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Line 27: h. If price negative then change line category RETURN, pricing recursion Y oe_order_pvt.lines to redefault the lines.

23: d. Price_line recognizes it is a retrobilling call because of the event and retrobill_request_id
24: e. Process_adjustment (within the price_line call) will perform post processing for lines and adjustments.
25: f. If the line has retrobilled before, get the difference by sum ULP, USP, ULPPQTY, USPPQTY.
26: g. Updated applied_flag = N on any adjustment has
27: h. If price negative then change line category RETURN, pricing recursion Y oe_order_pvt.lines to redefault the lines.
29: 2. Log this retrobill request into OE_RETROBILL_REQUESTS table.
30: Elsif EXECUTE previous preview Then
31: For each retrobill_header_id in p_rectobill_line_tbl call OE_ORDER_BOOK_UTIL.Book_Order.

Line 959: OE_Order_PVT.Process_order

956: l_x_line_tbl := p_line_tbl;
957: l_x_header_rec:=p_header_rec;
958: l_x_Line_price_Att_tbl := p_Line_price_Att_tbl; --8736629
959: OE_Order_PVT.Process_order
960: ( p_api_version_number => 1.0
961: , p_init_msg_list => FND_API.G_FALSE
962: , x_return_status => x_return_status
963: , x_msg_count => x_msg_count

Line 1891: --we need to call process_order oe_order_pvt.lines to update so that redefaulting could take place.

1888: --Handle the line as a 'buy' (invoice customer) if new price is higher
1889: --This case will be a little complex because we are changing line_category_code
1890: --by doing so, many line attributes will need to be redefaulted.
1891: --we need to call process_order oe_order_pvt.lines to update so that redefaulting could take place.
1892: --bug3654144
1893: ELSIF l_retrobill_list_price < 0 OR
1894: (l_retrobill_list_price = 0 AND l_retrobill_selling_price < 0)
1895: THEN

Line 1999: Oe_Order_Pvt.Lines(p_validation_level=> FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_NONE,

1995: -- set the pricing recursion, so that pricing will not get triggered
1996: -- again due to the Oe_Order_Pub.Lines call.
1997: oe_globals.g_pricing_recursion := 'Y';
1999: Oe_Order_Pvt.Lines(p_validation_level=> FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_NONE,
2000: p_control_rec => l_control_rec,
2001: p_x_line_tbl => l_line_tbl,
2002: p_x_old_line_tbl => l_old_line_tbl,
2003: x_return_status => l_return_status);

Line 2005: -- Reset the pricing recursion, so that pricing will get triggered after Oe_Order_Pvt.Lines call

2001: p_x_line_tbl => l_line_tbl,
2002: p_x_old_line_tbl => l_old_line_tbl,
2003: x_return_status => l_return_status);
2005: -- Reset the pricing recursion, so that pricing will get triggered after Oe_Order_Pvt.Lines call
2006: oe_globals.g_pricing_recursion := 'N';
2007: --deletion occured, need to resequence line number.
2008: END IF;

Line 4383: --rt moac directly calling oe_order_pvt.process_order with delete operation since the context has already been set in procedure oe_retrobill_purge

4380: IF(p_purge_preview_orders='Y') THEN
4381: IF(l_retrobill_header_rec.booked_flag = 'N') THEN
4383: --rt moac directly calling oe_order_pvt.process_order with delete operation since the context has already been set in procedure oe_retrobill_purge
4384: /*
4385: Oe_Order_Pub.Delete_Order
4386: (
4387: p_header_id =>l_retrobill_header_rec.header_id,

Line 4397: OE_ORDER_PVT.Process_order

4393: l_header_rec := OE_Order_PUB.G_MISS_HEADER_REC;
4394: l_header_rec.header_id := l_retrobill_header_rec.header_id;
4395: l_header_rec.operation := OE_GLOBALS.G_OPR_DELETE;
4397: OE_ORDER_PVT.Process_order
4398: ( p_api_version_number => 1.0
4399: , p_init_msg_list => FND_API.G_TRUE
4400: , p_validation_level => FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
4401: , x_return_status => l_return_status