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1 package pay_us_w2c_reporting_utils AUTHID CURRENT_USER as
2  /* $Header: payusw2creputils.pkh 120.0.12020000.2 2012/10/30 14:50:23 pkoduri ship $ */
3  /*===========================================================================+
4  |               Copyright (c) 1993 Oracle Corporation                        |
5  |                  Redwood Shores, California, USA                           |
6  |                       All rights reserved.                                 |
7  +============================================================================+
8   Name
9     pay_us_w2c_reporting_utils
11   File Name
12     payusw2creputils.pkh
14   Purpose
15     The purpose of this package is to support the generation of magnetic tape
16     in MMREF - 2 Format. This magnetic tapes are for US legilsative requirements.
19   Notes
20     The generation of each Federal W-2c magnetic tape report is a two stage
21     process i.e.
23     1. Check if the "Employee W-2c Report" is not run for a "W-2c Pre-Process".
24        If not, then error out without processing further.
26     2. Create a payroll action for the report. Identify all the assignments
27        to be reported and record an assignment action against the payroll action
28        for each one of them.
30     3. Run the generic magnetic tape process which will drive off the data
31        created in stage two. This will result in the production of a structured
32        ascii file which can be transferred to magnetic tape and sent to the
33        relevant authority.
35   History
36    Date     Author    Verion  Bug           Details
37   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
38   22-OCT-03 ppanda    115.0   2587381       Created
39   09-DEC-03 ppanda    115.2   3304932       w2c_mmrf2_employee cursor changed to
40                                             to avoid duplicate RCW or employee wage record
41                                             due to multiple Employee W-2c Report
42 30-OCT-12   pkoduri   115.3   14286448       Corrections for GRE name length issue.
44  ============================================================================*/
46  -- 'level_cnt' will allow the cursors to select function results,
47  -- whether it is a standard fuction such as to_char or a function
48  -- defined in a package (with the correct pragma restriction).
50      level_cnt	NUMBER;
52  /*  This cursor is for W-2c Magnetic Media Submitter
54      Context and Parameter Set in the cursor are
56       Context :
57           TAX_UNIT_ID       - Submitter's Tax Unit ID
58           JURISDICTION_CODE - Set to Dummy Value as This is federal Cursor
59           ASSIGNMENT_ID     - Required for call to function - context not used
60                               in the for Submitter
61           Date Earned       - Always set to Effective date ie. in this case
62                               for Mag tapes to 31-DEC-YYYY, in case of SQWL
63                               this will be diffrent.
64           PAYROLL_ACTION_ID - Payroll action Id of Year End Pre-processor
66        Parameters :
67           Transfer_HIGH_COUNT
69           TRANSFER_COUNTY
70           TRANSFER_2678_FILER
72  */
74   CURSOR w2c_mmrf2_submitter
75          IS
76      SELECT 'TAX_UNIT_ID=C',              HOI.organization_id,
77             'JURISDICTION_CODE=C',        'DUMMY_VALUE',
78             'TRANSFER_JD=P',              'DUMMY_VALUE',
79             'ASSIGNMENT_ID=C',            '-1',
80             'DATE_EARNED=C',              fnd_date.date_to_canonical(ppa.effective_date),
81             'PAYROLL_ACTION_ID=C',        ppa.payroll_action_id, -- payroll_action_id of YREND
82             'TRANSFER_HIGH_COUNT=P',      '0',
83             'TRANSFER_SCHOOL_DISTRICT=P', '-1',
84             'TRANSFER_COUNTY=P',          '-1',
85             'TRANSFER_2678_FILER=P',      HOI.org_information8,
86             'TRANSFER_LOCALITY_CODE=P',   'DUMMY'
87         FROM hr_organization_information HOI,
88              pay_payroll_actions PPA
89        WHERE HOI.organization_id =
90              pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TRANSFER_TRANS_LEGAL_CO_ID')
91          AND pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TRANSFER_STATE') = 'FED'
92          AND HOI.org_information_context = 'W2 Reporting Rules'
93          AND PPA.report_type = 'YREND'
95           substr(PPA.legislative_parameters,instr(PPA.legislative_parameters,'TRANSFER_GRE=') + length('TRANSFER_GRE='))
96          AND to_char(PPA.effective_date,'YYYY') =
97              pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TRANSFER_REPORTING_YEAR')
98          AND to_char(PPA.effective_date,'DD-MM') = '31-12';
100  --
101  -- Sets up the tax unit context for each employer to be reported on W-2c Mag.
102  -- sets up a parameter holding the tax unit identifier which can then be used
103  -- by subsequent cursors to restrict to employees within the employer.
104  --
105  /* Context and Parameter  in the cursor are
106     Payroll_action_id table looks for value related to Year End pre-processor
107     while the pay_assignment_actions looks for assignment actions of Mag. tapes
108      Context :
109           TAX_UNIT_ID       - Submitter's Tax Unit ID
110           JURISDICTION_CODE - Set to Dummy Value as This is federal Cursor
111           ASSIGNMENT_ID     - Required for call to function - context not used
112                               in the for Submitter
113           Date Earned       - Always set to Effective date ie. in this case
114                               for Mag tapes to 31-DEC-YYYY, in case of SQWL
115                               this will be diffrent.
116           PAYROLL_ACTION_ID - Payroll action Id of Year End Pre-processor
118        Parameters :
119           TAX_UNIT_ID  -      To be used in subsequent cusrsor
120  */
122 CURSOR w2c_mmrf2_employer IS
123 SELECT DISTINCT 'PAYROLL_ACTION_ID=C', ppa.payroll_action_id,
124                 'TAX_UNIT_ID=C',       paa.tax_unit_id,
125                 'TAX_UNIT_ID=P',       paa.tax_unit_id,
126                 'TAX_UNIT_NAME=P',     substr(hou.name,1,80) -- Bug# 14286448 Gre length issue
127 FROM
128      hr_all_organization_units hou,
129      pay_payroll_actions       ppa,
130      pay_assignment_actions    paa
131 WHERE paa.payroll_action_id = pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value
132                                    ('TRANSFER_PAYROLL_ACTION_ID')
133   AND ppa.report_type = 'YREND'
134   AND to_char(ppa.effective_date,'YYYY') =
135       pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TRANSFER_REPORTING_YEAR')
136   AND to_char(ppa.effective_date,'DD-MM') = '31-12'
137   AND paa.tax_unit_id =
138       substr(ppa.legislative_parameters,instr(ppa.legislative_parameters,'TRANSFER_GRE=') + length('TRANSFER_GRE='))
139   AND hou.organization_id  = paa.tax_unit_id
140 order by substr(hou.name,1,80); -- Bug# 14286448 Gre length issue
142  --
143  -- Used by W-2c Magnetic Media in MMREF-2 format
144  --
145  -- Sets up the assignment_action_id, assignment_id, and date_earned contexts
146  -- for an employee. The date_earned context is set to be the least of the
147  -- end of the period being reported and the maximum end date of the
148  -- assignment. This ensures that personal information ie. name etc... is
149  -- current relative to the period being reported on.
150  --
152 CURSOR w2c_mmrf2_employee IS
153 SELECT 'ASSIGNMENT_ACTION_ID=C',    to_number(substr(AA.serial_number,1,15)),    -- latest W2c Pre-Process Assignment Action Id
154        'ASSIGNMENT_ID=C',           AA.assignment_id,
155        'DATE_EARNED=C',             fnd_date.date_to_canonical(
156                                     pay_magtape_generic.date_earned(PA.effective_date, AA.assignment_id)),
157        'JURISDICTION_CODE=C',       pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TRANSFER_JD'),
158        'TRANSFER_OLD_ASG_ACTID=P',  to_number(substr(AA.serial_number,16,15)),   -- Originally Reported Assignment Action Id
159        'TRANSFER_NEW_ASG_ACTID=P',  to_number(substr(AA.serial_number,1,15)),     -- Corrected Assignment Action Id
160        'TRANSFER_TAX_UNIT_ID=P',    AA.tax_unit_id
161   FROM per_all_people_f       PE,
162        per_all_assignments_f  SS,
163        pay_assignment_actions AA,
164        pay_payroll_actions    PA
165  WHERE PA.payroll_action_id  = pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value
166                                      ('TRANSFER_PAYROLL_ACTION_ID')
167    AND AA.payroll_action_id  = PA.payroll_action_id
168    AND AA.tax_unit_id        = pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TAX_UNIT_ID')
169    AND SS.assignment_id      = AA.assignment_id
170    AND PE.person_id          = SS.person_id
171    AND pay_magtape_generic.date_earned(PA.effective_date,AA.assignment_id)
172                    BETWEEN SS.effective_start_date and SS.effective_end_date
173    AND pay_magtape_generic.date_earned(PA.effective_date,AA.assignment_id)
174                    BETWEEN PE.effective_start_date and PE.effective_end_date
175    AND exists (select 'x'  from pay_action_interlocks  pai,
176                                 pay_assignment_actions paa1,
177                                 pay_payroll_actions    ppa1
178                 where paa1.assignment_action_id = AA.assignment_action_id
179                   and paa1.assignment_action_id = pai.locking_action_id
180                   and ppa1.payroll_action_id    = paa1.payroll_action_id)
181  ORDER BY PE.last_name, PE.first_name, PE.middle_names;
184 FUNCTION bal_db_item (p_db_item_name IN VARCHAR2
185                      ) RETURN NUMBER;
187 PROCEDURE get_payroll_action_info
188                                (p_payroll_action_id     in      number,
189                                 p_start_date            in out  nocopy date,
190                                 p_end_date              in out  nocopy date,
191                                 p_report_type           in out  nocopy varchar2,
192                                 p_report_qualifier      in out  nocopy varchar2,
193                                 p_business_group_id     in out  nocopy number
194                                );
197 FUNCTION get_balance_value (p_balance_name		    IN VARCHAR2,
198                         	p_tax_unit_id		    IN NUMBER,
199                         	p_state_abbrev		    IN VARCHAR2,
200                         	p_assignment_id		    IN NUMBER,
201                         	p_effective_date	    IN DATE
202                            ) RETURN NUMBER;
204 PROCEDURE get_eoy_action_info(p_eoy_effective_date in         date
205                              ,p_eoy_tax_unit_id    in         number
206                              ,p_assignment_id      in         number
207                              ,p_eoy_pactid         out nocopy number
208                              ,p_eoy_asg_actid      out nocopy number
209                              );
211 FUNCTION preprocess_check  (p_pactid 		    IN NUMBER,
212                             p_year_start	    IN DATE,
213                             p_year_end		    IN DATE,
214                             p_business_group_id	    IN NUMBER
215                            ) RETURN BOOLEAN;
217  /*******************************************************************
218   ** Range Code to pick all the distinct assignment_ids
219   ** that need to be marked as submitted to governement.
220   *******************************************************************/
221   PROCEDURE w2c_mag_range_cursor( p_payroll_action_id  in         number
222                                  ,p_sqlstr             out nocopy varchar2);
224   /*******************************************************************
225   ** Action Creation Code to create assignment actions for all the
226   ** the assignment_ids that need to be marked as submitted to governement
227   *******************************************************************/
228   PROCEDURE w2c_mag_action_creation( p_payroll_action_id    in number
229                                     ,p_start_person_id      in number
230                                     ,p_end_person_id        in number
231                                     ,p_chunk                in number);
233 END pay_us_w2c_reporting_utils;