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APPS.QA_WEB_TXN_API dependencies on QA_PLANS

Line 39: qa_plans_val_v qp,

35: qpct.low_value,
36: qpct.high_value
37: FROM qa_plan_collection_triggers qpct,
38: qa_plan_transactions qpt,
39: qa_plans_val_v qp,
40: qa_chars qc,
41: qa_txn_collection_triggers qtct
42: WHERE qpt.plan_id = qp.plan_id
43: AND qpct.plan_transaction_id(+) = qpt.plan_transaction_id

Line 178: qa_plans qp,

174: qpct.low_value,
175: qpct.high_value
176: FROM qa_plan_collection_triggers qpct,
177: qa_plan_transactions qpt,
178: qa_plans qp,
179: qa_chars qc,
180: qa_txn_collection_triggers qtct
181: WHERE qp.plan_id = p_plan_id
182: and qpt.plan_id = qp.plan_id

Line 211: qa_plans qp,

207: qpct.low_value,
208: qpct.high_value
209: FROM qa_plan_collection_triggers qpct,
210: qa_plan_transactions qpt,
211: qa_plans qp,
212: qa_chars qc
213: WHERE qp.plan_id = p_plan_id
214: and qpt.plan_id = qp.plan_id
215: and qpct.plan_transaction_id(+) = qpt.plan_transaction_id

Line 567: p_object_name => 'QA_PLANS',

563: -- saugupta Mon, 27 Jun 2005 06:21:00 -0700 PDT
564: l_result := fnd_data_security.check_function
565: (p_api_version => 1.0,
566: p_function => p_function_name,
567: p_object_name => 'QA_PLANS',
568: p_instance_pk1_value => p_plan_id,
569: p_instance_pk2_value => NULL,
570: p_instance_pk3_value => NULL,
571: p_instance_pk4_value => NULL,

Line 793: || '. No mandatory qa plans remain. Return value: '|| return_value );

789: i := l_plans_table.NEXT(i);
790: END LOOP;
791: if (l_plog) then FND_LOG.STRING(FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE, l_module,
792: 'Exiting ' || l_module
793: || '. No mandatory qa plans remain. Return value: '|| return_value );
794: end if;
795: RETURN return_value;
796: END quality_mandatory_plans_remain;

Line 830: FROM qa_plan_transactions qpt, qa_plans qp

826: elements qa_txn_grp.ElementsArray;
828: Cursor c1(txn_no number, org_id number, col_id number) is
829: SELECT DISTINCT qpt.plan_id
830: FROM qa_plan_transactions qpt, qa_plans qp
831: WHERE qpt.transaction_number = txn_no
832: AND qpt.plan_id = qp.plan_id
833: AND qp.organization_id = org_id
834: AND trunc(sysdate) between