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2 /* $Header: BOMDGITB.pls 120.1.12020000.2 2012/11/14 08:28:17 leizhzha ship $ */
3 PROCEDURE init is
5 null;
6 END init;
8 PROCEDURE cleanup IS
10 -- test writer could insert special cleanup code here
11 NULL;
12 END cleanup;
15                         report OUT NOCOPY JTF_DIAG_REPORT,
16                         reportClob OUT NOCOPY CLOB) IS
17  reportStr	LONG;           -- REPORT
18  sqltxt		VARCHAR2(9999);  -- SQL select statement
19  c_username	VARCHAR2(50);   -- accept input for username
20  statusStr	VARCHAR2(50);   -- SUCCESS or FAILURE
21  errStr		VARCHAR2(4000); -- error message
22  fixInfo	VARCHAR2(4000); -- fix tip
23  isFatal	VARCHAR2(50);   -- TRUE or FALSE
24  num_rows	NUMBER;
25  dummy_num	NUMBER;
26  row_limit	NUMBER;
27  l_item_id	NUMBER;
28  l_org_id	NUMBER;
29  Value_link	VARCHAR2(4000);
30  l_org_exists	NUMBER;
31  l_script	VARCHAR2(20);
32  l_index_match	NUMBER;
33  l_seg_count	NUMBER;
34  l_org_col_exists NUMBER;
35  l_where_clause VARCHAR2(500);
36  l_count        NUMBER;
37  ln_cursor	  Integer;
38  sql_stmt        VARCHAR2(4000);
39  ln_rows_proc    INTEGER :=0;
40  l_ret_status      BOOLEAN;
41  l_status          VARCHAR2 (1);
42  l_industry        VARCHAR2 (1);
43  l_oracle_schema   VARCHAR2 (30);
45 Cursor c_item_status_codes is
46 select inventory_item_status_code status
47 from mtl_item_status_tl
48 order by inventory_item_status_code;
50 Cursor c_item_status_attr_val(l_item_status_code VARCHAR2) Is
51 select inventory_item_status_code,substr(attribute_name,18) attribute_name,attribute_value
52 from mtl_stat_attrib_values_all_v
53 where status_code_ndb  = 1
54 and  inventory_item_status_code=l_item_status_code
55 order by attribute_name;
57 Cursor list_of_unique_indexes(l_owner VARCHAR2) Is
58 select index_name
59 from   all_indexes
60 where  table_name = 'MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B'
61 and    owner = l_owner
62 and    UNIQUENESS = 'UNIQUE';
66 JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ADAPTUTIL.addStringToReport('@html');
67 JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.insert_style_sheet;
69 /* Set Row Limit to 1000 (i.e.) Max Number of records to be fetched by each sql*/
70  row_limit :=1000;
71  l_org_exists :=0; /* Initialize to zero */
73 -- accept input
74 l_org_id := JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ADAPTUTIL.getInputValue('OrgId',inputs);
75 l_script := nvl(upper(JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ADAPTUTIL.getInputValue('Script',inputs)),'ALL');
77 -- JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.Line_Out('<BR/> Script Selected: '||l_script);
80 /* l_script is NOT a mandatory input. If it is not entered, then run all the scripts.
81    However if a script name is entered, then validate it for existence. */
87 		JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.errorprint('Invalid Script Name');
88 		JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.ActionErrorPrint('Please choose a Script Name from the Lov or leave the field blank.');
89 		statusStr := 'FAILURE';
90 		isFatal := 'TRUE';
91 		fixInfo := ' Please review the error message below and take corrective action.';
92 		errStr  := ' Invalid value for input field Script ';
94 		report := JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ADAPTUTIL.constructReport(statusStr,errStr,fixInfo,isFatal);
95 		reportClob := JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ADAPTUTIL.getReportClob;
96 		Return;
97 	End If;
98 /* End of script name validation*/
100 /* l_org_id is NOT a mandatory input. If it is not entered, then run the scripts for all orgs.
101    However if a value is entered for org_id, then validate it for existence. */
103 If l_org_id is not null Then /* validate if input org_id exists*/
104 	Begin
105 		select 1 into l_org_exists
106 		from   mtl_parameters
107 		where  organization_id = l_org_id;
108 	Exception
109 	When others Then
110 		l_org_exists :=0;
111 		JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.errorprint('Invalid Organization Id');
112 		JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.ActionErrorPrint(' Please either provide a valid value for the Organization Id or leave it blank.');
113 		statusStr := 'FAILURE';
114 		isFatal := 'TRUE';
115 		fixInfo := ' Please review the error message below and take corrective action. ';
116 		errStr  := ' Invalid value for input field Organization Id ';
118 		report := JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ADAPTUTIL.constructReport(statusStr,errStr,fixInfo,isFatal);
119 		reportClob := JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ADAPTUTIL.getReportClob;
120 	End;
121 End If; /* End of l_org_id is not null */
123 If (l_org_id is null) or (l_org_exists = 1) Then
124 /* Health Check scripts start */
126 /* Get the application installation info. References to Data Dictionary Objects without schema name
127 included in WHERE predicate are not allowed (GSCC Check: file.sql.47). Schema name has to be passed
128 as an input parameter to JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.Column_Exists API. */
130 l_ret_status :=      fnd_installation.get_app_info ('INV'
131                                    , l_status
132                                    , l_industry
133                                    , l_oracle_schema
134                                     );
136 /*JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.Line_Out(' l_oracle_schema: '||l_oracle_schema);*/
138 If l_script  in ('ALL','DUP_ITEM') Then
139 /* Script 1 - Duplicate Item Names */
140 sqltxt := 'SELECT   mif.PADDED_ITEM_NUMBER	"Item Number",				'||
141 	  '	    mp.organization_code	"Org Code",				'||
142           '	    mif.inventory_item_id	"Item Id",				'||
143 	  '	    mif.organization_id		"Org Id"				'||
144 	  '  FROM   mtl_item_flexfields mif , mtl_parameters mp 			'||
145 	  ' WHERE  (mif.organization_id,PADDED_ITEM_NUMBER) in				'||
146 	  '			(select    organization_id , padded_item_number		'||
147           '			 from      mtl_item_flexfields				'||
148           '			 group by  organization_Id, PADDED_ITEM_NUMBER		'||
149           '			 having  count(*) > 1 )					'||
150 	  '   AND  mif.organization_id = mp.organization_id				';
152 if l_org_id is not null then
153    sqltxt :=sqltxt||' and mif.organization_id =  '||l_org_id;
154 end if;
155 sqltxt := sqltxt || ' and rownum< '||row_limit;
156 sqltxt := sqltxt || ' order by mif.PADDED_ITEM_NUMBER, mp.organization_code';
157 num_rows:= JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.display_sql(sqltxt, ' Duplicate Item Names ');
159 If (num_rows = 0) Then	   /* Corrupt Data Found for this case*/
160  JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.Line_Out('No corrupt data found for this case. <BR/>');
161 ElsIf (num_rows > 0) Then  /* Show Impact and Action only if rows are returned */
162  If (num_rows = row_limit -1 ) Then
163  JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.Line_Out('<BR/> Output of the above table is limited to the first '||(row_limit-1)||' rows
164 				  <BR/> to prevent an excessively big output file <BR/>');
165  End If;
167 <BR/>Querying these items in Items form , transactions form , sales order form etc.
168 <BR/>will error thus making these items unusable.');
170 reportStr := '<BR/>
171 <BR/><u>ACTION</u>:
172 <BR/>If Duplicate Rows are returned:
173 <BR/> Case 1: Master Item duplicates:
174      <BR/> If Duplicate Item is present only in the Master org, then user needs to
175      <BR/> rename the Master Item which is not assigned to any child org.
176      <BR/> To rename the Master Item, make use of the below mentioned update script.
177 <BR/> Case 2: Both Child and Master org duplicates:
178      <BR/> If the Duplicate Item is present in both Master and Child orgs , then user can
179      <BR/> choose any one of the duplicated items and rename the same in the Master org.
180      <BR/> To rename the Master Item, make use of the below mentioned update script.
181      <BR/> Please use the below update statements to rename the Master Item.
182      <BR/> <BR/>Important: Please try these scripts on a TEST instance first.
183      <pre>
184      The below update statement can be used to correct a specific item.
185      Substitute the bind variables orgid and itemid with the appropriate values.
187 	update mtl_system_items_b
188         set segment1 = ''segment1'' || ''_DUP''
189        where  organization_id = :orgid
190        and    inventory_item_id = :itemid;
191        </pre>
192      <BR/> Use ''Delete Items'' form to delete the renamed item.
193 <BR/>';
194 JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ADAPTUTIL.addStringToReport(reportClob,reportStr);
195 End If;   /* End of Impact and Action */
197 statusStr := 'SUCCESS';
198 isFatal := 'FALSE';
200 End If; /* End of l_script */
201 /* End of Script 1 - Duplicate Item Names */
203 /* Script for Unique Index suggestion for Item Number segments in MSIB */
205 /* Get the application installation info. References to Data Dictionary Objects without schema name
206 included in WHERE predicate are not allowed (GSCC Check: file.sql.47). For accessing all_indexes
207 in cursor list_of_unique_indexes and all_ind_columns in the query below we need to pass the schema name*/
209 l_ret_status :=      fnd_installation.get_app_info ('INV'
210                                    , l_status
211                                    , l_industry
212                                    , l_oracle_schema
213                                     );
215 /*JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.Line_Out(' l_oracle_schema: '||l_oracle_schema);*/
217 If l_script  in ('ALL','UNIQ_INDEX') Then
219 /* Logic of the script:
220    Let  SetA = all the enabled segments for MSTK kff
221 	SetB = all the columns in a particular index on table MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B
223     If SetA - SetB = SetB - SetA Then SetA = SetB
224 */
226 	Begin
227 		/*Fetch Enabled System Items Segments */
229 		sqltxt := 'select segment_num "Segment Number", segment_name "Segment Name",	 '||
230    		  '	application_column_name "Column Name", required_flag "Required Flag"	 '||
231 	   	  '	from   fnd_id_flex_segments_vl						 '||
232 	   	  '	where  application_id = 401						 '||
233 	   	  '	and    id_flex_code   = ''MSTK''					 '||
234 	          '	and    id_flex_num    = 101						 '||
235 	   	  '	and    enabled_flag   = ''Y''						 '||
236 	  	  '	order by segment_num 							 ';
238 		num_rows:= JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.display_sql(sqltxt, ' Unique Index suggestion for Enabled Item Number Segments in mtl_system_items_b Table.');
239 		statusStr := 'SUCCESS';
240 		isFatal := 'FALSE';
241 		/*End of Script to fetch Enabled System Items Segments */
243 		If (num_rows = 0) Then
244 		JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.Line_Out('None of the Item Number Segments are enabled. <BR/>');
245 		Elsif (num_rows > 0) Then  /* Show Impact and Action only if rows are returned */
246 		JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.Line_Out('<BR/> Listed above are the enabled system items segments.
247 		<BR/> Users are suggested to create an Unique Index on MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B table
248 		<BR/> containing all the enabled segments plus the organization_id column.
249 		<BR/> For further details on creating such an index please refer to
250 		<BR/> ''Oracle Manufacturing APIs and Open Interfaces Manual'' (Part No. A95955-03),
251 		<BR/> Chapter 7 - ''Oracle Inventory Open Interfaces and APIs'',
252 		<BR/> Section ''Open Item Interface'', SubSection ''Setting Up the Item Interface''.
253 		<BR/> <BR/><u>IMPACT:</u> Presence of such an Index will improve the performance
254 		<BR/> while querying up Items and will also avoid Duplicate Items from getting created.
255 		<BR/><BR/> Verifying whether such an index exists....
256 		<BR/> <u>Result:</u>');
257 		l_index_match:=0;
259 		For l_index in list_of_unique_indexes(l_oracle_schema) Loop
260 		l_index_match:=0; /* reset to does not match*/
261 		l_org_col_exists :=0;
262 		l_seg_count :=0;
264 		Begin
266 			Select 1 into l_seg_count from dual
267 			 where not exists (
268 			 (select APPLICATION_COLUMN_NAME "Column_Name"
270 			 where ID_FLEX_CODE = 'MSTK'
271 			 and enabled_flag = 'Y'
272 			 MINUS
273 			 select ori.logical_column_name "Column_Name" from (select * from (select
274 			    tab.owner
275 			  , tab.table_name
276 			  , col.table_name real_table_name
277 			  , decode(ev.view_name, NULL, col.column_name, evc.view_column_name) logical_column_name
278 			  , col.column_name real_column_name
279 			from
280 			    dba_tables tab
281 			  , dba_tab_columns col
282 			  , dba_editioning_views ev
283 			  , dba_editioning_view_cols evc
284 			WHERE tab.table_name = 'MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B'
285 			  and col.owner        = tab.owner
286 			  and col.table_name   = tab.table_name
287 			  and ev.owner(+)      = tab.owner
288 			  and ev.table_name(+) = tab.table_name
289 			  and evc.owner(+)        = ev.owner
290 			  AND evc.view_name(+)    = ev.view_name
291 			  AND (ev.view_name IS NULL OR evc.table_column_name = col.column_name)) WHERE logical_column_name LIKE 'SEGMENT%') ori, all_ind_columns aic
292 			  WHERE ori.real_column_name = aic.column_name
293 			  and ori.real_table_name = aic.table_name
294 			  AND    aic.index_name =l_index.index_name
295 			  AND    aic.index_owner=l_oracle_schema)
296 			 UNION
297 			 (
298 			 select ori.logical_column_name "Column_Name" from (select * from (select
299 			    tab.owner
300 			  , tab.table_name
301 			  , col.table_name real_table_name
302 			  , decode(ev.view_name, NULL, col.column_name, evc.view_column_name) logical_column_name
303 			  , col.column_name real_column_name
304 			from
305 			    dba_tables tab
306 			  , dba_tab_columns col
307 			  , dba_editioning_views ev
308 			  , dba_editioning_view_cols evc
309 			WHERE tab.table_name = 'MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B'
310 			  and col.owner        = tab.owner
311 			  and col.table_name   = tab.table_name
312 			  and ev.owner(+)      = tab.owner
313 			  and ev.table_name(+) = tab.table_name
314 			  and evc.owner(+)        = ev.owner
315 			  AND evc.view_name(+)    = ev.view_name
316 			  AND (ev.view_name IS NULL OR evc.table_column_name = col.column_name)) WHERE logical_column_name LIKE 'SEGMENT%') ori, all_ind_columns aic
317 			  WHERE ori.real_column_name = aic.column_name
318 			  and ori.real_table_name = aic.table_name
319 			  AND    aic.index_name =l_index.index_name
320 			  AND    aic.index_owner=l_oracle_schema
321 			 MINUS
322 			 select APPLICATION_COLUMN_NAME "Column_Name"
324 			 where ID_FLEX_CODE = 'MSTK'
325 			 and enabled_flag = 'Y')
326 			 );
328 			If l_seg_count = 1 Then /* Segment Match Found*/
329 				Begin
330 		   			select 1 into l_org_col_exists
331 		   			from (select * from (select
332 								    tab.owner
333 								  , tab.table_name
334 								  , col.table_name real_table_name
335 								  , decode(ev.view_name, NULL, col.column_name, evc.view_column_name) logical_column_name
336 								  , col.column_name real_column_name
337 								from
338 								    dba_tables tab
339 								  , dba_tab_columns col
340 								  , dba_editioning_views ev
341 								  , dba_editioning_view_cols evc
342 								WHERE tab.table_name = 'MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B'
343 								  and col.owner        = tab.owner
344 								  and col.table_name   = tab.table_name
345 								  and ev.owner(+)      = tab.owner
346 								  and ev.table_name(+) = tab.table_name
347 								  and evc.owner(+)        = ev.owner
348 								  AND evc.view_name(+)    = ev.view_name
349 								  AND (ev.view_name IS NULL OR evc.table_column_name = col.column_name)) WHERE logical_column_name = 'ORGANIZATION_ID') ori, all_ind_columns aic
350 								  WHERE ori.real_column_name = aic.column_name
351 								  and ori.real_table_name = aic.table_name
352 								  AND    aic.index_name =l_index.index_name
353 								  AND    aic.index_owner=l_oracle_schema;
354 				Exception
355 	   			When Others Then
356 					Null;
357 				End;
358 			End If;
360 			If l_seg_count=1 and l_org_col_exists=1 Then
361 				l_index_match :=1;   /* Matching Index Exists */
362 				JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.Line_Out('<BR/> Unique Index '||l_index.index_name||' matches the Enabled System Items Segments + Organization_Id columns. <BR/>');
363 				Exit;
364 			End If;
366 		Exception
367 		When Others Then
368 			null;
369 		End;
370 		End Loop;
372 		If l_index_match=0 Then /* Match Not Found*/
373 		JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.Line_Out('<BR/> No Unique Index as described above exists.
374 		<BR/> <BR/><u>ACTION:</u> Please create a Unique Index on MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B table
375 		<BR/> containing all the enabled segments plus the organization_id column. <BR/>');
376 		End If;
377 		End If;   /* End of Impact and Action */
378 	End;
380 End If; /* End of l_script */
381 /* End of Script for Unique Index suggestion for Item Number segments in MSIB */
383 /* Script for fetching items with invalid GL accounts. */
384 If l_script  in ('ALL','IVGL_ACC') Then
385 sqltxt := '	   SELECT glcc.PADDED_CONCATENATED_SEGMENTS  "Code Combination",					 '||
386 	  '	   mif.PADDED_ITEM_NUMBER 		   "Item Number",					 '||
387 	  '	   mp.organization_code 		   "Org Code",						 '||
388 	  '	   glcc.code_combination_id		   "Code Combination Id",				 '||
389   	  '	   mif.inventory_item_id 		   "Item Id",						 '||
390 	  '	   mp.organization_id	 		   "Org Id",						 '||
391 	  '        decode(mif.cost_of_sales_account,glcc.code_combination_Id,''X'') "Cost Of Sales Account",	 '||
392 	  '	   decode(mif.sales_account,glcc.code_combination_Id,''X'')	  "Sales Account",		 '||
393 	  '	   decode(mif.expense_account,glcc.code_combination_Id,''X'')	  "Expense Account",		 '||
394 	  '	   decode(mif.encumbrance_account,glcc.code_combination_Id,''X'')	  "Encumbrance Account"		 '||
395 	  '	   FROM  gl_code_combinations_kfv glcc, mtl_item_flexfields mif , mtl_parameters mp		 '||
396 	  '        WHERE glcc.code_combination_id in (mif.cost_of_sales_account, mif.SALES_ACCOUNT,		 '||
397 	  '   					    mif.EXPENSE_ACCOUNT, mif.ENCUMBRANCE_ACCOUNT)		 '||
398 	  '        AND nvl(glcc.END_DATE_ACTIVE,sysdate) < sysdate						 '||
399 	  '        AND DETAIL_POSTING_ALLOWED = ''Y''								 '||
400 	  '	   AND CHART_OF_ACCOUNTS_ID in (select chart_of_accounts_id					 '||
401 	  '					from ORG_ORGANIZATION_DEFINITIONS ood				 '||
402 	  '					where ood.organization_id = mif.organization_id and rownum = 1)	 '||
403 	  '	   AND mif.organization_id = mp.organization_id 						 ';
405 if l_org_id is not null then
406    sqltxt :=sqltxt||' and mif.organization_id =  '||l_org_id;
407 end if;
408 sqltxt := sqltxt || ' and rownum< '||row_limit;
409 sqltxt := sqltxt || ' order by glcc.PADDED_CONCATENATED_SEGMENTS, mif.PADDED_ITEM_NUMBER, mp.organization_code';
411 num_rows:= JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.display_sql(sqltxt, ' Items with Invalid GL Accounts');
413 If (num_rows = 0) Then	   /* Corrupt Data Found for this case*/
414  JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.Line_Out('No corrupt data found for this case. <BR/>');
415 ElsIf (num_rows > 0) Then  /* Show Impact and Action only if rows are returned */
416  If (num_rows = row_limit -1 ) Then
417  JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.Line_Out('<BR/> Output of the above table is limited to the first '||(row_limit-1)||' rows
418 				  <BR/> to prevent an excessively big output file <BR/>');
419  End If;
420  JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.Line_Out('<BR/>Account Columns marked with ''X'' correspond to invalid GL Accounts.');
422 <BR/> Downstream applications using these items might refer to
423 <BR/> these invalid GL accounts thus causing data corruption. ');
425 reportStr :=
426 '<BR/> <BR/><u>ACTION</u>:
427  <BR/> Please follow the below steps to correct each of the items with invalid GL Accounts.
428  <BR/> 1) Open (N) Inventory > Items form (Master Items/Organization Items).
429  <BR/> 2) Query for that Item.
430  <BR/> 3) Go to the respective invalid GL Account Code field.
431  <BR/>	    (T) Costing > ''Cost of Goods Sold Account'', (T) Invoicing > ''Sales Account'',
432  <BR/>       (T) Purchasing > ''Expense Account'', (T) Purchasing > ''Encumbrance Account''.
433  <BR/> 4) Choose an appropriate valid GL Account from the Lov attached.
434  <BR/> 5) Save changes to this item.
435  <BR/> <u>Note</u>: If the number of items to corrected are huge, then Item Import functionality
436  <BR/> can also be used for correcting the GL Account fields.
437  <BR/> For details on Item Import, please refer to
438  <BR/> ''Oracle Manufacturing APIs and Open Interfaces Manual'' (Part No. A95955-03),
439  <BR/> Chapter 7 - ''Oracle Inventory Open Interfaces and APIs'', Section ''Open Item Interface''.
440  <BR/>';
441 JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ADAPTUTIL.addStringToReport(reportClob,reportStr);
442 End If;   /* End of Impact and Action */
444 statusStr := 'SUCCESS';
445 isFatal := 'FALSE';
448 End If; /* End of l_script */
449 /* End of script for fetching items with invalid GL accounts. */
451 /* Script to identify items present in mtl_system_items_b but missing in mtl_system_items_tl */
452 If l_script  in ('ALL','MISSING_TL') Then
453 sqltxt := 'SELECT mif.PADDED_ITEM_NUMBER	"Item Number",					'||
454 	  '	  mp.Organization_code		"Org Code",					'||
455 	  '	  mif.inventory_item_id		"Item Id",					'||
456 	  '	  mif.organization_id		"Org Id"					'||
457           '  FROM    mtl_item_flexfields mif , mtl_parameters mp				'||
458           '  WHERE   Not Exists (SELECT      ''x''						'||
459           '                  FROM        mtl_system_items_tl msitl				'||
460           '                  WHERE       msitl.organization_id = mif.organization_id		'||
461           '                  AND         msitl.inventory_item_id = mif.inventory_item_id)	'||
462 	  '   AND mif.organization_id = mp.organization_id					';
464 if l_org_id is not null then
465    sqltxt :=sqltxt||' and mif.organization_id =  '||l_org_id;
466 end if;
467 sqltxt := sqltxt || ' and rownum< '||row_limit;
468 sqltxt := sqltxt || ' order by mif.PADDED_ITEM_NUMBER, mp.organization_code';
470 num_rows:= JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.display_sql(sqltxt, ' List of Items present in mtl_system_items_b table but missing in mtl_system_items_tl table');
472 If (num_rows = 0) Then	   /* Corrupt Data Found for this case*/
473  JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.Line_Out('No corrupt data found for this case. <BR/>');
474 ElsIf (num_rows > 0) Then  /* Show Impact and Action only if rows are returned */
475  If (num_rows = row_limit -1 ) Then
476  JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.Line_Out('<BR/> Output of the above table is limited to the first '||(row_limit-1)||' rows
477 				  <BR/> to prevent an excessively big output file <BR/>');
478  End If;
480  <BR/> These items cannot be queried and used in multiple forms across the application .
481  <BR/> For e.g. Items , Purchasing, Transactions, Sales order form etc. <BR/><BR/>');
483 JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.ActionErrorLink('<BR/> If Rows are returned with missing data in translations table,
484 					<BR/> then please refer to metalink note : ' , '388325.1', '' );
485 End If;   /* End of Impact and Action */
487 statusStr := 'SUCCESS';
488 isFatal := 'FALSE';
491 End If; /* End of l_script */
492 /* End of Script to identiy items present in mtl_system_items_b but missing in mtl_system_items_tl */
495 /* Script to Identify costing enabled items with missing data in costing tables */
496 If l_script  in ('ALL','COST_ENABLED') Then
497 sqltxt := '	select '||
498 	  '	mif.padded_item_number	   "PADDED ITEM NUMBER",   			 '||
499 	  '	mp.organization_code	   "ORGANIZATION CODE",    			 '||
500 	  '	mif.costing_enabled_flag   "COSTING ENABLED FLAG",	 		 '||
501 	  '	mif.inventory_asset_flag   "INVENTORY ASSET FLAG",  			 '||
502 	  '	mif.inventory_item_id	   "INVENTORY ITEM ID",    			 '||
503 	  '	mp.organization_id 	   "ORGANIZATION ID"     			 '||
504 	  '	from    mtl_item_flexfields mif, mtl_parameters mp			 '||
505 	  '	where   mif.organization_id = mp.organization_id 			 '||
506 	  '	and     mif.costing_enabled_flag = ''Y''				 '||
507 	  '	and not exists (select null 						 '||
508 	  '			from  cst_item_costs cic 				 '||
509 	  '	                where cic.organization_id   = mif.organization_id 	 '||
510 	  '	                and   cic.inventory_item_id = mif.inventory_item_id)	 ';
512 	if l_org_id is not null then
513 	   sqltxt :=sqltxt||' and mif.organization_id =  '||l_org_id;
514 	end if;
515 	sqltxt := sqltxt || ' and rownum< '||row_limit;
516 	sqltxt :=sqltxt||' order by mif.padded_item_number, mp.organization_code';
518 num_rows:= JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.display_sql(sqltxt, ' Costing Enabled Items with missing data in costing tables. ');
520 If (num_rows = 0) Then	   /* Corrupt Data Found for this case*/
521  JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.Line_Out('No corrupt data found for this case. <BR/>');
522 ElsIf (num_rows > 0) Then  /* Show Impact and Action only if rows are returned */
523  If (num_rows = row_limit -1 ) Then
524  JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.Line_Out('<BR/> Output of the above table is limited to the first '||(row_limit-1)||' rows
525 				  <BR/> to prevent an excessively big output file <BR/>');
526  End If;
528 <BR/>These items cannot be costed which will cause data corruption in Costing module. ');
530 reportStr :=
531 ' <BR/><BR/><u>ACTION</u>:
532   <BR/>	Please follow the below steps to create the missing data in costing tables
533   <BR/>  for each item returned above.
534   <BR/>	Case 1: (On Hand Quantity does not exist for the item in the corresponding organization)
535   <BR/>	1) Open (N) Inventory > Items form (Master Items/Organization Items).
536   <BR/>	2) Query for that Item.
537   <BR/>	3) Go to (T) Costing.
538   <BR/>	4) Select ''Costing Enabled'' checkbox. Select ''Inventory Asset Value'' checkbox if required.
539   <BR/>	   If these checkboxes are already checked, then uncheck them first and then check again.
540   <BR/>	5) Save changes to this item.
541   <BR/>
542   <BR/>	Case 2:(On Hand Quantity exists for the item in the corresponding organization)
543   <BR/>	1) Issue out the on hand quantity for this item.
544   <BR/>  Now <b><u>NO</u></b> On Hand Quantity exists for this item.
545   <BR/>	2) Follow the steps in case 1 to enable the costing flags.
546   <BR/>	3) Receive the quantity back into the organization.
547   <BR/>
548   <BR/>	Caution:Costing Flags should be flipped only when NO On Hand Qty exists for an Item.
549   <BR/>	         Otherwise it will lead to severe data corruption.
550   <BR/>	<u>Note</u>: If the number of items to corrected are huge, then Item Import functionality
551   <BR/>  can also be used for flipping the costing flags.
552   <BR/>  For details on Item Import, please refer to
553   <BR/>  ''Oracle Manufacturing APIs and Open Interfaces Manual'' (Part No. A95955-03),
554   <BR/>  Chapter 7 - ''Oracle Inventory Open Interfaces and APIs'', Section ''Open Item Interface''.
555   <BR/>';
557 JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ADAPTUTIL.addStringToReport(reportClob,reportStr);
558 End If;   /* End of Impact and Action */
560 statusStr := 'SUCCESS';
561 isFatal := 'FALSE';
564 End If; /* End of l_script */
565 /* End of costing enabled items with missing data in costing tables. */
568 /* Script to identify items whose tracking and pricing UOMs are set to Primary but
569   Secondary UOM has a non null value. So we check for the existence of the columns ont_pricing_qty_source,tracking_quantity_ind
570   in table mtl_system_items_b */
572 If l_script  in ('ALL','SECONDARY_UOM') Then
574 sqltxt := '	select '||
575 	  '		mif.padded_item_number		"item number",			  '||
576 	  ' 		mp.organization_code 		"org code",			  '||
577 	  ' 	  	mif.tracking_quantity_ind 	"tracking quantity ind", 	  '||
578 	  '	  	mif.ont_pricing_qty_source 	"ont pricing qty source", 	  '||
579 	  '   	  	mif.secondary_uom_code 		"secondary uom code",   	  '||
580 	  ' 	  	mif.inventory_item_id 		"inventory item id",		  '||
581 	  ' 	  	mif.organization_id 		"organization id" 		  '||
582 	  '	from    mtl_item_flexfields mif, mtl_parameters mp			  '||
583 	  '	where   mif.organization_id=mp.organization_id				  '||
584 	  '	and     nvl(mif.tracking_quantity_ind,''P'') =  ''P'' 			  '||
585 	  '	and     nvl(mif.ont_pricing_qty_source,''P'') = ''P'' 			  '||
586 	  '	and     mif.secondary_uom_code is not null 				  ';
588 	if l_org_id is not null then
589 	   sqltxt :=sqltxt||' and mif.organization_id =  '||l_org_id;
590 	end if;
591 	sqltxt := sqltxt || ' and rownum< '||row_limit;
592 	sqltxt :=sqltxt||' order by mif.padded_item_number, mp.organization_code';
594 num_rows:= JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.display_sql(sqltxt, ' Items whose Tracking or Pricing fields (Items -> Main tab) set to Primary but Secondary UOM has a Non Null value.');
596 If (num_rows = 0) Then	   /* Corrupt Data Found for this case*/
597  JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.Line_Out('No corrupt data found for this case. <BR/>');
598 ElsIf (num_rows > 0) Then  /* Show Impact and Action only if rows are returned */
599  If (num_rows = row_limit -1 ) Then
600 	JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.Line_Out('<BR/> Output of the above table is limited to the first '||(row_limit-1)||' rows
601 					 <BR/> to prevent an excessively big output file <BR/>');
602  End If;
603 JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.Line_Out(' <BR/> When an item''s Tracking or Pricing field (Items -> main tab)
604 				  <BR/> is set to Primary, then its Secondary UOM should not be populated.');
607 <BR/> Item import process cannot be run to update any of the Item attributes
608 <BR/> as users will receive the following error message.
609 <BR/> ''If tracking and pricing are set to Primary,
610 <BR/> then Secondary Unit of measure can only have a null value. '' ');
612 reportStr := '<BR/><BR/><u>ACTION</u>:
613 <BR/> Use Item Import in UPDATE mode to update the column SECONDARY_UOM_CODE
614 <BR/> as NULL for these Items.
615 <BR/> To null out varchar attributes through Item Import, the value ''!'' (exclamation mark)
616 <BR/> has to be populated for the corresponding column in the interface record.
617 <BR/> For details on Item Import, please refer to
618 <BR/> ''Oracle Manufacturing APIs and Open Interfaces Manual'' (Part No. A95955-03),
619 <BR/> Chapter 7 - ''Oracle Inventory Open Interfaces and APIs'', Section ''Open Item Interface''.
620 <BR/>';
621 JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ADAPTUTIL.addStringToReport(reportClob,reportStr);
622 End If;   /* End of Impact and Action */
624 statusStr := 'SUCCESS';
625 isFatal := 'FALSE';
628 End If; /* End of l_script */
629 /* End of script to identify items whose tracking and pricing UOMs are set to Primary but
630   Secondary UOM has a non null value.*/
632 /* Script to identify items attached with inactive buyers*/
633 If l_script  in ('ALL','BUYER_ID') Then
634 sqltxt := '	select '||
635 	  '	   	mif.padded_item_number    "Item Number",			  '||
636 	  ' 	   	mp.organization_code	  "Organization Code",			  '||
637 	  ' 	   	pav.agent_name		  "Default Buyer",			  '||
638 	  '	   	to_char(pav.start_date_active,''DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'')     "Start Date Active", '||
639 	  '   	   	to_char(pav.end_date_active,''DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'')       "End Date Active",   '||
640 	  ' 	   	mif.inventory_item_id  	  "Inventory Item Id",			  '||
641 	  '		mif.organization_id	  "Organization Id",			  '||
642 	  '	   	mif.buyer_id		  "Default Buyer Id"			  '||
643 	  '	from    mtl_item_flexfields mif, mtl_parameters mp, po_agents_v pav	  '||
644 	  '	where   mif.organization_id=mp.organization_id				  '||
645 	  '	and     mif.buyer_id=pav.agent_id					  '||
646 	  '	and     sysdate not between nvl(pav.start_date_active, sysdate-1) 	  '||
647  	  ' 		 		       and nvl(pav.end_date_active, sysdate+1)	  ';
649 	if l_org_id is not null then
650 	   sqltxt :=sqltxt||' and mif.organization_id =  '||l_org_id;
651 	end if;
652 	sqltxt := sqltxt || ' and rownum< '||row_limit;
653 	sqltxt := sqltxt ||'  order by mif.padded_item_number, mp.organization_code';
655 num_rows:= JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.display_sql(sqltxt, ' Items whose buyer_id corresponds to Inactive Buyers');
657 If (num_rows = 0) Then	   /* Corrupt Data Found for this case*/
658  JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.Line_Out('No corrupt data found for this case. <BR/>');
659 ElsIf (num_rows > 0) Then  /* Show Impact and Action only if rows are returned */
660  If (num_rows = row_limit -1 ) Then
661  JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.Line_Out('<BR/> Output of the above table is limited to the first '||(row_limit-1)||' rows
662 				  <BR/> to prevent an excessively big output file <BR/>');
663  End If;
665 <BR/> Item import process cannot be run to update any of the Item attributes as users
666 <BR/> will receive error messages corresponding to inactive buyers. ');
668 reportStr := '<BR/><BR/><u>ACTION</u>:
669 <BR/> If records are fetched with inactive buyer_id,
670 <BR/> then please follow the below steps to correct them.
671 <BR/> 1) Open (N) Inventory > Items > Items form.
672 <BR/>	If attribute ''Default Buyer'' is Master Controlled, then use Master Items form,
673 <BR/>	Else if it is Org Controlled, then use Organization Items form.
674 <BR/> 2) Query for an item fetched above.
675 <BR/> 3) Go to (T) Purchasing > ''Default Buyer'' field.
676 <BR/> 4) Currently it will be blank.
677 <BR/> 5)	Click on this field and tab out without entering any value for it.
678 <BR/> This will clear the buyer_id column.
679 <BR/> 6) Save the changes to the form.
680 <BR/>';
681 JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ADAPTUTIL.addStringToReport(reportClob,reportStr);
684 /*<BR/><BR/> Note: If the number of items to be corrected are huge, then use Item Import in UPDATE mode to null out the buyer_id column.
685 <BR/> For nulling out numeric attributes through IOI the value -999999 has to be populated for the corresponding column in the interface record.
686 */
687 End If;   /* End of Impact and Action */
689 statusStr := 'SUCCESS';
690 isFatal := 'FALSE';
693 End If; /* End of l_script */
694 /* End of Script to identify items attached with inactive buyers*/
696 /* Script to identify items attached with inactive planners*/
698 If l_script  in ('ALL','PLANNER_INACT') Then
699 sqltxt := '	select '||
700 	  '  		mif.padded_item_number    "Item Number",			'||
701 	  '  		mp.organization_code	  "Organization Code",			'||
702 	  ' 		mpl.planner_code	  "Planner",				'||
703 	  '		to_char(mpl.disable_date,''DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'')	  "Planner Disable Date", '||
704 	  '  		mif.inventory_item_id  	  "Inventory Item Id",			'||
705 	  ' 		mif.organization_id	  "Organization Id"			'||
706 	  ' 	from	mtl_item_flexfields mif, mtl_parameters mp, mtl_planners mpl	'||
707 	  ' 	where	mif.organization_id=mp.organization_id				'||
708 	  ' 	and	mif.organization_id=mpl.organization_id				'||
709 	  ' 	and	mif.planner_code=mpl.planner_code				'||
710 	  ' 	and	nvl(mpl.disable_date, sysdate+1) < sysdate 			';
712 	if l_org_id is not null then
713 	   sqltxt :=sqltxt||' and mif.organization_id =  '||l_org_id;
714 	end if;
715 	sqltxt := sqltxt || ' and rownum< '||row_limit;
716 	sqltxt := sqltxt ||'  order by mif.padded_item_number, mp.organization_code, mpl.planner_code';
718 	num_rows:= JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.display_sql(sqltxt, ' Items with Inactive Planners ');
720 	If (num_rows = 0) Then	   /* Corrupt Data Found for this case*/
721 		JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.Line_Out('No corrupt data found for this case. <BR/>');
722 	ElsIf (num_rows > 0) Then  /* Show Impact and Action only if rows are returned */
723 		If (num_rows = row_limit -1 ) Then
724 		JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.Line_Out('<BR/> Output of the above table is limited to the first '||(row_limit-1)||' rows
725 						 <BR/> to prevent an excessively big output file <BR/>');
726 		End If;
729 	<BR/> Item import process cannot be run to update any of the Item attributes as users
730 	<BR/> will receive error messages corresponding to invalid planners. ');
732 	reportStr := '<BR/><BR/><u>ACTION</u>:
733 	<BR/> If records are fetched with inactive planners,
734 	<BR/> then please follow the below steps to correct them.
735 	<BR/> 1) Open (N) Inventory > Items > Items form.
736 	<BR/>	If attribute ''Planner'' is Master Controlled, then use Master Items form,
737 	<BR/>	Else if it is Org Controlled, then use Organization Items form.
738 	<BR/> 2) Query for an item fetched above.
739 	<BR/> 3) Go to (T) General Planning > Planner field.
740 	<BR/> 4) Currently it will show the inactive planner.
741 	<BR/> 5)	Either clear this field or choose a valid planner from the lov.
742 	<BR/> 6) Save the changes to the form. <BR/>
743 	<BR/> <U>Note:</U> If the number of items to be corrected are huge, then
744 	<BR/> use Item Import in UPDATE mode to update the column PLANNER_CODE
745 	<BR/> for these Items to either a NULL value or a valid Planner.
746 	<BR/> To null out varchar attributes through Item Import, the value ''!'' (exclamation mark)
747 	<BR/> has to be populated for the corresponding column in the interface record.
748 	<BR/> For details on Item Import, please refer to
749 	<BR/> ''Oracle Manufacturing APIs and Open Interfaces Manual'' (Part No. A95955-03),
750 	<BR/> Chapter 7 - ''Oracle Inventory Open Interfaces and APIs'', Section ''Open Item Interface''.
751 	<BR/>';
752 	JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ADAPTUTIL.addStringToReport(reportClob,reportStr);
755 	End If;   /* End of Impact and Action */
757 	statusStr := 'SUCCESS';
758 	isFatal := 'FALSE';
761 End If; /* End of l_script */
762 /* End of Script to identify items with inactive planners*/
765 /* Script to identify items that fail the Interdependencies betweem Status Attributes. */
766 If l_script  in ('ALL','ATTR_DEPEND') Then
767 sqltxt := 	'	Select	'||
768 		'	mif.padded_item_number     "Item Number",																	'||
769 		'       mp.organization_code       "Org Code",																		'||
770 		'	mif.inventory_item_flag    "INVENTORY ITEM FLAG",																'||
771 		'	mif.purchasing_item_flag   "PURCHASING ITEM FLAG",																'||
772 		'	mif.customer_order_flag    "CUSTOMER ORDER FLAG",																'||
773 		'	mif.internal_order_flag    "INTERNAL ORDER FLAG",																'||
774 		'	mif.invoiceable_item_flag  "INVOICEABLE ITEM FLAG",																'||
775 		'	decode(mif.bom_item_type,1,''Model'',2,''Option Class'',3,''Planning'',4,''Standard'',5,''Product Family'')  "BOM ITEM TYPE",							'||
776 		'       decode(stock_enabled_flag,inventory_item_flag,null,''N'',null,''Y'',stock_enabled_flag) "STOCK ENABLED FLAG",									'||
777 		'       decode(mtl_transactions_enabled_flag,stock_enabled_flag,null,''N'',null,''Y'',mtl_transactions_enabled_flag) "MTL TRANSACTIONS ENABLED FLAG",					'||
778 		'       decode(purchasing_enabled_flag,purchasing_item_flag,null,''N'',null,''Y'',purchasing_enabled_flag) "PURCHASING ENABLED FLAG",							'||
779 		'       decode(customer_order_enabled_flag,customer_order_flag,null,''N'',null,''Y'',customer_order_enabled_flag) "CUSTOMER ORDER ENABLED FLAG",					'||
780 		'       decode(internal_order_enabled_flag,internal_order_flag,null,''N'',null,''Y'',internal_order_enabled_flag) "INTERNAL ORDER ENABLED FLAG",					'||
781 		'       decode(invoice_enabled_flag,invoiceable_item_flag,null,''N'',null,''Y'',invoice_enabled_flag) "INVOICE ENABLED FLAG",								'||
782 		'       decode(build_in_wip_flag,inventory_item_flag,decode(build_in_wip_flag,decode(bom_item_type,1,''N'',2,''N'',3,''N'',5,''N'',build_in_wip_flag),null,build_in_wip_flag),		'||
783 		'       						 ''N'',decode(build_in_wip_flag,decode(bom_item_type,1,''N'',2,''N'',3,''N'',5,''N'',build_in_wip_flag),null,build_in_wip_flag),'||
784 		'       						 ''Y'',build_in_wip_flag) "BUILD IN WIP FLAG",											'||
785 		'       mif.inventory_item_id "Inventory Item Id",mif.organization_id "Org Id"														'||
786 		'       from mtl_item_flexfields mif, mtl_parameters mp																	'||
787 		'       where																						'||
788 		'       mif.organization_id=mp.organization_id																		'||
789 		'       and																						'||
790 		'       (  																						'||
791 		'          ( mif.inventory_item_flag=''N'' and mif.stock_enabled_flag=''Y'')														'||
792 		'          or (mif.inventory_item_flag=''N'' and  mif.mtl_transactions_enabled_flag=''Y'')												'||
793 		'          or (mif.purchasing_item_flag=''N'' and mif.purchasing_enabled_flag=''Y'')													'||
794 		'          or (mif.customer_order_flag=''N'' and  mif.customer_order_enabled_flag=''Y'')												'||
795 		'          or (mif.internal_order_flag=''N'' and  mif.internal_order_enabled_flag=''Y'')												'||
796 		'          or (mif.invoiceable_item_flag=''N'' and mif.invoice_enabled_flag=''Y'')													'||
797 		'          or ( (mif.inventory_item_flag=''N'' or mif.bom_item_type <> 4) and  mif.build_in_wip_flag=''Y'')										'||
798 		'  	)																						';
800 	If l_org_id is not null then
801 	   sqltxt :=sqltxt||' and mif.organization_id =  '||l_org_id;
802 	End if;
803 	sqltxt := sqltxt || ' and rownum< '||row_limit;
804 	sqltxt := sqltxt ||'  order by mif.padded_item_number, mp.organization_code';
806 num_rows:= JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.display_sql(sqltxt, ' Items that fail the Interdependencies between Status Attributes.');
808 If (num_rows = 0) Then	   /* Corrupt Data Found for this case*/
809  JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.Line_Out('No corrupt data found for this case. <BR/>');
810 ElsIf (num_rows > 0) Then  /* Show Impact and Action only if rows are returned */
811  If (num_rows = row_limit -1 ) Then
812  JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.Line_Out('<BR/> Output of the above table is limited to the first '||(row_limit-1)||' rows
813 				  <BR/> to prevent an excessively big output file <BR/>');
814  End If;
815  reportStr := '<BR/> Listed below are the interdependencies for the Item Status Attributes.
816   <BR/><BR/> 1. Stockable (stock_enabled_flag) Must be set to No
817   <BR/> If Inventory Item (inventory_item_flag) is set to No.
818   <BR/> 2. Transactable (mtl_transactions_enabled_flag) Must be set to No
819   <BR/> If Stockable (stock_enabled_flag) is set to No.
820   <BR/> 3. Purchasable (purchasing_enabled_flag) Must be set to No
821   <BR/> If Purchased (purchasing_item_flag) is set to No.
822   <BR/> 4. Build in WIP (build_in_wip_flag) Must be set to No
823   <BR/> If Inventory Item (inventory_item_flag) is set to No
824   <BR/> OR BOM Item Type (bom_item_type) is NOT set to Standard.
825   <BR/> 5. Customer Orders Enabled (customer_order_enabled_flag) Must be set to No
826   <BR/> If Customer Ordered Item (customer_order_flag) is set to No.
827   <BR/> 6. Internal Orders Enabled (internal_order_enabled_flag) Must be set to No
828   <BR/> If Internal Ordered Item (internal_order_flag) is set to No.
829   <BR/> 7. Invoice Enabled (invoice_enabled_flag) Must be set to No
830   <BR/> If Invoiceable Item (invoiceable_item_flag) is set to No.
831   <BR/><BR/> Note 1: In the output above, the Item Status Attributes
832   <BR/> successfully meeting the interdepencies are indicated with a null value.
833   <BR/> The ones showing ''Y'' indicate the failed status attributes.
834   <BR/> The current values (''Y'' or ''N'') of the Independent attributes are always shown.
835   <BR/> Note 2: For an item, if either Stockable or Transactable attributes are wrong
836   <BR/> then please verify and correct both.
837   <BR/><BR/><u>ACTION</u>:
838   <BR/> If records are fetched above,then please use Item Import in UPDATE mode
839   <BR/> to correct the respective Item Status Attribute value.
840   <BR/> For details on Item Import, please refer to
841   <BR/> ''Oracle Manufacturing APIs and Open Interfaces Manual'' (Part No. A95955-03),
842   <BR/> Chapter 7 - ''Oracle Inventory Open Interfaces and APIs'', Section ''Open Item Interface''.
843   <BR/>';
844 JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ADAPTUTIL.addStringToReport(reportClob,reportStr);
845 End If;   /* End of Impact and Action */
847 statusStr := 'SUCCESS';
848 isFatal := 'FALSE';
851 End If; /* End of l_script */
852 /* End of Script to identify items that fail the Interdependencies betweem Status Attributes. */
855 /* Script to identify Items violating validations between status code and status control attributes . */
856 If l_script  in ('ALL','STATTR_MISMATCH') Then
857 Begin
858 	 delete from bom_diag_temp_tab; -- Clear the temporary tables
859 	For l_item_st_rec in  c_item_status_codes loop
860 		l_where_clause :='';
861 		l_where_clause :=l_where_clause ||' and mif.INVENTORY_ITEM_STATUS_CODE = '''||l_item_st_rec.status||''' and ( 1=2 ';
862 		for l_st_attr_rec in c_item_status_attr_val(l_item_st_rec.status) loop
863 			l_where_clause := l_where_clause||' or  mif.'||l_st_attr_rec.attribute_name||' <> '''||l_st_attr_rec.attribute_value||'''';
864 		end loop;
865 	  l_where_clause :=l_where_clause ||' ) '; /* append closing brace */
867 	/* Insert the fetched records into temporary table bom_diag_temp_tab */
868         sql_stmt := '';
869 	sql_stmt := ' Insert into bom_diag_temp_tab (Inventory_item_id, organization_id, '||
870  		 ' char_col1,char_col2,char_col3,char_col4,char_col5,char_col6,char_col7,char_col8,char_col9) '||
871 		 '  Select mif.inventory_item_id ,	        '||
872 		'     mif.organization_Id, 			'||
874 		'     MIF.BOM_ENABLED_FLAG,		  	'||
875 		'     MIF.BUILD_IN_WIP_FLAG,			'||
878 		'     MIF.INVOICE_ENABLED_FLAG,			'||
881 		'     MIF.STOCK_ENABLED_FLAG			'||
882 		'     From mtl_item_flexfields	mif		'||
883 		'     Where	1=1 '||l_where_clause;
884 	if l_org_id is not null then
885 	   sql_stmt :=sql_stmt||' and mif.organization_id =  '||l_org_id;
886 	end if;
887 	/*sql_stmt := sql_stmt || ' and rownum< 5'; -- temporarily limiting the records to 5 */
889         ln_cursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
890         DBMS_SQL.PARSE(ln_cursor,sql_stmt,dbms_sql.native);
891         ln_rows_proc := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE(ln_cursor);
892         DBMS_SQL.CLOSE_CURSOR(ln_cursor);
894 	End Loop;
896 	/* Display the records stored in temporary table bom_diag_temp_tab */
897 	sqltxt := '	Select     Inventory_Item_Id 	  "Inventory Item Id",		     '||
898 		  '	 	   Organization_id	  "Organization id",		     '||
899 		  '		   Char_Col1		  "Inventory Item Status Code",	     '||
900 		  '		   Char_Col2		  "BOM ENABLED FLAG",		     '||
901 		  '		   Char_Col3		  "BUILD IN WIP FLAG",		     '||
902 		  '	 	   Char_Col4		  "CUSTOMER ORDER ENABLED FLAG",     '||
903 		  '		   Char_Col5		  "INTERNAL ORDER ENABLED FLAG",     '||
904 		  '	 	   Char_Col6		  "INVOICE ENABLED FLAG",	     '||
905 		  '		   Char_Col7		  "MTL TRANSACTIONS ENABLED FLAG",   '||
906 		  '	 	   Char_Col8		  "PURCHASING ENABLED FLAG",	     '||
907 		  '	 	   Char_Col9		  "STOCK ENABLED FLAG"		     '||
908 		  '	From       bom_diag_temp_tab where 1=1	';
910 	sqltxt := sqltxt || ' and rownum< '||row_limit;
911 	sqltxt :=sqltxt||' order by inventory_item_id, organization_id';
913 	num_rows:= JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.display_sql(sqltxt, ' Items violating validations between status code and status control attributes ');
915 	If (num_rows = 0) Then	   /* Corrupt Data Found for this case*/
916 	 JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.Line_Out('No corrupt data found for this case. <BR/>');
917 	ElsIf (num_rows > 0) Then  /* Show Impact and Action only if rows are returned */
918 	 If (num_rows = row_limit -1 ) Then
919 	 JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.Line_Out('<BR/> Output of the above table is limited to the first '||(row_limit-1)||' rows
920 					  <BR/> to prevent an excessively big output file <BR/>');
921 	 End If;
923 	 The values of the Status Control Attributes that use ''Sets Value'' status setting should
924 	<BR/> always be in sync with their corresponding values of the Item Status Code chosen.
925 	<BR/> Listed above are the items that violate this validation.
926 	<BR/> The values of all their Status Control Attributes
927 	<BR/> along with the Item Status Code are also listed.
928 	<BR/> Please refer to the below table that lists the Status Control Attributes
929 	<BR/> using ''Sets Value'' status setting. If no rows are fetched,
930 	<BR/> it implies that none of the Status Control Attributes use ''Sets Value''.
931 	<BR/>');
933 	sqltxt := '	select attribute_name "Attribute Name"	'||
934 		  '	from   mtl_item_attributes		'||
935 		  '	where status_control_code = 1		';
936 	num_rows:= JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.display_sql(sqltxt,'');
938 	reportStr := ('<BR/><u>ACTION</u>:
939 	<BR/>If records are fetched above listing items that violate this validation, then
940 	<BR/>1) Please use Item Import in UPDATE mode to modify the Item Status Code
941 	<BR/>which will in turn set the values of all Status Control Attributes.
942 	<BR/>2) If required, the values of the Status Controlled Attributes that
943 	<BR/>do NOT use ''Sets Value'' setting, can then be changed.
944 	<BR/> For details on Item Import, please refer to
945 	<BR/> ''Oracle Manufacturing APIs and Open Interfaces Manual'' (Part No. A95955-03),
946 	<BR/> Chapter 7 - ''Oracle Inventory Open Interfaces and APIs'', Section ''Open Item Interface''.
947 	<BR/>');
949 	JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ADAPTUTIL.addStringToReport(reportClob,reportStr);
950 	End If;   /* End of Impact and Action */
952 	statusStr := 'SUCCESS';
953 	isFatal := 'FALSE';
955 End;
958 End If; /* End of l_script */
959 /* End of Script to identify Items violating validations between status code and status control attributes . */
961 /* Script to fetch items whose start_date_active, end_date_active columns are not null */
962 If l_script  in ('ALL','ACTDATE_NN') Then
963 	sqltxt := '	SELECT mif.padded_item_number "Item Number",		 '||
964 		  '	       mp.organization_code   "Org Code",		 '||
965 		  '	       to_char(mif.start_date_active,''DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'')  "Start Date Active",	 '||
966 	 	  '	       to_char(mif.end_date_active,''DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'')    "End Date Active",	 '||
967 		  '	       mif.inventory_item_id  "Item Id",		 '||
968 		  '	       mp.organization_id     "Org Id"  		 '||
969 	     	  '	 FROM  mtl_item_flexfields mif , mtl_parameters mp	 '||
970 		  '	 WHERE 1=1						 '||
971 		  '      AND   mif.organization_id=mp.organization_id		 '||
972 		  '	 AND   ( mif.end_date_active IS NOT NULL OR mif.start_date_active IS NOT NULL ) ';
974 		if l_org_id is not null then
975 		   sqltxt :=sqltxt||' and mif.organization_id =  '||l_org_id;
976 		end if;
977 		sqltxt := sqltxt || ' and rownum< '||row_limit;
978 		sqltxt := sqltxt || ' order by mif.PADDED_ITEM_NUMBER, mp.organization_code';
980 num_rows:= JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.display_sql(sqltxt, ' Items whose start_date_active, end_date_active columns are populated ');
982 If (num_rows = 0) Then	   /* Corrupt Data Found for this case*/
983  JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.Line_Out('No corrupt data found for this case. <BR/>');
984 ElsIf (num_rows > 0) Then  /* Show Impact and Action only if rows are returned */
985  If (num_rows = row_limit -1 ) Then
986  JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.Line_Out('<BR/> Output of the above table is limited to the first '||(row_limit-1)||' rows
987 				  <BR/> to prevent an excessively big output file <BR/>');
988  End If;
989 JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.Line_Out('<BR/> start_date_active and end_date_active date fields
990 <BR/> are NOT used to determine the effectivity of an item.
991 <BR/> The effectivity of an item is determined by its Item Status Code.
992 <BR/><BR/><u>IMPACT:</u>
993 <BR/> None of the attributes of these items can be updated.
994 <BR/> FRM-40654 error may also occur while trying to
995 <BR/> update these items through the Items form.
996 <BR/>');
998 reportStr := '<BR/><u>ACTION</u>:
999   <BR/> These two date fields have to be nulled out.
1000    <BR/> Nulling them out will not effect any standard functionality in Items form.
1001   <BR/> Please use the below update statements to null out these two date fields.
1002   <BR/> <BR/>Important: Please try these scripts on a TEST instance first.
1003   <pre>
1004   The below update statement can be used to correct a specific item.
1005   Substitute the bind variables orgid and itemid
1006   with the appropriate values.
1008    update mtl_system_items_b
1009    set    start_date_active = null
1010          ,end_date_active = null
1011    where  organization_id = :orgid
1012    and    inventory_item_id = :itemid;
1014   The below two update statements can be used
1015   to collectively correct all the problematic items.
1017   update mtl_system_items_b
1018   set    start_date_active = null
1019   where  start_date_active is not null;
1021   update mtl_system_items_b
1022   set    end_date_active = null
1023   where  end_date_active is not null;  </pre>
1024   <BR/>';
1025 JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ADAPTUTIL.addStringToReport(reportClob,reportStr);
1026 End If;   /* End of Impact and Action */
1028 statusStr := 'SUCCESS';
1029 isFatal := 'FALSE';
1032 End If; /* End of l_script */
1033 /* End of Script to fetch items whose start_date_active, end_date_active columns are not null */
1035 ----------------
1036  <<l_test_end>>
1037  JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.Line_Out('<BR/><BR/>This Health Check Test completed as expected <BR/>');
1038  report := JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ADAPTUTIL.constructReport(statusStr,errStr,fixInfo,isFatal);
1039  reportClob := JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ADAPTUTIL.getReportClob;
1041 End If; /* End of l_org_id is null or l_org_exists=1 */
1044  when others then
1045      JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.errorprint('Error: '||sqlerrm);
1046      JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.ActionErrorPrint('If this error repeats, please contact Oracle Support Services');
1047      statusStr := 'FAILURE';
1048      errStr := sqlerrm ||' occurred in script. ';
1049      fixInfo := 'Unexpected Exception in BOMDGITB.pls';
1050      isFatal := 'FALSE';
1051      report := JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ADAPTUTIL.constructReport(statusStr,errStr,fixInfo,isFatal);
1052      reportClob := JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ADAPTUTIL.getReportClob;
1054 END runTest;
1056 PROCEDURE getComponentName(name OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS
1057 BEGIN
1058 name := 'Items Data Health Check Details';
1059 END getComponentName;
1062 BEGIN
1063 descStr := 'This diagnostic test performs a variety of health checks against Items <BR/>
1064 		and provides suggestions on how to solve possible issues.<BR/>
1065 		It is recommended to run this health check periodically.';
1066 END getTestDesc;
1069 BEGIN
1070 name := 'Items Data Health Check';
1071 END getTestName;
1073 PROCEDURE getDependencies (package_names OUT NOCOPY JTF_DIAG_DEPENDTBL) IS
1074 tempDependencies JTF_DIAG_DEPENDTBL;
1076 BEGIN
1077     package_names := JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ADAPTUTIL.initDependencyTable;
1078 END getDependencies;
1080 PROCEDURE isDependencyPipelined (str OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS
1081 BEGIN
1082   str := 'FALSE';
1083 END isDependencyPipelined;
1087   tempOutput JTF_DIAG_OUTPUTTBL;
1088 BEGIN
1089   tempOutput := JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ADAPTUTIL.initOutputTable;
1090   outputValues := tempOutput;
1092  when others then
1093  outputValues := JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ADAPTUTIL.initOutputTable;
1094 END getOutputValues;
1097 PROCEDURE getDefaultTestParams(defaultInputValues OUT NOCOPY JTF_DIAG_INPUTTBL) IS
1098 tempInput JTF_DIAG_INPUTTBL;
1099 BEGIN
1100 tempInput := JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ADAPTUTIL.initinputtable;
1101 tempInput := JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ADAPTUTIL.addInput(tempInput,'OrgId','LOV-oracle.apps.bom.diag.lov.OrganizationLov');-- Lov name modified to OrgId for bug 6412260
1102 tempInput := JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ADAPTUTIL.addInput(tempInput,'Script','LOV-oracle.apps.bom.diag.lov.ItemHealthLov');
1103 defaultInputValues := tempInput;
1105 when others then
1106 defaultInputValues := JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ADAPTUTIL.initinputtable;
1107 END getDefaultTestParams;
1109 Function getTestMode return INTEGER IS
1110 BEGIN
1113 END getTestMode;