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Line 247: FROM hz_cust_accounts

244: -- Segment and buying group has no acct info. use party_id for validation
245: CURSOR c_party_id(p_sold_to_org_id IN NUMBER) IS
246: SELECT party_id
247: FROM hz_cust_accounts
248: WHERE cust_account_id = p_sold_to_org_id;
250: CURSOR c_customer_qualified(p_invoice_to_org_id IN NUMBER, p_ship_to_org_id IN NUMBER, p_party_id NUMBER) IS
251: SELECT 'Y', object_type, qp_qualifier_group

Line 602: hz_cust_accounts cust,

598: CURSOR c_cust_number (p_header_id IN NUMBER) IS
599: SELECT cust.cust_account_id
600: FROM hz_cust_acct_sites_all acct_site,
601: hz_cust_site_uses_all site_use,
602: hz_cust_accounts cust,
603: oe_order_headers_all header
604: WHERE header.header_id = p_header_id
605: AND acct_site.cust_acct_site_id = site_use.cust_acct_site_id
606: AND acct_site.cust_account_id = cust.cust_account_id

Line 1071: FROM hz_cust_accounts

1067: AND cust_lines.interface_line_attribute6 = TO_CHAR(p_line_id);
1069: CURSOR party_id_csr(p_cust_account_id IN NUMBER) IS
1070: SELECT party_id
1071: FROM hz_cust_accounts
1072: WHERE cust_account_id = p_cust_account_id;
1074: CURSOR party_site_id_csr(p_account_site_id IN NUMBER) IS
1075: SELECT a.party_site_id

Line 1106: hz_cust_accounts cust,

1102: CURSOR c_cust_number (p_header_id IN NUMBER) IS
1103: SELECT cust.cust_account_id
1104: FROM hz_cust_acct_sites_all acct_site,
1105: hz_cust_site_uses_all site_use,
1106: hz_cust_accounts cust,
1107: oe_order_headers_all header
1108: WHERE header.header_id = p_header_id
1109: AND acct_site.cust_acct_site_id = site_use.cust_acct_site_id
1110: AND acct_site.cust_account_id = cust.cust_account_id

Line 2592: FROM hz_cust_accounts

2588: AND ROWNUM = 1;
2590: CURSOR c_party_id(p_sold_to_org_id IN NUMBER) IS
2591: SELECT party_id
2592: FROM hz_cust_accounts
2593: WHERE cust_account_id = p_sold_to_org_id;
2596: CURSOR c_count_temp IS

Line 4127: FROM hz_cust_accounts

4123: AND source_code = 'OM');
4125: CURSOR party_id_csr(p_cust_account_id IN NUMBER) IS
4126: SELECT party_id
4127: FROM hz_cust_accounts
4128: WHERE cust_account_id = p_cust_account_id;
4130: CURSOR c_apply_discount(p_offer_id IN NUMBER, p_line_id IN NUMBER) IS
4131: SELECT nvl(apply_discount_flag, 'N')

Line 4148: hz_cust_accounts cust,

4144: CURSOR c_cust_number(p_header_id IN NUMBER) IS
4145: SELECT cust.cust_account_id
4146: FROM hz_cust_acct_sites_all acct_site,
4147: hz_cust_site_uses_all site_use,
4148: hz_cust_accounts cust,
4149: oe_order_headers_all header
4150: WHERE header.header_id = p_header_id
4151: AND acct_site.cust_acct_site_id = site_use.cust_acct_site_id
4152: AND acct_site.cust_account_id = cust.cust_account_id

Line 4816: hz_cust_accounts cust,

4812: CURSOR c_cust_number(p_header_id IN NUMBER) IS
4813: SELECT cust.cust_account_id
4814: FROM hz_cust_acct_sites_all acct_site,
4815: hz_cust_site_uses_all site_use,
4816: hz_cust_accounts cust,
4817: oe_order_headers_all header
4818: WHERE header.header_id = p_header_id
4819: AND acct_site.cust_acct_site_id = site_use.cust_acct_site_id
4820: AND acct_site.cust_account_id = cust.cust_account_id

Line 5335: hz_cust_accounts cust,

5331: CURSOR c_cust_number(p_header_id IN NUMBER) IS
5332: SELECT cust.cust_account_id
5333: FROM hz_cust_acct_sites_all acct_site,
5334: hz_cust_site_uses_all site_use,
5335: hz_cust_accounts cust,
5336: oe_order_headers_all header
5337: WHERE header.header_id = p_header_id
5338: AND acct_site.cust_acct_site_id = site_use.cust_acct_site_id
5339: AND acct_site.cust_account_id = cust.cust_account_id

Line 9019: hz_cust_accounts cust,

9015: CURSOR c_cust_number (p_header_id IN NUMBER) IS
9016: SELECT cust.cust_account_id
9017: FROM hz_cust_acct_sites_all acct_site,
9018: hz_cust_site_uses_all site_use,
9019: hz_cust_accounts cust,
9020: oe_order_headers_all header
9021: WHERE header.header_id = p_header_id
9022: AND acct_site.cust_acct_site_id = site_use.cust_acct_site_id
9023: AND acct_site.cust_account_id = cust.cust_account_id