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Line 25: RETURN cn_chk_plan_element_pkg.pe_rec_type

21: x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
22: p_loading_status IN VARCHAR2,
23: x_loading_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
24: )
25: RETURN cn_chk_plan_element_pkg.pe_rec_type
26: IS
27: l_pe_rec cn_chk_plan_element_pkg.pe_rec_type := cn_chk_plan_element_pkg.g_miss_pe_rec;
29: x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;

Line 27: l_pe_rec cn_chk_plan_element_pkg.pe_rec_type := cn_chk_plan_element_pkg.g_miss_pe_rec;

23: x_loading_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
24: )
25: RETURN cn_chk_plan_element_pkg.pe_rec_type
26: IS
27: l_pe_rec cn_chk_plan_element_pkg.pe_rec_type := cn_chk_plan_element_pkg.g_miss_pe_rec;
29: x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
30: x_loading_status := p_loading_status;
31: l_pe_rec.NAME := LTRIM (RTRIM (p_quota_name));

Line 84: p_pe_rec IN cn_chk_plan_element_pkg.pe_rec_type,

80: x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
81: x_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
82: x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
83: p_rev_class_name_old IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
84: p_pe_rec IN cn_chk_plan_element_pkg.pe_rec_type,
85: p_loading_status IN VARCHAR2,
86: x_loading_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
87: )
88: IS

Line 101: p_para_name => cn_chk_plan_element_pkg.g_pe_name,

97: -- API body
98: -- check for required data in Quotas.
99: -- Check MISS and NULL ( Revenue class Name, Quota Name )
100: IF ((cn_api.chk_miss_char_para (p_char_para => p_pe_rec.NAME,
101: p_para_name => cn_chk_plan_element_pkg.g_pe_name,
102: p_loading_status => x_loading_status,
103: x_loading_status => l_loading_status
104: )
105: ) = fnd_api.g_true

Line 110: p_obj_name => cn_chk_plan_element_pkg.g_pe_name,

106: )
107: THEN
108: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
109: ELSIF ((cn_api.chk_null_char_para (p_char_para => p_pe_rec.NAME,
110: p_obj_name => cn_chk_plan_element_pkg.g_pe_name,
111: p_loading_status => x_loading_status,
112: x_loading_status => l_loading_status
113: )
114: ) = fnd_api.g_true

Line 122: p_para_name => cn_chk_plan_element_pkg.g_rev_cls_name,

118: END IF;
120: -- Check rev class name is not miss, not null
121: IF ((cn_api.chk_miss_char_para (p_char_para => p_pe_rec.rev_class_name,
122: p_para_name => cn_chk_plan_element_pkg.g_rev_cls_name,
123: p_loading_status => x_loading_status,
124: x_loading_status => l_loading_status
125: )
126: ) = fnd_api.g_true

Line 131: p_obj_name => cn_chk_plan_element_pkg.g_rev_cls_name,

127: )
128: THEN
129: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
130: ELSIF ((cn_api.chk_null_char_para (p_char_para => p_pe_rec.rev_class_name,
131: p_obj_name => cn_chk_plan_element_pkg.g_rev_cls_name,
132: p_loading_status => x_loading_status,
133: x_loading_status => l_loading_status
134: )
135: ) = fnd_api.g_true

Line 240: p_new_pe_rec IN cn_chk_plan_element_pkg.pe_rec_type := cn_chk_plan_element_pkg.g_miss_pe_rec,

236: x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
237: p_rev_class_name_old IN VARCHAR2,
238: x_rev_class_id_old OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
239: x_quota_rule_id_old OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
240: p_new_pe_rec IN cn_chk_plan_element_pkg.pe_rec_type := cn_chk_plan_element_pkg.g_miss_pe_rec,
241: p_loading_status IN VARCHAR2,
242: x_loading_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
243: )
244: IS

Line 326: x_quota_rule_id_old := cn_chk_plan_element_pkg.get_quota_rule_id (p_quota_id => p_new_pe_rec.quota_id, p_rev_class_id => x_rev_class_id_old);

323: --+
324: -- get the Old quota Rule ID, Used for Update or Delete
325: --+
326: x_quota_rule_id_old := cn_chk_plan_element_pkg.get_quota_rule_id (p_quota_id => p_new_pe_rec.quota_id, p_rev_class_id => x_rev_class_id_old);
328: IF x_quota_rule_id_old IS NULL
329: THEN
330: IF fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level (fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_error)

Line 405: l_pe_rec cn_chk_plan_element_pkg.pe_rec_type := cn_chk_plan_element_pkg.g_miss_pe_rec;

401: )
402: IS
403: l_api_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (30) := 'Create_Quota_Rules';
404: l_api_version CONSTANT NUMBER := 1.0;
405: l_pe_rec cn_chk_plan_element_pkg.pe_rec_type := cn_chk_plan_element_pkg.g_miss_pe_rec;
406: l_revenue_class_rec cn_plan_element_pub.revenue_class_rec_type;
407: l_trx_factor_rec cn_plan_element_pub.trx_factor_rec_type;
408: l_quota_rule_id NUMBER;
409: l_meaning cn_lookups.meaning%TYPE;

Line 485: cn_chk_plan_element_pkg.valid_revenue_class (x_return_status => x_return_status,

481: -- trx factor update( no insert allowed for trx)
482: -- or uplift insert
483: IF x_loading_status <> 'QUOTA_RULE_NOT_EXIST'
484: THEN
485: cn_chk_plan_element_pkg.valid_revenue_class (x_return_status => x_return_status,
486: p_pe_rec => l_pe_rec,
487: p_loading_status => x_loading_status,
488: x_loading_status => l_loading_status
489: );

Line 567: cn_chk_plan_element_pkg.chk_trx_factor (x_return_status => x_return_status,

563: -- Check TRX_FACTORS
564: -- 1. Key Factor's total = 100
565: -- 2. Must have Trx_Factors
566: --+
567: cn_chk_plan_element_pkg.chk_trx_factor (x_return_status => x_return_status,
568: p_quota_rule_id => l_pe_rec.quota_rule_id,
569: p_rev_class_name => l_pe_rec.rev_class_name,
570: p_loading_status => x_loading_status,
571: x_loading_status => l_loading_status

Line 657: l_pe_rec cn_chk_plan_element_pkg.pe_rec_type := cn_chk_plan_element_pkg.g_miss_pe_rec;

653: )
654: IS
655: l_api_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (30) := 'Update_Quota_Rules';
656: l_api_version CONSTANT NUMBER := 1.0;
657: l_pe_rec cn_chk_plan_element_pkg.pe_rec_type := cn_chk_plan_element_pkg.g_miss_pe_rec;
658: l_revenue_class_rec cn_plan_element_pub.revenue_class_rec_type;
659: l_trx_factor_rec cn_plan_element_pub.trx_factor_rec_type;
660: l_quota_rule_id NUMBER;
661: l_rev_class_id_old NUMBER;

Line 738: cn_chk_plan_element_pkg.valid_revenue_class (x_return_status => x_return_status,

734: -- IF you change the Revenue Class check for nested child
735: --+
736: IF l_pe_rec.rev_class_id <> l_rev_class_id_old
737: THEN
738: cn_chk_plan_element_pkg.valid_revenue_class (x_return_status => x_return_status,
739: p_pe_rec => l_pe_rec,
740: p_revenue_class_id_old => l_rev_class_id_old,
741: p_loading_status => x_loading_status,
742: x_loading_status => l_loading_status

Line 803: cn_chk_plan_element_pkg.chk_trx_factor (x_return_status => x_return_status,

799: -- Check TRX_FACTORS
800: -- 1. Key Factor's total = 100
801: -- 2. Must have Trx_Factors
802: --+
803: cn_chk_plan_element_pkg.chk_trx_factor (x_return_status => x_return_status,
804: p_quota_rule_id => l_quota_rule_id,
805: p_rev_class_name => l_pe_rec.rev_class_name,
806: p_loading_status => x_loading_status,
807: x_loading_status => l_loading_status

Line 918: p_para_name => cn_chk_plan_element_pkg.g_pe_name,

914: -- Standard check of p_commit.
915: --+
916: -- Check if plan element name is missing or null even for Delete the Q Rule
917: IF ((cn_api.chk_miss_char_para (p_char_para => p_quota_name,
918: p_para_name => cn_chk_plan_element_pkg.g_pe_name,
919: p_loading_status => x_loading_status,
920: x_loading_status => l_loading_status
921: )
922: ) = fnd_api.g_true

Line 927: p_obj_name => cn_chk_plan_element_pkg.g_pe_name,

923: )
924: THEN
925: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
926: ELSIF ((cn_api.chk_null_char_para (p_char_para => p_quota_name,
927: p_obj_name => cn_chk_plan_element_pkg.g_pe_name,
928: p_loading_status => x_loading_status,
929: x_loading_status => l_loading_status
930: )
931: ) = fnd_api.g_true

Line 938: l_rev_rec.quota_id := cn_chk_plan_element_pkg.get_quota_id (LTRIM (RTRIM (p_quota_name)),p_revenue_class_rec_tbl(1).org_id);

934: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
935: END IF;
937: -- Get the Quota ID
938: l_rev_rec.quota_id := cn_chk_plan_element_pkg.get_quota_id (LTRIM (RTRIM (p_quota_name)),p_revenue_class_rec_tbl(1).org_id);
940: -- Raise an Error If quota id is null but name is not null
941: IF l_rev_rec.quota_id IS NULL AND p_quota_name IS NOT NULL
942: THEN

Line 976: l_rev_rec.quota_rule_id := cn_chk_plan_element_pkg.get_quota_rule_id (l_rev_rec.quota_id, l_rev_rec.revenue_class_id);

972: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
973: END IF;
975: -- Get the Quota Rule ID
976: l_rev_rec.quota_rule_id := cn_chk_plan_element_pkg.get_quota_rule_id (l_rev_rec.quota_id, l_rev_rec.revenue_class_id);
978: IF l_rev_rec.quota_rule_id IS NULL
979: THEN
980: IF fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level (fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_error)