
195: fnd_new_messages n
196: where il.industry_id = v_industry_id and
197: il.application_id = n.application_id and
198: il.language_code = n.language_code and
199: il.message_name = n.message_name and

Line 233: update fnd_new_messages

230: for v1 in restore_message_text loop
232: if v1.orig_message_text is not null then
233: update fnd_new_messages
234: set message_text = v1.orig_message_text,
235: last_updated_by = 2
236: where application_id = v1.application_id and
237: message_name = v1.message_name and

Line 243: -- clean up the orig_message_text column in the FND_NEW_MESSAGES_IL table

239: end if;
240: end loop;
241: commit;
242: FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'Original message text restored.');
243: -- clean up the orig_message_text column in the FND_NEW_MESSAGES_IL table
244: update fnd_new_messages_il
245: set orig_message_text = null;
246: commit;

Line 244: update fnd_new_messages_il

240: end loop;
241: commit;
242: FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'Original message text restored.');
243: -- clean up the orig_message_text column in the FND_NEW_MESSAGES_IL table
244: update fnd_new_messages_il
245: set orig_message_text = null;
246: commit;
248: FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Restoring original lookup values meaning and description.');