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1 Package hr_user_acct_internal AUTHID CURRENT_USER as
2 /* $Header: hrusrbsi.pkh 120.1 2005/06/05 23:28:19 appldev noship $ */
3 --
4 -- Public Glboal Variables
5 --
6 --
7 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 -- |-------------------------- < create_fnd_user > ---------------------------|
9 -- | NOTE: The fnd api fup.create_user that this api will be calling |
10 -- |       does not have code to handle AK securing attributes.  Thus, this   |
11 -- |       api will not do any inserts into ak_web_user_sec_attr_values table.|
12 -- |       So, this api does not do everything that the FND Create User form  |
13 -- |       does.                                                              |
14 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
15 --
16 PROCEDURE create_fnd_user
17   (p_hire_date                     in     date     default null
18   ,p_user_name                     in     varchar2
19   ,p_password                      in out nocopy varchar2
20   ,p_user_start_date               in     date     default null
21   ,p_user_end_date                 in     date     default null
22   ,p_email_address                 in     varchar2 default null
23   ,p_fax                           in     varchar2 default null
24   ,p_description                   in     varchar2 default null
25   ,p_password_date                 in     date     default null -- Fix 2288014
26   ,p_language                      in     varchar2 default 'AMERICAN'
27   ,p_host_port                     in     varchar2 default null
28   ,p_employee_id                   in     varchar2 default null
29   ,p_customer_id                   in     varchar2 default null
30   ,p_supplier_id                   in     varchar2 default null
31   ,p_user_id                       out nocopy    number
32   );
34 --
35 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
36 -- |---------------------- < create_fnd_responsibility > ----------------------|
37 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
38 --
39 PROCEDURE create_fnd_responsibility
40   (p_resp_key              in fnd_responsibility.responsibility_key%type
41   ,p_resp_name             in fnd_responsibility_tl.responsibility_name%type
42   ,p_resp_app_id           in fnd_responsibility.application_id%type
43   ,p_resp_description      in fnd_responsibility_tl.description%type
44                                 default null
45   ,p_start_date            in fnd_responsibility.start_date%type
46   ,p_end_date              in fnd_responsibility.end_date%type default null
47   ,p_data_group_name       in fnd_data_groups_standard_view.data_group_name%type
48   ,p_data_group_app_id     in fnd_responsibility.data_group_application_id%type
49   ,p_menu_name             in fnd_menus.menu_name%type
50   ,p_request_group_name    in fnd_request_groups.request_group_name%type
51                                 default null
52   ,p_request_group_app_id  in fnd_responsibility.group_application_id%type
53                                 default null
54   ,p_version               in fnd_responsibility.version%type default '4'
55   ,p_web_host_name         in fnd_responsibility.web_host_name%type default null
56   ,p_web_agent_name        in fnd_responsibility.web_agent_name%type
57                                 default null
58   ,p_responsibility_id     out nocopy number
59   );
60 --
61 --
62 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
63 -- |-------------------- < create_fnd_user_resp_groups > ---------------------|
64 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
65 --
66 PROCEDURE create_fnd_user_resp_groups
67   (p_user_id               in fnd_user.user_id%type
68   ,p_responsibility_id     in fnd_responsibility.responsibility_id%type
69   ,p_application_id        in
70                        fnd_user_resp_groups.responsibility_application_id%type
71   ,p_sec_group_id          in fnd_user_resp_groups.security_group_id%type
72   ,p_start_date            in fnd_user_resp_groups.start_date%type
73   ,p_end_date              in fnd_user_resp_groups.end_date%type
74                               default null
75   ,p_description           in fnd_user_resp_groups.description%type
76                               default null
77   );
78 --
79 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
80 -- |---------------------- < create_sec_profile_asg > ------------------------|
81 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
82 --
83 PROCEDURE create_sec_profile_asg
84   (p_user_id               in fnd_user.user_id%type
85   ,p_sec_group_id          in fnd_security_groups.security_group_id%type
86   ,p_sec_profile_id        in per_security_profiles.security_profile_id%type
87   ,p_resp_key              in fnd_responsibility.responsibility_key%type
88   ,p_resp_app_id           in
89 			per_sec_profile_assignments.responsibility_application_id%type
90   ,p_start_date            in per_sec_profile_assignments.start_date%type
91   ,p_end_date              in per_sec_profile_assignments.end_date%type
92                               default null
93   ,p_business_group_id     in per_sec_profile_assignments.business_group_id%type
94                               default null
95   );
96 --
97 --
98 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
99 -- |-------------------- < create_fnd_profile_values > -----------------------|
100 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
101 --
102 PROCEDURE create_fnd_profile_values
103    (p_profile_opt_name in fnd_profile_options.profile_option_name%type
104    ,p_profile_opt_value in fnd_profile_option_values.profile_option_value%type
105    ,p_profile_level_name  in varchar2
106    ,p_profile_level_value in fnd_profile_option_values.level_value%type
107    ,p_profile_lvl_val_app_id in
108        fnd_profile_option_values.level_value_application_id%type  default null
109    ,p_profile_value_saved    out nocopy boolean
110    );
111    --
112    --
113 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
114 -- |--------------------- < validate_profile_opt_value > ----------------------|
115 -- | Validate profile options which use SQL validation.  The SQL validation    |
116 -- | will be hard coded here for a given profile option name because there is  |
117 -- | no pl/sql parser to parse the SQL statement.                              |
118 -- |                                                                           |
119 -- | OUTPUT:                                                                   |
120 -- |   p_profile_opt_value_valid - boolean, indicating whether the value is    |
121 -- |                               valid or not after validation.              |
122 -- |   p_num_data - number, not always has a value in this output. This is to  |
123 -- |                save another database call if certain values can be        |
124 -- |                retrieved while validating the profile option value. For   |
125 -- |                example, PER_SECURITY_PROFILE_ID, the business group id can|
126 -- |                be derived while running the sql to validate the security  |
127 -- |                profile id.                                                |
128 -- |   p_varchar2_data - varchar2, not always has a value in this output. This |
129 -- |                is to save another database call if certain values can be  |
130 -- |                retrieved while validating the profile option value. See   |
131 -- |                p_num_data above.                                          |
132 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
133 --  There are only 19 profile options (application_id between 800 and 899)
134 --  which use SQL validation at the time of coding (March 2000):
135 --  Profile Option Name                 Validation Table
136 --  ---------------------------------   ----------------------------------------
137 --  HR_USER_TYPE                        FND_COMMON_LOOKUPS where lookup_type =
138 --                                       'HR_USER_TYPE'
139 --  PER_QUERY_ONLY_MODE                 fnd_lookups where lookup_type ='YES_NO'
140 --  PER_ATTACHMENT_USAGE                fnd_lookups where lookup_type ='YES_NO'
142 --                                      HR_ALL_ORGANIZATION_UNITS
143 --  HR:EXECUTE_LEG_FORMULA              fnd_lookups where lookup_type ='YES_NO'
144 --  HR_DISPLAY_SKILLS                   FND_COMMON_LOOKUPS where lookup_type =
145 --                                       'YES_NO'
146 --  PER_NI_UNIQUE_ERROR_WARNING         fnd_common_lookups where lookup_type =
147 --                                       NI_UNIQUE_ERROR_WARNING'
148 --  HR_TIPS_TEST_MODE                   FND_COMMON_LOOKUPS where lookup_type =
149 --                                       'YES_NO'
150 --
151 --  VIEW_UNPUBLISHED_360_SELF_APPR      FND_COMMON_LOOKUPS where lookup_type =
152 --                                       'YES_NO'
153 --  PER_DEFAULT_NATIONALITY             FND_COMMON_LOOKUPS where lookup_type =
154 --                                       'NATIONALITY'
155 --  HR_PAYROLL_CURRENCY_RATES           pay_payrolls_f and per_business_groups
156 --  HR:EXECUTE_LEG_FORMULA              fnd_lookups where lookup_type ='YES_NO'
157 --  HR:COST_MAND_SEG_CHECK              fnd_lookups where lookup_type ='YES_NO'
158 --  HR_BG_LOCATIONS                     FND_COMMON_LOOKUPS where lookup_type =
159 --                                       'YES_NO'
160 --  HR_ELE_ENTRY_PURGE_CONTROL          hr_lookups where lookup_type =
161 --                                        'HR_ELE_ENTRY_PURGE_CONTROL'
163 --                                       'YES_NO'
164 --
166 --                                       'DATETRACK:SESSION_DATE_WARNING'
167 --  DATETRACK:DATE_SECURITY             FND_COMMON_LOOKUPS where lookup_type =
168 --                                       'DATETRACK:DATE_SECURITY'
170 --
171 --
172 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
173 PROCEDURE validate_profile_opt_value
174    (p_profile_opt_name         in fnd_profile_options.profile_option_name%type
175    ,p_profile_opt_value        in
176                            fnd_profile_option_values.profile_option_value%type
177    ,p_profile_level_name       in varchar2
178    ,p_profile_level_value      in fnd_profile_option_values.level_value%type
179    ,p_sql_validation           in fnd_profile_options.sql_validation%type
180    ,p_profile_opt_value_valid  out nocopy boolean
181    ,p_num_data                 out nocopy number
182    ,p_varchar2_data            out nocopy varchar2
183    );
184 --
185 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
186 -- |----------------------- < build_resp_profile_val > -----------------------|
187 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
188 PROCEDURE build_resp_profile_val
189           (p_template_resp_id      in fnd_responsibility.responsibility_id%type
190                                       default null
191           ,p_template_resp_app_id  in fnd_responsibility.application_id%type
192                                       default null
193           ,p_new_resp_key          in fnd_responsibility.responsibility_key%type
194           ,p_new_resp_app_id       in fnd_responsibility.application_id%type
195           ,p_fnd_profile_opt_val_tbl in
196                     hr_user_acct_utility.fnd_profile_opt_val_tbl
197           ,p_out_profile_opt_val_tbl out
198                     hr_user_acct_utility.fnd_profile_opt_val_tbl
199           );
200 --
201 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
202 -- |-------------------- < build_func_sec_exclusion_rules > -------------------|
203 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
204 PROCEDURE build_func_sec_exclusion_rules
205    (p_func_sec_excl_tbl   in hr_user_acct_utility.fnd_resp_functions_tbl
206    ,p_out_func_sec_excl_tbl out nocopy hr_user_acct_utility.func_sec_excl_tbl);
207 --
208 --
209 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
210 -- |--------------------- < create_fnd_resp_functions > ----------------------|
211 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
212 --
213 PROCEDURE create_fnd_resp_functions
214             (p_resp_key           in fnd_responsibility.responsibility_key%type
215             ,p_rule_type          in fnd_resp_functions.rule_type%type
216             ,p_rule_name          in varchar2
217             ,p_delete_flag        in varchar2 default 'N');
218 --
219 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
220 -- |-------------------------- < update_fnd_user > ---------------------------|
221 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
222 --
223 PROCEDURE update_fnd_user
224   (p_user_id               in number
225   ,p_old_password          in varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
226   ,p_new_password          in varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
227   ,p_end_date              in date default hr_api.g_date
228   ,p_email_address         in varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
229   ,p_fax                   in varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
230   ,p_known_as              in varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
231   ,p_language              in varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
232   ,p_host_port             in varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
233   ,p_employee_id           in number default hr_api.g_number
234   ,p_customer_id           in number default hr_api.g_number
235   ,p_supplier_id           in number default hr_api.g_number
236   );
238 --
239 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
240 -- |-------------------- < update_fnd_user_resp_groups > ----------------------|
241 -- |This procedure is called to update the fnd_user_resp_groups row when the   |
242 -- |profile option 'ENABLE_SECURITY_GROUPS' = 'N'.                             |
243 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
244 --
245 PROCEDURE update_fnd_user_resp_groups
246   (p_user_id               in number
247   ,p_responsibility_id     in number
248   ,p_resp_application_id   in number
249   ,p_security_group_id     in fnd_user_resp_groups.security_group_id%type
250   ,p_start_date            in date default hr_api.g_date
251   ,p_end_date              in date default hr_api.g_date
252   ,p_description           in varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
253   );
255 --
256 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
257 -- |---------------------- < update_sec_profile_asg > ------------------------|
258 -- |This procedure is called to update the per_sec_profile_assignments row    |
259 -- |when the profile option 'ENABLE_SECURITY_GROUPS' = 'N'.                   |
260 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
261 --
262 PROCEDURE update_sec_profile_asg
263   (p_sec_profile_asg_id    in
264 	 per_sec_profile_assignments.sec_profile_assignment_id%type default null
265   ,p_user_id               in fnd_user.user_id%type default null
266   ,p_responsibility_id     in per_sec_profile_assignments.responsibility_id%type
267 						default null
268   ,p_resp_app_id           in
269     per_sec_profile_assignments.responsibility_application_id%type default null
270   ,p_security_group_id     in fnd_user_resp_groups.security_group_id%type
271 						default null
272   ,p_start_date            in per_sec_profile_assignments.start_date%type
273 						default null
274   ,p_end_date              in per_sec_profile_assignments.end_date%type
275 					     default null
276   ,p_object_version_number in
277       per_sec_profile_assignments.object_version_number%type   default null
278   );
280 --
281 --
282 --
283 END hr_user_acct_internal;