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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 25

PROCEDURE Select_Deliveries (
  p_input_info        IN  WSH_BATCH_PROCESS.Select_Criteria_Rec,
  x_selected_del_tab    OUT NOCOPY  WSH_BATCH_PROCESS.Del_Info_Tab,
  x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)

  l_sc_SELECT          VARCHAR2(3000) := NULL;
Line: 52

  l_module_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(100) := 'wsh.plsql.' || G_PKG_NAME || '.' || 'Select_Deliveries';
Line: 68

Line: 70

  l_sc_SELECT := l_sc_SELECT || ' wnd.delivery_id , wnd.organization_id, wnd.initial_pickup_location_id ';
Line: 98

  l_sc_EXISTS := l_sc_EXISTS ||' SELECT wdd.delivery_detail_id ';
Line: 111

  l_sc_NOT_EXISTS  := l_sc_NOT_EXISTS || ' SELECT wdd2.delivery_detail_id ';
Line: 135

    p_batch_rec.selected_batch_id := p_input_info.pr_batch_id;
Line: 179

    l_sc_EXISTS_BOL := l_sc_EXISTS_BOL ||' SELECT wdi.document_instance_id ';
Line: 321

  l_sc_FINAL :=  'SELECT ' ||l_sc_SELECT||' FROM '||l_sc_FROM||' WHERE '||l_sc_WHERE ;
Line: 450

      x_selected_del_tab(x_selected_del_tab.count+1).delivery_id := v_delivery_id;
Line: 451

      x_selected_del_tab(x_selected_del_tab.count).organization_id := v_organization_id;
Line: 452

      x_selected_del_tab(x_selected_del_tab.count).initial_pickup_location_id := v_initial_pickup_location_id;
Line: 458

    WSH_DEBUG_SV.log(l_module_name, to_char(x_selected_del_tab.count)||' deliveries fetched to be processed');
Line: 466

Line: 472

END Select_Deliveries;
Line: 510

  SELECT delivery_id,
  FROM wsh_new_deliveries
  WHERE delivery_id = c_delivery_id and
    status_code = 'OP' AND
    NVL(auto_sc_exclude_flag, 'N')= 'N' FOR UPDATE NOWAIT;
Line: 526

  SELECT  wt.ship_method_code
  FROM    wsh_delivery_legs dlg,
          wsh_trip_stops    st,
          wsh_trips         wt
  WHERE   dlg.delivery_id        = x_delivery_id
  AND     st.stop_id             = dlg.pick_up_stop_id
  AND     st.stop_location_id    = x_initial_loc_id
  AND     st.trip_id             = wt.trip_id
  AND     wt.ship_method_code IS NOT NULL
  AND     rownum = 1;
Line: 572

Line: 586

        WHERE delivery_id = p_delivery_id;
Line: 753

   SELECT a.stop_id self_stop_id, b.trip_id, c.stop_id other_stop_id
   FROM wsh_trip_stops a, wsh_trips b, wsh_trip_stops c
   WHERE a.trip_id = b.trip_id AND
         a.stop_id = c_stop_id AND
         c.trip_id = b.trip_id AND
         a.stop_id <> C.stop_id
Line: 804

    l_action_prms.action_code  := 'UPDATE-STATUS';
Line: 905

  SELECT ship_confirm_rule_id, creation_date, actual_departure_date
  FROM   wsh_picking_batches
  WHERE  batch_id = p_sc_batch_id FOR UPDATE NOWAIT;
Line: 911

  SELECT DISTINCT wtp.trip_id, wst.stop_sequence_number, wst.stop_id, wst.stop_location_id
  FROM wsh_new_deliveries wnd,
     wsh_delivery_legs  wlg,
     wsh_trip_stops  wst,
     wsh_trips      wtp
  WHERE  wnd.delivery_id = wlg.delivery_id AND
     wlg.pick_up_stop_id = wst.stop_id AND
     wnd.status_code = 'CO' AND
     wnd.batch_id = p_sc_batch_id AND
     wtp.trip_id = wst.trip_id AND
     wst.status_code = 'OP' AND
     select '1' from wsh_exceptions we where
     we.delivery_id = wnd.delivery_id AND
     we.severity = 'ERROR' AND
     we.status = 'OPEN' AND

  ORDER BY wtp.trip_id, wst.stop_sequence_number, wst.stop_id ;
Line: 934

select wsto.trip_id, wsto.stop_sequence_number, wsto.stop_id , wsto.stop_location_id
  from wsh_trip_stops     wsto
     , wsh_new_deliveries wnd
     , wsh_delivery_legs  wlg
     , wsh_trip_stops     wst
 where wnd.batch_id    = p_sc_batch_id
   and wnd.status_code = 'CO'
   and wnd.delivery_id = wlg.delivery_id
   and wlg.pick_up_stop_id = wst.stop_id
   and wst.status_code in ( 'OP' , 'AR' )
   and NOT EXISTS (
        select '1' from wsh_exceptions we
         where we.delivery_id = wnd.delivery_id
           AND we.severity = 'ERROR'
           AND we.status = 'OPEN'
   and wsto.trip_id  = wst.trip_id
  ORDER BY 1, 2, 3;
Line: 958

   SELECT wts.stop_id
   FROM   wsh_trip_stops    wts,
         wsh_delivery_legs  wdl,
         wsh_new_deliveries wnd,
         wsh_picking_batches wpb
   WHERE p_batch_id IS NOT NULL
   AND   wnd.batch_id    = p_batch_id
   AND   wdl.delivery_id     = wnd.delivery_id
   AND   wts.stop_id      = wdl.pick_up_stop_id
   AND   wts.stop_location_id = wnd.initial_pickup_location_id
   AND   wpb.batch_id = wnd.batch_id
   AND   wts.status_code = 'CL'
   AND   rownum = 1;
Line: 1034

Line: 1035

Line: 1036

Line: 1150

        select status_code into l_status_code from wsh_new_deliveries where delivery_id = p_del_tab(i).delivery_id;
Line: 1482

  SELECT delivery_id,
  FROM wsh_new_deliveries
  WHERE delivery_id = c_delivery_id and
    status_code = 'OP' AND
    NVL(auto_ap_exclude_flag, 'N')= 'N' FOR UPDATE NOWAIT;
Line: 1529

Line: 1556

      WHERE delivery_id = p_delivery_id;
Line: 1702

Line: 1979

   l_selected_del_tab      WSH_BATCH_PROCESS.Del_Info_Tab;
Line: 1980

   l_select_criteria      WSH_BATCH_PROCESS.Select_Criteria_Rec;
Line: 1986

Line: 2004

Line: 2050

   l_select_criteria.process_mode          := G_SHIP_CONFIRM;
Line: 2051

   l_select_criteria.client_id             := p_client_id; --Modified R12.1.1 LSP PROJECT
Line: 2052

   l_select_criteria.organization_id       := p_organization_id;
Line: 2053

   l_select_criteria.pr_batch_id           := p_pr_batch_id;
Line: 2054

   l_select_criteria.ap_batch_id           := p_ap_batch_id;
Line: 2055

   l_select_criteria.delivery_name_lo      := p_delivery_name_lo;
Line: 2056

   l_select_criteria.delivery_name_hi      := p_delivery_name_hi;
Line: 2057

   l_select_criteria.bol_number_lo         := p_bol_number_lo;
Line: 2058

   l_select_criteria.bol_number_hi         := p_bol_number_hi;
Line: 2059

   l_select_criteria.planned_flag          := p_planned_flag;
Line: 2060

   l_select_criteria.ship_from_loc_id      := p_ship_from_loc_id;
Line: 2061

   l_select_criteria.ship_to_loc_id        := p_ship_to_loc_id;
Line: 2062

   l_select_criteria.intmed_ship_to_loc_id := p_intmed_ship_to_loc_id;
Line: 2063

   l_select_criteria.pooled_ship_to_loc_id := p_pooled_ship_to_loc_id;
Line: 2064

   l_select_criteria.customer_id           := p_customer_id;
Line: 2065

   l_select_criteria.ship_method_code      := p_ship_method_code;
Line: 2066

   l_select_criteria.fob_code              := p_fob_code;
Line: 2067

   l_select_criteria.freight_terms_code    := p_freight_terms_code;
Line: 2068

   l_select_criteria.pickup_date_lo        := p_pickup_date_lo;
Line: 2069

   l_select_criteria.pickup_date_hi        := p_pickup_date_hi;
Line: 2070

   l_select_criteria.dropoff_date_lo       := p_dropoff_date_lo;
Line: 2071

   l_select_criteria.dropoff_date_hi       := p_dropoff_date_hi;
Line: 2072

   l_select_criteria.log_level             := l_log_level;
Line: 2074

      p_input_info          => l_select_criteria,
      p_batch_rec           => l_batch_rec,
      x_selected_del_tab    => l_selected_del_tab,
      x_return_status       => l_return_status);
Line: 2086

      raise WSH_SELECT_ERR;
Line: 2089

   IF l_selected_del_tab.count > 0 THEN

      -- deliveryMerge
      FOR i in l_selected_del_tab.FIRST .. l_selected_del_tab.LAST LOOP
         l_delivery_ids(l_delivery_ids.count+1) := l_selected_del_tab(i).delivery_id;
Line: 2149

         WSH_DEBUG_SV.logmsg(l_module_name,'Calling program unit WSH_PICKING_BATCHES_PKG.INSERT_ROW',WSH_DEBUG_SV.C_PROC_LEVEL);
Line: 2152

          X_Rowid                   => l_rowid,
          X_Batch_Id                => l_batch_rec.batch_id,
          P_Creation_Date           => SYSDATE,
          P_Created_By              => l_user_id,
          P_Last_Update_Date        => SYSDATE,
          P_Last_Updated_By         => l_user_id,
          P_Last_Update_Login       => l_login_id,
          P_batch_name_prefix       => p_sc_batch_prefix,
          X_Name                    => l_batch_rec.name,
          P_Backorders_Only_Flag    => NULL,
          P_Document_Set_Id         => NULL,
          P_Existing_Rsvs_Only_Flag => NULL,
          P_Shipment_Priority_Code  => NULL,
          P_Ship_Method_Code        => l_batch_rec.ship_method_code,
          P_Customer_Id             => l_batch_rec.customer_id,
          P_Order_Header_Id         => NULL,
          P_Ship_Set_Number         => NULL,
          P_Inventory_Item_Id       => NULL,
          P_Order_Type_Id           => NULL,
          P_From_Requested_Date     => NULL,
          P_To_Requested_Date       => NULL,
          P_From_Scheduled_Ship_Date => NULL,
          P_To_Scheduled_Ship_Date   => NULL,
          P_Ship_To_Location_Id      => l_batch_rec.ship_to_location_id,
          P_Ship_From_Location_Id    => l_batch_rec.ship_from_location_id,
          P_Trip_Id                  => NULL,
          P_Delivery_Id              => NULL,
          P_Include_Planned_Lines    => NULL,
          P_Pick_Grouping_Rule_Id    => NULL,
          P_pick_sequence_rule_id    => NULL,
          P_Autocreate_Delivery_Flag => NULL,
          P_Attribute_Category       => NULL,
          P_Attribute1               => NULL,
          P_Attribute2               => NULL,
          P_Attribute3               => NULL,
          P_Attribute4               => NULL,
          P_Attribute5               => NULL,
          P_Attribute6               => NULL,
          P_Attribute7               => NULL,
          P_Attribute8               => NULL,
          P_Attribute9               => NULL,
          P_Attribute10              => NULL,
          P_Attribute11              => NULL,
          P_Attribute12              => NULL,
          P_Attribute13              => NULL,
          P_Attribute14              => NULL,
          P_Attribute15              => NULL,
          P_Autodetail_Pr_Flag       => NULL,
          P_Carrier_Id               => NULL,
          P_Trip_Stop_Id             => NULL,
          P_Default_stage_subinventory => NULL,
          P_Default_stage_locator_id => NULL,
          P_Pick_from_subinventory   => NULL,
          P_Pick_from_locator_id     => NULL,
          P_Auto_pick_confirm_flag   => NULL,
          P_Delivery_Detail_ID       => NULL,
          P_Project_ID               => NULL,
          P_Task_ID                  => NULL,
          P_Organization_Id          => l_batch_rec.organization_id,
          P_Ship_Confirm_Rule_Id     => l_batch_rec.ship_confirm_rule_id,
          P_Autopack_Flag            => NULL,
          P_Autopack_Level           => NULL,
          P_Task_Planning_Flag       => NULL,
          P_Non_Picking_Flag         => l_batch_rec.non_picking_flag,
          p_regionID                 => NULL,
          p_zoneId                   => NULL,
          p_categoryID               => NULL,
          p_categorySetID            => NULL,
          p_acDelivCriteria          => NULL,
          p_RelSubinventory          => NULL,
          p_actual_departure_date    => l_batch_rec.actual_departure_date,
          p_allocation_method        => NULL,
          p_crossdock_criteria_id    => NULL,
          p_append_flag              => NULL,
          p_task_priority            => NULL,
          p_Delivery_Name_Lo         => l_batch_rec.delivery_name_lo,
          p_Delivery_Name_Hi         => l_batch_rec.delivery_name_hi,
          p_Bol_Number_Lo            => l_batch_rec.bol_number_lo,
          p_Bol_Number_Hi            => l_batch_rec.bol_number_hi,
          p_Intmed_Ship_To_Loc_Id    => l_batch_rec.intmed_ship_to_loc_id,
          p_Pooled_Ship_To_Loc_Id    => l_batch_rec.pooled_ship_to_loc_id,
          p_Fob_Code                 => l_batch_rec.fob_code,
          p_Freight_Terms_Code       => l_batch_rec.freight_terms_code,
          p_Pickup_Date_Lo           => l_batch_rec.pickup_date_lo,
          p_Pickup_Date_Hi           => l_batch_rec.pickup_date_hi,
          p_Dropoff_Date_Lo          => l_batch_rec.dropoff_date_lo,
          p_Dropoff_Date_Hi          => l_batch_rec.dropoff_date_hi,
          p_Planned_Flag             => l_batch_rec.planned_flag,
          p_Selected_Batch_Id        => l_batch_rec.selected_batch_id,
          p_client_id                => l_batch_rec.client_id); -- Modified R12.1.1 LSP PROJECT
Line: 2248

         WSH_DEBUG_SV.logmsg(l_module_name, 'Deliveries selected to be ship confirmed are: ');
Line: 2249

         FOR k in 1 .. l_selected_del_tab.count LOOP
            WSH_DEBUG_SV.logmsg(l_module_name, '  delivery: ' || l_selected_del_tab(k).delivery_id);
Line: 2255

         p_del_tab => l_selected_del_tab,
         p_sc_batch_id => l_batch_rec.batch_id,
         p_log_level => l_log_level,
         x_confirmed_del_tab => l_confirmed_del_tab,
         x_results_summary =>  l_results_summary,
         x_return_status => l_return_status,
         p_commit => FND_API.G_TRUE); -- BugFix #4001135
Line: 2265

      WSH_UTIL_CORE.PrintMsg(to_char(l_selected_del_tab.count) ||' deliveries selected to be ship confirmed');
Line: 2281

      /* no deliveries selected */
Line: 2284

      WSH_UTIL_CORE.PrintMsg(to_char(l_selected_del_tab.count) ||' deliveries selected to be ship confirmed');
Line: 2337

      WSH_UTIL_CORE.PrintMsg('No Lines were selected for Ship Confirmation because Allow Future Ship Date Parameter is disabled and Actual Ship Date is greater than current system date');
Line: 2345

      l_completion_status := 'WARNING';
Line: 2347

      WSH_UTIL_CORE.PrintMsg('Failed to select deliveries for the batch');
Line: 2460

   l_selected_del_tab      WSH_BATCH_PROCESS.Del_Info_Tab;
Line: 2461

   l_select_criteria      WSH_BATCH_PROCESS.Select_Criteria_Rec;
Line: 2467

Line: 2486

Line: 2510

   l_select_criteria.process_mode      := G_AUTO_PACK;
Line: 2511

   l_select_criteria.organization_id    := p_organization_id;
Line: 2512

   l_select_criteria.pr_batch_id      := p_pr_batch_id;
Line: 2513

   l_select_criteria.delivery_name_lo    := p_delivery_name_lo;
Line: 2514

   l_select_criteria.delivery_name_hi    := p_delivery_name_hi;
Line: 2515

   l_select_criteria.bol_number_lo    := p_bol_number_lo;
Line: 2516

   l_select_criteria.bol_number_hi    := p_bol_number_hi;
Line: 2517

   l_select_criteria.planned_flag      := p_planned_flag;
Line: 2518

   l_select_criteria.ship_from_loc_id    := p_ship_from_loc_id;
Line: 2519

   l_select_criteria.ship_to_loc_id    := p_ship_to_loc_id;
Line: 2520

   l_select_criteria.intmed_ship_to_loc_id := p_intmed_ship_to_loc_id;
Line: 2521

   l_select_criteria.pooled_ship_to_loc_id := p_pooled_ship_to_loc_id;
Line: 2522

   l_select_criteria.customer_id      := p_customer_id;
Line: 2523

   l_select_criteria.ship_method_code    := p_ship_method_code;
Line: 2524

   l_select_criteria.fob_code        := p_fob_code;
Line: 2525

   l_select_criteria.freight_terms_code  := p_freight_terms_code;
Line: 2526

   l_select_criteria.pickup_date_lo    := p_pickup_date_lo;
Line: 2527

   l_select_criteria.pickup_date_hi    := p_pickup_date_hi;
Line: 2528

   l_select_criteria.dropoff_date_lo    := p_dropoff_date_lo;
Line: 2529

   l_select_criteria.dropoff_date_hi    := p_dropoff_date_hi;
Line: 2530

   l_select_criteria.log_level      := l_log_level;
Line: 2532

      p_input_info      => l_select_criteria,
      p_batch_rec      => l_batch_rec,
      x_selected_del_tab    => l_selected_del_tab,
      x_return_status    => l_return_status);
Line: 2539

      raise WSH_SELECT_ERR;
Line: 2542

   IF l_selected_del_tab.count > 0 THEN

      -- insert new record in table WSH_PICKING_BATCHES, with NON_PICKING_FLAG = 'Y',

      -- required fields for auto pack batch
      l_batch_rec.non_picking_flag := 'Y';
Line: 2561

         WSH_DEBUG_SV.logmsg(l_module_name,'Calling program unit WSH_PICKING_BATCHES_PKG.INSERT_ROW',WSH_DEBUG_SV.C_PROC_LEVEL);
Line: 2564

          X_Rowid                   => l_rowid,
          X_Batch_Id                => l_batch_rec.batch_id,
          P_Creation_Date           => SYSDATE,
          P_Created_By              => l_user_id,
          P_Last_Update_Date        => SYSDATE,
          P_Last_Updated_By         => l_user_id,
          P_Last_Update_Login       => l_login_id,
          P_batch_name_prefix       => p_ap_batch_prefix,
          X_Name                    => l_batch_rec.name,
          P_Backorders_Only_Flag    => NULL,
          P_Document_Set_Id         => NULL,
          P_Existing_Rsvs_Only_Flag => NULL,
          P_Shipment_Priority_Code  => NULL,
          P_Ship_Method_Code        => l_batch_rec.ship_method_code,
          P_Customer_Id             => l_batch_rec.customer_id,
          P_Order_Header_Id         => NULL,
          P_Ship_Set_Number         => NULL,
          P_Inventory_Item_Id       => NULL,
          P_Order_Type_Id           => NULL,
          P_From_Requested_Date     => NULL,
          P_To_Requested_Date       => NULL,
          P_From_Scheduled_Ship_Date => NULL,
          P_To_Scheduled_Ship_Date   => NULL,
          P_Ship_To_Location_Id      => l_batch_rec.ship_to_location_id,
          P_Ship_From_Location_Id    => l_batch_rec.ship_from_location_id,
          P_Trip_Id                  => NULL,
          P_Delivery_Id              => NULL,
          P_Include_Planned_Lines    => NULL,
          P_Pick_Grouping_Rule_Id    => NULL,
          P_pick_sequence_rule_id    => NULL,
          P_Autocreate_Delivery_Flag => NULL,
          P_Attribute_Category       => NULL,
          P_Attribute1               => NULL,
          P_Attribute2               => NULL,
          P_Attribute3               => NULL,
          P_Attribute4               => NULL,
          P_Attribute5               => NULL,
          P_Attribute6               => NULL,
          P_Attribute7               => NULL,
          P_Attribute8               => NULL,
          P_Attribute9               => NULL,
          P_Attribute10              => NULL,
          P_Attribute11              => NULL,
          P_Attribute12              => NULL,
          P_Attribute13              => NULL,
          P_Attribute14              => NULL,
          P_Attribute15              => NULL,
          P_Autodetail_Pr_Flag       => NULL,
          P_Carrier_Id               => NULL,
          P_Trip_Stop_Id             => NULL,
          P_Default_stage_subinventory => NULL,
          P_Default_stage_locator_id => NULL,
          P_Pick_from_subinventory   => NULL,
          P_Pick_from_locator_id     => NULL,
          P_Auto_pick_confirm_flag   => NULL,
          P_Delivery_Detail_ID       => NULL,
          P_Project_ID               => NULL,
          P_Task_ID                  => NULL,
          P_Organization_Id          => l_batch_rec.organization_id,
          P_Ship_Confirm_Rule_Id     => NULL,
          P_Autopack_Flag            => l_batch_rec.autopack_flag,
          P_Autopack_Level           => l_batch_rec.autopack_level,
          P_Task_Planning_Flag       => NULL,
          P_Non_Picking_Flag         => l_batch_rec.non_picking_flag,
          p_regionID                 => NULL,
          p_zoneId                   => NULL,
          p_categoryID               => NULL,
          p_categorySetID            => NULL,
          p_acDelivCriteria          => NULL,
          p_RelSubinventory          => NULL,
          p_actual_departure_date    => NULL,
          p_allocation_method        => NULL,
          p_crossdock_criteria_id    => NULL,
          p_append_flag              => NULL,
          p_task_priority            => NULL,
          p_Delivery_Name_Lo         => l_batch_rec.delivery_name_lo,
          p_Delivery_Name_Hi         => l_batch_rec.delivery_name_hi,
          p_Bol_Number_Lo            => l_batch_rec.bol_number_lo,
          p_Bol_Number_Hi            => l_batch_rec.bol_number_hi,
          p_Intmed_Ship_To_Loc_Id    => l_batch_rec.intmed_ship_to_loc_id,
          p_Pooled_Ship_To_Loc_Id    => l_batch_rec.pooled_ship_to_loc_id,
          p_Fob_Code                 => l_batch_rec.fob_code,
          p_Freight_Terms_Code       => l_batch_rec.freight_terms_code,
          p_Pickup_Date_Lo           => l_batch_rec.pickup_date_lo,
          p_Pickup_Date_Hi           => l_batch_rec.pickup_date_hi,
          p_Dropoff_Date_Lo          => l_batch_rec.dropoff_date_lo,
          p_Dropoff_Date_Hi          => l_batch_rec.dropoff_date_hi,
          p_Planned_Flag             => l_batch_rec.planned_flag,
          p_Selected_Batch_Id        => l_batch_rec.selected_batch_id);
Line: 2658

         WSH_DEBUG_SV.logmsg(l_module_name, 'Deliveries selected to be auto packed are: ');
Line: 2659

         FOR k in 1 .. l_selected_del_tab.count LOOP
            WSH_DEBUG_SV.logmsg(l_module_name, '  delivery: ' || l_selected_del_tab(k).delivery_id);
Line: 2665

      p_del_tab => l_selected_del_tab,
      p_ap_batch_id => l_batch_rec.batch_id,
      p_auto_pack_level => p_auto_pack_level,
      p_log_level => l_log_level,
      x_packed_del_tab => l_packed_del_tab,
      x_results_summary =>  l_results_summary,
      x_return_status => l_return_status,
      p_commit => FND_API.G_TRUE); -- BugFix #4001135
Line: 2683

      WSH_UTIL_CORE.PrintMsg(to_char(l_selected_del_tab.count)|| ' deliveries selected for auto packing');
Line: 2698

      /* not deliveries selected */
Line: 2701

      WSH_UTIL_CORE.PrintMsg(to_char(l_selected_del_tab.count)|| ' deliveries selected for auto packing');
Line: 2734

      l_completion_status := 'WARNING';
Line: 2736

      WSH_UTIL_CORE.PrintMsg('Failed to select deliveries for the batch');
Line: 2887

PROCEDURE Select_Delivery_Lines (
  p_select_criteria        IN  WSH_BATCH_PROCESS.Select_Criteria_Rec,
  p_autocreate_deliveries  IN  VARCHAR2,
  x_selected_det_tbl       OUT NOCOPY WSH_UTIL_CORE.Id_Tab_Type,
  x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)
--TCA View Changes Start
--RTV changes
 CURSOR get_customer_name(c_customer_id varchar2) IS
  SELECT   substrb ( party.party_name,  1,  50 )  customer_name
  FROM   hz_parties Party, hz_cust_accounts cust_acct
  WHERE  cust_acct.party_id = party.party_id AND
  cust_acct.cust_account_id = to_number(SubStr(c_customer_id,3))
  AND SubStr(c_customer_id,1,1) = 'C'
  SELECT substrb ( party.party_name,  1,  50 )  customer_name
  FROM   hz_parties Party, po_vendors pov
  WHERE  pov.party_id = party.party_id
  AND    pov.vendor_id = to_number(SubStr(c_customer_id,3))
  AND    SubStr(c_customer_id,1,1) = 'V';
Line: 2910

  l_sc_SELECT                    VARCHAR2(3000) := NULL;
Line: 2925

  l_module_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(100) := 'wsh.plsql.' || G_PKG_NAME || '.' || 'Select_Delivery_Lines';
Line: 2955

Line: 2959

     l_sc_SELECT := l_sc_SELECT || ' wdd.delivery_detail_id ';
Line: 2968

     l_sc_SELECT := l_sc_SELECT || ' wdd.delivery_detail_id ';
Line: 2986

  IF p_select_criteria.delivery_lines_status is not NULL THEN
     IF p_select_criteria.delivery_lines_status = 'ALL' THEN
        l_sc_WHERE  := l_sc_WHERE ||'AND wdd.released_status in (''X'', ''R'', ''S'', ''Y'' , ''B'') '; --Bugfix 9129793 added Backorder status
Line: 2996

     IF p_select_criteria.delivery_lines_status = 'K' THEN
        l_sc_WHERE := l_sc_WHERE || ' AND wdd.move_order_line_id IS NULL ';
Line: 2998

     ELSIF p_select_criteria.delivery_lines_status = 'S' THEN
        l_sc_WHERE := l_sc_WHERE || ' AND wdd.move_order_line_id IS NOT NULL ';
Line: 3006

                          p_lookup_code => p_select_criteria.delivery_lines_status,
                          p_lookup_type => 'WSH_PD_DEL_LINE_STATUS' );
Line: 3011

     WSH_UTIL_CORE.PrintMsg('  Delivery Lines Status: '|| p_select_criteria.delivery_lines_status);
Line: 3015

  IF p_select_criteria.organization_id IS NOT NULL THEN
     l_sc_WHERE  := l_sc_WHERE ||'AND wdd.organization_id = :x_organization_id ';
Line: 3018

     FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('ORGANIZATION_NAME', WSH_UTIL_CORE.Get_Org_Name(p_select_criteria.organization_id));
Line: 3021

     WSH_UTIL_CORE.PrintMsg('  Organization ID: '|| p_select_criteria.organization_id);
Line: 3026

  IF p_select_criteria.scheduled_ship_date_lo IS NOT NULL OR p_select_criteria.scheduled_ship_date_hi IS NOT NULL THEN

    IF p_select_criteria.scheduled_ship_date_lo IS NOT NULL AND p_select_criteria.scheduled_ship_date_hi IS NOT NULL THEN
      l_scheduled_ship_date_lo := fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_select_criteria.scheduled_ship_date_lo);
Line: 3030

      l_scheduled_ship_date_hi := fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_select_criteria.scheduled_ship_date_hi);
Line: 3046

    ELSIF p_select_criteria.scheduled_ship_date_lo IS NOT NULL THEN
      l_scheduled_ship_date_lo := fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_select_criteria.scheduled_ship_date_lo);
Line: 3056

      l_scheduled_ship_date_hi := fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_select_criteria.scheduled_ship_date_hi);
Line: 3066

  IF p_select_criteria.ship_to_loc_id  IS NOT NULL THEN
    l_sc_WHERE  := l_sc_WHERE || 'AND wdd.ship_to_location_id = :x_ship_to_loc_id ';
Line: 3070

                                   p_location_id => p_select_criteria.ship_to_loc_id,
                                   p_format      => 'NEW UI CODE'),
                                1, 80);
Line: 3079

    WSH_UTIL_CORE.PrintMsg('  Ship to Location ID: '|| to_char(p_select_criteria.ship_to_loc_id));
Line: 3083

  IF p_select_criteria.source_code IS NOT NULL THEN
     l_msg_string := NULL;
Line: 3085

     IF p_select_criteria.source_code = 'ALL' THEN
        l_sc_WHERE  := l_sc_WHERE ||'AND wdd.source_code not in (''PO'', ''WSH'') ';
Line: 3088

                       p_lookup_code => p_select_criteria.source_code,
                       p_lookup_type => 'WSH_PD_SOURCE_SYSTEM' );
Line: 3093

     WSH_UTIL_CORE.PrintMsg('  Source System: '|| p_select_criteria.source_code);
Line: 3097

                       p_lookup_code => p_select_criteria.source_code,
                       p_lookup_type => 'SOURCE_SYSTEM' );
Line: 3102

     WSH_UTIL_CORE.PrintMsg('  Source System: '|| p_select_criteria.source_code);
Line: 3112

  IF p_select_criteria.customer_id  IS NOT NULL THEN
    --RTV changes
    IF SubStr(p_select_criteria.customer_id,1,1) = 'V' THEN
       l_sc_WHERE  := l_sc_WHERE  || 'AND wdd.consignee_flag = ''V'' ';
Line: 3125

    OPEN  get_customer_name(p_select_criteria.customer_id);
Line: 3133

    WSH_UTIL_CORE.PrintMsg('  Customer ID: '|| SubStr(p_select_criteria.customer_id,3)); --RTV changes
Line: 3137

  IF p_select_criteria.ship_method_code IS NOT NULL THEN
    l_sc_WHERE := l_sc_WHERE || 'AND wdd.ship_method_code = :x_ship_method_code ';
Line: 3142

                       p_lookup_code => p_select_criteria.ship_method_code,
                       p_lookup_type => 'SHIP_METHOD' );
Line: 3146

    WSH_UTIL_CORE.PrintMsg('  Ship Method Code: '|| p_select_criteria.ship_method_code);
Line: 3150

  FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('LOG_LEVEL', to_char(p_select_criteria.log_level));
Line: 3152

  WSH_UTIL_CORE.PrintMsg('  Log Level: '|| p_select_criteria.log_level);
Line: 3155

  IF p_select_criteria.client_id IS NOT NULL THEN
    l_sc_WHERE   := l_sc_WHERE || 'AND wdd.client_id = :x_client_id ';
Line: 3158

    l_client_id  := p_select_criteria.client_id;
Line: 3173

    WSH_UTIL_CORE.PrintMsg('  Client ID: '|| p_select_criteria.client_id);
Line: 3178

  l_sc_FINAL :=  'SELECT ' ||l_sc_SELECT||' FROM '||l_sc_FROM||' WHERE '||l_sc_WHERE ;
Line: 3181

  IF p_select_criteria.log_level > 0 OR l_debug_on THEN
    -- print SELECT statement if deubg is turned on
    i := 1;
Line: 3201

    WSH_DEBUG_SV.log(l_module_name,'   x_organization_id', to_char(p_select_criteria.organization_id));
Line: 3204

    WSH_DEBUG_SV.log(l_module_name,'   x_source_code', p_select_criteria.source_code);
Line: 3205

    WSH_DEBUG_SV.log(l_module_name,'   x_ship_to_loc_id', to_char(p_select_criteria.ship_to_loc_id));
Line: 3206

    WSH_DEBUG_SV.log(l_module_name,'   x_customer_id', substr(p_select_criteria.customer_id,3)); --RTV changes
Line: 3207

    WSH_DEBUG_SV.log(l_module_name,'   x_ship_method_code', p_select_criteria.ship_method_code);
Line: 3208

    WSH_DEBUG_SV.log(l_module_name,'   x_released_status', p_select_criteria.delivery_lines_status);
Line: 3209

    WSH_DEBUG_SV.log(l_module_name,'   x_client_id', p_select_criteria.client_id);  -- LSP PROJECT
Line: 3226

  IF p_select_criteria.delivery_lines_status IN ('K', 'S') THEN
   l_line_status := 'S';
Line: 3229

   l_line_status := p_select_criteria.delivery_lines_status;
Line: 3234

   WSH_DEBUG_SV.log(l_module_name, 'p_select_criteria.delivery_lines_status',
Line: 3238

  IF p_select_criteria.delivery_lines_status IS NOT NULL AND
     p_select_criteria.delivery_lines_status <> 'ALL' THEN
     DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE(v_CursorID,':x_released_status', l_line_status); -- Bug 5624475 and ECO 5676263
Line: 3244

  IF p_select_criteria.organization_id IS NOT NULL THEN
    DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE(v_CursorID,':x_organization_id', p_select_criteria.organization_id);
Line: 3248

  IF p_select_criteria.scheduled_ship_date_lo  IS NOT NULL THEN
    DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE(v_CursorID,':x_scheduled_ship_date_lo', l_scheduled_ship_date_lo);
Line: 3252

  IF p_select_criteria.scheduled_ship_date_hi IS NOT NULL THEN
    DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE(v_CursorID,':x_scheduled_ship_date_hi', l_scheduled_ship_date_hi);
Line: 3256

  IF p_select_criteria.source_code IS NOT NULL
     AND p_select_criteria.source_code <> 'ALL' THEN
    DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE(v_CursorID,':x_source_code', p_select_criteria.source_code);
Line: 3261

  IF p_select_criteria.ship_to_loc_id  IS NOT NULL THEN
    DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE(v_CursorID,':x_ship_to_loc_id', p_select_criteria.ship_to_loc_id);
Line: 3265

  IF p_select_criteria.customer_id  IS NOT NULL THEN
    DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE(v_CursorID,':x_customer_id', to_number(SubStr(p_select_criteria.customer_id,3))); -- RTV changes
Line: 3269

  IF p_select_criteria.ship_method_code IS NOT NULL THEN
    DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE(v_CursorID,':x_ship_method_code', p_select_criteria.ship_method_code);
Line: 3274

  IF p_select_criteria.client_id IS NOT NULL THEN
    DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE(v_CursorID,':x_client_id', p_select_criteria.client_id);
Line: 3299

         x_selected_det_tbl(i) := v_delivery_detail_id_tbl(i);
Line: 3301

            WSH_DEBUG_SV.logmsg(l_module_name,'   Fetched delivery line '|| to_char(x_selected_det_tbl(i)));
Line: 3321

    WSH_DEBUG_SV.logmsg(l_module_name, to_char(x_selected_det_tbl.count)||' delivery lines fetched to be processed');
Line: 3332

Line: 3338

END Select_Delivery_Lines;
Line: 3365

   p_selected_det_tbl       IN WSH_UTIL_CORE.Id_Tab_Type,
   p_append_flag            IN VARCHAR2,
   p_ac_del_criteria        IN VARCHAR2,
   x_appended_det_num       OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
   x_autocreate_del_det_num OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
   x_appended_del_num       OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
   x_new_del_num            OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
   x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
   x_msg_data               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
   x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS

   l_delivery_detail_tbl       WSH_UTIL_CORE.Id_Tab_Type;
Line: 3415

Line: 3416

Line: 3440

         p_delivery_detail_tbl     => p_selected_det_tbl,
         p_append_flag             => l_append_flag,
         p_group_by_header         => l_ac_del_criteria,
         p_commit                  => FND_API.G_FALSE,
         p_lock_rows               => FND_API.G_TRUE,
         p_check_fte_compatibility => FND_API.G_TRUE,
         x_appended_det_tbl        => l_appended_det_tbl,
         x_unappended_det_tbl      => l_unappended_det_tbl,
         x_appended_del_tbl        => l_appended_del_tbl,
         x_return_status           => l_return_status);
Line: 3633

  SELECT   substrb ( party.party_name,  1,  50 )  customer_name
  FROM   hz_parties Party, hz_cust_accounts cust_acct
  WHERE  cust_acct.party_id = party.party_id AND
  cust_acct.cust_account_id = to_number(SubStr(c_customer_id,3))
  AND SubStr(c_customer_id,1,1) = 'C'
  SELECT substrb ( party.party_name,  1,  50 )  customer_name
  FROM   hz_parties Party, po_vendors pov
  WHERE  pov.party_id = party.party_id
  AND    pov.vendor_id = to_number(SubStr(c_customer_id,3))
  AND    SubStr(c_customer_id,1,1) = 'V';
Line: 3647

  SELECT appending_limit,autocreate_del_orders_flag     --Bug 10353854
  FROM wsh_shipping_parameters
  WHERE organization_id = c_organization_id;
Line: 3658

  l_select_criteria              WSH_BATCH_PROCESS.Select_Criteria_Rec;
Line: 3662

  l_selected_det_tbl             WSH_UTIL_CORE.Id_Tab_Type;
Line: 3689

  WSH_SELECT_ERR                 EXCEPTION;
Line: 3696

  l_selected_det_tbl_tmp         WSH_UTIL_CORE.Id_Tab_Type;
Line: 3697

  g_selected_det_count           number :=0;
Line: 3799

           WSH_UTIL_CORE.PrintMsg('Scheduled Ship Date parameters are not applicable for entity Deliveries Only. Please do not enter Sheduled Ship Date range when selecting entity Deliveries Only.');
Line: 4037

Line: 4051

         WSH_UTIL_CORE.PrintMsg(to_char(l_del_num)|| ' deliveries selected for processing');
Line: 4099

        WSH_DEBUG_SV.logmsg(l_module_name,'Calling Select_Deliveries_Lines ',WSH_DEBUG_SV.C_PROC_LEVEL);
Line: 4108

        WSH_UTIL_CORE.PrintMsg('Pick Up Date parameters are not applicable for entity Delivery Lines Only. Please do not enter Pick Up Date range when selecting entity Delivery Lines Only.');
Line: 4118

        WSH_UTIL_CORE.PrintMsg('Drop Off Date parameters are not applicable for entity Delivery Lines Only. Please do not enter Drop Off Date range when selecting entity Delivery Lines Only.');
Line: 4124

        l_select_criteria.delivery_lines_status  := 'ALL';
Line: 4126

        l_select_criteria.delivery_lines_status  := p_delivery_lines_status;
Line: 4145

     l_select_criteria.scheduled_ship_date_lo := p_scheduled_ship_date_lo;
Line: 4146

     l_select_criteria.scheduled_ship_date_hi := p_scheduled_ship_date_hi;
Line: 4150

        l_select_criteria.source_code            := 'ALL';
Line: 4152

        l_select_criteria.source_code            := p_source_system;
Line: 4155

     l_select_criteria.organization_id        := p_organization_id;
Line: 4156

     l_select_criteria.customer_id            := p_customer_id;
Line: 4157

     l_select_criteria.ship_to_loc_id         := p_ship_to_loc_id;
Line: 4158

     l_select_criteria.ship_method_code       := p_ship_method_code;
Line: 4159

     l_select_criteria.client_id            := p_client_id; -- LSP PROJECT
Line: 4162

        l_select_criteria.log_level              := 0;
Line: 4164

        l_select_criteria.log_level              := p_log_level;
Line: 4256

       p_select_criteria       => l_select_criteria,
       p_autocreate_deliveries => l_autocreate_deliveries,
       x_selected_det_tbl      => l_selected_det_tbl,
       x_return_status         => l_return_status);
Line: 4263

        WSH_DEBUG_SV.logmsg(l_module_name,'Return status from Select_Deliveries_Lines is '|| l_return_status,WSH_DEBUG_SV.C_PROC_LEVEL);
Line: 4268

       raise WSH_SELECT_ERR;
Line: 4275

        select mtl_txn_request_headers_s.nextval into WSH_PICK_LIST.G_BATCH_ID from dual;
Line: 4282

     IF l_selected_det_tbl.count > 0 THEN
        --Perf Bug 5215740
        l_processed := 0;
Line: 4291

           l_selected_det_tbl_tmp(l_inner_loop_count) := l_selected_det_tbl(l_processed);
Line: 4293

                (l_processed = l_selected_det_tbl.count)) then
              Exit inner_loop;
Line: 4300

          WSH_DEBUG_SV.logmsg(l_module_name, 'Delivery lines selected to be processed are: ');
Line: 4301

          FOR k in 1 .. l_selected_det_tbl_tmp.count LOOP
             WSH_DEBUG_SV.logmsg(l_module_name, '  delivery lines: ' || l_selected_det_tbl_tmp(k));
Line: 4310

           p_selected_det_tbl => l_selected_det_tbl_tmp,
           p_append_flag => l_append_deliveries,
           p_ac_del_criteria => l_ac_del_criteria,
           x_appended_det_num => l_appended_det_num,
           x_autocreate_del_det_num => l_autocreate_del_det_num,
           x_appended_del_num => l_appended_del_num,
           x_new_del_num => l_new_del_num,
           x_msg_count => l_msg_count,
           x_msg_data => l_msg_data,
           x_return_status => l_return_status);
Line: 4355

        g_selected_det_count     := g_selected_det_count + l_selected_det_tbl_tmp.count;
Line: 4364

          WSH_DEBUG_SV.logmsg(l_module_name,'l_selected_det_tbl_tmp.count = '|| l_selected_det_tbl_tmp.count ,WSH_DEBUG_SV.C_PROC_LEVEL);
Line: 4365

          WSH_DEBUG_SV.logmsg(l_module_name,'g_selected_det_count = '|| g_selected_det_count ,WSH_DEBUG_SV.C_PROC_LEVEL);
Line: 4380

        exit when l_processed = l_selected_det_tbl.count;
Line: 4381

Line: 4396

Line: 4397

       FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('NUMBER_OF_DETAILS', to_char(g_selected_det_count));
Line: 4414

       WSH_UTIL_CORE.PrintMsg(to_char(g_selected_det_count)|| ' delivery lines selected for processing');
Line: 4429

Line: 4430

        FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('NUMBER_OF_DETAILS', to_char(l_selected_det_tbl.count));
Line: 4435

        WSH_UTIL_CORE.PrintMsg(to_char(l_selected_det_tbl.count)|| ' delivery lines selected for processing');
Line: 4470

     WSH_UTIL_CORE.PrintMsg('Error Messages: ' || l_msg_data);
Line: 4473

     WSH_UTIL_CORE.PrintMsg('Failed to select delivery lines for processing');