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APPS.OTFR2483 dependencies on OTA_EVENTS_TL

Line 164: class_name ota_events_tl.title%TYPE,

160: order_name per_all_people_f.order_name%TYPE,
161: emp_num per_all_people_f.employee_number%TYPE,
162: trn_start date,
163: trn_end date,
164: class_name ota_events_tl.title%TYPE,
165: plan_name ota_training_plans.name%TYPE,
166: supplier po_vendors.vendor_name%TYPE,
167: leave_cat hr_lookups.meaning%TYPE,
168: legal_cat hr_lookups.meaning%TYPE,

Line 1550: ota_events_tl evt_tl,

1546: ota_training_plan_costs tp_cost_hrs,
1547: ota_delegate_bookings delegate,
1548: per_all_people_f per,
1549: ota_events evt,
1550: ota_events_tl evt_tl,
1551: hr_lookups hlu_legal
1552: WHERE comp.organization_id = :p_company_id
1553: AND comp.date_from <= :p_end_year
1554: AND (comp.date_to IS NULL OR

Line 1782: ota_events_tl event_tl,

1778: ota_training_plan_costs tp_cost,
1779: ota_tp_measurement_types meas_type,
1780: ota_delegate_bookings delegate,
1781: ota_events event,
1782: ota_events_tl event_tl,
1783: per_all_people_f per
1784: WHERE comp.organization_id = :p_company_id
1785: AND comp.date_from <= :p_end_year
1786: AND (comp.date_to IS NULL OR

Line 2146: ota_events_tl evt_tl

2142: L_GROUP_INNER1 := '
2143: group by PER.order_name,PER.employee_number
2144: ,nvl(ODB.event_id,TPC.event_id),tp.name,PER.full_name) costs,
2145: ota_events EVT,
2146: ota_events_tl evt_tl
2147: where costs.event_id = EVT.event_id
2148: and EVT.event_id = EVT_tl.event_id
2149: and EVT_tl.language = userenv(''LANG'')
2150: /*and EVT.vendor_id is null Internal training */

Line 2503: ota_events_tl evt_tl,

2499: ,tpc.currency_code trn_cost_cc
2500: ';
2501: L_GROUP_INNER1 := ') costs,
2502: ota_events EVT,
2503: ota_events_tl evt_tl,
2504: po_vendors ota_pv
2505: where costs.event_id = EVT.event_id (+)
2506: and EVT.event_id = EVT_tl.event_id (+)
2507: and EVT_tl.language(+) = userenv(''LANG'')

Line 2844: ota_events_tl evt_tl

2840: ota_events EVT,
2841: per_all_people_f PER,
2842: hr_lookups HLK_tmt,
2843: hr_lookups HLK_lcat,
2844: ota_events_tl evt_tl
2845: where comp.organization_id = :p_company_id
2846: and comp.date_from <= :p_end_year
2847: and (comp.date_to is null or
2848: comp.date_to >= :p_start_year) '