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2 /* $Header: jai_rcv_tax.plb 120.49.12020000.9 2013/01/30 06:05:52 mbremkum ship $ */
4 PROCEDURE default_taxes_onto_line
5   (
6       p_transaction_id                NUMBER,
7       p_parent_transaction_id         NUMBER,
8       p_shipment_header_id            NUMBER,
9       p_shipment_line_id              NUMBER,
10       p_organization_id               NUMBER,
11       p_requisition_line_id           NUMBER,
12       p_qty_received                  NUMBER,
13       p_primary_quantity              NUMBER,
14       p_line_location_id              NUMBER,
15       p_transaction_type              VARCHAR2,
16       p_source_document_code          VARCHAR2,
17       p_destination_type_code         VARCHAR2,
18       p_subinventory                  VARCHAR2,
19       p_vendor_id                     NUMBER,
20       p_vendor_site_id                NUMBER,
21       p_po_header_id                  NUMBER,
22       p_po_line_id                    NUMBER,
23       p_location_id                   NUMBER,
24       p_transaction_date              DATE,
25       p_uom_code                      VARCHAR2,
26       --Vijay Shankar for Bug#4346453. RCV DFF Elim. Enh. p_attribute1                    VARCHAR2,
27       --p_attribute2                    DATE,
28       --p_attribute3                    VARCHAR2,
29       --p_attribute4                    VARCHAR2,
30       p_attribute15                   VARCHAR2,
31       p_currency_code                 VARCHAR2,
32       p_currency_conversion_type      VARCHAR2,
33       p_currency_conversion_date      DATE,
34       p_currency_conversion_rate      NUMBER,
35       p_creation_date                 DATE,
36       p_created_by                    NUMBER,
37       p_last_update_date              DATE,
38       p_last_updated_by               NUMBER,
39       p_last_update_login             NUMBER,
40       p_unit_of_measure               VARCHAR2,
41       p_po_distribution_id            NUMBER,
42       p_oe_order_header_id            NUMBER,
43       p_oe_order_line_id              NUMBER,
44       p_routing_header_id             NUMBER,
45       -- Vijay Shankar for Bug#3940588 RECEIPTS DEPLUG
46       /* R12-PADDR p_chk_form OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2, */
47       -- Vijay Shankar for Bug#4159557
48       p_interface_source_code         VARCHAR2,
49       p_interface_transaction_id      VARCHAR2,
50       p_allow_tax_change_hook         VARCHAR2
51      --Reverted the chnage in R12  p_group_id                      IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL    /*added by nprashar for bug 8566481*/
52   ) IS
54     /* Added by Ramananda for bug# exc_objects */
55     lv_object_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(61) := 'jai_rcv_tax_pkg.default_taxes_onto_line';
57     -- LAST MODIFIED BY SRIHARI on 25-JUN-2000
58     v_receipt_num                 rcv_shipment_headers.receipt_num % TYPE;
59     v_loc_quantity                po_line_locations_all.quantity % TYPE;
60     v_cor_amount                  JAI_PO_LINE_LOCATIONS.tax_amount % TYPE;
61 --    v_form_id                     VARCHAR2(30); --File.Sql.35 Cbabu  := 'JAINPORE';
62     v_chk_form                    VARCHAR2(30);
63     -- v_rowid                       JAI_CMN_LOCATORS_T.row_id % TYPE;
64     v_conf                        NUMBER;
65     v_receipt_modify_flag         JAI_CMN_INVENTORY_ORGS.receipt_modify_flag % TYPE;
66     v_cor_quantity                NUMBER;
67     v_rg_location_id              JAI_INV_SUBINV_DTLS.location_id % TYPE;
68     v_po_header_date              DATE;
69     v_vendor_site_id              po_headers_all.vendor_site_id % TYPE;
70     v_item_id                     rcv_shipment_lines.item_id % TYPE;
71     v_organization_id             rcv_shipment_lines.to_organization_id % TYPE;
72     v_item_modvat_flag            JAI_INV_ITM_SETUPS.modvat_flag % TYPE;
73     v_item_trading_flag           JAI_INV_ITM_SETUPS.item_trading_flag % TYPE;
74     v_receipt_source_code         rcv_shipment_headers.receipt_source_code % TYPE;
75 --    v_paddr                       v$session.paddr % TYPE;
76   --  v_temp_status                 ja_in_temp_receipt.status % TYPE; --Commented by Nagaraj.s for Bug#2692052
77       v_paddr                       RAW(32);  /*Bug 4644524 bduvarag*/
78     v_modvat_flag                 JAI_INV_ITM_SETUPS.modvat_flag % TYPE; --Changed the %type by Nagaraj.s for Bug#2692052
79     v_tax_total                   NUMBER; --File.Sql.35 Cbabu  := 0;
80   --  v_line_id                     so_lines_all.line_id % type; --commented by GSri and Jagdish on 5-may-01
81     v_line_id                     oe_order_lines_all.line_id % TYPE; --added by GSri and Jagdish on 5-may-01
82     v_rg_type                     VARCHAR2(30);
83     v_so_currency                 oe_order_headers_all.transactional_curr_code % TYPE; -- added
84     v_req_id                      NUMBER;
85     v_result                      BOOLEAN;
86     v_currency_code               rcv_transactions.currency_code % TYPE;
87     v_currency_conversion_rate    rcv_transactions.currency_conversion_rate % TYPE;
88     -- Vijay Shankar for Bug#4346453. RCV DFF Elim. Enh. v_attribute1                  VARCHAR2(150);
89     --v_attribute2                  DATE;
90     --v_attribute3                  VARCHAR2(150);
91     v_range_no                    JAI_CMN_VENDOR_SITES.excise_duty_range % TYPE;
92     v_division_no                 JAI_CMN_VENDOR_SITES.excise_duty_division % TYPE;
93     v_claim_modvat_flag           JAI_RCV_LINES.claim_modvat_flag % TYPE;
94     v_func_currency               gl_sets_of_books.currency_code % TYPE;
95     v_gl_set_of_books_id          gl_sets_of_books.set_of_books_id % TYPE;
96     v_conv_factor                 NUMBER;
97     v_register_type               JAI_CMN_RG_23AC_I_TRXS.register_type % TYPE;
98     v_duplicate_ship              VARCHAR2(1); --File.Sql.35 Cbabu  := 'N';
99     v_picking_line_id             JAI_OM_WSH_LINES_ALL.delivery_detail_id % TYPE; --added
100     v_rsh_organization_id         rcv_shipment_headers.organization_id % TYPE;
101     v_internal_vendor             JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL.vendor_id % TYPE;
102     v_current_tax                 NUMBER;
103     v_trading                     JAI_CMN_INVENTORY_ORGS.trading % TYPE;
104     v_manufacturing               JAI_CMN_INVENTORY_ORGS.manufacturing % TYPE;
105     v_bonded                      JAI_INV_SUBINV_DTLS.bonded % TYPE;
106     v_claimable_amount            JAI_RCV_LINE_TAXES.claimable_amount % TYPE;
107     -- Start of addition by Srihari on 30-NOV-99
108     v_uom_rate                    NUMBER;
109     v_po_uom                      mtl_units_of_measure.unit_of_measure % TYPE;
110     v_po_uom_code                 mtl_units_of_measure.uom_code % TYPE;
111     v_rcv_uom_code                mtl_units_of_measure.unit_of_measure % TYPE;
112     v_tax_modvat_flag             JAI_RCV_LINE_TAXES.modvat_flag % TYPE;
113     v_chk_excise                  NUMBER;
114     v_chk_receipt_lines       NUMBER; --File.Sql.35 Cbabu  :=0;
115     v_chk_receipt_tax_lines     NUMBER; --File.Sql.35 Cbabu  :=0;
116     --v_receipt_routing             NUMBER; --Added by Nagaraj.s for Bug#2499017
117     -- Variables added by Aparajita on 17th june for bug#2415767
118     v_po_currency           po_headers_all.CURRENCY_CODE%TYPE;
119     v_po_rate           po_headers_all.RATE%TYPE;
120     v_tax_currency        po_headers_all.CURRENCY_CODE%TYPE;
122     v_precedence_0        NUMBER; --File.Sql.35 Cbabu  :=0;
123     v_precedence_non_0      NUMBER; --File.Sql.35 Cbabu :=0;
125     v_tax_base          NUMBER; --File.Sql.35 Cbabu :=0;
126     v_receipt_tax                 NUMBER; -- this has not been assigned intentionally.
127     v_debug_flag          varchar2(1); --File.Sql.35 Cbabu  := 'N';
128     v_utl_location               VARCHAR2(512); --For Log file.
129     v_myfilehandle                UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE; -- This is for File handling
130       -- Variables added by Aparajita on 17th june for bug#2415767
131      --Variables added by Nagaraj.s for Bug2991872.
132     v_price_override              NUMBER; --File.Sql.35 Cbabu  :=0;
133     v_po_quantity               NUMBER; --File.Sql.35 Cbabu  :=0;
134     v_assessable_value          NUMBER; --File.Sql.35 Cbabu  :=0;
135     v_assessable_val_defined         NUMBER;   -- by nkodakan for bug 14590356.
137     /* Vijay Shankar for Bug#4250236(4245089). VAT Impl. */
138     ln_vat_assess_value             NUMBER; --File.Sql.35 Cbabu  :=0;
139     ln_vat_assess_val_defined       NUMBER; -- by nkodakan for the bug 14590356
140     ln_chk_vat                      number ;
141     lv_vat_recoverable_for_item     JAI_RGM_ITM_TMPL_ATTRS.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE%TYPE;
142     lv_process_flag                 VARCHAR2(2);
143     lv_process_msg                  VARCHAR2(1000);
144     ln_vat_setup_chk                NUMBER;
145     ln_test_delivery_id             JAI_OM_WSH_LINES_ALL.delivery_id%TYPE; --Added by Ramananda for Bug#4533114
146     --Added by walton for inclusive tax
147     ---------------------------------------------
150     tax_amt_tab         TAX_AMT_NUM_TAB;
151     round_factor_tab     TAX_AMT_NUM_TAB;
152     base_tax_amt_tab    TAX_AMT_NUM_TAB;
153     func_tax_amt_tab    TAX_AMT_NUM_TAB;
154     v_tax_vendor_site_id TAX_AMT_NUM_TAB; /*Added by nprshar for bug # 10193326 */
156     TYPE char_tab IS TABLE OF  VARCHAR2(10)
159      Type v_curr_check is table of VARCHAR2(10)
160     Index by binary_integer;
161     --commented out by shyan for bug 10100899  on  12/11/2010, Begin
162     --------------------------------------------------------------------
163     -- p_curr_check v_curr_check;  /*Added by nprashar for bug # 10100899*/
164     --------------------------------------------------------------------
165     --commented out by shyan for bug 10100899  on  12/11/2010, End
167     lt_adhoc_tax_tab          CHAR_TAB;
168     lt_inclusive_tax_tab      CHAR_TAB;
169     lt_tax_modvat_flag        CHAR_TAB;
170     lt_third_party_flag       CHAR_TAB;
171     ln_exclusive_price        NUMBER;
172     lt_tax_rate_per_rupee     NUM_TAB;
173     lt_cumul_tax_rate_per_rupee NUM_TAB;
174     ln_total_non_rate_tax     NUMBER :=0;
175     ln_total_inclusive_factor NUMBER;
176     lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab   TAX_AMT_NUM_TAB;
177     lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab   TAX_AMT_NUM_TAB;
178     ln_bsln_amt_nr            NUMBER :=0;
179     ln_tax_amt_nr             NUMBER(38,10) :=0;
180     ln_vamt_nr                NUMBER(38,10) :=0;
181     ln_total_tax_per_rupee    NUMBER;
182     ln_assessable_value       NUMBER;
183     ln_vat_assessable_value   NUMBER;
184     ln_curflag                NUMBER; --Add by Kevin Cheng for bug 6853787 Mar 5, 2008
185     lv_valid_date             DATE;
186     --ln_gst_assessable_value   NUMBER; --Add by Xiao for GST refer to bug#10043656 on 14-Sep-2010
187     --ln_gst_assess_value       NUMBER; --Add by Xiao for GST refer to bug#10043656 on 14-Sep-2010
188     ln_amount number; --Added by Shujuan for 10358786  on  28-Jan-2011
189     --commented out by shyan for bug 10100899  on  12/11/2010, Begin
190     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
191     -- ln_check_curr_conv        NUMBER := 0; --Added by nprashar  for bug # 10100899
192     -- p_index                   NUMBER;      --Added by nprashar for bug # 10100899
193     ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
194     --commented out by shyan for bug 10100899  on  12/11/2010, End
195     p1          NUM_TAB;
196     p2          NUM_TAB;
197     p3          NUM_TAB;
198     p4          NUM_TAB;
199     p5          NUM_TAB;
201     p6          NUM_TAB;
202     p7          NUM_TAB;
203     p8          NUM_TAB;
204     p9          NUM_TAB;
205     p10         NUM_TAB;
207     end_date_tab        NUM_TAB;
208     tax_rate_tab        NUM_TAB;
209     tax_type_tab        NUM_TAB;
210     tax_rate_zero_tab   NUM_TAB;
211     tax_target_tab      NUM_TAB;
213     bsln_amt            NUMBER := 0;
214     vamt                NUMBER := 0;
215     row_count           NUMBER := 1;
216     v_tax_amt           NUMBER := 0;
217     max_iter            NUMBER := 10;
218     v_func_tax_amt      NUMBER := 0;
219     v_amt               NUMBER := 0;
221     errormsg VARCHAR2(500);
223     cursor c_get_inclusive_flag
224     ( pn_tax_id number
225     )
226     is
227     select NVL(inclusive_tax_flag,'N'),
228     end_date,
229     NVL(adhoc_flag,'N')--Added by qiong.liu for bug12717416 2011.07.06
230     from jai_cmn_taxes_all
231     where tax_id=pn_tax_id;
232     -----------------------------------------------
234     CURSOR c_rgm_setup_for_orgn_loc(cp_regime_code varchar2, cp_organization_type varchar2,
235               cp_organization_id number, cp_location_id number) IS
236       SELECT 1 FROM jai_rgm_parties a, JAI_RGM_DEFINITIONS b
237       WHERE a.regime_id = b.regime_id
238       AND b.regime_code=cp_regime_code
239       AND a.organization_type = cp_organization_type
240       AND a.organization_id = cp_organization_id
241       AND (cp_location_id is null or a.location_id=cp_location_id);
243     CURSOR c_rcv_rgm_dtl(cp_regime_code VARCHAR2, cp_shipment_line_id NUMBER) IS
244       SELECT nvl(process_status_flag, jai_constants.no) process_status_flag,
245             regime_item_class,
246             invoice_no
247       FROM jai_rcv_rgm_lines
248       WHERE shipment_line_id = cp_shipment_line_id
249       AND regime_code = cp_regime_code;
251     r_rcv_rgm_dtl     c_rcv_rgm_dtl%ROWTYPE;
252     /* End of VAT Impl. */
254     --v_tax_vendor_site_id          JAI_CMN_VENDOR_SITES.vendor_site_id%type; Commented by by nprshar for bug # 10193326 --Added by Nagaraj.s for Bug3037075
255     v_third_party_flag            JAI_RCV_LINE_TAXES.third_party_flag%type; --Added by Nagaraj.s for Bug3037075
256    --Ends over here.
257     v_item_class                  JAI_INV_ITM_SETUPS.item_class%type; --3202319
259     CURSOR uom_cur(c_uom VARCHAR2) IS
260       SELECT uom_code
261         FROM mtl_units_of_measure
262        WHERE unit_of_measure = c_uom;
263     -- End of addition by Srihari on 30-NOV-99.
265   -- Added by GSRI on 21-OCT-01
266   CURSOR get_paddr IS SELECT paddr
267    FROM v$session vs, v$mystat vm
268    WHERE vs.sid = vm.sid
269     AND ROWNUM = 1;
270   -- End of Addition on 21-OCT-01
272     -- cbabu for Bug# 3028040
273     -- Vijay Shankar for Bug#4346453. RCV DFF Elim. Enh. CURSOR c_hdr_attribute5(p_shipment_header_id IN NUMBER) IS
274     CURSOR c_hdr_dtl(p_shipment_header_id IN NUMBER) IS
275       SELECT  -- Vijay Shankar for Bug#4346453. RCV DFF Elim. Enh. attribute5,
276         shipment_num
277       FROM rcv_shipment_headers
278       WHERE shipment_header_id = p_shipment_header_id;
280      --Added by Sanjikum for Bug#4533114
281     CURSOR c_hdr_attribute5_1(p_delivery_name VARCHAR2)
282     IS
283     SELECT  delivery_id
284     FROM    wsh_new_deliveries
285     WHERE   name = p_delivery_name ;
287    CURSOR c_fetch_unclaim_cenvat is
288    SELECT nvl(unclaim_cenvat_flag,'N'),
289           nvl(cenvat_claimed_ptg,0),
290     nvl(non_bonded_delivery_flag,'N'), --3655330
291     nvl(cenvat_amount,0) -- Bug 4516678. Added by Lakshmi Gopalsami
293    WHERE  shipment_line_id = p_shipment_line_id;
295   v_unclaim_cenvat_flag      JAI_RCV_CENVAT_CLAIMS.unclaim_cenvat_flag%type;
296   v_cenvat_claimed_ptg       JAI_RCV_CENVAT_CLAIMS.cenvat_claimed_ptg%type;
297   v_non_bonded_delivery_flag JAI_RCV_CENVAT_CLAIMS.non_bonded_delivery_flag%type;
298   -- bug 4516678. Added by Lakshmi Gopalsami
299   v_cenvat_amount            JAI_RCV_CENVAT_CLAIMS.cenvat_amount%type;
301   v_express VARCHAR2(100);
302   v_shipment_num  rcv_shipment_headers.shipment_num%type;  -- ssumaith - bug# 3657662
303   v_order_header_id oe_order_headers_all.header_id%type;   -- ssumaith - bug# 3657662
305   cursor c_order_cur (p_shipment_num rcv_shipment_headers.shipment_num%type) is
306   select order_header_id
307   from   JAI_OM_WSH_LINES_ALL
308   where  delivery_id = p_shipment_num;
310   /* bug 4516678. Added by Lakshmi Gopalsami */
312   cursor c_fetch_receive_quantity(p_shipment_header_id number,
313                                  p_shipment_line_id number) is
314    select qty_received
315      from JAI_RCV_LINES
316     where shipment_header_id = p_shipment_header_id
317       and shipment_line_id   = p_shipment_line_id;
319   cursor c_fetch_transaction_quantity(p_shipment_header_id number,
320                                       p_shipment_line_id number ,
321               p_transaction_type varchar2) is
322   select sum(quantity)
324    where shipment_header_id = p_shipment_header_id
325      and shipment_line_id   = p_shipment_line_id
326      and transaction_type   = p_transaction_type;
328   v_receipt_quantity  number;
329   v_sum_rtv_quantity  number;
331   -- End for bug4516678.
333     /* Vijay Shankar for Bug#4346453. RCV DFF Elim. Enh. */
334     cursor c_ja_rcv_interface(cp_interface_trx_id in number) is
335       select interface_transaction_id, excise_invoice_no, excise_invoice_date, online_claim_flag
336       from jai_rcv_interface_trxs
337       where interface_transaction_id = cp_interface_trx_id;
339     r_ja_rcv_interface      c_ja_rcv_interface%ROWTYPE;
340     lv_excise_invoice_no    JAI_RCV_LINES.excise_invoice_no%TYPE;
341     lv_excise_invoice_date  JAI_RCV_LINES.excise_invoice_date%TYPE;
342     lv_online_claim_flag    JAI_RCV_LINES.online_claim_flag%TYPE;
344     /* Bug 5243532. Added by Lakshmi Gopalsami
345      * Defined variable for implementing caching logic.
346      */
347     l_func_curr_det jai_plsql_cache_pkg.func_curr_details;
348     -- End for bug 5243532
349     /*Bug 4644524 start bduvarag*/
350     CURSOR c_rcv_shipment_lines(cp_shipment_line_id rcv_shipment_lines.shipment_line_id%TYPE)
351 IS
352 SELECT  item_id
353 FROM    rcv_shipment_lines
354 WHERE   shipment_line_id = cp_shipment_line_id;
356 r_rcv_shipment_lines c_rcv_shipment_lines%ROWTYPE;
357 /*Bug 4644524 End bduvarag*/
359  -- For iSupp Porting
360 /*
361  || Start additions by ssumaith - Iprocurement.
362  */
364    CURSOR check_rcpt_source IS
365    SELECT apps_source_code
366    FROM   po_requisition_headers_all WHERE requisition_header_id IN
367   (SELECT requisition_header_id
368    FROM   po_requisition_lines_all
369    WHERE  line_location_id = p_line_location_id
370   );
372    lv_apps_source_code  VARCHAR2(30);
374  /*
375  || End additions by ssumaith - iprocurement
376  */
380  /*
381  start for ASBN -- ssumaith
382  */
385  cursor  c_check_asbn is
386  SELECT  '1' , shipment_num
387  from    rcv_shipment_headers
388  where   shipment_header_id = p_shipment_header_id
389  And     asn_type           = 'ASBN';
392  lv_asbn_type  varchar2(10);
393  lv_shipment_num  VARCHAR2(100);
394  ln_po_unit_price NUMBER;
399    tax_line_no   JAI_PO_TAXES.TAX_LINE_NO%TYPE,
400    Tax_Id          JAI_PO_TAXES.TAX_ID%TYPE,
401    Tax_rate        JAI_PO_TAXES.TAX_RATE%TYPE,
402    Qty_Rate        JAI_PO_TAXES.QTY_RATE%TYPE,
403    Uom             JAI_PO_TAXES.UOM%TYPE,
404    Tax_Amount      JAI_PO_TAXES.TAX_AMOUNT%TYPE,
405    tax_type        JAI_PO_TAXES.TAX_TYPE%TYPE,
406    tax_name        JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL.TAX_NAME%TYPE,
407    modvat_flag     JAI_PO_TAXES.modvat_flag%TYPE,
408    vendor_id       JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL.vendor_id%type,
409    tax_vendor_id   JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL.vendor_id%type,
410    vendor_site_id  JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL.vendor_site_id%type,
411    currency        JAI_PO_TAXES.currency%type,
412    rounding_factor JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL.rounding_factor%type,
413    duty            JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL.duty_drawback_percentage%type,
414    Precedence_1   JAI_PO_TAXES.PRECEDENCE_1%TYPE,
415    Precedence_2   JAI_PO_TAXES.PRECEDENCE_2%TYPE,
416    Precedence_3   JAI_PO_TAXES.PRECEDENCE_3%TYPE,
417    Precedence_4   JAI_PO_TAXES.PRECEDENCE_4%TYPE,
418    Precedence_5   JAI_PO_TAXES.PRECEDENCE_5%TYPE,
419    regime_code    varchar2(30),
420    Precedence_6   JAI_PO_TAXES.PRECEDENCE_6%TYPE,
421    Precedence_7   JAI_PO_TAXES.PRECEDENCE_7%TYPE,
422    Precedence_8   JAI_PO_TAXES.PRECEDENCE_8%TYPE,
423    Precedence_9   JAI_PO_TAXES.PRECEDENCE_9%TYPE,
424    Precedence_10    JAI_PO_TAXES.PRECEDENCE_10%TYPE
425    );
427    c_po_tax_cur TAX_CUR_TYPE;
428    po_lines_rec     c_po_tax_cur%rowtype;
429    --Added by walton for inclusive tax
430    ---------------------------------------
431    type tax_table_typ  is
432    table of PO_TAX_CUR index by binary_integer;
433    lt_tax_table     tax_table_typ;
434    -----------------------------------------
435  -- end ssumaith - asbn
437  -- rchandan start - 6030615(INTERORG_XFER FP )
439        Cursor c_rec_ship_txn(cp_ship_line_id IN NUMBER) is
440        select  mmt_transaction_id
441        from    rcv_shipment_lines
442        where   shipment_line_id = cp_ship_line_id;
444        r_rec_ship_txn c_rec_ship_txn%rowtype;
446        cursor  c_get_inv_trx_info(Cp_transaction_id IN NUMBER) IS
447        select  abs(transaction_quantity) , transaction_uom , original_transaction_temp_id , prior_cost
448        from    mtl_material_transactions
449        where   transaction_id = cp_transaction_id ;
451        cursor  c_jai_mtl_Trxs(cp_trx_temp_id NUMBER) IS
452        select  *
453        from    jai_mtl_trxs
454        where   transaction_temp_id = cp_trx_temp_id;
456        r_jai_mtl_Trxs   c_jai_mtl_Trxs%rowtype;
458        cursor c_jai_cmn_lines(cp_shipment_num VARCHAR2) IS
459        SELECT *
460        FROM   jai_cmn_lines
461        WHERE  po_line_location_id = p_line_location_id
462        AND    shipment_number = cp_shipment_num;
464        r_jai_cmn_lines  c_jai_cmn_lines%rowtype;
466        ln_trx_qty   number;
467        lv_trx_uom   varchar2(20);
468        ln_orig_id   number;
469        ln_item_cost number;
471       /*Bug 14010660 - Start*/
472       CURSOR c_excise_inv_number(p_shipment_header_id NUMBER)
473       IS
474         SELECT
475           (
476             SELECT
477               EXCISE_INV_NUMBER
478             FROM
479               JAI_CMN_LINES
480             WHERE
482             AND rownum            = 1
483           )
484           EXCISE_INV_NUM,
485           (
486             SELECT
487               EXCISE_INV_DATE
488             FROM
489               JAI_CMN_LINES
490             WHERE
492             AND rownum            = 1
493           )
494           EXCISE_INV_DATE
495         FROM
497         WHERE
498           RHI.receipt_header_id = p_shipment_header_id;
499       CURSOR c_is_shipment_asn(p_shipment_header_id NUMBER)
500       IS
501         SELECT
502           '1'
503         FROM
504           rcv_shipment_headers RSH
505         WHERE
506           RSH.shipment_header_id = p_shipment_header_id
507         AND asn_type = 'ASN';
508       lv_asn_type VARCHAR2(1);
509       /*Bug 14010660 - End*/
511    -- rchandan end - 6030615(INTERORG_XFER FP )
513 --Add by Xiao for Adhoc taxes, reg bug#12589218 on 16-Jun-2011, begin
514 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
515 --commented by qiong.liu for bug12717416 2011.07.06 begin
516 ---------------------------------------------------------
517 /*  CURSOR get_adhoc_flag(pn_tax_id NUMBER) IS
518   SELECT adhoc_flag
519     FROM jai_cmn_taxes_all
520    WHERE tax_id = pn_tax_id;
522   lv_adhoc_flag VARCHAR2(1);*/
523 --------------------------------------------------------
524 --commented by qiog.liu for bug12717416 2011.07.06 end
525 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
526 --Add by Xiao for Adhoc taxes, reg bug#12589218 on 16-Jun-2011, end
528     --------------------------- Procedure For inserting a record in JAI_RCV_LINES ---------
529     PROCEDURE insert_receipt_line IS
531       lv_mfg_trading JAI_RCV_LINES.mfg_trading%type ;
532     BEGIN
534   --Added by GSRI on 21-OCT-01
535   SELECT COUNT(*) INTO v_chk_receipt_lines
537   WHERE shipment_line_id = p_shipment_line_id AND
538   shipment_header_id = p_shipment_header_id;
539   IF v_chk_receipt_lines = 0 THEN
541   WHERE shipment_line_id = p_shipment_line_id AND
542   shipment_header_id = p_shipment_header_id;*/
543   --End Addition by GSRI on 21-OCT-01
545   lv_mfg_trading := NVL(v_manufacturing, 'N')|| NVL(v_trading, 'N') ; -- Removed minus sign (-) for bug#4519697
548              (shipment_line_id,
549               shipment_header_id,
550               receipt_num,
551               qty_received,
552               boe_number,
553               excise_invoice_no,
554               excise_invoice_date,
555               online_claim_flag, -- Vijay Shankar for Bug#4346453. RCV DFF Elim. Enh.
556               tax_modified_flag,
557               line_location_id,
558               tax_amount,
559               MFG_TRADING,
560               transaction_id, --Added by Nagaraj.s for Bug#2692052.
561               organization_id,--Added by Nagaraj.s for Bug#2692052.
562               inventory_item_id, -- added by Aparajita for Bug#2813244
563               creation_date,
564               created_by,
565               last_update_date,
566               last_updated_by,
567               last_update_login)
568       VALUES (p_shipment_line_id,
569               p_shipment_header_id,
570               v_receipt_num,
571               p_qty_received,
572               NULL,
573               -- Vijay Shankar for Bug#4346453. RCV DFF Elim. Enh. v_attribute1,
574               -- v_attribute2,
575               lv_excise_invoice_no,
576               lv_excise_invoice_date,
577               lv_online_claim_flag,
578              'Y',-- v_receipt_modify_flag,added 'Y' for bug#9045278
579               p_line_location_id,
580               NULL,
581               lv_mfg_trading, --NVL(v_manufacturing, 'N')||NVL(v_trading, 'N'),     /* Modified by Ramananda for removal of SQL LITERALs :bug#4428980*/
582               p_transaction_id,  --Added by Nagaraj.s for Bug#2692052.
583               p_organization_id, --Added by Nagaraj.s for Bug#2692052. This is made as per RCV_TRANSACTIONS.ORGANIZATION_ID so that Joins can be avoided with RCV_TRANSACTIONS
584               v_item_id,-- added by Aparajita for Bug#2813244
585               p_creation_date,
586               p_created_by,
587               p_last_update_date,
588               p_last_updated_by,
589               p_last_update_login);
590   END IF;
591 END insert_receipt_line;
593     --------------------------- Procedure For updating tax amount in JAI_RCV_LINES --------
594     PROCEDURE update_receipt_line IS
595     BEGIN
596       IF v_tax_total <> 0
597       THEN
599            SET tax_amount = v_tax_total
600          WHERE shipment_line_id = p_shipment_line_id;
601       END IF;
602     END update_receipt_line;
604     ------------------------------ For picking po_header_date from po_headers -------------------
605     /* Vijay Shankar for Bug#4346453. RCV DFF Elim. Enh.
606     PROCEDURE pick_po_header_date IS
607     BEGIN
608       FOR date_rec IN (SELECT creation_date,
609                               vendor_site_id
610                          FROM po_headers_all
611                         WHERE po_header_id = p_po_header_id)
612       LOOP
613         v_po_header_date := date_rec.creation_date;
614         v_vendor_site_id := date_rec.vendor_site_id;
615       END LOOP;
616       jai_rcv_utils_pkg.get_div_range(p_vendor_id,
617                                           v_vendor_site_id,
618                                           v_range_no,
619                                           v_division_no);
620     END pick_po_header_date;
621     */
623     ------------------ Procedure For updating tax amount in case of internal order ---------------
624     PROCEDURE duplicate_shipment_update IS
625     BEGIN
626       IF p_transaction_type = 'RECEIVE'
627       THEN
628         FOR conf_rec IN (SELECT shipment_line_id,
629                                 qty_received
630                            FROM JAI_RCV_LINES
631                           WHERE shipment_line_id = p_shipment_line_id)
632         LOOP
633           v_conf := conf_rec.shipment_line_id;
634           IF NVL(conf_rec.qty_received, 0) <> 0
635           THEN
636             v_cor_quantity := 1 + (p_qty_received / conf_rec.qty_received);
637           END IF;
638         END LOOP;
639         IF v_conf IS NOT NULL
640         THEN
641           v_duplicate_ship := 'Y';
642           FOR lines_rec IN (SELECT rtl.tax_amount,
643                                    rtl.tax_type,
644                                    rtl.tax_line_no,
645                                    jtc.rounding_factor
646                               FROM JAI_RCV_LINE_TAXES rtl,
647                                    JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL jtc
648                              WHERE rtl.shipment_line_id = p_shipment_line_id
649                                AND jtc.tax_id = rtl.tax_id)
650           LOOP
651             v_current_tax := ROUND((lines_rec.tax_amount * v_cor_quantity),
652                              NVL(lines_rec.rounding_factor, 0));
654                SET tax_amount = v_current_tax
655              WHERE shipment_line_id = p_shipment_line_id
656                AND tax_line_no = lines_rec.tax_line_no;
657             IF lines_rec.tax_type NOT IN ('TDS', 'Modvat Recovery')
658             THEN
659               v_tax_total := NVL(v_tax_total, 0) + NVL(v_current_tax, 0);
660             END IF;
661           END LOOP;
662           UPDATE JAI_RCV_LINES
663              SET qty_received = NVL(qty_received, 0) + p_qty_received,
664                  tax_amount = v_tax_total
665            WHERE shipment_line_id = p_shipment_line_id;
666         END IF;
667       END IF;
668     END duplicate_shipment_update;
670     ---------------------------------  rg i entry -----------------------------------------------
671     /* Vijay Shankar for Bug#4346453. RCV DFF Elim. Enh.
672     PROCEDURE rg23_i_entry IS
673     BEGIN
674       Ja_In_Receipt_Rg_Pkg.rg23_i_entry (p_shipment_line_id,
675                                          p_location_id,
676                                          p_subinventory,
677                                          p_vendor_id,
678                                          p_vendor_site_id,
679                                          p_po_header_id,
680                                          p_created_by,
681                                          p_creation_date,
682                                          p_last_update_date,
683                                          p_last_updated_by,
684                                          p_last_update_login,
685                                          p_qty_received,
686                                          p_transaction_id,
687                                          p_transaction_type,
688                                          p_transaction_date,
689                                          p_po_line_id,
690                                          p_line_location_id,
691                                          v_attribute1,
692                                          v_attribute2,
693                                          p_uom_code,
694                                          p_primary_quantity,
695                                          v_rg_type);
696     END rg23_i_entry;
697     */
698     --------------------------------- Deciding tax modified flag --------------------------------
699     PROCEDURE set_receipt_flag IS
701       /* Start Vijay Shankar for Bug#4199929 */
702       lv_tax_change_on_roi_recpts     JAI_CMN_INVENTORY_ORGS.tax_change_on_open_int_recpts%TYPE;
703       lv_tax_change_on_wms_recpts     JAI_CMN_INVENTORY_ORGS.tax_change_on_wms_recpts%TYPE;
704       /*lv_mobile_txn_flag              rcv_transactions_interface.mobile_txn%TYPE;
705         above declaration fails incase client has a lower BASE VERSION like 11.5.5
706         So modified as below so that the procedure gets compiled. 4252036(4245089)
707       */
708       lv_mobile_txn_flag              VARCHAR2(2);
709       lv_open_interace_receipt_flag   rcv_transactions_interface.validation_flag%TYPE;
710       lv_dynamic_sql                  VARCHAR2(1000);
711     lv_profile_val                  VARCHAR2(10);
713       CURSOR c_interface_trx_dtl(cp_interface_transaction_id IN NUMBER) IS
714         /*cursor query changed for bug 8486273 - on successful import, rows will be deleted
715         * from rcv_transactions_interface. We should check rcv_headers_interface table instead,
716         * where data would be retained until being purged. It should be noted that the group_id
717         * link between rcv_transactions and rcv_headers_interface is not one-one, but it is enough
718         * to establish that the receipt is imported through open interface.
719         bug 8594501 - earlier query caused mutating table error, as it hit the rcv_transactions
720         * table for the same row which triggered this procedure (not committed yet). For this,
721         * group_id is being passed as a procedure parameter from the trigger.*/
722         /* Code added from the above bugs needs to be Reverted as they are not supported in R12*/
723        --SELECT nvl(validation_flag, 'N') validation_flag     commented by Vijay Shankar for bug#4240265
724         SELECT decode(header_interface_id, null, 'N', 'Y') imported_receipt_flag
725         FROM rcv_transactions_interface
726         WHERE interface_transaction_id = cp_interface_transaction_id;
727         /*End Vijay Shankar for Bug#4199929 */
728       /* Reverted the change in R12 Query added by nprashar for bug # 8566481
729       SELECT 'Y'
730       FROM dual
732                   FROM RCV_HEADERS_INTERFACE RHI
733       WHERE RHI.group_id = p_group_id);*/
735        CURSOR c_iproc_profile IS
736        SELECT fnd_profile.value('JA_ACCESS_IPROC_TAX')
737        FROM   DUAL;
739        ln_user_id  NUMBER := fnd_global.user_id;
742     BEGIN
743       jai_rcv_utils_pkg.get_rg1_location (p_location_id,
744                                               p_organization_id,
745                                               p_subinventory,
746                                               v_rg_location_id);
747       FOR rec_upd_rec IN (SELECT  nvl(receipt_modify_flag, 'N') receipt_modify_flag,
748                                   nvl(trading, 'N') trading,
749                                   nvl(manufacturing, 'N') manufacturing
750                                   /* following added by Vijay Shankar for Bug#4199929 */
751                                   , nvl(tax_change_on_open_int_recpts, 'N') tax_change_on_open_int_recpts
752                                   , nvl(tax_change_on_wms_recpts, 'N')      tax_change_on_wms_recpts
753                           FROM  JAI_CMN_INVENTORY_ORGS
754                           WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id
755                           AND   location_id = v_rg_location_id)
756       LOOP
757         v_receipt_modify_flag := rec_upd_rec.receipt_modify_flag;
758         v_trading := rec_upd_rec.trading;
759         v_manufacturing := rec_upd_rec.manufacturing;
760         /* following added by Vijay Shankar for Bug#4199929 */
761         lv_tax_change_on_roi_recpts := rec_upd_rec.tax_change_on_open_int_recpts;
762         lv_tax_change_on_wms_recpts := rec_upd_rec.tax_change_on_wms_recpts;
763       END LOOP;
765       /* Start, Vijay Shankar for Bug#4199929 */
766       /* following is written to give control to clients so that for open interface receipts the value returned is 'Y' */
767       lv_dynamic_sql := 'select nvl(mobile_txn, ''N'') mobile_txn FROM rcv_transactions_interface WHERE interface_transaction_id = :1';
768       BEGIN
769         execute immediate lv_dynamic_sql into lv_mobile_txn_flag using p_interface_transaction_id;
770       EXCEPTION
771         WHEN OTHERS THEN
772           lv_mobile_txn_flag := 'N';
773       END;
775       OPEN c_interface_trx_dtl(p_interface_transaction_id);
776       FETCH c_interface_trx_dtl INTO lv_open_interace_receipt_flag;
777       CLOSE c_interface_trx_dtl;
779       OPEN  c_iproc_profile;
780       FETCH c_iproc_profile INTO lv_profile_val;
781       CLOSE c_iproc_profile;
783       IF v_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
784         UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_myfilehandle,'The Value of lv_profile_val (profile value) is ' || lv_profile_val);
785       END IF;
787       lv_profile_val := fnd_profile.value_specific(NAME =>'JA_ACCESS_IPROC_TAX',user_id=>ln_user_id);
789       IF v_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
790         UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_myfilehandle,'The Value of lv_profile_val (for userid) is ' || lv_profile_val);
791       END IF;
793       IF NVL(lv_profile_val,'2') = '2' Then
794          lv_profile_val := 'N';
795       ELSE
796          lv_profile_val :='Y';
797       END IF;
799       IF v_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
800         UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_myfilehandle,'The Value of lv_profile_val (as Y/N) is ' || lv_profile_val);
801       END IF;
803       FND_FILE.put_line(fnd_file.log, 'ROI:'|| lv_tax_change_on_roi_recpts
804         ||', WMS:'||lv_tax_change_on_wms_recpts
805         ||', Receipts:'||v_receipt_modify_flag
806         ||', TxnROI Flg:'||lv_open_interace_receipt_flag
807         ||', TxnMobile Flg:'||lv_mobile_txn_flag
808       );
810       /* following if condition is for WMS Receipts */
811       IF lv_mobile_txn_flag = 'Y' THEN
812         IF lv_tax_change_on_wms_recpts = 'Y' THEN
813           v_receipt_modify_flag := 'Y';
814         ELSE
815           --v_receipt_modify_flag := 'X';
816           --commented the above and added the below by Ramananda for Bug#4519697
817           v_receipt_modify_flag := 'N';
818         END IF;
820         IF v_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
821            UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_myfilehandle,'The Value of v_receipt_modify_flag after WMS Receipts loop is ' || v_receipt_modify_flag);
822         END IF;
824       /* following if condition is for Open Interface Receipts */
825       ELSIF lv_open_interace_receipt_flag = 'Y' THEN
826         IF lv_tax_change_on_roi_recpts = 'Y' THEN
827           v_receipt_modify_flag := 'Y';
828         ELSE
829           --v_receipt_modify_flag := 'X';
830           --commented the above and added the below by Ramananda for Bug#4519697
831           v_receipt_modify_flag := 'N';
832         END IF;
834         IF v_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
835           UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_myfilehandle,'The Value of v_receipt_modify_flag after Open Interface Receipts loop is ' || v_receipt_modify_flag);
836         END IF;
838       ELSE
840         IF v_receipt_modify_flag = 'N' THEN
841           -- added, CSahoo for Bug 5344225
842          -- iSupplier Porting
843              /*
844              || Start additions by ssumaith for Iprocurement.
845              */
846             IF lv_apps_source_code = 'POR' AND p_transaction_type = 'RECEIVE'
847               AND lv_profile_val = 'N' then
848                /* Rcpt Created thru Iproc and user does not have change the taxes on rcpt
849                || In such a case setting the receipt_modify_flag to 'N'
850                */
851                v_receipt_modify_flag := 'N';
853             END IF;
854             /*
855             || End additions by ssumaith - Iprocurement.
856             */
857          -- iSupplier Porting
858        -- v_receipt_modify_flag := 'N';
859        /* added by csahoo for bug#6209911 */
860              IF v_trading = 'Y' THEN
861     v_receipt_modify_flag := 'Y';
862        END IF;
863         ELSE
864            /*
865            || Start additions by ssumaith for Iprocurement.
866            || user did not navigate from the receipts localised form because
867            || the rcpt was created from iproc and user has right to change the taxes
868            */
870            IF lv_apps_source_code = 'POR' AND p_transaction_type = 'RECEIVE'
871            THEN
872               IF lv_profile_val = 'Y' then
873                  /* iSupplier Porting
874                  || End additions by ssumaith - Iprocurement.
875                  */
876                  v_receipt_modify_flag := 'Y';
877               ELSE
878                  v_receipt_modify_flag := 'N';
879               END IF;
880            END IF;
881            /* iSupplier Porting
882            || End additions by ssumaith - Iprocurement.
883            */
885           /* R12-PADDR
886           IF v_chk_form IS NOT NULL THEN
887             v_receipt_modify_flag := 'Y';
888           ELSE
889             v_receipt_modify_flag := 'N';
890           END IF;
891            R12-PADDR  */
892 --          v_receipt_modify_flag := 'Y';
893         END IF;
895       END IF;
896       /* END, Vijay Shankar for Bug#4199929 */
898       FND_FILE.put_line(fnd_file.log, 'Final ReceiptModifyFlag:'||v_receipt_modify_flag);
900       /* following is commented by Vijay Shankar for Bug#4159557
901       Added by Nagaraj.s for Bug2915829.
902       IF v_receipt_modify_flag ='N' THEN
903         v_receipt_modify_flag :='X'; --To Indicate that the Flag Value is to be Processed.
904       END IF;
905       */
907     END set_receipt_flag;
909     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
910      PROCEDURE pick_register_type (p_organization_id number,
911                                   p_item_id number,
912                                   p_register_type out nocopy varchar2) IS
913       v_register_type    JAI_CMN_RG_23AC_I_TRXS.register_type % TYPE;
914       v_item_class       JAI_INV_ITM_SETUPS.item_class % type;
915     BEGIN
916       For reg_rec IN (SELECT item_class
917                         FROM JAI_INV_ITM_SETUPS
918                        WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id
919                          AND inventory_item_id = p_item_id)
920       LOOP
921         v_item_class := reg_rec.item_class;
922       END LOOP;
923       IF v_item_class IN ('RMIN', 'RMEX', 'CCIN', 'CCEX','FGIN','FGEX')
924       THEN
925         v_register_type := 'A';
926       ELSIF v_item_class IN ('CGIN', 'CGEX')
927       THEN
928         v_register_type := 'C';
930       END IF;
931       p_register_type := v_register_type;
932   END pick_register_type;
933     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
935   /* *****************************     MAIN BEGIN ***************************** */
937   BEGIN
938   /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
939    FILENAME: ja_in_receipts_p.sql
942   S.No      Date          Author and Details
943   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
944   1       17/06/02        Changed by Nagaraj.s on 17/06/2002 for Bug#2417290...............
945                           Previously the Coding was- AND sla.orig_sys_line_ref = prla.line_num)
946                           Changed Coding is AND sla.orig_sys_line_ref = to_char(prla.line_num))
947                           Since the LHS of the expression was a varchar2 and Right Hand side of the Expression was a Number.
948                           Hence the Invalid Number exception would occur when sla.orig_sys_line_ref is not a number........
949                           Hence the RHS of the expression is also converted into To_Char before the comparison is made.
952   2.      18/06/2002      Aparajita for bug 2415767
953                           When currency conversion rate is changes at receipt level from the rate defined at PO,
954                           all the taxes that are with precedences need to be recalculated as the tax amount changes.
955                           Added the code for recalculation of receipt tax in such situation.
957   3.      22/07/2002      Additional documentation for bug # 2415767 by Aparajita on 22/07/2002.
958                           This procedure is dependent on the modified structure of table JA_IN_TEMP_RECEIPT. Ensure that
959                           SHIPMENT_HEADER_ID  NUMBER (15) and
960                           PROCESS_FLAG        VARCHAR2 (1)
961                           columns are present in the table  JA_IN_TEMP_RECEIPT in the client instance.
963   4.      18/08/2002      In Case of an Direct Delivery, the receipt_routing column in Purchase Order
964                           is stored with an Value of 3. The For Passing Accounting Entries will fire
965                           and takes care of receiving and delivery entries and hence it is
966                           necessary that, the to handle Deliver RTR RTV should not fire
967                           when it is a direct delivery and this is handled with the condition(V_RECEIPT_ROUTING<>3)
968                           and To handle Deliver RTR RTV should fire only in case
969                           of standard and inspection routing(Receipt_routing is 1 or 2).
971   5.      21/08/2002      Changed by Sriram for Bug # 2514719 .  In the procedure , changed the else condition that was the else for RMA
972                           Because of the Else , if an internal sales order cycle is done , the control flows into the
973                           else ,which should happen only in case of a PO cycle. Hence the else was replaced by
974                           elsif with PO
976   6.      23/08/2002      Changed by Nagaraj.s for Bug#2525910
977                           Incorporated an parameter P_ROUTING_HEADER_ID which is referred to before the
978                           concurrent call for To Handle Deliver RTR RTV. Also removed the cursor get_receipt_routing
979                           as this is referred in parameters and there is no need to fetch the same.
982   7       27/08/2002      Changed by Nagaraj.s for Bug2531667
983                           The condition for fetching UOM has been incorporated with one more "and" condition
984                           AND pla.po_line_id   = p_po_line_id
985                           which gets the UOM for that PO Line as previously the join was not proper and hence
986                           the UOM conversion was having a value of zero which resulted in tax amounts being
987                           calculated as zero.
989   8       25/09/2002      Changed by Nagaraj.s for Bug2588096
990                           In case of an Unordered Receipt, there was a call to rg23_part_i_entry procedure
991                           which in turn makes a call to ja_in_receipt_rg_pkg which had a select statement
992                           from RCV_Transactions, which resulted in Mutation Error. Also, according to the URM
993                           no RG Entries should happen at the point of Unordered Receipts and hence the coding
994                           which was previously calling rg23_part_i_entry is commented and this has resulted in
995                           Mutation Trigger being avoided. And also the same coding has been written in
996                           the case where Transaction Type is Match. And also previously Tax Lines were inserted
997                           for source_document_code='PO' but this can also go into an error as in case of UNORDERED
998                           receipt, source_document_code will be PO, but Transaction Type will be Unordered and hence
999                           this condition is also incorporated.
1001   9.      21/11/2002      Changed by Nagaraj.s for Bug # 2659628  Version - 615.8
1002                           Receipt Taxes are recalculated irrespective of whether
1003                           there is a currency change or not so that rounding does
1004                           not happen on the higher side in both PO and Receipt.
1007   10.    04/03/2003        By Nagaraj.s           Version - 615.9
1009                           1. For Bug # 2692052
1010                              Commented the calls to ja_in_temp_receipt
1011                              Changed the calls to "TO HANDLE DELIVER RTR RTV"
1012                              Changed the Insert of JAI_RCV_LINES with 2 columns ( organization_id,transaction_id).
1014                           2. For Bug # 2808110
1015                              Added an Order by Clause in the Fetching
1016                              of Tax related Information from JAI_PO_TAXES
1017                              as this is very critical in the Precedence Logic Incorporated.
1019                           3. For Bug # 2798999 - Generic Fix for the One Off Patch.
1020                              Added the call to jai_rcv_utils_pkg.get_organization_id
1021                              to ensure that Organization Id and Item Id is picked up as this
1022                              is critical in INV_CONVERT.INV_UM_CONVERSION to calculate the UOM
1023                              Rate.
1025   11.    10/03/2003       Aparajita for bug # 2813244. Version 615.11
1027                           For 'INTERNAL SALES ORDER', if the requisition has lines in uom other than the primary uom, then after the shipment when receipt is made in the destination organization, the taxes are not getting calculated properly.
1029                           The reason was that the uom conversion was as follows,
1030                           - uom from requisition and quantity from delivery
1031                           - uom from receipt and quanitity from receipt.
1033                           The quantity in delivery is always in primary uom where as the requisition is not in primary uom. The apportionment was hence going wrong.
1035                           Version 615.10 is obsoleted as wrong file was checked in.
1037   12.    22/03/2003       Nagaraj.s for Bug # 2915829. Version : 615.12
1039                           The Tax Modified Flag is set through set_receipt_flag Procedure.
1040                           This is changed to populate the value as 'X' in case it is 'N'.
1042                           Hence Now the Tax Modified Flag will have 3 possible Values.
1044                           1. 'Y' - Which Indicates that Taxes can be changed at Receipt Level.
1045                              This Value will Invoke For Passing Accounting Entries Program
1047                           2. 'N' - Which Indicates that Taxes can no longer be changed at Receipt Level.
1048                              This Value will ensure that For Passing Accounting Entries will not be Invoked.
1050                           3. 'X' - Which Indicates that Taxes cannot be changed at Receipt Level,
1051                              But still this Ensures that For Passing Accounting Entries Program is Invoked
1052                              on Closing the Receipts Localized screen.
1054                           Hence, For Passing Accounting Entries Concurrent gets Invoked as Long as this Flag
1055                           has an value of 'X' or 'Y'. And For Passing Procedure Updates this to 'N' after
1056                           Processing. This Prevents Invoking of For Passing Accounting Entries Concurrent
1057                           Multiple Times.
1059    13.    02/05/2003      Aparajita for bug # 2929171. Version#615.13
1060                           Taxes were not getting calculated properly when,
1061                           - uom is changed at receipt
1062                           - taxes have non zero precedences, that is tax on tax.
1064                           The problem was because of uom conversion being applied to non zero precedence taxes.
1065                           The tax lines are always calculated in the order of tax line number. When uom is changed,
1066                           only the tax precedence 0 undergoes the change. This conversion should not be applied to
1067                           precedence 1 as, when tax line 1 was calculated, that is already taken care of.
1069   14.     08/05/2003      Nagaraj.s for Bug#2915783. Version#615.14
1070                           The Initialization of v_item_modvat_flag and v_item_trading_flag was not done at the
1071                           proper place as a result of which Modvat_flag of JAI_RCV_LINE_TAXES
1072                           was not populated properly. This has been moved to a location which is proper,
1073                           so that Proper comparison happens.
1075   15.     13/05/2003      Vijay Shankar for bug # 2943558. Version#615.15
1076                           When a Receipt is made against a SCHEDULED Release (partial quantity) of
1077                           PLANNED PO, then taxes are calculated for whole of the PLANNED PO line quantity
1078                           instead of SCHEDULED Release quantity.
1079                           The issue is occuring because, precedence_0 is calculated as unit_price * quantity
1080                           of PO_LINES_ALL instead of PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ALL. Code is modified to calculate
1081                           precedence_0 as PRICE_OVERRIDE * QUANTITY of PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ALL instead of using
1082                           PO_LINES_ALL
1084   16.    06/06/2003       Nagaraj.s for Bug #2991872. Version : 616.1
1085                           Code is added to ensure that if Assessable price is defined for Excise Taxes, then
1086                           the Assessable Price is picked up instead of the unit price from po_line_locations_all
1087                           table.
1089   17.    21/07/2003       Vijay Shankar for Bug# 3028040, Version : 616.2
1090                           Code is added to check for EXPRESS transaction and then stop 'For Passing' to fire for every RECEIVE transaction
1091                           of EXPRESS Receipt.  This change is made as the PADDR concept is removed in RCV_SHIPMENT_HEADERS DFF.
1093   18.    29/07/2003       Nagaraj.s for Bug #2993865 . Version#:616.3
1094                           The  two queries which were written earlier to fetch line_id,transaction_curr_code,
1095                           delivery_detail_id have been merged to form one query.
1096                           The join is now changed to
1097                           order. source document id = requisition.requisition header id
1098                           order line.source document line id = requisition line. requisition line id.
1100   19.    30/07/2003       Nagaraj.s for Bug#3037075. Version#:616.4
1101                           The Vendor site id is now fetched in the lines_rec cursor and
1102                           the same is  populated into JAI_RCV_LINE_TAXES table.
1103                           This change is applicable for only PO type of Transaction. Huge Dependency
1105   20.    22/08/2003       Nagaraj.s for Bug#3057752. Version#:616.5
1106                           The changes are as below:
1107                           An Raise Application Error is written to ensure that RTR Transactions should not happen
1108                           if neither claim nor unclaim is done.
1110   21.    31/10/2003       Nagaraj.s for Bug # 3123778, File Version : 616.6
1111                           The check for CGIN,CGEX items for 100% claim is removed as per
1112                           the Functional Requirement.
1114   22.    03/11/2003       Nagaraj.s for Bug # 3202319  File Version : 616.7
1115                           In case of FGIN,FGEX Item Classes, the Claim percentage should not hold good.
1116                           Hence the cursor mod_rec is added with Item class FGIN,FGEX and the same
1117                           is incorporated in the IF Condition, which validates for 100% cenvat claim.
1119   23.    05/11/2003       Nagaraj.s for Bug3237536 File Version : 616.8 (IN60105D2)
1120                           Added the condition v_tax_vendor_site_id := null as this was leading to Vendor
1121                           site id being populated in all cases irrespective of the type of Tax.
1123   24.    02/06/2004       ssumaith - bug# 3657662 - File Version 115.1
1125                           There was a performance problem with a query . The issue was it was taking time because
1126                           of a full table scan on the oe_order_headers_all table.
1128                           Issue was resolved by retreiving the order_header_id from the JAI_OM_WSH_LINES_ALL
1129                           based on delivery id and adding a where clause to qualify the order_header_id.
1132   25.   04/06/2004        Nagaraj.s - Bug # 3655330 - File Version : 115.1
1133                           In case of RTR and RTV scenarios, check has been made for either
1134                           claim or unclaim but in this case neither claim or unclaim happens and hence,
1135                           added one more condition :v_non_bonded_delivery_flag = 'N'
1136                           so that RTR and RTV will be done without any problems.
1138   26.   18/06/2004       ssumaith - bug# 3683666 - File Version 115.2
1140                          When a RMA receipt is done without navigating from Receipts-localised form and not entering
1141                          the values in the DFF of RCV_SHIPMENT_HEADERS or RCV_TRANSACTIONS, it was observed that
1142                          taxes are not defaulted into localization tables (JAI_RCV_LINE_TAXES).
1143                          The reason this was happening is because the if condition which was checking this to be a
1144                          RMA receipt was also checking the chk_form to be not null with an "AND" to other required
1145                          conditions. Hence the problem
1147                          This issue has been fixed by doing making the v_chk_form check with 'OR' rather than 'AND'
1149                          Dependecny due to this bug - None
1151   27.  22/07/2004        ssumaith - bug# 3772135 file version 115.3
1153                          When two internal internal orders created out of two internal requisitions are
1154                          merged into a single delivery ,and a receipt created for the delivery, it was
1155                          causing the taxes only for the first line to be populated.
1157   28.  28/08/2004        Nagaraj.s for Bug#3858917 File Version : 115.4
1158                          In valid number error was occuring as the shipment number was entered as
1159                          alpha numeric and the condition was entering into the ISO route the comparison
1160                          for the shipment num with the delivery id in the cursor c_order_cur
1161                          was going into this error.
1163                          Ideally the condition :
1164                          ========================================================
1165                          v_receipt_source_code = 'INTERNAL ORDER' OR -- AND
1166                          v_chk_form IS NOT NULL  AND
1167                          ========================================================
1168                          is wrong as in case of PO and RMA also this enters the code
1169                          and as the shipment num can be entered as any value the comparison is wrong.
1170                          In any case, this code should get executed for Internal Order
1171                          and hence the condition of v_chk_form is not needed.
1172                          Hence this is commented. This will be fixed as part of the generic
1173                          fix for the bug3848133 as this object is being changed.
1175   29.  24/08/2004        Nagaraj.s - Bug# 3848133 (BaseBug# 3496408). File version : 115.4
1177                          The code now fetches the Precedences from the following points for the following sources:
1178                          ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1179                          source type               Source Table
1180                          RMA                       JAI_OM_OE_RMA_TAXES
1181                          PO                        JAI_PO_TAXES
1182                          ISO                       JAI_OM_WSH_LINE_TAXES
1183                          ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1184                          In these 3 cases a insert into JAI_RCV_LINE_TAXES is present and this is,
1185                          changed to incorporate precedences as well as transaction id.
1187   30.  05/11/2004        Vijay Shankar - Bugs#3949408. File version : 115.5
1188                           Commented the redundant code for MATCH processing
1190   31.  14/10/2004        ssumaith - Bug# 3878439  File Version  - 115.6
1192                          When a delivery which consists of multiple sales orders is split into multiple delivery
1193                          details at the shipment level only and not at sales order level, for each delivery detail
1194                          a shipment line is being created at the receipt level.
1196                          As there is no link available between the receipt line and delivery detail at the delivery
1197                          detail level, we are unable to exactly apportion the taxes.
1199                          devised approach to get the delivery detail based on the shipment line id also ini addition
1200                          to the other clauses.
1202                          This change has been done in the cursor which fetches the delivery details based on the order and
1203                          receipt details.
1205   32    03/01/2005   Vijay Shankar for Bug# 3940588, Version:115.7
1206                       Modified the code to execute only for RECEIVE, UNORDERED, MATCH and RETURN TO VENDOR transactions.
1207                       Functionality for all the other transactions will be handled through ja_in_receipt_transaction_pkg, which is
1208                       coded for Receipts Corrections functionality and from now on will be used for all Localization Receipts
1209                       functionality as a gateway.
1210                       - added a new parameter p_chk_form (OUT Variable) to return back a value, if the receipt transaction that is
1211                       begin processed is created after navigating through Localization form
1212                       - Instead of submitting the concurrents JAINRVCTP is submitted for processing
1213                       - JAI_RCV_LINES.tax_modified_flag will be set now from above mentioned package when submitted from JAINPORE
1214                       - Added Validation at the end of Procedure to error out if this is an RTV and Cenvat is not yet Claimed
1216                       ** Please refer to Old Version of the Object incase commented code needs to be looked at **
1218   33    09/02/2005   Vijay Shankar for Bug# 4159557, Version:115.8
1219                       Modified the code to assign proper value to JAI_RCV_LINES.tax_modified_flag column based on Receipts
1220                       tax modification Value returned by Localization Hook given to customers. the hook is called in ja_in_receipt_tax_insert_trg
1221                       trigger and returned value is passed as parameter to this procedure which is used for tax_modified_flag value
1222                       determination
1224                       * This is a dependancy for Future Versions of the procedure *
1226   34    22/02/2005   Vijay Shankar for Bug# 4199929, Version:115.9
1227                       Changes made in the previous version are modified to use new setup at Organization Addl Information instead of
1228                       value returned by Hook
1229                       Changes are made in internal procedure set_receipt_flag
1231                       * This is a dependancy for Future Versions of the procedure *
1233   35    12/03/2005   Bug 4210102. resolved by LGOPALSA  Version: 115.10
1234                      (1) Added CVD, Excise and customs education cess
1236   36    19/03/2005   Vijay Shankar for Bug#4250236(4245089). FileVersion: 115.12
1237                       .Implemented VAT Tax Calculation based on VAT Assessable value by making a call to jai_general_pkg.ja_in_vat_assessable_value
1238                       .JAI_RCV_LINE_TAXES.modvat_flag is set to proper value for VAT Taxes based on RECOVERABLE item attribute
1239                        of item. If item setup is not done, then Default value is taken as "Y" (meaning, tax is recoverable)
1240                       .modified the main SQL's to fetch taxes from various sources to use jai_regime_tax_types_v to fetch regime_code
1241                        against each tax so that the information can be used for MODVAT_FLAG setting of tax
1242                       .RTV will raise an exception incase recoverable VAT exists in the receipt line and it is neither Claimed or
1243                        Unclaimed
1245   37   07/04/2005  Harshita for  Bug #4285064    Version : 116.0(115.13)
1247                    When a user creates a new receipt against a purchase order, he needs to enter the following information
1248                    through a DFF : invoice no, invoice_date, Claim Cenvat On Receipt etc.
1249                    This DFF is provided at two places, header and line.
1250                    Information from the header DFF is captured into the rcv_shipment_headers table.
1251                    Information from the lines DFF is captured into the rcv_transactions table.
1252                    This information is retrieved into our base tables JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS and JAI_RCV_LINES.
1253                    At this time, a facility has been provided for the user to default the information
1254                    given at the header level DFF to all the lines only if these columns are null at the
1255                    line level. Else the information in the line level DFF is sustained.
1256                    For this NVL conditions have been added where this information gets defaulted.
1258   38. 10/05/2005   Vijay Shankar for Bug#4346453. Version: 116.1
1259                    Code is modified due to the Impact of Receiving Transactions DFF Elimination
1261                    * High Dependancy for future Versions of this object *
1263   39. 08-Jun-2005  File Version 116.2. Object is Modified to refer to New DB Entity names in place of Old DB Entity Names
1264                    as required for CASE COMPLAINCE.
1266   40 13-Jun-2005   Ramananda for bug#4428980. File Version: 116.3
1267                    Removal of SQL LITERALs is done
1269   41  27-Jul-2005  Bug 4516678. Added by Lakshmi Gopalsami, File Version 120.2
1270                    Issue :
1271                      a.Whenever a user creates a receipt for a CGIN or
1272                      CGEX item, 50% cenvat is claimed. If he/she intends to
1273                      return the entire quantity in the receipt, he/she must
1274                      claim the remaining 50% cenvat first and then do the
1275                      RTV. Else, the system should throw an error.
1277                      b.After creating a receipt for a CGIN or CGEX item,
1278                      if the user does a partial RTV on that receipt,
1279                      the system should allow it although the remaining
1280                      50% CENVAT has not been claimed.
1282                    Fix :
1283                     a. Added code to check this in Package jai_rcv_tax_pkg
1284                       (1) Created new procedure pick_register_type to get the
1285                       register_type depending on the item_class
1286                       (2)Created two new cursors  c_fetch_receive_quantity
1287                       and c_fetch_transaction_Quantity to get the
1288                       quantity received for the receipt and RTV transactions
1289                       (3) Added  nvl(cenvat_amount,0) in
1290                       cursor c_fetch_unclaim_cenvat
1291                    b. The cenvat receivable accounts were not getting passed
1292                       in case of a CGIN/CGEX item.
1293                       Fixed this by passing these values.
1294                       Commented the generic assignment for cenvat
1295                       accounting entries and added the condition for
1296                       CGIN and CGEX item class in procedure
1297                       accounting_entries.
1299 42  01-Aug-2005    Ramananda for bug#4519697, File Version 120.3
1300                    Changed the value being assigned to variable - v_receipt_modify_flag from X to N at 2 places
1301                    As a part of this bug, the minus sign which got introducted during 'Removal of SQL Literals' is removed
1303                     Dependency due to this Bug
1304                     --------------------------
1305                     jai_rcv_trx_prc.plb (120.3)
1306                     jai_rcv_rt_t1.sql   (120.2)
1308 43  01-Aug-2005  Ramananda for bug#4530112. File Version 120.4
1309                  Problem
1310                  -------
1311                  In case of RTV, if VAT Claim is not done, system is giving error
1313                  Fix
1314                  ---
1315                  1) Commented the Condition -
1316                     "IF  lv_vat_recoverable_for_item = jai_constants.yes
1317                        AND NVL(ln_chk_vat, 0) <> 0
1318                        AND r_rcv_rgm_dtl.process_status_flag <> 'U'  --Not Unclaimed
1319                        AND r_rcv_rgm_dtl.invoice_no IS NULL"
1321                  Dependency Due to this Bug -
1322                  File jai_rcv_rgm_clm.plb (120.2) is changed as part of this Bug,
1323                  so this object is dependent on current Bug and object jai_rcv_rgm_clm.plb (120.2)
1325 44  05-Aug-2005 Ramananda for Bug#4533114, File Version 120.5
1327                 1) Added a new cursor - c_hdr_attribute5_1
1328                 2) Added a new begin end part and fetched the values from cursor - c_hdr_attribute5_1
1329                 3) In the cursor - line_rec, changed the condition -
1330                    "and spl.delivery_id = rsh.shipment_num"
1331                    to
1332                   "and spl.delivery_id = decode(ltrim(translate(shipment_num,'0123456789','~'),'~'),NULL,
1333                    rsh.shipment_num,(select delivery_id from wsh_new_deliveries where name=rsh.shipment_num))"
1335 44  19-Aug-2005 Ramananda for Bug#4562844, File Version 120.6
1336                 Problem
1337                 -------
1338                 System is creating receiving accounting entry and generating tax invoice against disable taxes
1340                 Fix
1341                 ---
1342                 1) In the cursor for selecting the taxes from JAI_PO_TAXES,
1343                    changed the columns tax_rate, qty_rate and tax_amount
1345                 Dependency due to this Bug-
1346                 None
1348 45. 24-Aug-2005  Bug4568090. Added by Lakshmi Gopalsami Version 120.7
1349                  Added check for trading items to set the modvat_flag
1350                  For trading items the modvat flag should be set to 'Y'
1351                  on tax lines if the item_trading_flag at item level is 'Y'
1352                  and modvat percentage is specified in the taxes
1354 46. 02/11/2006   For Bug 5228046, File version 120.9
1355                  Forward porting the change in 11i bug 5365523 (Additional CVD Enhancement).
1356                  This bug has datamodel and spec changes.
1358 47. 21/02/2007   CSahoo for Bug#5344225, File Version 120.10
1359                  Forward Porting of 11i Bug#5343848.
1360                  Issue :
1361                    India - Receiving Transaction Processor Concurrent Program was called
1362                    for each transaction on a shipment line.
1363                  Fix :
1364                   In the procedure jai_rcv_tax_pkg,
1365                   Added code to set the Tax Modified Flag based on whether the Call was
1366                      made from India - Receipts Localized Form or not.
1367 48.  13/04/2007   bduvarag for the Bug#5989740, file version 120.11
1368       Forward porting the changes done in 11i bug#5907436
1369 49.  13/04/2007   bduvarag for the Bug#4644524, file version 120.11
1370       Forward porting the changes done in 11i bug#4593273
1372 50.  27/06/2007   CSahoo for bug#6154234, File Version 120.12
1373                   commmented the line v_receipt_modify_flag = 'N'
1376                  Dependency Due to this Bug : Yes.
1377 51.  16-07-2007    iSuppleir forward porting
1378                    Changed shipment_num to shipment_number
1379                              excise_inv_num to excise_inv_number in jai_cmn_lines table
1381 52.  01-08-2007   rchandan for bug#6030615 , Version 120.17
1382                   Issue : Inter org Forward porting
1384 53.  09/10/2007   CSahoo for bug#6209911, File Version 120.20
1385       Added a IF block in the set_receipt_flag procedure.
1387 54. 15/10/2007    bgowrava for Bug#6459894, File Version 120.22
1388                   Uncommented statements which were wrongly commented.
1390 55. 16/10/2007    rchandan for bug#6504410, File Version 120.23
1392                     Fix : Few utl_file debugs were added in previous version without checking for the v_debug_flag
1393                           Added the check now.
1395 56. 16/10/2007    bgowrava for Bug#6459894, File Version 120.24
1396                   removed the lv_object_name from the JAI_PROCESS_MESSAGE of JAI_EXCEPTION
1397                   to avoid truncation of the error message text.
1398 57. 01/01/2007    Walton for Inclusive Tax Computation
1400 58. 05/03/2008    Kevin Cheng for bug 6853787
1401                   Add a condition to prevent receipt type like RMA from trapping into the tax calculation loop.
1403 59. 08/04/2008    JMEENA for Bug#6917520, File Version 120.27
1404                   Assigned the error message to variable 'errormsg' and printed the message in exception section.
1406 60. 19/08/2009    JMEENA for bug#8302581
1407           Changed the v_tax_modvat_flag from No to Yes for RMA order where VAT recoverable flag is No for the Item
1408           As VAT entries need to reverse for the RMA order.
1410 61. 16/09/2009    Jia for bug#8904043
1411           Issue: If Error definition's price list is assigned to Supplier, Advanced Pricing Error message is
1412                  not shown in log during receipt creation process .
1413            Fix:  Added Item-UOM validation logic before get AV, and catched validation error message handle.
1414 62. 16-10-2009 vkaranam for bug#8880760
1415               Issue:
1417         Fix:
1418         Chnages are done in  default_taxes_onto_line procedure.
1419         Interorg vat assessable value has been proportioned with the receipt qty.
1421 62. 23/09/2009    Jia for bug#8932471
1422           Issue: If Error definition's price list is assigned to Supplier null site level, Advanced Pricing
1423                  Error message is not shown in log during receipt creation process .
1424            Fix:  Added Item-UOM validation logic for Supplier null site level before get AV, and catched
1425                  validation error message handle.
1427 63. 29/09/2009    CSahoo for bug#8920186, File Version 120.27.12010000.8
1429                   FIX: Added a IF condition to calculate the assessable value correctly if the receipt UOM and
1430                        PO UOM are different.
1432 64. 25/02/2010 vkaranam for bug#9045278
1433                Issue:
1434                Not able to account the ISO receipt.
1435                Fix:
1436                Jai_rcv_lines.tax_modified_flag has been populated as 'Y' .
1438 65. 15/sep/2010  vkaranam for bug#10086567
1439                  Issue:
1441                  Reason:
1442                  for rma orders UOM will be the UOM_CODE
1443                  for receipt UOM will be the UOM_description.
1445                  for getting the UOM_rate we need to pass the UOM_codes.
1446                  for rma the UOM_code has been again converted to another UOM_code ,due to which conversion
1447                  rate has been arrived as 0 and further based on the UOM rate the taxes has been arrived as 0.
1449                  Fix:
1450                  for RMA receipts UOM code retrieved in the RMA order has been passed directly to the UOM conversion
1451                  function.
1452                  UOM shall be converted to UOM code only if the source document code is not equal to 'RMA'.
1454                  Modified code is
1455                  --start additions for bug#10086567,added the if condition
1456                  if p_source_document_code='RMA'
1457                  then
1458                    v_po_uom_code := v_po_uom;
1459                  else
1461                   OPEN uom_cur(v_po_uom);
1462                   FETCH uom_cur INTO v_po_uom_code;
1463                   CLOSE uom_cur;
1465                  end if;
1466                 --end bug#10086567
1468 66. 19/Sep/2010 Xiao Lv for GST bug#10043656,
1469                 Issue: For GST Enhancement.
1470                 Fix: Add and calculate tax in GST Regime, based on GST Accssable Value.
1471 67  12/Nov/2010 Shujuan Yan for bug 10100899
1472                 Issue: Tax amounts are not getting calculated correctly on receipt-localized form
1473                 in foreign currency
1474                 Fix: Add the logic for calculating foreign amount
1476 68. 16/Jun/2011 Xiao for Adhoc taxes, reg bug#12589218 on 16-Jun-2011
1477                 Issue: Adhoc tax amount will set to 0 when doing the receiving transaction.
1478                 Fixed: Adhoc tax amount need to be apportioned in case of Partial receipt from the PO.
1479 69. 07/Jul/2011 Qiong fix bug12717416 Taxes modified on RECEIPT
1480 70. 03-feb-2012 vkaranam for bug#12800001
1481 Issue :RG23D register is not getting updated for ISO receipt
1482 Cause :
1483 jai_rcv_line_taxes.modvat_flag is  populated as 'N' even if the tax has the cr percentage >0.
1484 fix:
1485 for trading organization as per the userguide/PM
1486 the below setup has to be there for the item:
1487 item excisable : "Y"
1488 item tradable : "Y"
1489 item modvatable : "N".
1491 item_trading_flag has been added for setting the jai_rcv_line_taxes.modvat_flag
1493 70. 13-Aug-2012   Bug 14010660
1494                   Description: Excise Invoice Number and Date provided in ASN is not reflected in Receipts
1495                   Localized form.
1496                   Fix: Fetched Excise Invoice Number and Date from ASN and populated the same to Localized Receipt Tables
1499 71. 13-Sep-2012  by nkodakan for the bug 14590356
1502                  Fix: Commented the line which is multiplying assessable value with currency conversion rate if the
1503                  assessable amount is defined. And multiplying with p_currency_conversion_rate if the assessable
1504                  amount is not defined.
1505                  Added variable 'v_assessable_val_defined' and 'ln_vat_assess_val_defined' to hold the assessable value.
1507                  Create a PO with foreign currency..Attach taxes.. Then the taxes are calculating below case.
1508                  Case 1: if the assessable value is define
1509                  For e.g if assessable value is 350, Quantity=100 and price=100 then Calculation is happening as
1510                  (Quantity * Assessable INR price/currency rate)*Excise 16%  i.e  (100*350/50) * 16% = 112 (currency USD)
1512                  Case 2: if the assessable valued is not defined
1513                  If the assessable value is not defined then
1514                  the calculation happening is  (Quantity * Price)*Excise 16%
1515                  i.e (100*100)*16%=1600.
1517 72.  03-Oct-2012  amandali for bug 14696186
1518                   Description:For receipts having non Adhoc UOm based taxes, the tax amount is calculated  as zero
1519                   Fix:Added a condition for handling non adhoc UOM based taxes along with code for Adhoc UOM based taxes
1521   ===============================================================================================================
1522   Bug Number  Dependency
1523   3037075   JAI_RCV_LINE_TAXES has been altered.
1525   3057752   Tables : JAI_RCV_CENVAT_CLAIMS, ja_in_temp_mod_params, ja_in_batch_claim_modvat have been
1526              altered.
1528   3123778   JAI_RCV_CENVAT_CLAIMS has been altered to add the column partial_cenvat_claim
1530   4210102   IN60106 + 4239736 + 4245089
1531   ==============================================================================================================
1534   Dependencies For Future Bugs
1535   -------------------------------------
1536   IN60104d  + 3037075
1537   IN60104d  + 3037075 + 3057752
1538   IN60104d  + 3037075 + 3057752 + 3123778
1540   IN60105D2 + 3655330 + 3848133
1542   IN60106   + 3940588 + 4239736 + 4245089 + 4346453
1544   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1546   --Added by Nagaraj.s for Bug#2499017
1547   /*OPEN get_receipt_routing;
1548   FETCH get_receipt_routing into v_receipt_routing;
1549   CLOSE get_receipt_routing;*/
1550   --Ends here........
1552     --File.Sql.35 Cbabu
1553     -- v_form_id  := 'JAINPORE';
1554     v_tax_total   := 0;
1555     v_duplicate_ship  := jai_constants.no;
1556     v_chk_receipt_lines       :=0;
1557     v_chk_receipt_tax_lines     :=0;
1558     v_precedence_0        :=0;
1559     v_precedence_non_0    :=0;
1560     v_tax_base            :=0;
1561     v_debug_flag          := jai_constants.no;
1562     v_price_override      :=0;
1563     v_po_quantity         :=0;
1564     v_assessable_value    :=0;
1565     ln_vat_assess_value   :=0;
1566     --ln_gst_assess_value   :=0; --Add by Xiao for GST refer to bug#10043656 on 14-Sep-2010.
1569     BEGIN
1570         SELECT DECODE(SUBSTR (value,1,INSTR(value,',') -1),NULL,
1571       Value,SUBSTR (value,1,INSTR(value,',') -1))
1572       INTO v_utl_location
1573         FROM v$parameter
1574         WHERE name = 'utl_file_dir';
1575        EXCEPTION
1576          WHEN OTHERS THEN
1577           v_debug_flag := 'N';
1578       END;
1581    IF v_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
1582       v_myfilehandle := UTL_FILE.FOPEN(v_utl_location,'ja_in_receipts_p3.log','A');
1583       UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_myfilehandle,'************************Start************************************');
1584       UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_myfilehandle,'The Time Stamp this Entry is Created is ' ||TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'DD/MM/RRRR HH24:MI:SS'));
1585       UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_myfilehandle,'The Value of p_transaction_type is ' || p_transaction_type);
1586       UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_myfilehandle,'The Value of p_transaction_id is ' || p_transaction_id);
1587    END IF;
1589     IF p_currency_code IS NULL   THEN
1590      /* Bug 5243532. Added by Lakshmi Gopalsami
1591       * Removed cursor org_rec and implemented caching logic.
1592       */
1593      l_func_curr_det       := jai_plsql_cache_pkg.return_sob_curr
1594                               (p_org_id  => p_organization_id );
1595      v_currency_code       := l_func_curr_det.currency_code;
1597     ELSIF p_transaction_type = 'MATCH'   THEN
1599       FOR po_rec IN (SELECT currency_code,
1600                             rate
1601                        FROM po_headers_all
1602                       WHERE po_header_id = p_po_header_id)
1603       LOOP
1604       v_currency_code := po_rec.currency_code;
1605       v_currency_conversion_rate := po_rec.rate;
1606       END LOOP;
1608     ELSE
1610       v_currency_code := p_currency_code;
1612     END IF;
1614     IF v_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
1615       UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_myfilehandle,'The Value of v_currency_code is ' || v_currency_code);
1616     END IF;
1618     -- iSupplier porting
1619     If p_line_location_id IS NOT NULL then
1620        OPEN    check_rcpt_source;
1621        FETCH   check_rcpt_source INTO  lv_apps_source_code;
1622        CLOSE   check_rcpt_source;
1623     END IF;
1624     -- iSupplier porting
1626     jai_rcv_utils_pkg.get_func_curr(p_organization_id,
1627                                         v_func_currency,
1628                                         v_gl_set_of_books_id);
1629     IF v_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
1630       UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_myfilehandle,'The Value of v_func_currency is ' || v_func_currency);
1631       UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_myfilehandle,'The Value of v_gl_set_of_books_id is ' || v_gl_set_of_books_id);
1632     END IF;
1634     IF v_func_currency <> v_currency_code AND p_transaction_type <> 'MATCH'  THEN
1635       v_currency_conversion_rate := p_currency_conversion_rate;
1636     END IF;
1638     FOR row_rec IN (SELECT ROWID,
1639                            organization_id
1640                       FROM rcv_shipment_headers
1641                      WHERE shipment_header_id = p_shipment_header_id)
1642     LOOP
1643       -- v_rowid := row_rec.ROWID;
1644       v_rsh_organization_id := row_rec.organization_id;
1645     END LOOP;
1647     -- added, Harshita for bug #4285064
1648     /* Vijay Shankar for Bug#4346453. RCV DFF Elim. Enh.
1649     v_attribute1 := p_attribute1;
1650     v_attribute2 := p_attribute2;
1651     v_attribute3 := p_attribute3;
1652     */
1653     -- ended, Harshita for bug #4285064
1655     /* Vijay Shankar for Bug#4346453. RCV DFF Elim. Enh. */
1656     open c_ja_rcv_interface(p_interface_transaction_id);
1657     fetch c_ja_rcv_interface into r_ja_rcv_interface;
1658     close c_ja_rcv_interface;
1659     if r_ja_rcv_interface.interface_transaction_id is not null then
1660       lv_excise_invoice_no    := r_ja_rcv_interface.excise_invoice_no;
1661       lv_excise_invoice_date  := r_ja_rcv_interface.excise_invoice_date;
1662       lv_online_claim_flag    := r_ja_rcv_interface.online_claim_flag;
1663     end if;
1664   /*Bug 14010660 - Start*/
1665   lv_asn_type := NULL;
1666   OPEN c_is_shipment_asn(p_shipment_header_id);
1667   FETCH c_is_shipment_asn INTO lv_asn_type;
1668   CLOSE c_is_shipment_asn;
1669   IF lv_asn_type = '1' THEN
1670     OPEN c_excise_inv_number(p_shipment_header_id);
1671     FETCH c_excise_inv_number INTO lv_excise_invoice_no, lv_excise_invoice_date;
1672     CLOSE c_excise_inv_number;
1673   END IF;
1674   /*Bug 14010660 - End*/
1675       /* R12-PADDR
1676     IF p_transaction_type IN ('RECEIVE', 'DELIVER', 'UNORDERED')  THEN
1679       -- Vijay Shankar for Bug# 3028040
1680       -- IF loop added by vijay shankar to add EXPRESS receipt functionality by Removing PADDR
1681       if p_attribute15 = 'EXPRESS' then
1682         v_paddr := NULL;
1683       else
1684         v_paddr := HEXTORAW(p_attribute15);
1685       end if;
1687       IF v_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
1688         UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_myfilehandle,'The Value of v_paddr is ' || v_paddr);
1689       END IF;
1691     END IF;
1693     IF v_rowid IS NOT NULL AND v_paddr IS NOT NULL  THEN
1694       FOR loc_rec IN (SELECT form_id_drop
1695                         FROM JAI_CMN_LOCATORS_T
1696                        WHERE form_id_drop = v_form_id
1697                          AND paddr = v_paddr)
1698       LOOP
1699         v_chk_form := loc_rec.form_id_drop;
1700       END LOOP;
1702       IF v_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
1703         UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_myfilehandle,'The Value of v_chk_form is ' || v_chk_form);
1704       END IF;
1706     END IF;
1708     IF v_chk_form IS NOT NULL  THEN
1710       SET row_id = v_rowid
1711       WHERE FORM_NAME = v_form_id
1712       AND paddr = v_paddr;
1713     END IF;
1716     IF v_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
1717      UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_myfilehandle,'VIJAY2 v_express->' || v_express||', v_chk_form->'||v_chk_form);
1718     END IF;
1720     -- following if changed by Vijay Shankar for Bug# 3028040
1721     IF (v_chk_form IS NULL AND nvl(v_express, 'NONEXPRESS') = 'EXPRESS') THEN
1722       v_chk_form := 'JAINPORE';
1723     END IF;
1724        R12-PADDR */
1726     -- Vijay Shankar for Bug# 3028040
1727     OPEN c_hdr_dtl(p_shipment_header_id);
1728     FETCH c_hdr_dtl INTO -- Vijay Shankar for Bug#4346453. RCV DFF Elim. Enh. v_express,
1729       v_shipment_num ; -- ssumaith - bug# 3657662 v_shipment_num added
1730     CLOSE c_hdr_dtl;
1732       --Start Added by Ramananda for Bug#4533114
1733     BEGIN
1734       --checking whether the v_shipment_num is number
1735       ln_test_delivery_id := NULL;
1736       ln_test_delivery_id := v_shipment_num;
1737     EXCEPTION
1739         OPEN c_hdr_attribute5_1(v_shipment_num);
1740         FETCH c_hdr_attribute5_1 INTO v_shipment_num;
1741         CLOSE c_hdr_attribute5_1;
1742     END;
1743     --End Added by Ramananda for Bug#4533114
1745    -------------------------------- To retrieve receipt number ---------------------------------
1746     FOR header_rec IN (SELECT receipt_num
1747                          FROM rcv_shipment_headers
1748                         WHERE shipment_header_id = p_shipment_header_id)
1749     LOOP
1750       v_receipt_num := header_rec.receipt_num;
1751     END LOOP;
1752     ----------------------------- to retrieve receipt_source_code -------------------------------
1753     IF v_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
1754        UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_myfilehandle,'The Value of v_receipt_num is ' || v_receipt_num);
1755     END IF;
1757     IF p_transaction_type = 'RECEIVE'  THEN
1758       FOR head_rec IN (SELECT receipt_source_code
1759                          FROM rcv_shipment_headers
1760                         WHERE shipment_header_id = p_shipment_header_id)
1761       LOOP
1762         v_receipt_source_code := head_rec.receipt_source_code;
1763       END LOOP;
1764     END IF;
1765     IF v_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
1766      UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_myfilehandle,'The Value of v_receipt_source_code is ' || v_receipt_source_code);
1767     END IF;
1768     -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------gsr
1769     IF p_source_document_code IN ('PO', 'REQ','RMA','INVENTORY') AND /*rchandan for bug#6030615..added INVENTORY*/
1770        p_destination_type_code IN ('RECEIVING', 'INVENTORY')
1771     THEN
1773       -- Start of addition by Srihari on 04-APR-2000
1776       IF p_transaction_type IN ('RECEIVE', 'UNORDERED') AND
1777          p_source_document_code = 'PO'
1778         AND lv_excise_invoice_no IS NOT NULL  -- Vijay Shankar for Bug#4346453. RCV DFF Elim. Enh.. If this condition is satisfied, it means it is a interface receipt
1779       THEN
1781          FOR excise_rec IN
1782              (SELECT rsl.shipment_header_id
1783               FROM rcv_shipment_lines rsl
1784               Where rsl.to_organization_id = p_organization_id
1785               and exists -- Vijay Shankar for Bug#4346453. RCV DFF Elim. Enh. rsl.po_header_id in
1786               (select pha.po_header_id
1787                from   po_headers_all pha
1788                Where pha.vendor_site_id=p_vendor_site_id
1789                and po_header_id = rsl.po_header_id -- Vijay Shankar for Bug#4346453. RCV DFF Elim. Enh.
1790               )
1791               and rsl.shipment_line_id in
1792               (select jrl.shipment_line_id
1793                from JAI_RCV_LINES jrl
1794                -- Vijay Shankar for Bug#4346453. RCV DFF Elim. Enh. WHERE jrl.excise_invoice_no = p_attribute1
1795                -- AND jrl.excise_invoice_date = p_attribute2
1796                WHERE jrl.excise_invoice_no = lv_excise_invoice_no
1797                AND jrl.excise_invoice_date = lv_excise_invoice_date
1798               )
1799              )
1800         LOOP
1801           IF p_shipment_header_id <> excise_rec.shipment_header_id  THEN
1802             IF v_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
1803              UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_myfilehandle,'error 1 dup exc inv  ' );
1804             END IF;
1805             errormsg:='Duplicate Excise invoice NUMBER FOR the same supplier site';
1806             RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR (-20501, 'Duplicate Excise invoice NUMBER FOR the same supplier site');
1807           END IF;
1808         END LOOP;
1809       END IF; --End if for Transaction Type in RECEIVE, UNORDERED.
1811     IF v_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
1812        UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_myfilehandle,'Before UOM Cursor for Receipt ');
1813       END IF;
1814       -- End of addition by Srihari on 04-APR-2000
1815       -- Start of addition by Srihari on 30-NOV-99
1816       OPEN uom_cur(p_unit_of_measure);
1817       FETCH uom_cur INTO v_rcv_uom_code;
1818       CLOSE uom_cur;
1820     IF v_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
1821      UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_myfilehandle,'The Value of v_rcv_uom_code is ' || v_rcv_uom_code);
1822       END IF;
1824       IF p_source_document_code = 'PO'  THEN
1825     --Changed by Nagaraj.s for Bug2531667
1826         FOR ll_rec IN (SELECT plla.unit_meas_lookup_code ll_uom,
1827                               pla.unit_meas_lookup_code l_uom
1828                          FROM po_line_locations_all plla,
1829                               po_lines_all pla
1830                         WHERE plla.line_location_id = p_line_location_id
1831                           AND pla.po_header_id = plla.po_header_id
1832                           AND pla.po_line_id   = p_po_line_id)
1833         LOOP
1834           IF ll_rec.ll_uom IS NOT NULL THEN
1835             v_po_uom := ll_rec.ll_uom;
1836           ELSE
1837             v_po_uom := ll_rec.l_uom;
1838           END IF;
1840         END LOOP;
1842       ELSIF p_source_document_code = 'REQ' THEN
1844         FOR req_rec IN (SELECT unit_meas_lookup_code r_uom
1845                           FROM po_requisition_lines_all
1846                          WHERE requisition_line_id = p_requisition_line_id)
1847         LOOP
1848           v_po_uom := req_rec.r_uom;
1849         END LOOP;
1850       --Gsr
1851       ELSIF p_source_document_code = 'RMA'  THEN
1853       FOR rma_rec IN (SELECT order_quantity_uom rma_uom
1854                 FROM oe_order_lines_all
1855                WHERE HEADER_ID = p_oe_order_header_id)
1856       LOOP
1857         v_po_uom := rma_rec.rma_uom;
1858       END LOOP;
1860       ELSIF p_source_document_code = 'INVENTORY' THEN /*rchandan for bug#6030615...start*/
1862          open c_rec_ship_txn(p_shipment_line_id);
1863          fetch c_rec_ship_txn into r_rec_ship_txn;
1864          close c_rec_ship_txn;
1866          OPEN    c_get_inv_trx_info(r_rec_ship_txn.mmt_transaction_id);
1867          FETCH   c_get_inv_trx_info INTO  ln_trx_qty , lv_trx_uom , ln_orig_id , ln_item_cost;
1868          CLOSE   c_get_inv_trx_info;
1870          /*
1871          ln_orig_id : this field has the original_transaction_Temp_id
1872          */
1874          OPEN   c_jai_mtl_Trxs(ln_orig_id);
1875          FETCH  c_jai_mtl_Trxs INTO r_jai_mtl_Trxs;
1876          CLOSE  c_jai_mtl_Trxs;
1878          v_po_uom := lv_trx_uom; /*rchandan for bug#6030615...end*/
1880       END IF; --End if for p_source_document_code
1881     --Gsr
1883        --start additions for bug#10086567,added the if condition
1884      if p_source_document_code='RMA'
1885      then
1886        v_po_uom_code := v_po_uom;
1887      else
1889       OPEN uom_cur(v_po_uom);
1890       FETCH uom_cur INTO v_po_uom_code;
1891       CLOSE uom_cur;
1893      end if;
1894     --end bug#10086567
1895       IF v_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
1896      UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_myfilehandle,'The Value of v_po_uom_code is ' || v_po_uom_code);
1897       END IF;
1900       jai_rcv_utils_pkg.get_organization(p_shipment_line_id,
1901                                            v_organization_id,
1902                                              v_item_id);
1903       IF v_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
1904      UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_myfilehandle,'The Value of v_organization_id is ' || v_organization_id);
1905      UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_myfilehandle,'The Value of v_item_id is ' || v_item_id);
1906       END IF;
1908       --Pick Item Modvat Flag---------------------------------------------------------------------
1909       --Moved this Piece of Code from the Bottom to Ensure that Item Modvat Flag and Trading Flag
1910       --are picked well in advance by Nagaraj.s for Bug2915783..................................
1911       FOR mod_rec IN (SELECT
1912                       modvat_flag,
1913                       item_trading_flag,
1914                       item_class --Added by Nagaraj.s for Bug3202319
1915                       FROM JAI_INV_ITM_SETUPS
1916                       WHERE organization_id = v_organization_id
1917                       AND inventory_item_id = v_item_id)
1918     LOOP
1919       v_item_modvat_flag   := NVL(mod_rec.modvat_flag, 'N');
1920       v_item_trading_flag  := NVL(mod_rec.item_trading_flag, 'N');
1921       v_item_class         := mod_rec.item_class; --Added by Nagaraj.s for Bug3202319
1922     END LOOP;
1924      IF v_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
1925        UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_myfilehandle,'The value of v_item_modvat_flag is ' || v_item_modvat_flag);
1926        UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_myfilehandle,'The value of v_item_trading_flag is ' || v_item_trading_flag);
1927      END IF;
1928     v_item_modvat_flag := NVL(v_item_modvat_flag, 'N');
1929     /* Bug 4568090. Added by Lakshmi Gopalsami
1930        Value should be 'N' and not 'M' if the value is null */
1931     v_item_trading_flag := NVL(v_item_trading_flag, 'N');
1932     --Pick Item Modvat Flag---------------------------------------------------------------------
1934     /* Start, following call added by Vijay Shankar for Bug#4250236(4245089). VAT Impl. */
1935     jai_inv_items_pkg.jai_get_attrib(
1936       p_regime_code       => jai_constants.vat_regime,
1937       p_organization_id   => p_organization_id,
1938       p_inventory_item_id => v_item_id,
1939       p_attribute_code    => jai_constants.rgm_attr_item_recoverable,
1940       p_attribute_value   => lv_vat_recoverable_for_item,
1941       p_process_flag      => lv_process_flag,
1942       p_process_msg       => lv_process_msg
1943     );
1945     IF lv_process_flag = jai_constants.unexpected_error THEN
1946       errormsg:='Error from jai_inv_items_pkg.jai_get_attrib: Error:'||lv_process_msg;
1947       RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR( -20099, 'Error from jai_inv_items_pkg.jai_get_attrib: Error:'||lv_process_msg);
1948     END IF;
1950       -- Default value for following variable is set as YES
1951     lv_vat_recoverable_for_item := nvl(lv_vat_recoverable_for_item, jai_constants.yes);   -- CHK
1952     /* End, Vijay Shankar for Bug#4250236(4245089) */
1953 jai_cmn_utils_pkg.write_fnd_log_msg('jai_rcv_trx_prc.process_begin',' v_rcv_uom_code '||v_rcv_uom_code||' v_po_uom_code '||v_po_uom_code ||' v_item_id '||v_item_id);
1954     IF v_rcv_uom_code <> v_po_uom_code   THEN
1956 /*12990372 : inv_convert.inv_um_conversion will fetch the uom_rate with the below logic :
1958  PROCEDURE inv_um_conversion(
1959       from_unit                 varchar2,
1960       to_unit                   varchar2,
1961       item_id                   number,
1962       uom_rate          out         number );
1964 uom_rate := from_unit /to_unit ;
1966 ex: from_unit (Ea)
1967      to_unit (Dozen ).
1969 uom_rate := Ea/Dz
1970           =1/12
1971           =0.08
1972 */
1974    Inv_Convert.inv_um_conversion(v_rcv_uom_code,
1975                                       v_po_uom_code,
1976                                       v_item_id,
1977                                       v_uom_rate);
1979 jai_cmn_utils_pkg.write_fnd_log_msg('jai_rcv_trx_prc.process_begin',' v_uom_rate value after the INV call '||v_uom_rate);
1981         IF v_uom_rate = -99999  THEN
1982           v_uom_rate := 0;
1983         END IF;
1985       ELSE
1987         v_uom_rate := 1;
1989       END IF;
1991       v_uom_rate := NVL(v_uom_rate, 1);
1992 jai_cmn_utils_pkg.write_fnd_log_msg('jai_rcv_trx_prc.process_begin',' The Value of v_uom_rate is'||v_uom_rate);
1994       IF v_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
1995         UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_myfilehandle,'The Value of v_uom_rate is ' || v_uom_rate);
1996       END IF;
1998       -- End of addition by Srihari on 30-NOV-99
1999       -- Not an unordered receipt --
2001       Duplicate_shipment_update;
2003       IF v_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
2004         UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_myfilehandle,'After Duplicate Shipment Update, v_receipt_source_code ->'||v_receipt_source_code);
2005         UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_myfilehandle,'After Duplicate Shipment Update, p_transaction_type ->'||p_transaction_type);
2006         UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_myfilehandle,'After Duplicate Shipment Update, v_duplicate_ship ->'||v_duplicate_ship);
2007       End IF;
2008           /* R12-PADDR
2009       IF v_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
2010         UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_myfilehandle,'After Duplicate Shipment Update, v_chk_form ->'||v_chk_form);
2011       END IF;
2012            R12-PADDR  */
2013       ---------- First Receipt for this line location ------------
2015       IF (
2016             ( v_receipt_source_code IS NOT NULL AND
2017               p_transaction_type = 'RECEIVE' AND
2018               v_receipt_source_code in ('VENDOR', 'INVENTORY') -- AND was commented by GSRI on 21-OCT-01 and OR was added
2019               /* R12-PADDR or v_chk_form IS NOT NULL */
2020              )
2021          OR
2022             ( v_receipt_source_code IS NOT NULL AND
2023               p_transaction_type = 'RECEIVE' AND
2024               v_receipt_source_code = 'CUSTOMER'  -- AND changed to OR - ssumaith - bug# 3683666
2025               /* R12-PADDR or v_chk_form IS NOT NULL */
2026              )
2027          OR
2028             p_transaction_type = 'MATCH'
2029         )
2030         AND  nvl(v_duplicate_ship, 'N') = 'N'
2031       THEN
2034        IF v_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
2035          UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_myfilehandle,'Inside the main If  Condition');
2036          UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_myfilehandle,'p_source_document_code = ' || p_source_document_code);
2037        END IF;
2039         -------------------------- To retrieve po quantity -------------------------------------
2041         FOR qty_rec IN (SELECT quantity
2042                           FROM po_line_locations_all
2043                          WHERE line_location_id = p_line_location_id)
2044         LOOP
2045           v_loc_quantity := qty_rec.quantity;
2046         END LOOP;
2048         IF p_transaction_type = 'RECEIVE'  -- AND was commented by GSRI on 21-OCT-01 and OR was added
2049            /* R12-PADDR OR v_chk_form IS NOT NULL */
2050         THEN
2051           set_receipt_flag;
2052           insert_receipt_line;
2054         ELSIF p_transaction_type = 'MATCH'  THEN
2055           set_receipt_flag;
2056           v_receipt_modify_flag := 'N';
2057         END IF;
2060       IF p_source_document_code = 'RMA' THEN
2061       --Gsr
2062         IF v_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
2063          UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_myfilehandle,'Inside the RMA Condition');
2064           END IF;
2068   FOR lines_rec IN (SELECT
2069                             rtl.tax_line_no,
2070                             rtl.tax_id,
2071                             rtl.tax_rate,
2072                             rtl.qty_rate,
2073                             rtl.uom,
2074                             rtl.tax_amount,
2075                             jtc.tax_type,
2076                             jtc.tax_name,
2077                             jtc.vendor_id,
2078                             NVL(jtc.mod_cr_percentage, 0) modcp,
2079                             NVL(jtc.rounding_factor, 0) rounding_factor,
2080                             jtc.duty_drawback_percentage duty,
2081                             --3848133
2082                             rtl.precedence_1,
2083                             rtl.precedence_2,
2084                             rtl.precedence_3,
2085                             rtl.precedence_4,
2086                             rtl.precedence_5,
2087                             rtl.precedence_6, -- Date 01/11/2006 Bug 5228046 added by SACSETHI  ( added column from Precedence 6 to 10 )
2088                             rtl.precedence_7,
2089                             rtl.precedence_8,
2090                             rtl.precedence_9,
2091                             rtl.precedence_10,
2092           tax_types.regime_code   regime_code
2093                             --3848133
2094                           FROM JAI_OM_OE_RMA_TAXES rtl,
2095                                JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL jtc
2096                                , jai_regime_tax_types_v tax_types
2097                           WHERE rtl.rma_line_id = p_oe_order_line_id
2098                           AND  jtc.tax_id = rtl.tax_id
2099                           AND tax_types.tax_type(+) = jtc.tax_type
2100                          )
2101           LOOP
2103               -- Start of addition by Srihari on 30-NOV-99
2104           --Gsr
2105        /* Added by LGOPALSa. Bug 4210102.
2106         * ADded Excise and CVD education cess */
2108        /* Bug 4568090. Added by LGOPALSA
2109           Added check for trading flag to ensure that
2110           recoverable flag is properly set for trading items*/
2112               IF v_item_modvat_flag = 'N' AND
2113                  v_item_trading_flag = 'N' AND
2114                  upper(lines_rec.tax_type) IN ('EXCISE', 'ADDL. EXCISE', 'OTHER EXCISE', 'CVD',
2115                                                 JAI_CONSTANTS.TAX_TYPE_SH_EXC_EDU_CESS,jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess,
2116                                               JAI_CONSTANTS.TAX_TYPE_SH_CVD_EDU_CESS,jai_constants.tax_type_cvd_edu_cess)/*Bug 5989740 bduvarag*/
2117               THEN
2118                 v_tax_modvat_flag := 'N';
2120               /* following elsif added by Vijay Shankar for Bug#4250236(4245089). VAT Impl. */
2121               ELSIF lv_vat_recoverable_for_item <> jai_constants.yes
2122                 AND lines_rec.regime_code = jai_constants.vat_regime
2123               THEN
2124                 v_tax_modvat_flag := jai_constants.yes;  --Changed the constant to yes so that VAT taxes can be recovered in case of recoverable flag is No. For bug#8302581
2126               ELSIF lines_rec.modcp > 0 THEN
2127                 v_tax_modvat_flag := 'Y';
2128               END IF;
2129           --Gsr
2130               -- End of addition by Srihari on 30-NOV-99
2131               IF p_currency_code <> v_func_currency  THEN
2132                 v_conv_factor := NVL(v_currency_conversion_rate, 1);
2133               ELSE
2134                 v_conv_factor := 1;
2135               END IF;
2137             FOR pick_rec IN (SELECT quantity
2138                                FROM JAI_OM_OE_RMA_LINES rel
2139                                WHERE rel.rma_line_id = p_oe_order_line_id)
2140               LOOP
2141                 v_loc_quantity := pick_rec.quantity;
2142               END LOOP;
2144               IF NVL(v_loc_quantity, 0) <> 0 THEN
2145                 v_cor_amount := ROUND((P_qty_received * lines_rec.tax_amount * v_uom_rate / v_loc_quantity),
2146                                 NVL(lines_rec.rounding_factor, 0));
2147               END IF;
2148         /* Added by LGOPALSA. Bug 4210102
2149          * Added CVD, Excise and Customs edcuation cess */
2151               IF upper(lines_rec.tax_type) IN ('EXCISE', 'ADDL. EXCISE', 'OTHER EXCISE', 'CUSTOMS', 'CVD',
2152                 JAI_CONSTANTS.TAX_TYPE_SH_EXC_EDU_CESS,jai_constants.tax_type_Exc_edu_cess,
2153               JAI_CONSTANTS.TAX_TYPE_SH_CVD_EDU_CESS,jai_constants.tax_type_cvd_Edu_cess,
2154               JAI_CONSTANTS.TAX_TYPE_SH_CUSTOMS_EDU_CESS,jai_constants.tax_type_customs_edu_cess)/*Bug5989740 bduvarag*/
2155               THEN
2156                 v_claimable_amount := NVL(v_cor_amount * v_conv_factor, 0) * NVL(lines_rec.duty, 0) / 100;
2157               ELSE
2158                 v_claimable_amount := 0;
2159               END IF;
2161           --Added by GSRI on 21-OCT-01
2162           SELECT COUNT(*)
2163           INTO   v_chk_receipt_tax_lines
2164           FROM   JAI_RCV_LINE_TAXES
2165           WHERE  shipment_line_id = p_shipment_line_id
2166           AND    shipment_header_id = p_shipment_header_id
2167           AND    tax_id = lines_rec.tax_id;
2169           IF v_chk_receipt_tax_lines = 0 THEN
2170             /*
2172             WHERE shipment_line_id = p_shipment_line_id AND
2173             shipment_header_id = p_shipment_header_id AND
2174             tax_id = lines_rec.tax_id;*/
2175             --End Addition by on GSRI 21-OCT-01
2177       v_tax_modvat_flag := NVL(v_tax_modvat_flag,'N') ;
2179             (
2180               shipment_line_id,
2181               tax_line_no,
2182               shipment_header_id,
2183               tax_id,
2184               tax_name,
2185               currency,
2186               tax_rate,
2187               qty_rate,
2188               uom,
2189               tax_amount,
2190               tax_type,
2191               modvat_flag,
2192               creation_date,
2193               created_by,
2194               last_update_date,
2195               last_updated_by,
2196               last_update_login,
2197               vendor_id,
2198               claimable_amount,
2199               --3848133
2200               precedence_1,
2201               precedence_2,
2202               precedence_3,
2203               precedence_4,
2204               precedence_5,
2205               precedence_6, -- Date 01/11/2006 Bug 5228046 added by SACSETHI  ( added column from Precedence 6 to 10 )
2206               precedence_7,
2207               precedence_8,
2208               precedence_9,
2209               precedence_10,
2210         transaction_id
2211               --3848133
2212             )
2213            VALUES
2214             (
2215               p_shipment_line_id,
2216               lines_rec.tax_line_no,
2217               p_shipment_header_id,
2218               lines_rec.tax_id,
2219               lines_rec.tax_name,
2220               p_currency_code,
2221               lines_rec.tax_rate,
2222               lines_rec.qty_rate,
2223               lines_rec.uom,
2224               v_cor_amount,
2225               lines_rec.tax_type,
2226               v_tax_modvat_flag, --NVL(v_tax_modvat_flag,'N'),
2227               p_creation_date,
2228               p_created_by,
2229               p_last_update_date,
2230               p_last_updated_by,
2231               p_last_update_login,
2232               lines_rec.vendor_id,
2233               v_claimable_amount,
2234               --3848133
2235               lines_rec.precedence_1,
2236               lines_rec.precedence_2,
2237               lines_rec.precedence_3,
2238               lines_rec.precedence_4,
2239               lines_rec.precedence_5,
2240               lines_rec.precedence_6, -- Date 01/11/2006 Bug 5228046 added by SACSETHI  ( added column from Precedence 6 to 10 )
2241               lines_rec.precedence_7,
2242               lines_rec.precedence_8,
2243               lines_rec.precedence_9,
2244               lines_rec.precedence_10,
2245         p_transaction_id
2246               --3848133
2247             );
2249           END IF;
2251               IF lines_rec.tax_type NOT IN ('TDS', 'Modvat Recovery') THEN
2252                 v_tax_total := v_tax_total + NVL(v_cor_amount * v_conv_factor, 0);
2253               END IF;
2255           END LOOP;
2256         --Gsr
2257         --ELSE -- commented by sriram bug # 2514719
2258              --Changed by Nagaraj.s for Bug # 2588096
2260          ELSIF p_source_document_code = 'PO' AND p_transaction_type <> 'UNORDERED' THEN
2262                -- the above elsif added by sriram bug # 2514719 on aug 20th
2263                -- ISO CYCLE AS the following STATEMENT IS ONLY applicable FOR PO transactions
2264          -- Start addition by Aparajita for bug#2415767 on 17th june 2002
2266         BEGIN
2267              SELECT currency_code,
2268                               rate
2269              INTO   v_po_currency,
2270                   v_po_rate
2271                        FROM   po_headers_all
2272                       WHERE   po_header_id = p_po_header_id;
2273         EXCEPTION
2274             WHEN OTHERS THEN
2275                       IF v_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
2276                         UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_myfilehandle,'error 2 fetch po curr  ' );
2277                       END IF;
2278                       errormsg:='Error while fetching PO currency details :' || SQLERRM;
2279                       RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR (-20501, 'Error while fetching PO currency details :' || SQLERRM);
2280         END;
2281   /*Bug 4644524 start bduvarag*/
2282         OPEN c_rcv_shipment_lines(p_shipment_line_id);
2283       FETCH c_rcv_shipment_lines INTO r_rcv_shipment_lines;
2284       CLOSE c_rcv_shipment_lines;
2285   /*Bug 4644524 End bduvarag*/
2287               IF v_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
2288              UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_myfilehandle,'The Value of v_po_currency is ' || v_po_currency);
2289              UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_myfilehandle,'The Value of v_po_rate is ' || v_po_rate);
2290               END IF;
2291         -- end addition by Aparajita for bug#2415767 on 17th june 2002
2294       /*  iSupplier porting
2295       || start - ssumaith - ASBN
2296       */
2297            OPEN  c_check_asbn;
2298            FETCH c_check_asbn INTO lv_asbn_type , lv_shipment_num;
2299            CLOSE c_check_asbn;
2301            IF lv_asbn_type = '1' THEN
2302              lv_asbn_type := 'TRUE';
2303            ELSE
2304              lv_asbn_type := 'FALSE';
2305            END IF;
2307                IF p_source_document_code = 'PO' AND p_transaction_type <> 'UNORDERED' AND lv_asbn_type <> 'TRUE'  THEN
2309                    OPEN c_po_tax_cur FOR
2310                    SELECT tax_line_no,
2311                                  llt.tax_id,
2312                                  DECODE(SIGN(jtc.end_date - SYSDATE), -1, 0, llt.tax_rate) tax_rate,
2313                                  DECODE(SIGN(jtc.end_date - SYSDATE), -1, 0, llt.qty_rate) qty_rate,
2314                                  uom,
2315                                  --DECODE(SIGN(jtc.end_date - SYSDATE), -1, 0, llt.tax_amount) tax_amount,
2316                                  DECODE(SIGN(jtc.end_date - SYSDATE),
2317                                  -1,
2318                                  0,
2319                                  DECODE(llt.currency,
2320                                         v_func_currency,
2321                                         llt.tax_amount,
2322                                         llt.tax_amount *
2323                                         nvl(v_currency_conversion_rate, 1))) tax_amount, --changed by pezheng for bug # 10630487
2324                                  llt.tax_type,
2325                                  jtc.tax_name,
2326                                  llt.modvat_flag,
2327                                  llt.vendor_id,
2328                                  jtc.vendor_id tax_vendor_id,
2329                                  jtc.vendor_site_id,
2330                                  llt.currency,
2331                                  jtc.rounding_factor,
2332                                  jtc.duty_drawback_percentage duty,
2333                                  llt.precedence_1,
2334                                  llt.precedence_2,
2335                                  llt.precedence_3,
2336                                  llt.precedence_4,
2337                                  llt.precedence_5
2338                                  , tax_types.regime_code   regime_code,
2339                                  llt.precedence_6,
2340                                  llt.precedence_7,
2341                                  llt.precedence_8,
2342                                  llt.precedence_9,
2343                                  llt.precedence_10
2344                                FROM JAI_PO_TAXES llt,
2345                                  JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL jtc
2346                                  , jai_regime_tax_types_v tax_types
2347                                WHERE line_location_id = p_line_location_id
2348                                AND jtc.tax_id = llt.tax_id
2349                                AND jtc.tax_type = tax_types.tax_type (+)
2350                     order by tax_line_no;
2352                ELSIF p_source_document_code = 'PO' AND lv_asbn_type = 'TRUE'  THEN
2355                       /*
2356                        Code to populate the excise invoice number and date into the
2357                        ja_in_Receipt_lines procedure in case of an asbn receipt.
2358                       */
2361                       OPEN   c_jai_cmn_lines(v_shipment_num);
2362                       FETCH  c_jai_cmn_lines INTO r_jai_cmn_lines;
2363                       CLOSE  c_jai_cmn_lines;
2365             v_loc_quantity := r_jai_cmn_lines.quantity;
2367                      update JAI_RCV_LINES
2368                      set    excise_invoice_no = r_jai_cmn_lines.excise_inv_number,
2369                             excise_invoice_date=r_jai_cmn_lines.excise_inv_Date
2370                      where  shipment_line_id = p_shipment_line_id;
2372                     OPEN c_po_tax_cur FOR
2373                    SELECT tax_line_no,
2374                                  llt.tax_id,
2375                                  DECODE(SIGN(jtc.end_date - SYSDATE), -1, 0, llt.tax_rate) tax_rate,
2376                                  DECODE(SIGN(jtc.end_date - SYSDATE), -1, 0, llt.qty_rate) qty_rate,
2377                                  llt.uom,
2378                                  DECODE(SIGN(jtc.end_date - SYSDATE), -1, 0, llt.tax_amt) tax_amount,
2379                                  llt.tax_type,
2380                                  jtc.tax_name,
2381                                  llt.modvat_flag,
2382                                  nvl(jtc.vendor_id,p_vendor_id) vendor_id, /*rchandan for bug#6030615*/
2383                                  jtc.vendor_id tax_vendor_id,
2384                                  jtc.vendor_site_id,
2385                                  llt.currency_code currency ,
2386                                  jtc.rounding_factor,
2387                                  jtc.duty_drawback_percentage duty,
2388                                  llt.precedence_1,
2389                                  llt.precedence_2,
2390                                  llt.precedence_3,
2391                                  llt.precedence_4,
2392                                  llt.precedence_5
2393                                  , tax_types.regime_code   regime_code,
2394                                  llt.precedence_6,
2395                                  llt.precedence_7,
2396                                  llt.precedence_8,
2397                                  llt.precedence_9,
2398                                  llt.precedence_10
2399                                FROM jai_cmn_document_taxes llt,
2400                                     jai_cmn_lines          cml,
2401                                     JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL jtc ,
2402                                     jai_regime_tax_types_v tax_types
2403                                WHERE cml.po_line_location_id = p_line_location_id
2404                                AND   cml.cmn_line_id  =  llt.source_doc_line_id
2405                    AND   cml.shipment_number = lv_shipment_num
2406                                AND   llt.source_doc_type = 'ASBN'
2407                                AND   jtc.tax_id = llt.tax_id
2408                                AND   jtc.tax_type = tax_types.tax_type (+)
2409                     order by tax_line_no;
2410           --iSupplier porting
2412                END IF ; /*  end if for
2413                         p_source_document_code = 'PO' AND p_transaction_type <> 'UNORDERED' AND lv_asbn_type <> 'TRUE'
2414                     */
2415            ELSIF p_source_document_code = 'INVENTORY' THEN
2417                  v_po_currency := 'INR';
2418                  v_po_rate := 1;
2420                  open c_rec_ship_txn(p_shipment_line_id);
2421                  fetch c_rec_ship_txn into r_rec_ship_txn;
2422                  close c_rec_ship_txn;
2424                  OPEN c_rcv_shipment_lines(p_shipment_line_id);
2425      FETCH c_rcv_shipment_lines INTO r_rcv_shipment_lines;
2426                  CLOSE c_rcv_shipment_lines;
2428                  OPEN    c_get_inv_trx_info(r_rec_ship_txn.mmt_transaction_id);
2429                  FETCH   c_get_inv_trx_info INTO  ln_trx_qty , lv_trx_uom , ln_orig_id , ln_item_cost;
2430                  CLOSE   c_get_inv_trx_info;
2432                  OPEN   c_jai_mtl_Trxs(ln_orig_id);
2433                  FETCH  c_jai_mtl_Trxs INTO r_jai_mtl_Trxs;
2434                  CLOSE  c_jai_mtl_Trxs;
2436                  v_loc_quantity := ln_trx_qty;
2438     update jai_rcv_lines
2439     set excise_invoice_no = r_jai_mtl_trxs.excise_invoice_no ,
2440     excise_invoice_Date = r_jai_mtl_trxs.creation_Date
2441     where shipment_line_id = p_shipment_line_id;
2443                  OPEN c_po_tax_cur FOR
2444                  SELECT tax_line_no,
2445                                llt.tax_id,
2446                                DECODE(SIGN(jtc.end_date - SYSDATE), -1, 0, llt.tax_rate) tax_rate,
2447                                DECODE(SIGN(jtc.end_date - SYSDATE), -1, 0, llt.qty_rate) qty_rate,
2448                                llt.uom,
2449                                DECODE(SIGN(jtc.end_date - SYSDATE), -1, 0, llt.tax_amt) tax_amount,
2450                                llt.tax_type,
2451                                jtc.tax_name,
2452                                llt.modvat_flag,
2453                                NVL(jtc.vendor_id,r_jai_mtl_Trxs.from_organization) vendor_id,  /* 6030615*/
2454                                jtc.vendor_id tax_vendor_id,
2455                                jtc.vendor_site_id,
2456                                llt.currency_code currency ,
2457                                jtc.rounding_factor,
2458                                jtc.duty_drawback_percentage duty,
2459                                llt.precedence_1,
2460                                llt.precedence_2,
2461                                llt.precedence_3,
2462                                llt.precedence_4,
2463                                llt.precedence_5,
2464                                tax_types.regime_code regime_code,
2465                                llt.precedence_6,
2466                                llt.precedence_7,
2467                                llt.precedence_8,
2468                                llt.precedence_9,
2469                                llt.precedence_10
2470                              FROM jai_cmn_document_taxes llt,
2471                                   JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL jtc ,
2472                                   jai_regime_tax_types_v tax_types,
2473                                   mtl_material_transactions mtl
2474                              WHERE llt.source_doc_line_id = mtl.original_transaction_temp_id
2475                              AND   llt.source_doc_type = 'INTERORG_XFER'
2476                              AND   jtc.tax_id = llt.tax_id
2477                              AND   mtl.transaction_id = r_rec_ship_txn.MMT_TRANSACTION_ID
2478                              AND   jtc.tax_type = tax_types.tax_type (+)
2479                            order by tax_line_no;
2480  END IF; -- RMA
2481         --Added/Modified by walton for inclusive tax
2482         -------------------------------------------------------------
2483         IF p_source_document_code = 'PO' AND lv_asbn_type <> 'TRUE'
2484         THEN
2485           SELECT  price_override , quantity
2486           INTO    v_price_override,v_po_quantity
2487           FROM    po_line_locations_all
2488           WHERE   line_location_id = p_line_location_id;
2489         ELSIF  p_source_document_code = 'PO' AND  lv_asbn_type = 'TRUE'
2490         THEN
2491           v_po_quantity := r_jai_cmn_lines.quantity;
2492           v_price_override := r_jai_cmn_lines.po_unit_price;
2493         ELSIF p_source_document_code = 'INVENTORY' THEN
2494           v_price_override := ln_item_cost; /* currently hard coded  */
2495           v_po_quantity    := ln_trx_qty;     /* currently hard coded  */
2496         END IF;
2498         -- Added by Jia for bug#8904043, Begin
2499         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2500         BEGIN
2501           Jai_Avlist_Validate_Pkg.Check_AvList_Validation( pn_party_id          => p_vendor_id
2502                                                          , pn_party_site_id     => p_vendor_site_id
2503                                                          , pn_inventory_item_id => v_item_id
2504                                                          , pd_ordered_date      => SYSDATE
2505                                                          , pv_party_type        => 'V'
2506                                                          , pn_pricing_list_id  => NULL
2507                                                          );
2508         EXCEPTION
2509         WHEN OTHERS THEN
2510            errormsg := SQLERRM ;
2511            app_exception.raise_exception;
2512         END;
2513         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2514         -- Added by Jia for bug#8904043, Begin
2516         -- Added by Jia for bug#8932471, Begin
2517         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2518         BEGIN
2519           Jai_Avlist_Validate_Pkg.Check_AvList_Validation( pn_party_id          => p_vendor_id
2520                                                          , pn_party_site_id     => 0
2521                                                          , pn_inventory_item_id => v_item_id
2522                                                          , pd_ordered_date      => SYSDATE
2523                                                          , pv_party_type        => 'V'
2524                                                          , pn_pricing_list_id  => NULL
2525                                                          );
2526         EXCEPTION
2527         WHEN OTHERS THEN
2528            errormsg := SQLERRM ;
2529            app_exception.raise_exception;
2530         END;
2531         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2532         -- Added by Jia for bug#8932471, Begin
2535         v_assessable_value := NVL(jai_cmn_setup_pkg.get_po_assessable_value
2536                               ( p_vendor_id, p_vendor_site_id, v_item_id, p_uom_code ),v_price_override);
2538         IF p_source_document_code = 'INVENTORY'
2539         THEN
2540           v_price_override:=r_jai_mtl_Trxs.selling_price;
2541           v_assessable_value:=NVL(r_jai_mtl_Trxs.assessable_Value,v_price_override);
2542        END IF;
2545         OPEN   c_jai_cmn_lines(v_shipment_num);
2546         FETCH  c_jai_cmn_lines INTO r_jai_cmn_lines;
2547         CLOSE  c_jai_cmn_lines;
2549         ln_po_unit_price := 0;
2550         IF lv_asbn_type = 'TRUE'
2551         THEN
2552           ln_po_unit_price := r_jai_cmn_lines.po_unit_price;
2553         END IF ;
2554         If p_source_document_code <> 'INVENTORY' THEN /*rchandan - 6030615*/
2555           ln_vat_assess_value := jai_general_pkg.ja_in_vat_assessable_value (
2556                                   p_party_id          => p_vendor_id,
2557                                   p_party_site_id     => p_vendor_site_id,
2558                                   p_inventory_item_id => v_item_id,
2559                                   p_uom_code          => p_uom_code,
2560                                   p_default_price     => ln_po_unit_price * r_jai_cmn_lines.quantity,
2561                                   p_ass_value_date    => trunc(sysdate) ,
2562                                   p_party_type        => 'V'
2563                               );
2564           IF ln_vat_assess_value=0
2565           THEN
2566             ln_vat_assess_value:=v_price_override;
2567           END IF;
2569         else /*rchandan - 6030615*/
2570           v_price_override := r_jai_mtl_Trxs.selling_price;
2571           ln_vat_assess_value:=NVL(r_jai_mtl_Trxs.vat_assessable_Value/r_jai_mtl_Trxs.quantity,v_price_override);   --added  /r_jai_mtl_Trxs.quantity for bug#8880760
2572     /*vat assessable value in interorg is stored as vat_assessable_value per qty *shipment qty,hence divided with  r_jai_mtl_Trxs.quantity for bug#8880760*/
2573     --r_jai_mtl_Trxs.quantity to get the per qty vat asse
2574         end if;
2576 --Add by Xiao for GST refer to bug#10043656 on 14-Sep-2010, begin
2577 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2578     /*   IF p_source_document_code <> 'INVENTORY' THEN
2579           ln_gst_assess_value := JAI_GST_GENERAL_PKG.GET_GST_ASSESSABLE_VALUE (
2580                                   p_party_id          => p_vendor_id,
2581                                   p_party_site_id     => p_vendor_site_id,
2582                                   p_inventory_item_id => v_item_id,
2583                                   p_uom_code          => p_uom_code,
2584                                   p_default_price     => ln_po_unit_price * r_jai_cmn_lines.quantity,
2585                                   p_ass_value_date    => trunc(SYSDATE) ,
2586                                   p_party_type        => 'V'
2587                               );
2588           IF ln_gst_assess_value=0
2589           THEN
2590             ln_gst_assess_value:=v_price_override;
2591           END IF;
2592         ELSE
2593           v_price_override := r_jai_mtl_Trxs.selling_price;
2594           ln_gst_assess_value:=NVL(r_jai_mtl_Trxs.gst_assessable_Value/r_jai_mtl_Trxs.quantity,v_price_override);
2595         END IF;
2596     */
2597 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2598 --Add by Xiao for GST refer to bug#10043656 on 14-Sep-2010, end
2599         --added the IF block for bug#8920186
2600         IF v_rcv_uom_code <> v_po_uom_code and v_uom_rate > 0   THEN
2602          jai_cmn_utils_pkg.write_fnd_log_msg('jai_rcv_trx_prc.process_begin',' Inside         IF v_rcv_uom_code <> v_po_uom_code and v_uom_rate > 0   THEN ');
2603                   jai_cmn_utils_pkg.write_fnd_log_msg('jai_rcv_trx_prc.process_begin',' Inside IF v_rcv_uom_code <> v_po_uom_code and v_uom_rate > 0   THEN v_po_quantity is '||v_po_quantity);
2604          -- ln_vat_assess_value:=ln_vat_assess_value*v_po_quantity/v_uom_rate; commented for bug#12990372
2605                  ln_vat_assess_value:=ln_vat_assess_value*v_po_quantity*v_uom_rate; --12990372 24 nov
2606                  /*12990372 conversion of vat assessable value from PO uom to receipt UOM
2607                  i.e we will get the vat assessable value as the unit price of the item for receipt uom code*/
2609                  --v_assessable_value:=v_assessable_value*v_po_quantity/v_uom_rate; commented for bug#12990372
2611                   v_assessable_value:=v_assessable_value*v_po_quantity*v_uom_rate; --12990372 24 nov
2613                   jai_cmn_utils_pkg.write_fnd_log_msg('jai_rcv_trx_prc.process_begin',' Inside IF v_rcv_uom_code <> v_po_uom_code and v_uom_rate > 0   THEN ln_vat_assess_value is '|| ln_vat_assess_value);
2615         ELSE
2616           --start additions for bug#8880760
2617           ln_vat_assess_value:=ln_vat_assess_value*v_po_quantity;
2618           v_assessable_value:=v_assessable_value*v_po_quantity;
2619           --ln_gst_assess_value:=ln_gst_assess_value*v_po_quantity;--Add by Xiao for GST refer to bug#10043656 on 14-Sep-2010
2620         END IF;
2622         /* proportionate the assessable value based on transaction quantity and receipt quantity
2623         here v_loc quantity is the transaction qty i.e the PO qty */
2625  jai_cmn_utils_pkg.write_fnd_log_msg('jai_rcv_trx_prc.process_begin',' transaction quantity v_loc_quantity is '||v_loc_quantity||' P_qty_received '||P_qty_received);
2626           -- ln_vat_assess_value:=(ln_vat_assess_value / v_loc_quantity) * P_qty_received * v_uom_rate; commented for bug#12990372
2627                    ln_vat_assess_value:=(ln_vat_assess_value / v_loc_quantity) * P_qty_received ; --added for bug#12990372
2628 jai_cmn_utils_pkg.write_fnd_log_msg('jai_rcv_trx_prc.process_begin',' final vat_assessable value arrived  is ln_vat_assess_value '||ln_vat_assess_value);
2629            --v_assessable_value:=(v_assessable_value / v_loc_quantity) * P_qty_received * v_uom_rate;  commented for bug#12990372
2630                    v_assessable_value:=(v_assessable_value / v_loc_quantity) * P_qty_received ;--added for bug#12990372
2631     v_precedence_0 := v_price_override * v_po_quantity;
2633     /*v_precedence_0 is the taxable basis on which the tax rate will be applied (i.e line amount /assessable value).*/
2635      v_precedence_0 :=(v_precedence_0 / v_loc_quantity) * P_qty_received * v_uom_rate;
2636    --end additions for bug#8880760
2638         /*commented the code and added whatever is required inside the loop
2640   If p_source_document_code = 'INVENTORY'/*rchandan - 6030615..start*
2641            and po_lines_rec.regime_code <> jai_constants.vat_regime
2642            and  upper(po_lines_rec.tax_type) NOT IN ('EXCISE', 'ADDL. EXCISE', 'OTHER EXCISE')
2643         THEN
2644           v_price_override := r_jai_mtl_Trxs.selling_price;
2645         END IF;
2646                                        -- bug 6488829 uncommented the if condition *
2647         IF  p_source_document_code = 'INVENTORY' AND po_lines_rec.regime_code = jai_constants.vat_regime THEN
2648              v_precedence_0 := v_price_override;
2649         ELSE
2650           ln_vat_assess_value:=ln_vat_assess_value*v_po_quantity;
2651           v_assessable_value:=v_assessable_value*v_po_quantity;
2652           v_precedence_0 := v_price_override * v_po_quantity;
2653         END IF;  /*rchandan - 6030615 end
2655           IF v_po_currency <> po_lines_rec.currency THEN
2656             v_precedence_0 := v_precedence_0 * p_currency_conversion_rate;
2657             ln_vat_assess_value:=ln_vat_assess_value*p_currency_conversion_rate;
2658             v_assessable_value:=v_assessable_value*p_currency_conversion_rate;
2659           END IF;
2661          -- proportionate the tax amount based on quantity in PO and receipt
2662           v_precedence_0 :=(v_precedence_0 / v_loc_quantity) * P_qty_received * v_uom_rate;
2663           -- v_uom_rate is added in the above line by Aparajita for bug#2929171
2665          ln_vat_assess_value:=(ln_vat_assess_value / v_loc_quantity) * P_qty_received * v_uom_rate;
2667          v_assessable_value:=(v_assessable_value / v_loc_quantity) * P_qty_received * v_uom_rate;
2668    */
2669         -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2671         ln_curflag := 0;  --Add by Kevin Cheng for bug 6853787 Mar 5, 2008
2673         --commented out by shyan for bug 10100899  on  12/11/2010, Begin
2674         -------------------------------------------------------------------
2675         -- p_index := 1; --Added by nprashar for bug # 10100899
2676         -------------------------------------------------------------------
2677         --commented out by shyan for bug 10100899  on  12/11/2010, End
2679         IF c_po_tax_cur%ISOPEN THEN /*rchandan for bug#6030615*/
2680         ln_curflag := 1;  --Add by Kevin Cheng for bug 6853787 Mar 5, 2008
2682         --added by pezheng for bug 10630487, v_precedence_0 should be calculated out of the tax loop rather than in
2683 		v_assessable_val_defined := jai_cmn_setup_pkg.get_po_assessable_value( p_vendor_id, p_vendor_site_id, v_item_id, p_uom_code ); -- added by nkodakan for bug 14590356.
2684 		ln_vat_assess_val_defined:=r_jai_mtl_Trxs.vat_assessable_Value/r_jai_mtl_Trxs.quantity; -- added by nkodakan for bug 14590356.
2685 		-- v_assessable_val_defined,ln_vat_assess_val_defined holds the assessable if it is defined..If not defined then its value becomes null;
2686 		IF v_po_currency <> v_func_currency THEN
2687 		-- by nkodakan for the bug 14590356 starts
2688 		  IF (v_assessable_val_defined is null) THEN
2689 		    v_assessable_value := v_assessable_value*p_currency_conversion_rate;
2690 		  END IF;
2692 		  IF (ln_vat_assess_val_defined is null) THEN
2693 		    ln_vat_assess_value := ln_vat_assess_value*p_currency_conversion_rate;
2694 		  END IF;
2695 		  -- by nkodakan for the bug 14590356 ends
2696 		  v_precedence_0 := v_precedence_0 * p_currency_conversion_rate;
2697 		  -- commented the below two lines by nkodakan for the bug 14590356
2698 		  --v_assessable_value := v_assessable_value*p_currency_conversion_rate;
2699           --ln_vat_assess_value := ln_vat_assess_value*p_currency_conversion_rate;
2700           --ln_gst_assess_value:=ln_gst_assess_value*p_currency_conversion_rate;
2701         END IF;
2702         --added by pezheng for bug 10630487 ends
2703         LOOP
2704           fetch c_po_tax_cur INTO po_lines_rec;
2705           exit when c_po_tax_cur%notFOUND;
2706     --start additions for bug#8880760
2708           --commented out by shyan for bug 10100899  on  12/11/2010, Begin
2709           ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2710           --p_curr_check(p_index) := po_lines_rec.currency; --Added by nprashar for bug # 10100899
2711           --p_index := p_index + 1;                         --Added by nprashar for bug # 10100899
2712           ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2713           --commented out by shyan for bug 10100899  on  12/11/2010, End
2715                    /*comment this if section by pezheng for bug 10630487, this should be done out of loop*/
2716                    /*IF v_po_currency <> po_lines_rec.currency THEN
2718                     --  commented out by shyan for bug 10100899  on  12/11/2010, Begin
2719                     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2720                     --Commented this condition for bug # 10100899 by nprashar IF  c_po_tax_cur%ROWCOUNT = 1 Then  \*Added by nprashar for bug #9868750*\
2721                     --   IF  ln_check_curr_conv = 0 Then --Added by nprashar for bug # 10100899
2722                     --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2723                     -- commented out by shyan for bug 10100899  on  12/11/2010, End
2725                         v_precedence_0 := v_precedence_0 * p_currency_conversion_rate;
2726                         v_assessable_value:=v_assessable_value*p_currency_conversion_rate;
2728                         --  commented out by shyan for bug 10100899  on  12/11/2010, Begin
2729                         ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2730                         -- ln_check_curr_conv := 1; --Added by nprashar for bug # 10100899
2731                         ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2732                         -- commented out by shyan for bug 10100899  on  12/11/2010, End
2734           ln_vat_assess_value:=ln_vat_assess_value*p_currency_conversion_rate;
2735           ln_gst_assess_value:=ln_gst_assess_value*p_currency_conversion_rate;--Add by Xiao for GST refer to bug#10043656 on 19-Sep-2010
2736        --end if; --(IF  ln_check_curr_conv = 0) commented out by shyan for bug 10100899  on  12/11/2010
2737       end if; \*Ends here for bug # 9868750 *\*/
2738       /*comment this if section by pezheng for bug 10630487, end*/
2739     --end additions for bug#8880760
2742           --added by walton for inclusive tax on 01-Jan-08
2743           -----------------------------------------------------------------
2744           lt_tax_table(lt_tax_table.count+1) := po_lines_rec;
2745           p1(row_count) := nvl(po_lines_rec.precedence_1,-1);
2746           p2(row_count) := nvl(po_lines_rec.precedence_2,-1);
2747           p3(row_count) := nvl(po_lines_rec.precedence_3,-1);
2748           p4(row_count) := nvl(po_lines_rec.precedence_4,-1);
2749           p5(row_count) := nvl(po_lines_rec.precedence_5,-1);
2750           p6(row_count) := nvl(po_lines_rec.precedence_6,-1);
2751           p7(row_count) := nvl(po_lines_rec.precedence_7,-1);
2752           p8(row_count) := nvl(po_lines_rec.precedence_8,-1);
2753           p9(row_count) := nvl(po_lines_rec.precedence_9,-1);
2754           p10(row_count):= nvl(po_lines_rec.precedence_10,-1);
2755           tax_rate_tab(row_count) := NVL(po_lines_rec.tax_rate,0);
2757           IF po_lines_rec.tax_rate is null
2758           THEN
2759             tax_rate_zero_tab(row_count) := 0;
2760           ELSIF po_lines_rec.tax_rate = 0
2761           THEN
2762             tax_rate_zero_tab(row_count) := -9999;
2763           ELSE
2764             tax_rate_zero_tab(row_count) := po_lines_rec.tax_rate;
2765           END IF;  --End of po_lines_rec.tax_rate is null
2767           round_factor_tab(row_count):=NVL(po_lines_rec.rounding_factor,0);
2769           lt_tax_rate_per_rupee(row_count):=NVL(po_lines_rec.tax_rate,0)/100;
2770           ln_total_tax_per_rupee:=0;
2771           tax_amt_tab(row_count) := 0;
2772           base_tax_amt_tab(row_count) := 0;
2773           lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(row_count):=0;
2774           lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(row_count):=0;
2775           OPEN c_get_inclusive_flag ( po_lines_rec.tax_id);
2776           FETCH c_get_inclusive_flag
2777           INTO lt_inclusive_tax_tab(row_count),
2778           lv_valid_date,
2779           lt_adhoc_tax_tab(row_count);--added by qiong.liu for bug12717416
2780           CLOSE c_get_inclusive_flag;
2782           IF lv_valid_date IS NULL OR lv_valid_date >= SYSDATE THEN
2783             end_date_tab(row_count) := 1;
2784           ELSE
2785             end_date_tab(row_count) := 0;
2786           END IF;
2788           IF upper(po_lines_rec.tax_type) IN('EXCISE', 'ADDL. EXCISE', 'OTHER EXCISE', 'CVD',
2789                JAI_CONSTANTS.TAX_TYPE_SH_EXC_EDU_CESS,jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess,
2790                JAI_CONSTANTS.TAX_TYPE_SH_CVD_EDU_CESS,jai_constants.tax_type_cvd_edu_cess)
2791           THEN
2792             tax_type_tab(row_count) := 1;
2793           ELSIF po_lines_rec.regime_code=jai_constants.vat_regime
2794           THEN
2795             tax_type_tab(row_count) := 4;
2796           --Add by Xiao for GST refer to bug#10043656 on 14-Sep-2010, begin
2797           ------------------------------------------------------------------
2798          /* ELSIF upper(po_lines_rec.regime_code) IN (jai_constants.cgst_regime, jai_constants.sgst_regime)
2799           THEN
2800             tax_type_tab(row_count) := 7; */
2801           -----------------------------------------------------------------
2802           --Add by Xiao for GST refer to bug#10043656 on 14-Sep-2010, end
2803           ELSE
2804             tax_type_tab(row_count) := 0;
2805           END IF;
2806           ------------------------------------------------------------------
2808           IF v_item_modvat_flag = 'N' AND
2809              v_item_trading_flag = 'N' AND
2810              upper(po_lines_rec.tax_type) IN ('EXCISE', 'ADDL. EXCISE', 'OTHER EXCISE', 'CVD',
2811              JAI_CONSTANTS.TAX_TYPE_SH_EXC_EDU_CESS,jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess,
2812              JAI_CONSTANTS.TAX_TYPE_SH_CVD_EDU_CESS,jai_constants.tax_type_cvd_edu_cess)/*bug5989740 bduvarag*/
2813          THEN
2814              v_tax_modvat_flag := 'N';
2815               /* following elsif added by Vijay Shankar for Bug#4250236(4245089). VAT Impl. */
2816               /*Commented for Bug 4644524 bduvarag*/
2817 --              ELSIF lv_vat_recoverable_for_item <> jai_constants.yes
2818          ELSIF (lv_vat_recoverable_for_item <> jai_constants.yes  OR r_rcv_shipment_lines.item_id IS NULL)
2819                 AND po_lines_rec.regime_code = jai_constants.vat_regime
2820          THEN
2821                 v_tax_modvat_flag := jai_constants.no;
2823          ELSE
2824                   v_tax_modvat_flag := po_lines_rec.modvat_flag;
2825          END IF;
2826          -- End of addition by Srihari on 30-NOV-99
2828          IF v_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
2829              UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_myfilehandle,'The Value of v_tax_modvat_flag is ' || v_tax_modvat_flag);
2830          END IF;
2831           lt_tax_modvat_flag(row_count):=v_tax_modvat_flag; --Added by walton for inclusive
2833           IF po_lines_rec.currency <> v_func_currency  THEN
2834               v_conv_factor := NVL(v_currency_conversion_rate, 1);
2835           ELSE
2836               v_conv_factor := 1;
2837           END IF;
2839           --Added by Nagaraj.s for Bug3037075
2840           --This is to set the Third Party Flag for proper value.
2841           if po_lines_rec.vendor_id <> p_vendor_id
2842              and upper(po_lines_rec.tax_type) not in ('TDS', 'MODVAT RECOVERY')
2843              and po_lines_rec.vendor_id > 0
2844           then
2845             v_third_party_flag := 'Y';
2846             --To ensure that proper vendor site id is populated into default_taxes_onto_line
2847             if po_lines_rec.vendor_id = po_lines_rec.tax_vendor_id then
2848                 v_tax_vendor_site_id(row_count) := po_lines_rec.vendor_site_id;  /*Added by nprshar for bug # 10193326 */
2849             else
2850                v_tax_vendor_site_id(row_count) := null;  /*Added by nprshar for bug # 10193326 */
2851             end if;
2852           else
2853              v_third_party_flag := 'N';
2854              v_tax_vendor_site_id (row_count) := null;  /*Added by nprshar for bug # 10193326 */ --Added by Nagaraj.s for Bug3237536.
2855              --This was to be done as a part of Bug3037075
2856              --And as this variable was not reinitialized, hence in case of Receipts
2857              --where Excise was present after Adhoc, the Vendor site id was populated
2858              --for the Non Third Party line also.
2860            end if; -- End of po_lines_rec.vendor_id <> p_vendor_id
2862           lt_third_party_flag(row_count):=v_third_party_flag;--Added by walton for inclusive
2865           IF  po_lines_rec.precedence_1 IS NOT NULL OR
2866               po_lines_rec.precedence_2 IS NOT NULL OR
2867               po_lines_rec.precedence_3 IS NOT NULL OR
2868               po_lines_rec.precedence_4 IS NOT NULL OR
2869               po_lines_rec.precedence_5 IS NOT NULL OR
2870             po_lines_rec.precedence_6 IS NOT NULL OR -- Date 01/11/2006 Bug 5228046 added by SACSETHI  ( added column from Precedence 6 to 10 )
2871               po_lines_rec.precedence_7 IS NOT NULL OR
2872               po_lines_rec.precedence_8 IS NOT NULL OR
2873               po_lines_rec.precedence_9 IS NOT NULL OR
2874               po_lines_rec.precedence_10 IS NOT NULL
2875           THEN
2876             lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(row_count):=0;
2877           ----Changed by qiong.liu for bug12717416 begin
2878           -----------------------------------------------
2879           END IF;--End of po_lines_rec.precedence_1 IS NOT NULL OR
2880           IF lt_adhoc_tax_tab(row_count)='Y' or (lt_adhoc_tax_tab(row_count)='N' and  po_lines_rec.qty_rate is not null)  THEN /* Added or condition for bug 14696186 */
2881             lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(row_count) := (po_lines_rec.tax_amount / v_loc_quantity) * P_qty_received * v_uom_rate ;
2882             tax_amt_tab(row_count) := (po_lines_rec.tax_amount / v_loc_quantity) * P_qty_received * v_uom_rate ;
2883             base_tax_amt_tab(row_count) := (po_lines_rec.tax_amount / v_loc_quantity) * P_qty_received * v_uom_rate ;
2884             /*IF v_po_currency <> v_func_currency THEN
2885               lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(row_count) := lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(row_count)*p_currency_conversion_rate ;
2886               tax_amt_tab(row_count) := tax_amt_tab(row_count) * p_currency_conversion_rate ;
2887               base_tax_amt_tab(row_count) := base_tax_amt_tab(row_count) * p_currency_conversion_rate ;
2888             END IF;
2889             */
2890           END IF;
2891           ------------------------------------------------
2892           --Changed by qiong.liu for bug12717416 end
2894           row_count := row_count + 1;
2895         END LOOP;
2896         CLOSE c_po_tax_cur; /*rchandan for bug#6030615*/
2897         row_count := row_count - 1;
2898       END IF; /* OF if ISOPEN*/
2900     IF ln_curflag = 1 THEN--Add by Kevin Cheng for bug 6853787 Mar 5, 2008
2901       IF ln_vat_assess_value<>v_precedence_0
2902       THEN
2903         ln_vat_assessable_value:=ln_vat_assess_value;
2904       ELSE
2905         ln_vat_assessable_value:=1;
2906       END IF; --End p_vat_assessable_value<>p_tax_amount
2908       IF v_assessable_value<>v_precedence_0
2909       THEN
2910         ln_assessable_value:=v_assessable_value;
2911       ELSE
2912         ln_assessable_value:=1;
2913       END IF; --End p_assessable_value<>p_tax_amount
2914 --Add by Xiao for GST refer to bug#10043656 on 14-Sep-2010, begin
2915 -------------------------------------------------------------
2916     /*  IF ln_gst_assess_value<>v_precedence_0
2917       THEN
2918         ln_gst_assessable_value:=ln_gst_assess_value;
2919       ELSE
2920         ln_gst_assessable_value:=1;
2921       END IF; */
2922 -------------------------------------------------------------
2923 --Add by Xiao for GST refer to bug#10043656 on 14-Sep-2010, begin
2924      --Added by walton for inclusive tax computation
2925      -----------------------------------------------
2926      -------loop1-------------------------
2927       FOR I IN 1..row_count LOOP
2928         IF end_date_tab(I) <> 0 THEN
2929             IF tax_type_tab(I) = 1 THEN
2930                 IF ln_assessable_value =1
2931                 THEN
2932                   bsln_amt:=1;
2933                   ln_bsln_amt_nr :=0;
2934                 ELSE
2935                   bsln_amt :=0;
2936                   ln_bsln_amt_nr :=ln_assessable_value;
2937                 END IF;
2938             ELSIF tax_type_tab(I) = 4 THEN
2939                 IF ln_vat_assessable_value =1
2940                 THEN
2941                   bsln_amt:=1;
2942                   ln_bsln_amt_nr :=0;
2943                 ELSE
2944                   bsln_amt :=0;
2945                   ln_bsln_amt_nr :=ln_vat_assessable_value;
2946                 END IF;
2947             ELSIF tax_type_tab(I) = 6 THEN
2948                 bsln_amt:=0;
2949                 ln_bsln_amt_nr :=0;
2950             --Add by Xiao for GST refer to bug#10043656 on 14-Sep-2010, begin
2951             ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2952            /* ELSIF tax_type_tab(I) = 7 THEN
2953                 IF ln_gst_assessable_value =1
2954                 THEN
2955                   bsln_amt:=1;
2956                   ln_bsln_amt_nr :=0;
2957                 ELSE
2958                   bsln_amt :=0;
2959                   ln_bsln_amt_nr :=ln_gst_assessable_value;
2960                 END IF; */
2961             ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2962             --Add by Xiao for GST refer to bug#10043656 on 14-Sep-2010, end
2963             ELSE
2964                 bsln_amt:=1;
2965                 ln_bsln_amt_nr :=0;
2966             END IF;
2968             IF tax_rate_tab(I) <> 0 THEN
2969  /* Commented out by Shyan for bug 10358786  on  28-Jan-2011 , Begin
2970               IF P1(I) < I AND P1(I) NOT IN (-1,0) THEN
2971                 vamt := vamt + NVL(tax_amt_tab(P1(I)),0);
2972                 ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P1(I)),0);
2973               ELSIF P1(I) = 0 THEN
2974                     vamt := vamt + bsln_amt;
2975                   ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+ln_bsln_amt_nr;
2976               END IF;
2977               IF p2(I) < I AND p2(I) NOT IN (-1,0) THEN
2978                 vamt := vamt + NVL(tax_amt_tab(p2(I)),0);
2979                 ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P2(I)),0);
2980               ELSIF p2(I) = 0 THEN
2981                 vamt := vamt + bsln_amt;
2982                 ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+ln_bsln_amt_nr;
2983               END IF;
2984               IF p3(I) < I AND p3(I) NOT IN (-1,0) THEN
2985                 vamt := vamt + NVL(tax_amt_tab(p3(I)),0);
2986                 ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P3(I)),0);
2987               ELSIF p3(I) = 0 THEN
2988                 vamt := vamt + bsln_amt;
2989                 ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+ln_bsln_amt_nr;
2990               END IF;
2991               IF p4(I) < I AND p4(I) NOT IN (-1,0) THEN
2992                 vamt := vamt + NVL(tax_amt_tab(p4(I)),0);
2993                 ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P4(I)),0);
2994               ELSIF p4(I) = 0 THEN
2995                 vamt := vamt + bsln_amt;
2996                 ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+ln_bsln_amt_nr;
2997               END IF;
2998               IF p5(I) < I AND p5(I) NOT IN (-1,0) THEN
2999                 vamt := vamt + NVL(tax_amt_tab(p5(I)),0);
3000                 ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P5(I)),0);
3001               ELSIF p5(I) = 0 THEN
3002                 vamt := vamt + bsln_amt;
3003                 ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+ln_bsln_amt_nr;
3004               END IF;
3005               IF P6(I) < I AND P6(I) NOT IN (-1,0) THEN
3006                 vamt := vamt + NVL(tax_amt_tab(P6(I)),0);
3007                 ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P6(I)),0);
3008               ELSIF P6(I) = 0 THEN
3009                 vamt := vamt + bsln_amt;
3010                 ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+ln_bsln_amt_nr;
3011               END IF;
3012               IF p7(I) < I AND p7(I) NOT IN (-1,0) THEN
3013                 vamt := vamt + NVL(tax_amt_tab(p7(I)),0);
3014                 ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P7(I)),0);
3015               ELSIF p7(I) = 0 THEN
3016                 vamt := vamt + bsln_amt;
3017                 ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+ln_bsln_amt_nr;
3018               END IF;
3019               IF p8(I) < I AND p8(I) NOT IN (-1,0) THEN
3020                 vamt := vamt + NVL(tax_amt_tab(p8(I)),0);
3021                 ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P8(I)),0);
3022               ELSIF p8(I) = 0 THEN
3023                 vamt := vamt + bsln_amt;
3024                 ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+ln_bsln_amt_nr;
3025               END IF;
3026               IF p9(I) < I AND p9(I) NOT IN (-1,0) THEN
3027                 vamt := vamt + NVL(tax_amt_tab(p9(I)),0);
3028                 ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P9(I)),0);
3029               ELSIF p9(I) = 0 THEN
3030                 vamt := vamt + bsln_amt;
3031                 ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+ln_bsln_amt_nr;
3032               END IF;
3033               IF p10(I) < I AND p10(I) NOT IN (-1,0) THEN
3034                 vamt := vamt + NVL(tax_amt_tab(p10(I)),0);
3035                 ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P10(I)),0);
3036               ELSIF p10(I) = 0 THEN
3037                 vamt := vamt + bsln_amt;
3038                 ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+ln_bsln_amt_nr;
3039               END IF;
3040               Commented out by Shyan for bug 10358786  on  28-Jan-2011, End*/
3041             --Added by Shujuan for 10358786  on  28-Jan-2011, Begin
3042             -------------------------------------------------------
3043             lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(I):=0;
3044             IF P1(I) < I AND P1(I) NOT IN (-1, 0) THEN
3045               IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(P1(I)) = 'Y' OR lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(P1(I)) IS NOT NULL then
3046                 vamt := vamt + NVL(tax_amt_tab(P1(I)), 0);
3047                 ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P1(I)), 0);
3048              END IF;
3050             ELSIF P1(I) = 0 THEN
3051               IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(I) = 'Y' then
3052                 vamt := vamt + bsln_amt;
3053                 ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + ln_bsln_amt_nr;
3054               ELSE
3055                 ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + ln_bsln_amt_nr + NVL(v_precedence_0,0);
3057               END IF;
3058             END IF;
3059             IF p2(I) < I AND p2(I) NOT IN (-1, 0) THEN
3060               IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(P2(I)) = 'Y' OR
3061                  lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(P2(I)) IS NOT NULL then
3062                  vamt := vamt + NVL(tax_amt_tab(p2(I)), 0);
3063                  ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P2(I)), 0);
3064               END IF;
3066             ELSIF p2(I) = 0 THEN
3067               IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(I) = 'Y' then
3068                 vamt := vamt + bsln_amt;
3069                 ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + ln_bsln_amt_nr;
3070               ELSE
3071                  ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + ln_bsln_amt_nr + NVL(v_precedence_0,0);
3072               END IF;
3074             END IF;
3075             IF p3(I) < I AND p3(I) NOT IN (-1, 0) THEN
3076               IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(P3(I)) = 'Y' OR lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(P3(I)) IS NOT NULL then
3077                  vamt := vamt + NVL(tax_amt_tab(p3(I)), 0);
3078                  ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P3(I)), 0);
3079               END IF;
3081             ELSIF p3(I) = 0 THEN
3082               IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(I) = 'Y' then
3083                 vamt := vamt + bsln_amt;
3084                 ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + ln_bsln_amt_nr;
3085               ELSE
3086                  ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + ln_bsln_amt_nr + NVL(v_precedence_0,0);
3087               END IF;
3088             END IF;
3090             IF p4(I) < I AND p4(I) NOT IN (-1, 0) THEN
3091               IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(P4(I)) = 'Y' OR lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(P4(I)) IS NOT NULL then
3092                  vamt := vamt + NVL(tax_amt_tab(p4(I)), 0);
3093                  ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P4(I)), 0);
3094               END IF;
3095             ELSIF p4(I) = 0 THEN
3096               IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(I) = 'Y' then
3097                 vamt := vamt + bsln_amt;
3098                 ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + ln_bsln_amt_nr;
3099               ELSE
3100                 ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + ln_bsln_amt_nr + NVL(v_precedence_0,0);
3101               END IF;
3102             END IF;
3104             IF p5(I) < I AND p5(I) NOT IN (-1, 0) THEN
3105               IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(P5(I)) = 'Y' OR lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(P5(I)) IS NOT NULL then
3106                  vamt := vamt + NVL(tax_amt_tab(p5(I)), 0);
3107                  ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P5(I)), 0);
3108               END IF;
3109             ELSIF p5(I) = 0 THEN
3110               IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(I) = 'Y' then
3111                 vamt := vamt + bsln_amt;
3112                 ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + ln_bsln_amt_nr;
3113               ELSE
3114                 ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + ln_bsln_amt_nr + NVL(v_precedence_0,0);
3115               END IF;
3116             END IF;
3117            IF p6(I) < I AND p6(I) NOT IN (-1, 0) THEN
3118               IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(P6(I)) = 'Y' OR lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(P6(I)) IS NOT NULL then
3119                  vamt := vamt + NVL(tax_amt_tab(p6(I)), 0);
3120                  ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P6(I)), 0);
3121               END IF;
3123             ELSIF p6(I) = 0 THEN
3124               IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(I) = 'Y' then
3125                 vamt := vamt + bsln_amt;
3126                 ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + ln_bsln_amt_nr;
3127               ELSE
3128                 ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + ln_bsln_amt_nr + NVL(v_precedence_0,0);
3129               END IF;
3130             END IF;
3132            IF p7(I) < I AND p7(I) NOT IN (-1, 0) THEN
3133               IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(P7(I)) = 'Y' OR lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(P7(I)) IS NOT NULL then
3134                  vamt := vamt + NVL(tax_amt_tab(p7(I)), 0);
3135                  ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P7(I)), 0);
3136               END IF;
3138             ELSIF p7(I) = 0 THEN
3139               IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(I) = 'Y' then
3140                 vamt := vamt + bsln_amt;
3141                 ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + ln_bsln_amt_nr;
3142               ELSE
3143                 ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + ln_bsln_amt_nr + NVL(v_precedence_0,0);
3144               END IF;
3145             END IF;
3147             IF p8(I) < I AND p8(I) NOT IN (-1, 0) THEN
3148               IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(P4(I)) = 'Y' OR lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(P8(I)) IS NOT NULL then
3149                  vamt := vamt + NVL(tax_amt_tab(p8(I)), 0);
3150                  ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P8(I)), 0);
3151               END IF;
3153             ELSIF p8(I) = 0 THEN
3154               IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(I) = 'Y' then
3155                 vamt := vamt + bsln_amt;
3156                 ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + ln_bsln_amt_nr;
3157               ELSE
3158                 ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + ln_bsln_amt_nr + NVL(v_precedence_0,0);
3159               END IF;
3160             END IF;
3162             IF p9(I) < I AND p9(I) NOT IN (-1, 0) THEN
3163               IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(P9(I)) = 'Y' OR lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(P9(I)) IS NOT NULL then
3164                  vamt := vamt + NVL(tax_amt_tab(p4(I)), 0);
3165                  ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P9(I)), 0);
3166               END IF;
3168             ELSIF p9(I) = 0 THEN
3169               IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(I) = 'Y' then
3170                 vamt := vamt + bsln_amt;
3171                 ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + ln_bsln_amt_nr;
3172               ELSE
3173                 ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + ln_bsln_amt_nr + NVL(v_precedence_0,0);
3174               END IF;
3175             END IF;
3177             IF p10(I) < I AND p10(I) NOT IN (-1, 0) THEN
3178               IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(P10(I)) = 'Y' OR lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(P10(I)) IS NOT NULL then
3179                  vamt := vamt + NVL(tax_amt_tab(p10(I)), 0);
3180                  ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P10(I)), 0);
3181               END IF;
3183             ELSIF p10(I) = 0 THEN
3184               IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(I) = 'Y' then
3185                 vamt := vamt + bsln_amt;
3186                 ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + ln_bsln_amt_nr;
3187               ELSE
3188                 ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + ln_bsln_amt_nr + NVL(v_precedence_0,0);
3189               END IF;
3190             END IF;
3191             -------------------------------------------------------
3192             --Added by Shujuan for 10358786  on  28-Jan-2011, End
3193               v_tax_amt := v_tax_amt + (vamt * (tax_rate_tab(I)/100));
3194               ln_tax_amt_nr:=ln_tax_amt_nr+(ln_vamt_nr*(tax_rate_tab(I)/100));
3195               base_tax_amt_tab(I) := vamt;
3196               tax_amt_tab(I) := NVL(tax_amt_tab(I),0) + v_tax_amt;
3197               lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(I):=NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(I),0)+ln_tax_amt_nr;
3198               --Commented out by Shyan for bug 10358786  on  28-Jan-2011 , Begin
3199               -------------------------------------------------------------------
3200               --lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(I):= tax_amt_tab(I);
3201               -------------------------------------------------------------------
3202               -- Commented out by Shyan for bug 10358786  on  28-Jan-2011 , End
3204               -- Added by Shyan for bug 10358786  on  28-Jan-2011 , Begin
3205               -------------------------------------------------------------------
3206               IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(I) = 'Y' then
3207                  lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(I) := tax_amt_tab(I);
3208               END IF;
3209               -------------------------------------------------------------------
3210               -- Added by Shyan for bug 10358786 on  28-Jan-2011, End
3211               vamt := 0;
3212               v_tax_amt := 0;
3213               ln_tax_amt_nr:=0; --added by walton for inclusive tax
3214               ln_vamt_nr:=0; --added by walton for inclusive tax
3215             END IF;
3217        /* Commented below ELSE for bug 14696186 */
3218       /*  ELSE
3219           --Added by qiong.liu for bug12717416 begin
3220           ------------------------------------------
3221           IF lt_adhoc_tax_tab(I)='N' THEN
3223             tax_amt_tab(I) := 0;
3224             base_tax_amt_tab(I) := 0;
3225           END IF; */
3226           --------------------------------------------
3227           --Added by qiong.liu for bug12717416 end
3228         END IF;
3230     END LOOP;
3231     ----------------loop2-------------------------------------
3232     FOR I IN 1..row_count LOOP
3233         IF end_date_tab( I ) <> 0 THEN
3234           IF tax_rate_tab(I) <> 0 THEN
3235               IF P1(I) > I THEN
3236                   vamt := vamt + NVL(tax_amt_tab(P1(I)),0);
3237                 ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P1(I)),0);
3238               END IF;
3239               IF p2(I) > I  THEN
3240                   vamt := vamt + NVL(tax_amt_tab(p2(I)),0);
3241                 ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P2(I)),0);
3242               END IF;
3243               IF p3(I) > I  THEN
3244                   vamt := vamt + NVL(tax_amt_tab(p3(I)),0);
3245                   ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P3(I)),0);
3246               END IF;
3247               IF p4(I) > I THEN
3248                   vamt := vamt + NVL(tax_amt_tab(p4(I)),0);
3249                   ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P4(I)),0);
3250               END IF;
3251               IF p5(I) > I THEN
3252                   vamt := vamt + NVL(tax_amt_tab(p5(I)),0);
3253                 ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P5(I)),0);
3254               END IF;
3255               IF P6(I) > I THEN
3256                   vamt := vamt + NVL(tax_amt_tab(P6(I)),0);
3257                  ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P6(I)),0);
3258               END IF;
3259               IF p7(I) > I  THEN
3260                   vamt := vamt + NVL(tax_amt_tab(p7(I)),0);
3261                   ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P7(I)),0);
3262               END IF;
3263               IF p8(I) > I  THEN
3264                   vamt := vamt + NVL(tax_amt_tab(p8(I)),0);
3265                   ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P8(I)),0);
3266               END IF;
3267               IF p9(I) > I THEN
3268                   vamt := vamt + NVL(tax_amt_tab(p9(I)),0);
3269                   ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P9(I)),0);
3270               END IF;
3271               IF p10(I) > I THEN
3272                   vamt := vamt + NVL(tax_amt_tab(p10(I)),0);
3273                   ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P10(I)),0);
3274               END IF;
3275               base_tax_amt_tab(I) := vamt;
3276               v_tax_amt := v_tax_amt + (vamt * (tax_rate_tab(I)/100));
3277               ln_tax_amt_nr:=ln_tax_amt_nr+(ln_vamt_nr * (tax_rate_tab(I)/100));
3278               IF vamt <> 0 THEN
3279                   base_tax_amt_tab(I) := base_tax_amt_tab(I) + vamt;
3280               END IF;
3281               --Added by qiong.liu for bug12717416 2011.07.07 begin
3282               ------------------------------------------------------
3283               IF lt_adhoc_tax_tab(I) = 'N' THEN
3284                  tax_amt_tab(I) := NVL(tax_amt_tab(I),0) + v_tax_amt;
3285                  lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(I):=NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(I),0)+ln_tax_amt_nr;  --added by walton for inclusive tax
3286                  lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(I):= tax_amt_tab(I);   --added by walton for inclusive tax
3287                  tax_amt_tab(I) :=  round(tax_amt_tab(I)  ,round_factor_tab(I)); --added by csahoo for bug#6077133
3288               END IF;
3289               -------------------------------------------------------
3290               --Added by qiong.liu for bug12717416 2011.07.07 end
3291               vamt := 0;
3292               v_tax_amt := 0;
3293               ln_vamt_nr :=0;    --added by walton for inclusive tax
3294               ln_tax_amt_nr :=0; --added by walton for inclusive tax
3295           END IF; --End of tax_rate_tab(I) <> 0
3296         ELSE
3297             base_tax_amt_tab(I) := vamt;
3298             tax_amt_tab(I) := 0;
3299         END IF; --End of end_date_tab( I ) <> 0
3300     END LOOP;
3301     ----------------loop3-------------------------------
3302     FOR counter IN 1 .. max_iter LOOP
3303         vamt := 0;
3304         v_tax_amt := 0;
3305         ln_vamt_nr:= 0;   --added by walton for inclusive tax
3306         ln_tax_amt_nr:=0; --added by walton for inclusive tax
3308         FOR i IN 1 .. row_count LOOP
3310           /*
3311           || Modified by aiyer for the fwd porting bug 4691616.
3312           || The following if clause will restrict the taxes whose tax_rate is null
3313           || i.e when tax_rate is null, tax_rate_tab(i) is 0.
3314           */
3315           IF ( tax_rate_tab( i )    <> 0           OR
3316                tax_rate_zero_tab(I) = -9999
3317               )                                    AND
3318             end_date_tab( I ) <> 0
3319           THEN
3321             IF tax_type_tab( I ) = 1 THEN
3322                 IF ln_assessable_value =1
3323                 THEN
3324                   v_amt:=1;
3325                   ln_bsln_amt_nr :=0;
3326                 ELSE
3327                   v_amt :=0;
3328                   ln_bsln_amt_nr :=ln_assessable_value;
3329                 END IF;
3330             ELSIF tax_type_tab(I) = 4 THEN
3331                 IF ln_vat_assessable_value =1
3332                 THEN
3333                   v_amt:=1;
3334                   ln_bsln_amt_nr :=0;
3335                 ELSE
3336                   v_amt :=0;
3337                   ln_bsln_amt_nr :=ln_vat_assessable_value;
3338                 END IF;
3339             ELSIF tax_type_tab(I) = 6 THEN
3340                 v_amt:=0;
3341                 ln_bsln_amt_nr :=0;
3342             --Add by Xiao for GST refer to bug#10043656 on 14-Sep-2010, begin
3343             -----------------------------------------------------------------
3344            /* ELSIF tax_type_tab(I) = 7 THEN
3345                 IF ln_gst_assessable_value =1
3346                 THEN
3347                   v_amt:=1;
3348                   ln_bsln_amt_nr :=0;
3349                 ELSE
3350                   v_amt :=0;
3351                   ln_bsln_amt_nr :=ln_gst_assessable_value;
3352                 END IF; */
3354             -----------------------------------------------------------------
3355             --Add by Xiao for GST refer to bug#10043656 on 14-Sep-2010, end
3356             ELSE
3357               IF ln_assessable_value IN ( 0, -1 ) OR tax_type_tab( I ) <> 1 THEN
3358                  /* v_amt := NVL(v_precedence_0,0);*/
3359                  v_amt:=1;                --Added by walton for inclusive tax
3360                  ln_bsln_amt_nr :=0;      --Added by walton for inclusive tax
3361               ELSIF ln_vat_assessable_value IN ( 0, -1 ) OR tax_type_tab( I ) <> 4 THEN
3362                  /* v_amt := NVL(v_precedence_0,0);*/
3363                  v_amt:=1;                --Added by walton for inclusive tax
3364                  ln_bsln_amt_nr :=0;      --Added by walton for inclusive tax
3365             --Add by Xiao for GST refer to bug#10043656 on 14-Sep-2010, begin
3366             -----------------------------------------------------------------
3367              /* ELSIF ln_gst_assessable_value IN ( 0, -1 ) OR tax_type_tab( I ) <> 7 THEN
3368                  v_amt:=1;
3369                  ln_bsln_amt_nr :=0; */
3370             -----------------------------------------------------------------
3371             --Add by Xiao for GST refer to bug#10043656 on 14-Sep-2010, end
3372               END IF;
3373             END IF;  --End of tax_type_tab( I ) = 1
3374        /* Commented out by Shyan for bug 10358786  on  28-Jan-2011 , Begin
3375           --------------------------------------------------------------------
3376             IF P1( i ) <> -1 THEN
3377               IF P1( i ) <> 0 THEN
3378                   vamt := vamt + tax_amt_tab( P1( I ) );
3379                 ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P1(I)),0);
3380               ELSIF P1(i) = 0 THEN
3381                   vamt := vamt + v_amt;
3382                 ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+ln_bsln_amt_nr;
3383               END IF;
3384             END IF;
3386             IF p2( i ) <> -1 THEN
3387               IF p2( i ) <> 0 THEN
3388                   vamt := vamt + tax_amt_tab( p2( I ) );
3389                 ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P2(I)),0);
3390               ELSIF p2(i) = 0 THEN
3391                   vamt := vamt + v_amt;
3392                 ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+ln_bsln_amt_nr;
3393               END IF;
3394             END IF;
3395             IF p3( i ) <> -1 THEN
3396               IF p3( i ) <> 0 THEN
3397                   vamt := vamt + tax_amt_tab( p3( I ) );
3398                 ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P3(I)),0);
3399               ELSIF p3(i) = 0 THEN
3400                   vamt := vamt + v_amt;
3401                 ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+ln_bsln_amt_nr;
3402               END IF;
3403             END IF;
3405             IF p4( i ) <> -1 THEN
3406               IF p4( i ) <> 0 THEN
3407                 vamt := vamt + tax_amt_tab( p4( i ) );
3408                 ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P4(I)),0);
3409               ELSIF p4(i) = 0 THEN
3410                 vamt := vamt + v_amt;
3411                 ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+ln_bsln_amt_nr;
3412               END IF;
3413             END IF;
3415             IF p5( i ) <> -1 THEN
3416               IF p5( i ) <> 0 THEN
3417                 vamt := vamt + tax_amt_tab( p5( i ) );
3418                 ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P5(I)),0);
3419               ELSIF p5(i) = 0 THEN
3420                 vamt := vamt + v_amt;
3421                 ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+ln_bsln_amt_nr;
3422               END IF;
3423             END IF;
3425            IF P6( i ) <> -1 THEN
3426               IF P6( i ) <> 0 THEN
3427                   vamt := vamt + tax_amt_tab( P6( I ) );
3428                 ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P6(I)),0);
3429               ELSIF P6(i) = 0 THEN
3430                   vamt := vamt + v_amt;
3431                 ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+ln_bsln_amt_nr;
3432               END IF;
3433             END IF;
3435             IF p7( i ) <> -1 THEN
3436               IF p7( i ) <> 0 THEN
3437                   vamt := vamt + tax_amt_tab( p7( I ) );
3438                 ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P7(I)),0);
3439               ELSIF p7(i) = 0 THEN
3440                   vamt := vamt + v_amt;
3441                 ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+ln_bsln_amt_nr;
3442               END IF;
3443             END IF;
3444             IF p8( i ) <> -1 THEN
3445               IF p8( i ) <> 0 THEN
3446                   vamt := vamt + tax_amt_tab( p8( I ) );
3447                 ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P8(I)),0);
3448               ELSIF p8(i) = 0 THEN
3449                   vamt := vamt + v_amt;
3450                 ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+ln_bsln_amt_nr;
3451               END IF;
3452             END IF;
3454             IF p9( i ) <> -1 THEN
3455               IF p9( i ) <> 0 THEN
3456                 vamt := vamt + tax_amt_tab( p9( i ) );
3457                 ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P9(I)),0);
3458               ELSIF p9(i) = 0 THEN
3459                 vamt := vamt + v_amt;
3460                 ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+ln_bsln_amt_nr;
3461               END IF;
3462             END IF;
3464             IF p10( i ) <> -1 THEN
3465               IF p10( i ) <> 0 THEN
3466                 vamt := vamt + tax_amt_tab( p10( i ) );
3467                 ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P10(I)),0);
3468               ELSIF p10(i) = 0 THEN
3469                 vamt := vamt + v_amt;
3470                 ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+ln_bsln_amt_nr;
3471               END IF;
3472             END IF;
3473 ----------------------------------------------------------------
3474    Commented out by Shyan for bug 10358786  on  28-Jan-2011, End */
3476    -- Added by shujuan for bug 10358786 on 28-Jan-2011, Begin
3477             -----------------------------------------------------------
3478             --Qiong fix bug12717416 2011.07.07 begin
3479             --for P1 to P10 changed :
3480             --And  IF lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(P1(I)) IS NOT NULL AND lt_adhoc_tax_tab(P1(I))='N' THEN
3481             --Changed logic of ELSIF P1(i) = 0 THEN
3482             -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3483             ln_vamt_nr :=0;
3484             lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(I):=0;
3485             IF P1(i) <> -1 THEN
3486               IF P1(i) <> 0 THEN
3487                  IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(P1(I)) = 'Y' OR lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(P1(I)) IS NOT NULL then
3488                    IF lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(P1(I)) IS NOT NULL AND lt_adhoc_tax_tab(P1(I))='N' THEN
3489                      vamt:= vamt + tax_amt_tab(P1(I));
3490                    END IF;
3491                  END IF;
3492                  ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr +  NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P1(I)), 0);
3493               ELSIF P1(i) = 0 THEN
3494                 IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(I) = 'Y' then
3495                    vamt := vamt + v_amt;
3496                 END IF;
3497                 IF ln_bsln_amt_nr=0  AND  lt_inclusive_tax_tab(I) = 'N' THEN
3498 		               ln_vamt_nr := NVL(v_precedence_0,0);
3499 		            ELSE
3500                   ln_vamt_nr := ln_bsln_amt_nr;
3501 		            END IF;
3502               END IF;
3503             END IF;
3505             IF p2(i) <> -1 THEN
3506               IF p2(i) <> 0 THEN
3507                 IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(P2(I)) = 'Y' OR lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(P2(I)) IS NOT NULL then
3508                   IF lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(P2(I)) IS NOT NULL AND lt_adhoc_tax_tab(P2(I))='N' THEN
3509                     vamt := vamt + tax_amt_tab(p2(I));
3510                    END IF;
3511                 END IF;
3512                 ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P2(I)), 0);
3513               ELSIF p2(i) = 0 THEN
3514                 IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(I) = 'Y' then
3515                    vamt := vamt + v_amt;
3516                 END IF;
3517                 IF ln_bsln_amt_nr=0  AND  lt_inclusive_tax_tab(I) = 'N' THEN
3518 		               ln_vamt_nr := NVL(v_precedence_0,0);
3519 		            ELSE
3520                   ln_vamt_nr := ln_bsln_amt_nr;
3521 		            END IF;
3522               END IF;
3523             END IF;
3525             IF p3(i) <> -1 THEN
3526               IF p3(i) <> 0 THEN
3527                 IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(P3(I)) = 'Y' OR lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(P3(I)) IS NOT NULL then
3528                   IF lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(P3(I)) IS NOT NULL AND lt_adhoc_tax_tab(P3(I))='N' THEN
3529                      vamt       := vamt + tax_amt_tab(p3(I));
3530                   END IF;
3531                  END IF;
3532                  ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P3(I)), 0);
3533               ELSIF p3(i) = 0 THEN
3534                 IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(I) = 'Y' then
3535                    vamt := vamt + v_amt;
3536                 END IF;
3537                 IF ln_bsln_amt_nr=0  AND  lt_inclusive_tax_tab(I) = 'N' THEN
3538 		               ln_vamt_nr := NVL(v_precedence_0,0);
3539 		            ELSE
3540                   ln_vamt_nr := ln_bsln_amt_nr;
3541 		            END IF;
3542               END IF;
3543             END IF;
3545            IF p4(i) <> -1 THEN
3546               IF p4(i) <> 0 THEN
3547                 IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(P4(I)) = 'Y' OR lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(P4(I)) IS NOT NULL then
3548                   IF lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(P4(I)) IS NOT NULL AND lt_adhoc_tax_tab(P4(I))='N' THEN
3549                      vamt := vamt + tax_amt_tab(p4(I));
3550                   END IF;
3551                  END IF;
3552                  ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P4(I)), 0);
3553               ELSIF p4(i) = 0 THEN
3554                 IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(I) = 'Y' then
3555                    vamt := vamt + v_amt;
3556                 END IF;
3557                 IF ln_bsln_amt_nr=0  AND  lt_inclusive_tax_tab(I) = 'N' THEN
3558 		               ln_vamt_nr := NVL(v_precedence_0,0);
3559 		            ELSE
3560                   ln_vamt_nr := ln_bsln_amt_nr;
3561 		            END IF;
3562               END IF;
3563             END IF;
3565            IF p5(i) <> -1 THEN
3566               IF p5(i) <> 0 THEN
3567                 IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(P5(I)) = 'Y' OR lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(P5(I)) IS NOT NULL then
3568                   IF lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(P5(I)) IS NOT NULL AND lt_adhoc_tax_tab(P5(I))='N' THEN
3569                      vamt       := vamt + tax_amt_tab(p5(I));
3570                   END IF;
3571                  END IF;
3572                  ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P5(I)), 0);
3573               ELSIF p5(i) = 0 THEN
3574                 IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(I) = 'Y' then
3575                    vamt := vamt + v_amt;
3576                 END IF;
3577                 IF ln_bsln_amt_nr=0  AND  lt_inclusive_tax_tab(I) = 'N' THEN
3578 		               ln_vamt_nr := NVL(v_precedence_0,0);
3579 		            ELSE
3580                   ln_vamt_nr := ln_bsln_amt_nr;
3581 		            END IF;
3582               END IF;
3583             END IF;
3585             IF p6(i) <> -1 THEN
3586               IF p6(i) <> 0 THEN
3587                 IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(P6(I)) = 'Y' OR lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(P6(I)) IS NOT NULL then
3588                   IF lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(P6(I)) IS NOT NULL AND lt_adhoc_tax_tab(P6(I))='N' THEN
3589                      vamt := vamt + tax_amt_tab(p6(I));
3590                    END IF;
3591                  END IF;
3592                 ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P6(I)), 0);
3593               ELSIF p6(i) = 0 THEN
3594                 IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(I) = 'Y' then
3595                    vamt := vamt + v_amt;
3596                 END IF;
3597                 IF ln_bsln_amt_nr=0  AND  lt_inclusive_tax_tab(I) = 'N' THEN
3598 		               ln_vamt_nr := NVL(v_precedence_0,0);
3599 		            ELSE
3600                   ln_vamt_nr := ln_bsln_amt_nr;
3601 		            END IF;
3602               END IF;
3603             END IF;
3604             IF p7(i) <> -1 THEN
3605               IF p7(i) <> 0 THEN
3606                 IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(P7(I)) = 'Y' OR lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(P7(I)) IS NOT NULL then
3607                   IF lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(P7(I)) IS NOT NULL AND lt_adhoc_tax_tab(P7(I))='N' THEN
3608                      vamt := vamt + tax_amt_tab(p7(I));
3609                   END IF;
3610                  END IF;
3611                  ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P7(I)), 0);
3612               ELSIF p7(i) = 0 THEN
3613                 IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(I) = 'Y' then
3614                    vamt := vamt + v_amt;
3615                 END IF;
3616                 IF ln_bsln_amt_nr=0  AND  lt_inclusive_tax_tab(I) = 'N' THEN
3617 		               ln_vamt_nr := NVL(v_precedence_0,0);
3618 		            ELSE
3619                   ln_vamt_nr := ln_bsln_amt_nr;
3620 		            END IF;
3621               END IF;
3622             END IF;
3624             IF p8(i) <> -1 THEN
3625               IF p8(i) <> 0 THEN
3626                 IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(P8(I)) = 'Y' OR lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(P8(I)) IS NOT NULL then
3627                   IF lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(P8(I)) IS NOT NULL AND lt_adhoc_tax_tab(P8(I))='N' THEN
3628                      vamt := vamt + tax_amt_tab(p8(I));
3629                   END IF;
3630                  END IF;
3631                  ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P8(I)), 0);
3632               ELSIF p8(i) = 0 THEN
3633                 IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(I) = 'Y' then
3634                    vamt := vamt + v_amt;
3635                 END IF;
3636                 IF ln_bsln_amt_nr=0  AND  lt_inclusive_tax_tab(I) = 'N' THEN
3637 		               ln_vamt_nr := NVL(v_precedence_0,0);
3638 		            ELSE
3639                   ln_vamt_nr := ln_bsln_amt_nr;
3640 		            END IF;
3641               END IF;
3642             END IF;
3644             IF p9(i) <> -1 THEN
3645               IF p9(i) <> 0 THEN
3646                 IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(P9(I)) = 'Y' OR lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(P9(I)) IS NOT NULL then
3647                   IF lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(P9(I)) IS NOT NULL AND lt_adhoc_tax_tab(P9(I))='N' THEN
3648                      vamt := vamt + tax_amt_tab(p9(I));
3649                   END IF;
3650                  END IF;
3651                  ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P9(I)), 0);
3652               ELSIF p9(i) = 0 THEN
3653                 IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(I) = 'Y' then
3654                    vamt := vamt + v_amt;
3655                 END IF;
3656                 IF ln_bsln_amt_nr=0  AND  lt_inclusive_tax_tab(I) = 'N' THEN
3657 		               ln_vamt_nr := NVL(v_precedence_0,0);
3658 		            ELSE
3659                   ln_vamt_nr := ln_bsln_amt_nr;
3660 		            END IF;
3661               END IF;
3662             END IF;
3664            IF p10(i) <> -1 THEN
3665               IF p10(i) <> 0 THEN
3666                 IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(P10(I)) = 'Y' OR lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(P10(I)) IS NOT NULL then
3667                   IF lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(P10(I)) IS NOT NULL AND lt_adhoc_tax_tab(P10(I))='N' THEN
3668                      vamt := vamt + tax_amt_tab(p10(I));
3669                   END IF;
3670                  END IF;
3671                  ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P10(I)), 0);
3672               ELSIF p10(i) = 0 THEN
3673                 IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(I) = 'Y' then
3674                    vamt := vamt + v_amt;
3675                 END IF;
3676                 IF ln_bsln_amt_nr=0  AND  lt_inclusive_tax_tab(I) = 'N' THEN
3677 		               ln_vamt_nr := NVL(v_precedence_0,0);
3678 		            ELSE
3679                   ln_vamt_nr := ln_bsln_amt_nr;
3680 		            END IF;
3681               END IF;
3682             END IF;
3683             -----------------------------------------------------------
3684             -- Added by shujuan for bug 10358786 on 28-Jan-2011, End
3685             base_tax_amt_tab(I) := vamt;
3686             tax_target_tab(I) := vamt;
3687             v_func_tax_amt := v_tax_amt +  ( vamt * ( tax_rate_tab( i )/100));
3688             v_tax_amt := v_tax_amt + ( vamt * ( tax_rate_tab( i )/100));
3689             --Added by qiong.liu for bug12717416 on 2011.07.07 begin
3690             --------------------------------------------------------
3691             ln_tax_amt_nr := ln_vamt_nr * ( tax_rate_tab( i )/100);
3692             lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(I) := ln_tax_amt_nr;
3693             --------------------------------------------------------
3694             --Added by qiong.liu for bug12717416 on 2011.07.07 end
3695             ELSIF tax_rate_tab(I) = 0 THEN
3696               base_tax_amt_tab(I) := tax_amt_tab(i);
3697               v_tax_amt := tax_amt_tab( i );
3698               tax_target_tab(I) := v_tax_amt;
3699             ELSIF end_date_tab( I ) = 0 THEN
3700               tax_amt_tab(I) := 0;
3701               base_tax_amt_tab(I) := 0;
3702               tax_target_tab(I) := 0;
3703             END IF;
3705             tax_amt_tab( I ) := NVL( v_tax_amt, 0 );
3707            -- Commented out by Shyan for bug 10358786  on  28-Jan-2011 , Begin
3708            -------------------------------------------------------------------
3709            -- lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(I) := tax_amt_tab(I);
3710            -------------------------------------------------------------------
3711            -- Commented out by Shyan for bug 10358786  on  28-Jan-2011 , End
3713            -- Added by Shyan for bug 10358786  on  28-Jan-2011 , Begin
3714            -------------------------------------------------------------------
3715            --Add lt_adhoc_tax_tab by qiong for bug12717416 begin
3716            ------------------------------------------------------------
3717            IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(I) = 'Y' and lt_adhoc_tax_tab(I)='N' THEN
3718                lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(I) := tax_amt_tab(I);
3719            END IF;
3720            -------------------------------------------------------------
3721            --Add lt_adhoc_tax_tab by qiong for bug12717416 end
3722            -------------------------------------------------------------------
3723             -- Added by Shyan for bug 10358786  on  28-Jan-2011 , End
3724             func_tax_amt_tab(I) := NVL(v_func_tax_amt,0);
3726             IF counter = max_iter THEN
3727               IF end_date_tab(I) = 0 THEN
3728                 tax_amt_tab( i ) := 0;
3729                 func_tax_amt_tab(i) := 0;
3730               END IF;
3731             END IF;
3733             vamt := 0;
3734             v_amt := 0;
3735             v_tax_amt := 0;
3736             v_func_tax_amt := 0;
3737             ln_vamt_nr :=0;    --added by walton for inclusive tax
3738             ln_tax_amt_nr:=0;   --added by walton for inclusive tax
3740         END LOOP;
3742     END LOOP;
3744     FOR I IN 1 .. ROW_COUNT --Compute Factor
3745     LOOP
3746     jai_cmn_utils_pkg.print_log('utils.log','lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(I) = ' || lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(I));
3747     jai_cmn_utils_pkg.print_log('utils.log','lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(I) = ' || lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(I));
3748     jai_cmn_utils_pkg.print_log('utils.log','inclu flag = ' || lt_inclusive_tax_tab(I));
3749       IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(I) = 'Y'
3750       THEN
3751         ln_total_tax_per_rupee := ln_total_tax_per_rupee + nvl(lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(I),0) ;
3752         ln_total_non_rate_tax := ln_total_non_rate_tax + nvl(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(I),0);
3753       END IF;
3754     END LOOP; --End Compute Factor
3756     ln_total_tax_per_rupee := ln_total_tax_per_rupee + 1;
3758     IF ln_total_tax_per_rupee <> 0
3759     THEN
3760       ln_exclusive_price := (NVL(v_precedence_0,0)  -  ln_total_non_rate_tax ) / ln_total_tax_per_rupee;
3761     END If;
3762     jai_cmn_utils_pkg.print_log('utils.log','tot tax per rupee = ' ||  ln_total_tax_per_rupee
3763                                               || 'totl non tax = ' || ln_total_non_rate_tax );
3764     jai_cmn_utils_pkg.print_log('utils.log','incl sp = ' || v_precedence_0 || 'excl price = ' || ln_exclusive_price);
3766     FOR i in 1 .. row_count  --Compute Tax Amount
3767     Loop
3769        -- Commented out by Shyan for bug 10358786  on  28-Jan-2011 , Begin
3770        ------------------------------------------------------------------
3771        --tax_amt_tab (i) := (lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(I) * ln_exclusive_price ) + lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(I);
3772        ------------------------------------------------------------------
3773        -- Commented out by Shyan for bug 10358786  on  28-Jan-2011 , End
3775        -- Added by Shyan for bug 10358786 on 28-Jan-2011 , Begin
3776        ------------------------------------------------------------------
3777        --Added by qiong for bug 12717416 begin
3778        ----------------------------------------------------------------
3779        IF  tax_rate_tab( i )    <> 0  THEN
3780        --Added by qiong for bug12717416 end
3781          tax_amt_tab (i):=0;
3782         IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(I) = 'Y' THEN
3783            IF  (tax_type_tab(I) = 1 and  ln_assessable_value>1) OR
3784                (tax_type_tab(I) = 4 and  ln_vat_assessable_value> 1)
3785                --OR (tax_type_tab(I) = 7 and ln_gst_assessable_value >1)
3786                THEN
3788                IF tax_type_tab(I) = 1 and ln_assessable_value >1 Then
3789                   ln_amount:= ln_assessable_value;
3790                ELSIF tax_type_tab(I) = 4 and ln_vat_assessable_value >1 Then
3791                   ln_amount:= ln_vat_assessable_value;
3792                /*ELSIF tax_type_tab(I) = 7 and ln_gst_assessable_value >1 Then
3793                 ln_amount:= ln_gst_assessable_value; */
3794                END IF;
3796               IF P1(I) < I AND p1(I) NOT IN (-1, 0) then
3797                  tax_amt_tab(i) :=  tax_amt_tab(i) + tax_amt_tab(P1(i))* tax_rate_tab(i)/100;
3798               ELSIF P1(I)=0 Then
3799                  tax_amt_tab(i) :=  tax_amt_tab(i) + ln_amount * tax_rate_tab(i)/100;
3800               END IF;
3802              IF P2(I) < I AND p2(I) NOT IN (-1, 0) then
3803                 tax_amt_tab(i) :=  tax_amt_tab(i) + tax_amt_tab(P2(i))* tax_rate_tab(i)/100;
3804              ELSIF P2(I)=0 Then
3805                tax_amt_tab(i) :=  tax_amt_tab(i) + ln_amount * tax_rate_tab(i)/100;
3806              END IF;
3808              IF P3(I) < I AND p3(I) NOT IN (-1, 0) then
3809                 tax_amt_tab(i) :=  tax_amt_tab(i) + tax_amt_tab(P3(i))* tax_rate_tab(i)/100;
3810              ELSIF P3(I)=0 Then
3811                tax_amt_tab(i) :=  tax_amt_tab(i) + ln_amount * tax_rate_tab(i)/100;
3812              END IF;
3814              IF P4(I) < I AND p4(I) NOT IN (-1, 0) then
3815               tax_amt_tab(i) :=  tax_amt_tab(i) + tax_amt_tab(P4(i))* tax_rate_tab(i)/100;
3816              ELSIF P4(I)=0 Then
3817                tax_amt_tab(i) :=  tax_amt_tab(i) + ln_amount * tax_rate_tab(i)/100;
3818              END IF;
3820              IF P5(I) < I AND p5(I) NOT IN (-1, 0) then
3821              tax_amt_tab(i) :=  tax_amt_tab(i) + tax_amt_tab(P5(i))* tax_rate_tab(i)/100;
3822              ELSIF P5(I)=0 Then
3823                tax_amt_tab(i) :=  tax_amt_tab(i) + ln_amount * tax_rate_tab(i)/100;
3824              END IF;
3826              IF P6(I) < I AND p6(I) NOT IN (-1, 0) then
3827                  tax_amt_tab(i) :=  tax_amt_tab(i) + tax_amt_tab(P6(i))* tax_rate_tab(i)/100;
3828              ELSIF P6(I)=0 Then
3829                tax_amt_tab(i) :=  tax_amt_tab(i) + ln_amount * tax_rate_tab(i)/100;
3830              END IF;
3832              IF P7(I) < I AND p7(I) NOT IN (-1, 0) then
3833                 tax_amt_tab(i) :=  tax_amt_tab(i) + tax_amt_tab(P7(i))* tax_rate_tab(i)/100;
3834              ELSIF P7(I)=0 Then
3835                 tax_amt_tab(i) :=  tax_amt_tab(i) + ln_amount * tax_rate_tab(i)/100;
3836              END IF;
3838              IF P8(I) < I AND p8(I) NOT IN (-1, 0) then
3839                 tax_amt_tab(i) :=  tax_amt_tab(i) + tax_amt_tab(P8(i))* tax_rate_tab(i)/100;
3840              ELSIF P8(I)=0 Then
3841                tax_amt_tab(i) :=  tax_amt_tab(i) + ln_amount * tax_rate_tab(i)/100;
3842              END IF;
3844              IF P9(I) < I AND p9(I) NOT IN (-1, 0) then
3845                 tax_amt_tab(i) :=  tax_amt_tab(i) + tax_amt_tab(P9(i))* tax_rate_tab(i)/100;
3846              ELSIF P9(I)=0 Then
3847                tax_amt_tab(i) :=  tax_amt_tab(i) + ln_amount * tax_rate_tab(i)/100;
3848              END IF;
3850              IF P10(I) < I AND p10(I) NOT IN (-1, 0) then
3851                 tax_amt_tab(i) :=  tax_amt_tab(i) + tax_amt_tab(P10(i))* tax_rate_tab(i)/100;
3852              ELSIF P10(I)=0 Then
3853                tax_amt_tab(i) :=  tax_amt_tab(i) + ln_amount * tax_rate_tab(i)/100;
3854               END IF;
3855         ELSE
3856              tax_amt_tab (i) := (lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(I) * ln_exclusive_price ) + lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(I);
3857         END IF;
3858       ELSE
3859           IF   (tax_type_tab(I) = 1 and ln_assessable_value >1) OR
3860                (tax_type_tab(I) = 4 and ln_vat_assessable_value > 1)
3861                -- OR (tax_type_tab(I) = 7 and ln_gst_assessable_value >1)
3862                THEN
3864                IF tax_type_tab(I) = 1 and ln_assessable_value >1 Then
3865                   ln_amount:= ln_assessable_value;
3866                ELSIF tax_type_tab(I) = 4 and ln_vat_assessable_value >1 Then
3867                   ln_amount:= ln_vat_assessable_value;
3868               /* ELSIF tax_type_tab(I) = 7 and ln_gst_assessable_value >1 Then
3869                 ln_amount:= ln_gst_assessable_value; */
3870                END IF;
3871            ELSE ln_amount:= NVL(v_precedence_0,0);
3872            END IF;
3873            IF P1(I) < I AND p1(I) NOT IN (-1, 0) then
3874                  tax_amt_tab(i) :=  tax_amt_tab(i) + tax_amt_tab(P1(i))* tax_rate_tab(i)/100;
3875               ELSIF P1(I)=0 Then
3876                  tax_amt_tab(i) :=  tax_amt_tab(i) + ln_amount * tax_rate_tab(i)/100;
3877               END IF;
3879              IF P2(I) < I AND p2(I) NOT IN (-1, 0) then
3880                 tax_amt_tab(i) :=  tax_amt_tab(i) + tax_amt_tab(P2(i))* tax_rate_tab(i)/100;
3881              ELSIF P2(I)=0 Then
3882                tax_amt_tab(i) :=  tax_amt_tab(i) + ln_amount * tax_rate_tab(i)/100;
3883              END IF;
3885              IF P3(I) < I AND p3(I) NOT IN (-1, 0) then
3886                 tax_amt_tab(i) :=  tax_amt_tab(i) + tax_amt_tab(P3(i))* tax_rate_tab(i)/100;
3887              ELSIF P3(I)=0 Then
3888                tax_amt_tab(i) :=  tax_amt_tab(i) + ln_amount * tax_rate_tab(i)/100;
3889              END IF;
3891              IF P4(I) < I AND p4(I) NOT IN (-1, 0) then
3892               tax_amt_tab(i) :=  tax_amt_tab(i) + tax_amt_tab(P4(i))* tax_rate_tab(i)/100;
3893              ELSIF P4(I)=0 Then
3894                tax_amt_tab(i) :=  tax_amt_tab(i) + ln_amount * tax_rate_tab(i)/100;
3895              END IF;
3897              IF P5(I) < I AND p5(I) NOT IN (-1, 0) then
3898              tax_amt_tab(i) :=  tax_amt_tab(i) + tax_amt_tab(P5(i))* tax_rate_tab(i)/100;
3899              ELSIF P5(I)=0 Then
3900                tax_amt_tab(i) :=  tax_amt_tab(i) + ln_amount * tax_rate_tab(i)/100;
3901              END IF;
3903              IF P6(I) < I AND p6(I) NOT IN (-1, 0) then
3904                  tax_amt_tab(i) :=  tax_amt_tab(i) + tax_amt_tab(P6(i))* tax_rate_tab(i)/100;
3905              ELSIF P6(I)=0 Then
3906                tax_amt_tab(i) :=  tax_amt_tab(i) + ln_amount * tax_rate_tab(i)/100;
3907              END IF;
3909              IF P7(I) < I AND p7(I) NOT IN (-1, 0) then
3910                 tax_amt_tab(i) :=  tax_amt_tab(i) + tax_amt_tab(P7(i))* tax_rate_tab(i)/100;
3911              ELSIF P7(I)=0 Then
3912                 tax_amt_tab(i) :=  tax_amt_tab(i) + ln_amount * tax_rate_tab(i)/100;
3913              END IF;
3915              IF P8(I) < I AND p8(I) NOT IN (-1, 0) then
3916                 tax_amt_tab(i) :=  tax_amt_tab(i) + tax_amt_tab(P8(i))* tax_rate_tab(i)/100;
3917              ELSIF P8(I)=0 Then
3918                tax_amt_tab(i) :=  tax_amt_tab(i) + ln_amount * tax_rate_tab(i)/100;
3919              END IF;
3921              IF P9(I) < I AND p9(I) NOT IN (-1, 0) then
3922                 tax_amt_tab(i) :=  tax_amt_tab(i) + tax_amt_tab(P9(i))* tax_rate_tab(i)/100;
3923              ELSIF P9(I)=0 Then
3924                tax_amt_tab(i) :=  tax_amt_tab(i) + ln_amount * tax_rate_tab(i)/100;
3925              END IF;
3927              IF P10(I) < I AND p10(I) NOT IN (-1, 0) then
3928                 tax_amt_tab(i) :=  tax_amt_tab(i) + tax_amt_tab(P10(i))* tax_rate_tab(i)/100;
3929              ELSIF P10(I)=0 Then
3930                tax_amt_tab(i) :=  tax_amt_tab(i) + ln_amount * tax_rate_tab(i)/100;
3931               END IF;
3932             END IF;
3933        ------------------------------------------------------------------
3934        -- Added by Shyan for bug 10358786 on 28-Jan-2011 , End
3935        END IF;--Added by qiong.liu for bug12717416
3936        tax_amt_tab(I) :=  round(tax_amt_tab(I)  ,round_factor_tab(I));
3937        jai_cmn_utils_pkg.print_log('utils.log','in final loop , tax amt is ' ||tax_amt_tab(I));
3938     END LOOP; --End Compute Tax Amount
3941 --commented out by shyan for bug 10100899  on  12/11/2010, Begin
3942 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
3943 /*
3944 --IF condition added by nprashar for bug # 10100899
3945 If ln_check_curr_conv = 1 then --the PO tax lines are in different currencies
3946       For i in 1 .. row_count  Loop
3947           If p_curr_check(i) = v_po_currency Then
3948           tax_amt_tab(i) := tax_amt_tab(i) / p_currency_conversion_rate;
3949           tax_amt_tab(i) :=  round(tax_amt_tab(i)  ,round_factor_tab(I));
3950         End If;
3951        End Loop;
3952   End IF;
3953 */
3954 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
3955 --commented out by shyan for bug 10100899  on  12/11/2010, End
3957       -- Added by Eric Ma for bug 10100899 on  17-Nov-2010,Begin
3958       ---------------------------------------------------------------
3959       --1. When populating the JAI_RCV_LINE_TAXES (OFI Receipt Tax Line), amount should be with the currency in corresponding PO tax line
3960       --2. When populating the JAI_RCV_LINES (OFI Receipt Line Detail), amount should be converted to its corresponding PO currency amount.
3961       --3. tax_amt_tab(i) saved the amount in 'INR' before currency conversion
3962       --4. v_cor_amount saved the amount in 'INR' before currency conversion
3963       ---------------------------------------------------------------
3964       -- Added by Eric Ma for bug 10100899 on  17-Nov-2010,Begin
3966       FOR i in 1.. lt_tax_table.count LOOP
3967          po_lines_rec := lt_tax_table(i);
3969 --Add by Xiao for Adhoc taxes, reg bug#12589218 on 16-Jun-2011, begin
3970 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
3971 --commented by qiong.liu for bug12717416 2011.07.06 begin
3972 ----------------------------------------------------------
3973 /*
3974   OPEN get_adhoc_flag(po_lines_rec.tax_id);
3975   FETCH get_adhoc_flag INTO lv_adhoc_flag;
3976   CLOSE get_adhoc_flag;
3977 */
3979 /*
3980   IF lt_adhoc_tax_tab(i) = 'Y' THEN
3981     IF nvl(v_loc_quantity, 0) <> 0 THEN
3982        tax_amt_tab(i) := po_lines_rec.tax_amount * p_qty_received/v_loc_quantity;
3983     END IF;
3984   END IF;
3985 */
3986 -----------------------------------------------------------
3987 --commented by qiong.liu for bug12717416 2011.07.06 end
3988 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
3989 --Add by Xiao for Adhoc taxes, reg bug#12589218 on 16-Jun-2011, end
3994             v_cor_amount := nvl(tax_amt_tab(i), 0);
3995             -- Added by shyan for bug 10100899 on  12-Nov-2010,Begin
3996             ---------------------------------------------------------------
3997             --replace v_conv_factor with v_currency_conversion_rate by pezheng for bug 10630487
3998             IF po_lines_rec.currency <> v_func_currency
3999             THEN
4000              tax_amt_tab(i) := ROUND(nvl(tax_amt_tab(i), 0) / NVL(v_currency_conversion_rate, 1)/*v_conv_factor*/,round_factor_tab(I));
4001             ELSE
4002              tax_amt_tab(i) := nvl(tax_amt_tab(i), 0);
4003             End IF;
4004             ---------------------------------------------------------------
4005             -- Added by shyan for bug 10100899 on  12-Nov-2010,End
4007               /* Added by LGOPLASA. Bug 4210102.
4008          * Added CVD, Excise and customs education cess */
4009               IF upper(po_lines_rec.tax_type) IN ('EXCISE', 'ADDL. EXCISE', 'OTHER EXCISE', 'CUSTOMS', 'CVD',
4010                JAI_CONSTANTS.TAX_TYPE_SH_EXC_EDU_CESS,jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess,
4011                JAI_CONSTANTS.TAX_TYPE_SH_CVD_EDU_CESS,jai_constants.tax_type_cvd_edu_cess,
4012                JAI_CONSTANTS.TAX_TYPE_SH_CUSTOMS_EDU_CESS,jai_constants.tax_type_customs_edu_cess)/*Bug5904736 bduvarag*/               THEN
4013                   -- v_claimable_amount := NVL(v_cor_amount * v_conv_factor, 0) * NVL(lines_rec.duty, 0) / 100;
4014                   -- above line commented by Aparajita for bug#2929171
4015                   v_claimable_amount := NVL(v_cor_amount, 0) * NVL(po_lines_rec.duty, 0) / 100;
4016               ELSE
4017                   v_claimable_amount := 0;
4018               END IF;
4020     --Added by GSRI on 21-OCT-01
4021           SELECT COUNT(*)
4022           INTO   v_chk_receipt_tax_lines
4023           FROM   JAI_RCV_LINE_TAXES
4024           WHERE  shipment_line_id = p_shipment_line_id
4025           AND    shipment_header_id = p_shipment_header_id
4026           AND    tax_id = po_lines_rec.tax_id;
4028                 IF v_chk_receipt_tax_lines = 0 THEN
4030             WHERE shipment_line_id = p_shipment_line_id AND
4031             shipment_header_id = p_shipment_header_id AND
4032             tax_id = tax_rec.tax_id;*/
4033             --End Addition by on GSRI 21-OCT-01
4035                 INSERT INTO JAI_RCV_LINE_TAXES
4036                 (
4037                   shipment_line_id,
4038                   tax_line_no,
4039                   shipment_header_id,
4040                   tax_id,
4041                   tax_name,
4042                   currency,
4043                   tax_rate,
4044                   qty_rate,
4045                   uom,
4046                   tax_amount,
4047                   tax_type,
4048                   modvat_flag,
4049                   creation_date,
4050                   created_by,
4051                   last_update_date,
4052                   last_updated_by,
4053                   last_update_login,
4054                   vendor_id,
4055                   claimable_amount,
4056                   vendor_site_id, --Added by Nagaraj.s for Bug3037075
4057                   third_party_flag,
4058                   --3848133
4059                   precedence_1,
4060                   precedence_2,
4061                   precedence_3,
4062                   precedence_4,
4063                   precedence_5,
4064                   precedence_6, -- Date 01/11/2006 Bug 5228046 added by SACSETHI  ( added column from Precedence 6 to 10 )
4065                   precedence_7,
4066                   precedence_8,
4067                   precedence_9,
4068                   precedence_10,
4069       transaction_id
4070                 --3848133
4071                 )
4072                 VALUES
4073                 (
4074                   p_shipment_line_id,
4075                   po_lines_rec.tax_line_no,
4076                   p_shipment_header_id,
4077                   po_lines_rec.tax_id,
4078                   po_lines_rec.tax_name,
4079                   po_lines_rec.currency,
4080                   po_lines_rec.tax_rate,
4081                   po_lines_rec.qty_rate,
4082                   po_lines_rec.uom,
4083                   tax_amt_tab(i),
4084                   po_lines_rec.tax_type,
4085                   lt_tax_modvat_flag(i),
4086                   p_creation_date,
4087                   p_created_by,
4088                   p_last_update_date,
4089                   p_last_updated_by,
4090                   p_last_update_login,
4091                   po_lines_rec.vendor_id,
4092                   v_claimable_amount,
4093                   v_tax_vendor_site_id(i) , /*Added by nprshar for bug # 10193326 */  --Added by Nagaraj.s for Bug3037075
4094                   lt_third_party_flag(i),
4095                   --3848133
4096                   po_lines_rec.precedence_1,
4097                   po_lines_rec.precedence_2,
4098                   po_lines_rec.precedence_3,
4099                   po_lines_rec.precedence_4,
4100                   po_lines_rec.precedence_5,
4101                   po_lines_rec.precedence_6, -- Date 01/11/2006 Bug 5228046 added by SACSETHI  ( added column from Precedence 6 to 10 )
4102                   po_lines_rec.precedence_7,
4103                   po_lines_rec.precedence_8,
4104                   po_lines_rec.precedence_9,
4105                   po_lines_rec.precedence_10,
4106       p_transaction_id
4107                 --3848133
4108               );
4109               END IF;
4111               IF po_lines_rec.tax_type NOT IN ('TDS', 'Modvat Recovery')  THEN
4112                  -- v_tax_total := v_tax_total + NVL(v_cor_amount * v_conv_factor, 0); -- Commneted out by shyan for bug 10100899 on  12-Nov-2010
4113                  v_tax_total := v_tax_total + NVL(v_cor_amount / v_conv_factor, 0); -- Added by shyan for bug 10100899 on  12-Nov-2010
4114               END IF;
4115                 IF v_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
4116                  UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_myfilehandle,'The Value of v_tax_total is ' ||v_tax_total);
4117                 END IF;
4118           END LOOP;
4119      END IF; ----Add by Kevin Cheng for bug 6853787 Mar 5, 2008
4121         IF p_transaction_type = 'RECEIVE'  -- AND was commented by GSRI on 21-OCT-01 and OR was added
4122            /* R12-PADDR OR v_chk_form IS NOT NULL */
4123         THEN
4124           update_receipt_line;
4125         END IF;
4128         IF p_transaction_type = 'MATCH'    THEN
4130           UPDATE JAI_RCV_LINES
4131              SET -- tax_modified_flag = 'N', /* Vijay Shankar for Bug#3940588 RECEIPTS DEPLUG*/
4132                  line_location_id = p_line_location_id,
4133                  tax_amount = NVL(tax_amount, 0) + v_tax_total,
4134                  last_update_date = p_last_update_date,
4135                  last_updated_by = p_last_updated_by,
4136                  last_update_login = p_last_update_login
4137            WHERE shipment_line_id = p_shipment_line_id;
4138         END IF;
4141       END IF;
4142     -- ADDED FOR BAR-CODING BY GSri 21-OCT-01
4145     /* R12-PADDR p_chk_form  := v_chk_form;    -- Vijay Shankar for Bug#3940588. RECEIPTS DEPLUG
4146     */
4148     -- END FOR BAR-CODING BY GSri and on 21-OCT-01
4149       IF v_receipt_source_code IS NOT NULL AND
4150          p_transaction_type = 'RECEIVE' AND
4151          v_receipt_source_code = 'INTERNAL ORDER' AND
4152          NVL(v_duplicate_ship, 'N') = 'N'
4153       THEN
4154         set_receipt_flag;
4155        -- v_receipt_modify_flag := 'N';   --commented by csahoo for bug#6154234
4156         insert_receipt_line;
4158         -- ssumaith - bug# 3657662
4159         open  c_order_cur(v_shipment_num);
4160         fetch c_order_cur into v_order_header_id;
4161         close c_order_cur;
4163         if v_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
4164            UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_myfilehandle,'The Value of v_order_header_id is ' || v_order_header_id);
4165         end if;
4166         -- ssumaith - bug# 3657662
4168         --Changed by Nagaraj.s on 30/07/2003 for Bug#2993865
4169         FOR line_rec IN (
4170                           SELECT
4171                  line_id,
4172                  sha.transactional_curr_code,
4173                  spl.delivery_detail_id,
4174                  spl.quantity,
4175                  spl.unit_code
4177                 FROM
4179                  oe_order_lines_all sla,
4180                  oe_order_headers_all sha,
4181                  po_requisition_headers_all prha,
4182                  po_requisition_lines_all prla,
4183                  JAI_OM_WSH_LINES_ALL spl,
4184                  rcv_shipment_headers rsh
4186                 WHERE
4188                 prha.requisition_header_id = prla.requisition_header_id
4189                 and sha.source_document_id = prha.requisition_header_id
4190                 AND sla.header_id = sha.header_id
4191                 AND sha.header_id  in /* following subquery added by ssumaith - 3772135*/
4192                 (
4193                  select order_header_id
4194                  from   JAI_OM_WSH_LINES_ALL
4195                  where  delivery_id = v_shipment_num
4196                 )
4197                 /* = v_order_header_id  -- ssumaith - bug# 3657662*/
4198                 and sla.source_document_line_id = prla.requisition_line_id
4199                 /*and to_char(spl.delivery_id) = rsh.shipment_num*/
4200                 --and spl.delivery_id = rsh.shipment_num
4201               --commented the above and added the below by Ramananda for Bug#4533114
4202                and spl.delivery_id = decode(ltrim(translate(shipment_num,'0123456789','~'),'~'),NULL,rsh.shipment_num,
4203                             (select delivery_id from wsh_new_deliveries where name=rsh.shipment_num))
4204                 and spl.order_line_id = sla.line_id
4205                 and prla.requisition_line_id = p_requisition_line_id
4206                 AND rsh.shipment_header_id = p_shipment_header_id
4207                 and rownum <= (select line_num from rcv_shipment_lines where shipment_line_id = p_shipment_line_id) -- bug#3878439
4208             )
4211         LOOP
4212             v_line_id           := line_rec.line_id;
4213             v_so_currency       := line_rec.transactional_curr_code;
4214             v_loc_quantity      := line_rec.quantity;
4215             v_picking_line_id   := line_rec.delivery_detail_id;
4217           -- start adding by Aparajita for bug # 2813244 on 05/03/2003
4218           IF v_rcv_uom_code <> line_rec.unit_code   THEN
4220             Inv_Convert.inv_um_conversion
4221             (
4222              v_rcv_uom_code,
4223              line_rec.unit_code,
4224              v_item_id,
4225              v_uom_rate
4226             );
4228             IF v_uom_rate = -99999  THEN
4229              v_uom_rate := 0;
4230             END IF;
4232           ELSE
4234             v_uom_rate := 1;
4236           END IF; --End if for v_rcv_uom_code
4239           v_uom_rate := NVL(v_uom_rate, 1);
4241           IF v_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
4242             UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_myfilehandle, ' v_uom_rate:' || v_uom_rate
4243               ||', v_line_id:' || v_line_id|| ', v_so_currency:' || v_so_currency
4244               ||', v_loc_quantity:' || v_loc_quantity||', delivery_detail_id:' || v_picking_line_id
4245             );
4246           END IF;
4247           -- end adding by Aparajita for bug # 2813244 on 05/03/2003
4249         END LOOP;  --Added by Jagdish 13-sep-01
4251         IF v_currency_code <> v_func_currency  THEN
4252           v_conv_factor := NVL(v_currency_conversion_rate, 1);
4253         ELSE
4254           v_conv_factor := 1;
4255         END IF;
4257         FOR tax_rec IN
4258         (
4259           SELECT tax_line_no,
4260           stl.tax_id,
4261           stl.tax_rate,
4262           stl.qty_rate,
4263           uom,
4264           stl.tax_amount,
4265           base_tax_amount,
4266           func_tax_amount,
4267           jtc.tax_name,
4268           jtc.tax_type,
4269           jtc.vendor_id,
4270           jtc.mod_cr_percentage,
4271           jtc.rounding_factor,
4272           jtc.duty_drawback_percentage duty,
4273           --3848133
4274           stl.precedence_1,
4275           stl.precedence_2,
4276           stl.precedence_3,
4277           stl.precedence_4,
4278           stl.precedence_5,
4279           stl.precedence_6, -- Date 01/11/2006 Bug 5228046 added by SACSETHI  ( added column from Precedence 6 to 10 )
4280           stl.precedence_7,
4281           stl.precedence_8,
4282           stl.precedence_9,
4283           stl.precedence_10,
4284     tax_types.regime_code   regime_code
4285           --3848133
4286           FROM JAI_OM_WSH_LINE_TAXES stl,
4287               JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL jtc,
4288               jai_regime_tax_types_v    tax_types
4289           WHERE delivery_detail_id = v_picking_line_id --added by GSri and Jagdish on 5-may-01
4290           AND jtc.tax_id = stl.tax_id
4291           AND tax_types.tax_type(+) = jtc.tax_type
4292         )
4293         LOOP
4295           IF NVL(v_loc_quantity, 0) <> 0 THEN
4296             v_cor_amount := ROUND(( P_qty_received * tax_rec.tax_amount * v_uom_rate / v_loc_quantity),
4297                             NVL(tax_rec.rounding_factor, 0));
4298           END IF;
4300           -- Start of addition by Srihari on 30-NOV-99
4301 --added v_item_trading_flag for bug#12800001
4302           IF v_item_modvat_flag = 'N' AND    v_item_trading_flag = 'N' and upper(tax_rec.tax_type) IN ('EXCISE', 'ADDL. EXCISE', 'OTHER EXCISE',
4303               'CVD', JAI_CONSTANTS.TAX_TYPE_SH_EXC_EDU_CESS,jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess, JAI_CONSTANTS.TAX_TYPE_SH_CVD_EDU_CESS,jai_constants.tax_type_cvd_edu_cess)/*Bug5989740 bduvarag*/
4304           THEN
4305             v_tax_modvat_flag := 'N';
4306             -- End of addition by Srihari on 30-NOV-99
4308           /* following elsif added by Vijay Shankar for Bug#4250236(4245089). VAT Impl. */
4309           ELSIF lv_vat_recoverable_for_item <> jai_constants.yes
4310             AND tax_rec.regime_code = jai_constants.vat_regime
4311           THEN
4312             v_tax_modvat_flag := jai_constants.no;
4314           ELSIF tax_rec.mod_cr_percentage > 0 THEN
4315             v_tax_modvat_flag := 'Y';
4316           ELSE
4317             v_tax_modvat_flag := 'N';
4318           END IF;
4320           IF tax_rec.vendor_id IS NULL  THEN
4321             v_internal_vendor := - v_rsh_organization_id;
4322           ELSE
4323             v_internal_vendor := tax_rec.vendor_id;
4324           END IF;
4326           /* Added by LGOPALSa. Bug 4210102.
4327      * ADded Excise, Customs and CVD education cess */
4329           IF upper(tax_rec.tax_type) IN ('EXCISE', 'ADDL. EXCISE', 'OTHER EXCISE', 'CUSTOMS', 'CVD',
4330                 JAI_CONSTANTS.TAX_TYPE_SH_EXC_EDU_CESS,jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess,
4331                 JAI_CONSTANTS.TAX_TYPE_SH_CVD_EDU_CESS,jai_constants.tax_type_cvd_edu_cess,
4332                 JAI_CONSTANTS.TAX_TYPE_SH_CUSTOMS_EDU_CESS,jai_constants.tax_type_customs_edu_cess/*Bug5989740 bduvarag*/
4333                 )
4334           THEN
4335             v_claimable_amount := NVL(v_cor_amount * v_conv_factor, 0) * NVL(tax_rec.duty, 0) / 100;
4336           ELSE
4337             v_claimable_amount := 0;
4338           END IF;
4340           -- Added by GSRI on 21-OCT-01
4341           SELECT COUNT(*)
4342           INTO   v_chk_receipt_tax_lines
4343           FROM JAI_RCV_LINE_TAXES
4344           WHERE shipment_line_id = p_shipment_line_id
4345           AND   shipment_header_id = p_shipment_header_id
4346           AND   tax_id = tax_rec.tax_id;
4348           -- END of Addition by GSRI on 21-OCT-01
4349           IF v_chk_receipt_tax_lines = 0 THEN
4352             (
4353               shipment_line_id,
4354               tax_line_no,
4355               shipment_header_id,
4356               tax_id,
4357               tax_name,
4358               currency,
4359               tax_rate,
4360               qty_rate,
4361               uom,
4362               tax_amount,
4363               tax_type,
4364               modvat_flag,
4365               creation_date,
4366               created_by,
4367               last_update_date,
4368               last_updated_by,
4369               last_update_login,
4370               vendor_id,
4371               --3848133
4372               precedence_1,
4373               precedence_2,
4374               precedence_3,
4375               precedence_4,
4376               precedence_5,
4377               precedence_6, -- Date 01/11/2006 Bug 5228046 added by SACSETHI  ( added column from Precedence 6 to 10 )
4378               precedence_7,
4379               precedence_8,
4380               precedence_9,
4381               precedence_10,
4382         transaction_id
4383               --3848133
4384             )
4385             VALUES
4386             (
4387               p_shipment_line_id,
4388               tax_rec.tax_line_no,
4389               p_shipment_header_id,
4390               tax_rec.tax_id,
4391               tax_rec.tax_name,
4392               p_currency_code,
4393               tax_rec.tax_rate,
4394               tax_rec.qty_rate,
4395               tax_rec.uom,
4396               v_cor_amount,
4397               tax_rec.tax_type,
4398               v_tax_modvat_flag,
4399               p_creation_date,
4400               p_created_by,
4401               p_last_update_date,
4402               p_last_updated_by,
4403               p_last_update_login,
4404               v_internal_vendor,
4405               --3848133
4406               tax_rec.precedence_1,
4407               tax_rec.precedence_2,
4408               tax_rec.precedence_3,
4409               tax_rec.precedence_4,
4410               tax_rec.precedence_5,
4411               tax_rec.precedence_6, -- Date 01/11/2006 Bug 5228046 added by SACSETHI  ( added column from Precedence 6 to 10 )
4412               tax_rec.precedence_7,
4413               tax_rec.precedence_8,
4414               tax_rec.precedence_9,
4415               tax_rec.precedence_10,
4416         p_transaction_id
4417               --3848133
4418             );
4419           END IF;
4421           IF tax_rec.tax_type NOT IN ('TDS', 'Modvat Recovery') THEN
4422             v_tax_total := v_tax_total + NVL(v_cor_amount * v_conv_factor, 0);
4423           END IF;
4425         END LOOP;
4427         update_receipt_line;
4429       END IF;
4431       IF v_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
4432         UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_myfilehandle,'Before the condition if p_transaction_type is UNORDERED ');
4433       END IF;
4435       IF p_transaction_type = 'UNORDERED'
4436         /* R12-PADDR AND  v_chk_form IS NOT NULL   */
4437       THEN
4439         IF v_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
4440           UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_myfilehandle,'Before set receipt flag');
4441         END IF;
4443         set_receipt_flag;
4445         IF v_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
4446           UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_myfilehandle,'After set receipt flag');
4447         END IF;
4449        -- v_receipt_modify_flag := 'N';  /*Commented by nprashar for bug # 9797881 */
4451         IF v_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
4452           UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_myfilehandle,'Before Insert Receipt Line Procedure');
4453         END IF;
4455         insert_receipt_line;
4457         IF v_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
4458           UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_myfilehandle,'After Insert Receipt Line Procedure');
4459         END IF;
4461       END IF;
4463     END IF;
4466     -- Vijay Shankar for Bug#3940588. no more processing is required. so return back
4467   --  GOTO end_of_procedure;
4468   --  NULL;
4470     /* A lot of Code is COMMENTED by Vijay Shankar for Bug#3940588. RECEIPTS DEPLUG
4471     Please refer to Old Version of the Object incase commented code needs to be looked at
4472     */
4474   --  <<end_of_procedure>>
4476     /* Validation for RETURN TO VENDOR transactions. following check is not required for Correct transactions because
4477      RTV creation should have taken care of this check
4478      Vijay Shankar for Bug#3940588. RECEIPTS DEPLUG */
4479     FOR exc_rec IN (SELECT jrtl.tax_amount, jrtl.tax_type tax_type, nvl(mod_cr_percentage, 0) mod_cr_percentage
4480               , nvl(tax_types.regime_code, 'XXXX') regime_code
4481             FROM JAI_RCV_LINE_TAXES jrtl, JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL jtc, jai_regime_tax_types_v tax_types
4482             WHERE shipment_line_id = p_shipment_line_id
4483             AND NVL(modvat_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
4484             AND jtc.tax_type = tax_types.tax_type(+)
4485             AND jrtl.tax_id = jtc.tax_id)
4486     LOOP
4488       if upper(exc_rec.tax_type) IN ('EXCISE', 'CVD', 'ADDL. EXCISE', 'OTHER EXCISE',
4489                 JAI_CONSTANTS.TAX_TYPE_SH_EXC_EDU_CESS,jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess, JAI_CONSTANTS.TAX_TYPE_SH_CVD_EDU_CESS,jai_constants.tax_type_cvd_edu_cess)/*Bug5989740 bduvarag*/
4490       then
4491         v_chk_excise := NVL(v_chk_excise, 0) + (exc_rec.tax_amount * exc_rec.mod_cr_percentage / 100);
4493       /* following added by Vijay Shankar for Bug#4250236(4245089). VAT Impl. */
4494       elsif exc_rec.regime_code = jai_constants.vat_regime then
4495         ln_chk_vat := nvl(ln_chk_vat, 0) + (exc_rec.tax_amount * exc_rec.mod_cr_percentage / 100);
4496       end if;
4498     END LOOP;
4500     /* following if condition for receive and match added by Vijay shankar for Bug#4250236(4245089) VAT Impl. */
4501     IF p_transaction_type in ('RECEIVE', 'MATCH') THEN
4503       IF v_rg_location_id = 0 THEN
4504         v_rg_location_id := null;
4505       END IF;
4507       open c_rgm_setup_for_orgn_loc(jai_constants.vat_regime, jai_constants.orgn_type_io,
4508               p_organization_id, v_rg_location_id);
4509       fetch c_rgm_setup_for_orgn_loc into ln_vat_setup_chk;
4510       close c_rgm_setup_for_orgn_loc;
4512       fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log, 'VAT SetupChkforOrgnLoc:'||ln_vat_setup_chk
4513         ||', ChkVat:'||nvl(ln_chk_vat, -999999)
4514         ||', Orgn:'||p_organization_id||', Loc:'||v_rg_location_id
4515       );
4517       IF nvl(ln_vat_setup_chk,0) = 0 and nvl(ln_chk_vat,0) <> 0 THEN
4518         errormsg:='Organization and Location is not attached to VAT Regime';
4519         RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR (-20502, 'Organization and Location is not attached to VAT Regime');
4520       END IF;
4522     ELSIF p_transaction_type = 'RETURN TO VENDOR' THEN
4524      -- NULL;   --commented by bgowrava for Bug#6459894
4525       /* Vijay Shankar for Bug#4346453. RCV DFF Elim. Enh.*/
4526       /* Uncommented below statements by bgowrava for Bug#6459894*/
4527       open c_fetch_unclaim_cenvat;
4528       fetch c_fetch_unclaim_cenvat into v_unclaim_cenvat_flag,
4529                                         v_cenvat_claimed_ptg,
4530           v_non_bonded_delivery_flag,
4531           v_cenvat_amount;
4532       close c_fetch_unclaim_cenvat;
4534    /*   IF v_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
4535         UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_myfilehandle,' ABC1. v_register_type:' || v_register_type
4536           || ', v_chk_excise:' || v_chk_excise||', v_item_modvat_flag:' || v_item_modvat_flag
4537           ||', v_item_class:' || v_item_class||', chkVat:'||ln_chk_vat );
4538         UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_myfilehandle,' ABC2. v_cenvat_claimed_ptg:' || v_cenvat_claimed_ptg
4539           ||', v_manufacturing:' || v_manufacturing ||', v_non_bonded_flag:' || v_non_bonded_delivery_flag
4540           ||', unclaim_flag:'||v_unclaim_cenvat_flag);
4541       END IF;*/
4543       FOR i IN (select manufacturing from JAI_CMN_INVENTORY_ORGS where organization_id=p_organization_id) loop
4544         v_manufacturing := i.manufacturing;
4545         EXIT WHEN v_manufacturing IS NOT NULL;
4546       END LOOP;
4548       open c_rcv_rgm_dtl(jai_constants.vat_regime, p_shipment_line_id);
4549       fetch c_rcv_rgm_dtl into r_rcv_rgm_dtl;
4550       close c_rcv_rgm_dtl;
4552       /* Bug 4516678. Added by Lakshmi Gopalsami */
4553       pick_register_type(p_organization_id,
4554                          v_item_id,
4555        v_register_type );
4557       IF  NVL(v_item_modvat_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
4558         AND NVL(v_chk_excise, 0) <> 0
4559         AND v_item_class in ('RMIN','RMEX','CGIN', 'CGEX','CCIN','CCEX')
4560         AND nvl(v_cenvat_claimed_ptg,0) = 0
4561         AND nvl(v_manufacturing, 'N') = 'Y'
4562         AND nvl(v_non_bonded_delivery_flag,'N') = 'N'
4563         AND nvl(v_unclaim_cenvat_flag,'N') = 'N'
4564       THEN
4565         errormsg:='RTV not allowed as the CENVAT has not been claimed';
4566         RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR (-20501, 'RTV not allowed as the CENVAT has not been claimed');
4567       --END IF; commented for bug4516678
4569       /* Bug 4516678. Added by Lakshmi Gopalsami
4570          Added the following code
4571       */
4572       ELSIF v_register_type ='C'  -- implies item is CGIN /CGEX
4573           and v_cenvat_amount > 0
4574           and v_cenvat_claimed_ptg  < 100 then
4576         -- fetch the receipt quantity
4577   open  c_fetch_receive_quantity(p_shipment_header_id,
4578          p_shipment_line_id);
4579   fetch c_fetch_receive_quantity into v_receipt_quantity;
4580   close c_fetch_receive_quantity;
4582   -- fetch the total quantity returned
4584   open  c_fetch_transaction_quantity(p_shipment_header_id,
4585        p_shipment_line_id,'RETURN TO VENDOR');
4586   fetch c_fetch_transaction_quantity into v_sum_rtv_quantity;
4587   close c_fetch_transaction_quantity;
4589   if v_receipt_quantity = v_sum_rtv_quantity and nvl(v_non_bonded_delivery_flag,'N') ='N' then --3456636,3273075
4590    FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, ' 6_30 The RTV Quantity is Equal to Receipt Quantity and the Remaining 50% Cenvat is not availed ');
4591    FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, ' 6_31 Please avail the remaining Cenvat credit and then proceed with  RTV ' );
4592    errormsg:='RETURN TO VENDOR not allowed.Please claim remaining 50% cenvat' ;
4593    raise_application_error(-20110,'RETURN TO VENDOR not allowed.Please claim remaining 50% cenvat' );
4594   end if;
4595       End if; -- End for bug 4516678
4598       fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log, 'ItmModFlg:'||v_item_modvat_flag
4599         ||', ChkVat:'||nvl(ln_chk_vat, -999999)
4600         ||', procStaFlg:'||r_rcv_rgm_dtl.process_status_flag
4601         ||', invNo:'||nvl(r_rcv_rgm_dtl.invoice_no,'ABCDEF')
4602       );
4604       -- following added by Vijay Shankar for Bug#4250236(4245089). VAT Impl.
4605       -- Before VAT is fully Claimed if RTV is being done, then we should error out the transaction
4606      /* IF  lv_vat_recoverable_for_item = jai_constants.yes
4607         AND NVL(ln_chk_vat, 0) <> 0
4608         AND r_rcv_rgm_dtl.process_status_flag <> 'U'  -- Not Unclaimed
4609         AND r_rcv_rgm_dtl.invoice_no IS NULL          -- if this is given it means then VAT is eligible for claim
4610       THEN
4611         RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR (-20502, 'RETURN TO VENDOR not allowed as VAT Amount is not Claimed');
4612       END IF;
4613       */ --commented by Ramananda for Bug #4530112
4614     END IF;
4616     IF v_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
4617       UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_myfilehandle,'*********End of the Receipt taxes procedure********');
4618       UTL_FILE.FCLOSE(v_myfileHandle);
4619     END IF;
4622    /* Added by Ramananda for bug# exc_objects */
4623     EXCEPTION
4626       FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('JAI_PROCESS_MSG', '. Err:'||sqlerrm ); --bgowrava for bug#6459894
4627             app_exception.raise_exception (
4628                     EXCEPTION_TYPE  => 'APP',
4629                     EXCEPTION_CODE  => -20110 ,
4630                     EXCEPTION_TEXT  => errormsg
4631                                     );
4634   END default_taxes_onto_line;
4636 END jai_rcv_tax_pkg;