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2 -- /* $Header: PADEDTXS.pls 120.0 2010/09/22 11:04:53 lamalviy noship $ */
4   CURSOR cur_dctn_hdr_info (c_dctn_req_id NUMBER) IS
5      SELECT *
6      FROM PA_DEDUCTIONS_ALL WHERE deduction_req_id = c_dctn_req_id AND status IN('WORKING','REJECTED','FAILED');
8   cur_dctn_hdr               cur_dctn_hdr_info%ROWTYPE;
15   TYPE g_dctn_hdr_rec IS RECORD (
16           deduction_req_id       NUMBER(15),
17           project_id             NUMBER(15),
18           vendor_id              NUMBER(15),
19           vendor_site_id         NUMBER,
20           change_doc_num         VARCHAR2(30),
21           change_doc_type        VARCHAR2(15),
22           ci_id                  NUMBER,
23           po_number              VARCHAR2(20),
24           po_header_id           NUMBER,
25           deduction_req_num      VARCHAR2(30),
26           debit_memo_num         VARCHAR2(30),
27           currency_code          VARCHAR2(30),
28           conversion_ratetype    VARCHAR2(30),
29           conversion_ratedate    DATE,
30           conversion_rate        NUMBER,
31           total_amount           NUMBER,
32           deduction_req_date     DATE,
33           debit_memo_date        DATE,
34           description            VARCHAR2(4000),
35           status                 VARCHAR2(15),
36           org_id                 NUMBER
37          );
39   TYPE g_dctn_txn_rec IS RECORD (
40           deduction_req_id           NUMBER(15),
41           deduction_req_tran_id      NUMBER(15),
42           project_id                 NUMBER(15),
43           task_id                    NUMBER(15),
44           expenditure_type           VARCHAR2(30),
45           expenditure_item_date      DATE,
46           gl_date                    DATE,
47           expenditure_org_id         NUMBER(15),
48           quantity                   NUMBER,
49           override_quantity          NUMBER,
50           expenditure_item_id        NUMBER(15),
51           projfunc_currency_code     VARCHAR2(30),
52           orig_projfunc_amount       NUMBER,
53           override_projfunc_amount   NUMBER,
54           conversion_ratetype        VARCHAR2(30),
55           conversion_ratedate        DATE,
56           conversion_rate            NUMBER,
57           amount                     NUMBER,
58           description                VARCHAR2(4000),
59           status                     VARCHAR2(15)
60          );
62   TYPE g_dctn_hdrtbl IS TABLE OF g_dctn_hdr_rec INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
63   TYPE g_dctn_txntbl IS TABLE OF g_dctn_txn_rec INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
65   g_validate_txn VARCHAR2(1) := 'N';
66   g_user_id NUMBER(15) := FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID;
68   /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
69     -- This procedure populates PA_DEDUCTIONS_ALL table after validating the data.
70     -- Input parameters
71     -- Parameters                Type           Required  Description
72     --  p_dctn_hdr               TABLE          YES       It stores the deduction header information
73     -- Out parameters
74     -- Parameters                Type           Required  Description
75     --  p_return_status          VARCHAR2       YES       The return status of the APIs.
76     --                                                    Valid values are:
77     --                                                    S (API completed successfully),
78     --                                                    E (business rule violation error) and
79     --                                                    U(Unexpected error, such as an Oracle error.
80     --  p_msg_count              NUMBER         YES       Holds the number of messages in the global message
81                                                           table. Calling programs should use this as the
82                                                           basis to fetch all the stored messages.
83     --  p_msg_data               VARCHAR2       YES       Holds the message code, if the API returned only
84                                                           one error/warning message Otherwise the column is
85                                                           left blank.
86     --  p_calling_mode           VARCHAR2       YES       Holds whether the call is being made from public
87                                                           API or from the create deductions page. This is to
88                                                           enforce additional validations in case if this is
89                                                           called from Public API.
90   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
92   Procedure Create_Deduction_Hdr( p_dctn_hdr IN OUT NOCOPY g_dctn_hdrtbl
93                                  ,p_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
94                                  ,p_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
95                                  ,p_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
96                                  ,p_calling_mode IN VARCHAR2
97                                 );
99   /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
100     -- This procedure populates PA_DEDUCTION_TRANSACTIONS_ALL table after validating the data.
101     -- Input parameters
102     -- Parameters                Type           Required  Description
103     --  p_dctn_dtl               TABLE          YES       It stores the deduction transactions information
104     -- Out parameters
105     -- Parameters                Type           Required  Description
106     --  p_return_status          VARCHAR2       YES       The return status of the APIs.
107     --                                                    Valid values are:
108     --                                                    S (API completed successfully),
109     --                                                    E (business rule violation error) and
110     --                                                    U(Unexpected error, such as an Oracle error.
111     --  p_msg_count              NUMBER         YES       Holds the number of messages in the global message
112                                                           table. Calling programs should use this as the
113                                                           basis to fetch all the stored messages.
114     --  p_msg_data               VARCHAR2       YES       Holds the message code, if the API returned only
115                                                           one error/warning message Otherwise the column is
116                                                           left blank.
117     --  p_calling_mode           VARCHAR2       YES       Holds whether the call is being made from public
118                                                           API or from the create deductions page. This is to
119                                                           enforce additional validations in case if this is
120                                                           called from Public API.
121   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
122   Procedure Create_Deduction_Txn( p_dctn_dtl IN OUT NOCOPY g_dctn_txntbl
123                                  ,p_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
124                                  ,p_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
125                                  ,p_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
126                                  ,p_calling_mode IN VARCHAR2
127                                 );
130   /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
131     -- This procedure is to update existing data in PA_DEDUCTIONS_ALL table after validating the data.
132     -- Input parameters
133     -- Parameters                Type           Required  Description
134     --  p_dctn_hdr               TABLE          YES       It stores the deduction header information
135     -- Out parameters
136     -- Parameters                Type           Required  Description
137     --  p_return_status          VARCHAR2       YES       The return status of the APIs.
138     --                                                    Valid values are:
139     --                                                    S (API completed successfully),
140     --                                                    E (business rule violation error) and
141     --                                                    U(Unexpected error, such as an Oracle error.
142     --  p_msg_count              NUMBER         YES       Holds the number of messages in the global message
143                                                           table. Calling programs should use this as the
144                                                           basis to fetch all the stored messages.
145     --  p_msg_data               VARCHAR2       YES       Holds the message code, if the API returned only
146                                                           one error/warning message Otherwise the column is
147                                                           left blank.
148     --  p_calling_mode           VARCHAR2       YES       Holds whether the call is being made from public
149                                                           API or from the create deductions page. This is to
150                                                           enforce additional validations in case if this is
151                                                           called from Public API.
152   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
153   Procedure Update_Deduction_Hdr( p_dctn_hdr IN OUT NOCOPY g_dctn_hdrtbl
154                                  ,p_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
155                                  ,p_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
156                                  ,p_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
157                                  ,p_calling_mode IN VARCHAR2
158                                 );
160   /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
161     -- This procedure is to update existing data in PA_DEDUCTION_TRANSACTIONS_ALL table after validating the data.
162     -- Input parameters
163     -- Parameters                Type           Required  Description
164     --  p_dctn_dtl               TABLE          YES       It stores the deduction transactions information
165     -- Out parameters
166     -- Parameters                Type           Required  Description
167     --  p_return_status          VARCHAR2       YES       The return status of the APIs.
168     --                                                    Valid values are:
169     --                                                    S (API completed successfully),
170     --                                                    E (business rule violation error) and
171     --                                                    U(Unexpected error, such as an Oracle error.
172     --  p_msg_count              NUMBER         YES       Holds the number of messages in the global message
173                                                           table. Calling programs should use this as the
174                                                           basis to fetch all the stored messages.
175     --  p_msg_data               VARCHAR2       YES       Holds the message code, if the API returned only
176                                                           one error/warning message Otherwise the column is
177                                                           left blank.
178     --  p_calling_mode           VARCHAR2       YES       Holds whether the call is being made from public
179                                                           API or from the create deductions page. This is to
180                                                           enforce additional validations in case if this is
181                                                           called from Public API.
182   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
183   Procedure Update_Deduction_Txn( p_dctn_dtl IN OUT NOCOPY g_dctn_txntbl
184                                  ,p_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
185                                  ,p_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
186                                  ,p_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
187                                  ,p_calling_mode IN VARCHAR2
188                                 );
190   /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
191     -- This procedure is to delete existing data in PA_DEDUCTIONS_ALL table after validating the data.
192     -- Input parameters
193     -- Parameters                Type           Required  Description
194     --  p_dctn_hdrid             TABLE          YES       It stores the array of deducion requests
195     -- Out parameters
196     -- Parameters                Type           Required  Description
197     --  p_return_status          VARCHAR2       YES       The return status of the APIs.
198     --                                                    Valid values are:
199     --                                                    S (API completed successfully),
200     --                                                    E (business rule violation error) and
201     --                                                    U(Unexpected error, such as an Oracle error.
202     --  p_msg_count              NUMBER         YES       Holds the number of messages in the global message
203                                                           table. Calling programs should use this as the
204                                                           basis to fetch all the stored messages.
205     --  p_msg_data               VARCHAR2       YES       Holds the message code, if the API returned only
206                                                           one error/warning message Otherwise the column is
207                                                           left blank.
208   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
209   Procedure Delete_Deduction_Hdr( p_dctn_hdrid g_dctn_hdrid
210                                  ,p_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
211                                  ,p_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
212                                  ,p_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
213                                 );
215   /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
216     -- This procedure is to delete existing data in PA_DEDUCTION_TRANSACTIONS_ALL table after validating the data.
217     -- Input parameters
218     -- Parameters                Type           Required  Description
219     --  p_dctn_txnid             TABLE          YES       It stores the array of deducion request transactions
220     -- Out parameters
221     -- Parameters                Type           Required  Description
222     --  p_return_status          VARCHAR2       YES       The return status of the APIs.
223     --                                                    Valid values are:
224     --                                                    S (API completed successfully),
225     --                                                    E (business rule violation error) and
226     --                                                    U(Unexpected error, such as an Oracle error.
227     --  p_msg_count              NUMBER         YES       Holds the number of messages in the global message
228                                                           table. Calling programs should use this as the
229                                                           basis to fetch all the stored messages.
230     --  p_msg_data               VARCHAR2       YES       Holds the message code, if the API returned only
231                                                           one error/warning message Otherwise the column is
232                                                           left blank.
233   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
235   Procedure Delete_Deduction_Txn(p_dctn_txnid g_dctn_txnid
236                                  ,p_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
237                                  ,p_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
238                                  ,p_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
239                                 );
241   /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
242     -- This procedure is to validate Deduction header information and return the result to the called proc.
243     -- Input parameters
244     -- Parameters                Type           Required  Description
245     --  p_dctn_hdr               TABLE          YES       It stores the deduction header information
246     -- Out parameters
247     -- Parameters                Type           Required  Description
248     --  p_return_status          VARCHAR2       YES       The return status of the APIs.
249     --                                                    Valid values are:
250     --                                                    S (API completed successfully),
251     --                                                    E (business rule violation error) and
252     --                                                    U(Unexpected error, such as an Oracle error.
253     --  p_msg_count              NUMBER         YES       Holds the number of messages in the global message
254                                                           table. Calling programs should use this as the
255                                                           basis to fetch all the stored messages.
256     --  p_msg_data               VARCHAR2       YES       Holds the message code, if the API returned only
257                                                           one error/warning message Otherwise the column is
258                                                           left blank.
259     --  p_calling_mode           VARCHAR2       YES       Holds whether the call is being made from public
260                                                           API or from the create deductions page. This is to
261                                                           enforce additional validations in case if this is
262                                                           called from Public API.
263   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
264   Function  Validate_Deduction_Hdr( p_dctn_hdr IN OUT NOCOPY g_dctn_hdrtbl
265                                    ,p_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
266                                    ,p_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
267                                    ,p_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
268                                    ,p_calling_mode IN VARCHAR2:=''
269                                   )
270   Return Boolean;
272   /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
273     -- This procedure is to validate Deduction header information and return the result to the called proc.
274     -- Input parameters
275     -- Parameters                Type           Required  Description
276     --  p_dctn_dtl               TABLE          YES       It stores deduction request transactions information
277     -- Out parameters
278     -- Parameters                Type           Required  Description
279     --  p_return_status          VARCHAR2       YES       The return status of the APIs.
280     --                                                    Valid values are:
281     --                                                    S (API completed successfully),
282     --                                                    E (business rule violation error) and
283     --                                                    U(Unexpected error, such as an Oracle error.
284     --  p_msg_count              NUMBER         YES       Holds the number of messages in the global message
285                                                           table. Calling programs should use this as the
286                                                           basis to fetch all the stored messages.
287     --  p_msg_data               VARCHAR2       YES       Holds the message code, if the API returned only
288                                                           one error/warning message Otherwise the column is
289                                                           left blank.
290     --  p_calling_mode           VARCHAR2       YES       Holds whether the call is being made from public
291                                                           API or from the create deductions page. This is to
292                                                           enforce additional validations in case if this is
293                                                           called from Public API.
294   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
295   Function  Validate_Deduction_Txn( p_dctn_dtl IN OUT NOCOPY g_dctn_txntbl
296                                    ,p_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
297                                    ,p_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
298                                    ,p_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
299                                    ,p_calling_mode IN VARCHAR2:=''
300                                   )
301   Return Boolean;
303   /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
304     -- This procedure is to submit the deducion request for approval thereby for the creation of Debit memo.
305     -- This is being called on pressing the submit button on Create deductions page.
306     -- Input parameters
307     -- Parameters                Type           Required  Description
308     --  p_dctn_req_id            NUMBER         YES       Deduction request id for which debit memo needs
309                                                           to be raised
310     -- Out parameters
311     -- Parameters                Type           Required  Description
312     --  p_return_status          VARCHAR2       YES       The return status of the APIs.
313     --                                                    Valid values are:
314     --                                                    S (API completed successfully),
315     --                                                    E (business rule violation error) and
316     --                                                    U(Unexpected error, such as an Oracle error.
317     --  p_msg_count              NUMBER         YES       Holds the number of messages in the global message
318                                                           table. Calling programs should use this as the
319                                                           basis to fetch all the stored messages.
320     --  p_msg_data               VARCHAR2       YES       Holds the message code, if the API returned only
321                                                           one error/warning message Otherwise the column is
322                                                           left blank.
323   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
324   Procedure Submit_For_DebitMemo ( p_dctn_req_id IN PA_DEDUCTIONS_ALL.deduction_req_id%TYPE
325                                   ,p_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
326                                   ,p_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
327                                   ,p_return_status OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
328                                  );
330   /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
331     -- This procedure is to raise a debit memo in payables. This is being called from deduction request
332     -- approval workflow on deduction request's approval.
333     -- Input parameters
334     -- Parameters                Type           Required  Description
335     --  p_dctn_req_id            NUMBER         YES       Deduction request id for which debit memo needs
336                                                           to be raised
337     -- Out parameters
338     -- Parameters                Type           Required  Description
339     --  p_return_status          VARCHAR2       YES       The return status of the APIs.
340     --                                                    Valid values are:
341     --                                                    S (API completed successfully),
342     --                                                    E (business rule violation error) and
343     --                                                    U(Unexpected error, such as an Oracle error.
344     --  p_msg_count              NUMBER         YES       Holds the number of messages in the global message
345                                                           table. Calling programs should use this as the
346                                                           basis to fetch all the stored messages.
347     --  p_msg_data               VARCHAR2       YES       Holds the message code, if the API returned only
348                                                           one error/warning message Otherwise the column is
349                                                           left blank.
350   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
351   Procedure Submit_For_DebitMemo ( p_dctn_hdr_rec IN cur_dctn_hdr_info%ROWTYPE
352                                   ,p_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
353                                   ,p_msg_data  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
354                                   ,p_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
355                                  );
357   /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
358     -- This function is to return the list of invoices which are assoiciated to a debit memo that is created
359     -- out of a deduction request.
360     -- Input parameters
361     -- Parameters                Type           Required  Description
362     --  p_vendor_Id              NUMBER         YES       vendor id
363     --  p_vendor_site_id         NUMBER         YES       vendor site id
364     --  ded_req_num              VARCHAR2       YES       deduction request id
365   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
366   function invoice_dm_map(p_vendor_id      NUMBER,
367                           p_vendor_site_id NUMBER,
368                           ded_req_num IN VARCHAR2) return VARCHAR2;
372   /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
373     --  This procedure is to raise a debit memo in payables. This is being called from concurrenmt program
374     -- Input parameters
375     --  Parameters                Type           Required  Description
376     --  p_dctn_req_id              NUMBER         YES       deduction request id
377      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
378 Procedure Import_DebitMemo ( errbuf OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
379                             ret_code OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
380                             p_dctn_req_id IN NUMBER
381                                  );
383 /*Bug#9498500:Moved the procedure validate_unprocessed_ded() to PAAPVALS/B.pls
384 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
385     --  This procedure is to validate a retention invoice in payables. This is being called from Payables
386     -- Input parameters
387     --  Parameters                Type           Required  Description
388     --  invoice_id              NUMBER         YES          invoice_id being validated
389     -- cmt_exist_flag           VARCHAR                     returns whether unprocessed dedns exist
390 	----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
391 	Procedure validate_unprocessed_ded ( invoice_id IN ap_invoices_all.invoice_id%type,
392 			        	cmt_exist_flag OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
393 */