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Line 1925: select trx_type_id from fun_trx_types_vl v

1921: and trx_type_id = c_trx_type
1922: AND fps.inteco_calendar=nvl(fso.inteco_calendar,'~~')
1923: AND fps.inteco_period_type=nvl(fso.inteco_period_type,'~~');
1924: CURSOR c_inexist_fun_trx(c_per_year number,c_per_name varchar2 ) IS
1925: select trx_type_id from fun_trx_types_vl v
1926: where not exists
1927: ( select fps.trx_type_id from fun_period_statuses fps,fun_system_options fso
1928: WHERE fps.inteco_calendar=nvl(fso.inteco_calendar,'~~')
1929: AND fps.inteco_period_type=nvl(fso.inteco_period_type,'~~') and fps.period_year = c_per_year

Line 2049: fun_trx_types_vl ftt

2045: FROM fun_system_options fso;
2046: CURSOR c_select_status IS
2047: select fps.status
2048: from fun_period_statuses fps,fun_system_options fso,
2049: fun_trx_types_vl ftt
2050: where trunc(p_date) between fps.start_date and fps.end_date
2051: and fps.trx_type_id = ftt.trx_type_id
2052: and ftt.trx_type_id = p_trx_type_id
2053: AND fps.status <> 'N'