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Line 172: l_val ben_ext_rslt_dtl.val_01%type ;

168: p_name in varchar2,
169: p_id in varchar2) return varchar2 IS
170: --
171: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package||'decode_setup';
172: l_val ben_ext_rslt_dtl.val_01%type ;
173: --
174: begin
175: --
176: --

Line 3459: l_rslt_elmt ben_ext_rslt_dtl.val_01%type := null;

3456: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package||'process_ext_recs';
3457: l_jurisdiction_code varchar2(30);
3458: l_outputs ff_exec.outputs_t;
3459: l_rslt_elmt ben_ext_rslt_dtl.val_01%type := null;
3460: l_rslt_elmt_fmt ben_ext_rslt_dtl.val_01%type := null;
3462: -- data element is a rule:

Line 3460: l_rslt_elmt_fmt ben_ext_rslt_dtl.val_01%type := null;

3456: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package||'process_ext_recs';
3457: l_jurisdiction_code varchar2(30);
3458: l_outputs ff_exec.outputs_t;
3459: l_rslt_elmt ben_ext_rslt_dtl.val_01%type := null;
3460: l_rslt_elmt_fmt ben_ext_rslt_dtl.val_01%type := null;
3462: -- data element is a rule:
3464: cursor c_rule_type(p_rule_id ff_formulas_f.formula_id%type) is

Line 4062: -- required and create a row in ben_ext_rslt_dtl with all the formatted values.

4058: -- |---------< process_ext_recs >---------------------------------------------|
4059: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4060: -- This procedure will process detail extract records of the given level.
4061: -- For each record of the given level it will format it's data elements as
4062: -- required and create a row in ben_ext_rslt_dtl with all the formatted values.
4063: --
4064: Procedure process_ext_recs(p_ext_rslt_id in number,
4065: p_ext_file_id in number,
4066: p_data_typ_cd in varchar2, -- F, C

Line 4081: l_rslt_elmt ben_ext_rslt_dtl.val_01%type := null;

4077: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package||'process_ext_recs';
4078: --
4079: l_ext_rcd_id number(15) := null;
4080: l_ext_rcd_in_file_id number(15) := null;
4081: l_rslt_elmt ben_ext_rslt_dtl.val_01%type := null;
4082: l_rslt_elmt_fmt ben_ext_rslt_dtl.val_01%type := null;
4083: --
4084: l_ext_rslt_dtl_id number(15);
4085: l_object_version_number number(15);

Line 4082: l_rslt_elmt_fmt ben_ext_rslt_dtl.val_01%type := null;

4078: --
4079: l_ext_rcd_id number(15) := null;
4080: l_ext_rcd_in_file_id number(15) := null;
4081: l_rslt_elmt ben_ext_rslt_dtl.val_01%type := null;
4082: l_rslt_elmt_fmt ben_ext_rslt_dtl.val_01%type := null;
4083: --
4084: l_ext_rslt_dtl_id number(15);
4085: l_object_version_number number(15);
4086: --

Line 4092: l_prmy_sort_val ben_ext_rslt_dtl.prmy_sort_val%type;

4088: --
4089: l_write_rcd varchar2(1);
4090: l_dummy varchar2(1);
4091: --
4092: l_prmy_sort_val ben_ext_rslt_dtl.prmy_sort_val%type;
4093: l_scnd_sort_val ben_ext_rslt_dtl.scnd_sort_val%type;
4094: l_thrd_sort_val ben_ext_rslt_dtl.thrd_sort_val%type;
4095: l_exclude_this_rcd_flag boolean := false;
4096: l_exclude_flag boolean := false;

Line 4093: l_scnd_sort_val ben_ext_rslt_dtl.scnd_sort_val%type;

4089: l_write_rcd varchar2(1);
4090: l_dummy varchar2(1);
4091: --
4092: l_prmy_sort_val ben_ext_rslt_dtl.prmy_sort_val%type;
4093: l_scnd_sort_val ben_ext_rslt_dtl.scnd_sort_val%type;
4094: l_thrd_sort_val ben_ext_rslt_dtl.thrd_sort_val%type;
4095: l_exclude_this_rcd_flag boolean := false;
4096: l_exclude_flag boolean := false;
4097: l_lookup_type varchar2(30) := null; --Bug 2593220

Line 4094: l_thrd_sort_val ben_ext_rslt_dtl.thrd_sort_val%type;

4090: l_dummy varchar2(1);
4091: --
4092: l_prmy_sort_val ben_ext_rslt_dtl.prmy_sort_val%type;
4093: l_scnd_sort_val ben_ext_rslt_dtl.scnd_sort_val%type;
4094: l_thrd_sort_val ben_ext_rslt_dtl.thrd_sort_val%type;
4095: l_exclude_this_rcd_flag boolean := false;
4096: l_exclude_flag boolean := false;
4097: l_lookup_type varchar2(30) := null; --Bug 2593220
4098: --

Line 4971: ben_ext_rslt_dtl_api.update_ext_rslt_dtl

4968: -- if change extract and update flag defined and mode is update then
4969: if p_data_typ_cd = 'C' and l_chg_rcd_upd_flag = 'Y' and l_ext_chg_rcd_mode = 'U' then
4971: ben_ext_rslt_dtl_api.update_ext_rslt_dtl
4972: (p_validate => false
4973: ,p_ext_rslt_dtl_id => l_ext_rslt_dtl_id
4974: ,p_ext_rslt_id => p_ext_rslt_id
4975: ,p_ext_rcd_id => l_ext_rcd_id

Line 5286: ben_ext_rslt_dtl_api.create_ext_rslt_dtl

5282: );
5284: else
5285: -- allwasy create for non chang eextract
5286: ben_ext_rslt_dtl_api.create_ext_rslt_dtl
5287: (p_validate => false
5288: ,p_ext_rslt_dtl_id => l_ext_rslt_dtl_id
5289: ,p_prmy_sort_val => l_prmy_sort_val
5290: ,p_scnd_sort_val => l_scnd_sort_val

Line 5650: l_fmt_date ben_ext_rslt_Dtl.val_01%type := null;

5646: Function apply_format_mask(p_value date, p_format_mask varchar2
5647: )Return Varchar2 Is
5648: --
5649: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package||'apply_format_mask';
5650: l_fmt_date ben_ext_rslt_Dtl.val_01%type := null;
5652: --
5653: Begin
5654: --

Line 5685: l_fmt_num ben_ext_rslt_Dtl.val_01%type := null;

5681: Function apply_format_mask(p_value number, p_format_mask varchar2
5682: ) Return Varchar2 Is
5683: --
5684: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package||'apply_format_mask';
5685: l_fmt_num ben_ext_rslt_Dtl.val_01%type := null;
5686: l_cd_strt varchar2(1);
5687: l_str_value varchar2(100);
5688: l_format varchar2(100);
5689: --

Line 5790: l_fmt_string ben_ext_rslt_Dtl.val_01%type := null;

5786: Function apply_format_mask(p_value varchar2, p_format_mask varchar2
5787: ) Return Varchar2 Is
5788: --
5789: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package||'apply_format_mask';
5790: l_fmt_string ben_ext_rslt_Dtl.val_01%type := null;
5791: l_value_stripped ben_ext_rslt_Dtl.val_01%type := null;
5792: l_length number;
5793: l_err_message varchar2(2000) ;
5794: --

Line 5791: l_value_stripped ben_ext_rslt_Dtl.val_01%type := null;

5787: ) Return Varchar2 Is
5788: --
5789: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package||'apply_format_mask';
5790: l_fmt_string ben_ext_rslt_Dtl.val_01%type := null;
5791: l_value_stripped ben_ext_rslt_Dtl.val_01%type := null;
5792: l_length number;
5793: l_err_message varchar2(2000) ;
5794: --
5795: Begin

Line 6004: l_fmt_string ben_ext_rslt_Dtl.val_01%type := null;

6000: Function apply_format_function(p_value varchar2, p_format_mask varchar2
6001: ) Return Varchar2 Is
6002: --
6003: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package||'apply_format_function';
6004: l_fmt_string ben_ext_rslt_Dtl.val_01%type := null;
6005: l_err_message varchar2(2000) ;
6006: --
6007: Begin
6008: --