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APPS.PAY_NZ_EMS dependencies on PER_PEOPLE_F

Line 214: , per_people_f p /*Bug No 2920728*/

210: b.paye_deductions,
211: b.child_support_deductions,b.student_loan_deductions)),-1,0 /* Bug No : 2755544 */
212: ,decode(sign(b.gross_earnings - (b.paye_deductions + b.child_support_deductions + b.student_loan_deductions)),-1,0,1)) flag
213: from hr_organization_units ou /*Bug No 2920728*/
214: , per_people_f p /*Bug No 2920728*/
215: , per_assignments_f a
216: , hr_soft_coding_keyflex scl
217: , pay_nz_asg_cal_mth_bal_v b
218: , pay_element_types_f et

Line 240: from per_people_f p2 /*Bug No 2920728*/

236: and p.effective_start_date <= last_day(s.effective_date)
237: and p.effective_end_date >= to_date('01/' || to_char(s.effective_date, 'mm/yyyy'), 'dd/mm/yyyy')
238: -- the following sub query makes sure that we get the person record in effect at the end of the month
239: and p.effective_start_date = (select max(p2.effective_start_date)
240: from per_people_f p2 /*Bug No 2920728*/
241: where p2.person_id = p.person_id
242: and p2.effective_start_date <= last_day(s.effective_date)
243: )
244: and scl.soft_coding_keyflex_id = a.soft_coding_keyflex_id