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Line 1: package body wip_autoLotProc_priv as

1: package body wip_autoLotProc_priv as
2: /* $Header: wiplotpb.pls 120.6.12020000.2 2012/07/18 18:11:24 ankohli ship $ */
5: -----------------------

Line 141: wip_logger.entryPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveLots',

137: l_params(1).paramName := 'p_orgID';
138: l_params(1).paramValue := p_orgID;
139: l_params(2).paramName := 'p_wipEntityID';
140: l_params(2).paramValue := p_wipEntityID;
141: wip_logger.entryPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveLots',
142: p_params => l_params,
143: x_returnStatus => x_returnStatus);
144: end if;

Line 214: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveLots',

210: l_treeID := null;
211: end if;
213: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
214: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveLots',
215: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
216: p_msg => 'procedure success',
217: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus); --discard logging return status
218: end if;

Line 226: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveLots',

222: exception
223: when fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error then
224: x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
225: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
226: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveLots',
227: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
228: p_msg => l_errMsg,
229: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus); --discard logging return status
230: end if;

Line 237: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveLots',

233: end if;
234: when others then
235: x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
236: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
237: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveLots',
238: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
239: p_msg => 'unexpected error:' || SQLERRM,
240: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus); --discard logging return status
241: end if;

Line 242: fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(p_pkg_name => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv',

238: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
239: p_msg => 'unexpected error:' || SQLERRM,
240: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus); --discard logging return status
241: end if;
242: fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(p_pkg_name => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv',
243: p_procedure_name => 'deriveLots',
244: p_error_text => SQLERRM);
245: if(fnd_api.to_boolean(p_endDebug)) then
246: wip_logger.cleanup(x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus);

Line 368: wip_logger.entryPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveLotsFromMMTT',

364: l_params(3).paramName := 'p_orgID';
365: l_params(3).paramValue := p_orgID;
366: l_params(4).paramName := 'p_wipEntityID';
367: l_params(4).paramValue := p_wipEntityID;
368: wip_logger.entryPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveLotsFromMMTT',
369: p_params => l_params,
370: x_returnStatus => x_returnStatus);
371: end if;

Line 575: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveLotsFromMMTT',

571: end if;
573: --return status has already been set at this point
574: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
575: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveLotsFromMMTT',
576: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
577: p_msg => 'procedure success',
578: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus); --discard logging return status
579: end if;

Line 588: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveLotsFromMMTT',

584: when fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error then
585: x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
586: rollback to wiplotpb_10;
587: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
588: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveLotsFromMMTT',
589: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
590: p_msg => l_errMsg,
591: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus); --discard logging return status
592: end if;

Line 599: fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(p_pkg_name => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv',

595: end if;
596: when others then
597: x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
598: rollback to wiplotpb_10;
599: fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(p_pkg_name => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv',
600: p_procedure_name => 'deriveLotsFromMMTT',
601: p_error_text => SQLERRM);
602: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
603: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveLotsFromMMTT',

Line 603: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveLotsFromMMTT',

599: fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(p_pkg_name => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv',
600: p_procedure_name => 'deriveLotsFromMMTT',
601: p_error_text => SQLERRM);
602: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
603: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveLotsFromMMTT',
604: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
605: p_msg => 'unexpected error:' || SQLERRM,
606: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus); --discard logging return status
607: end if;

Line 793: wip_logger.entryPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveLotsFromMTI',

789: l_params(4).paramName := 'p_orgID';
790: l_params(4).paramValue := p_orgID;
791: l_params(5).paramName := 'p_wipEntityID';
792: l_params(5).paramValue := p_wipEntityID;
793: wip_logger.entryPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveLotsFromMTI',
794: p_params => l_params,
795: x_returnStatus => x_returnStatus);
796: end if;

Line 1018: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveLotsFromMTI',

1014: end loop;
1016: --return status has already been set at this point
1017: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
1018: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveLotsFromMTI',
1019: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
1020: p_msg => 'procedure success',
1021: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus); --discard logging return status
1022: end if;

Line 1031: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveLotsFromMTI',

1027: when fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error then
1028: x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
1029: rollback to wiplotpb_10;
1030: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
1031: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveLotsFromMTI',
1032: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
1033: p_msg => l_errMsg,
1034: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus); --discard logging return status
1035: end if;

Line 1042: fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(p_pkg_name => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv',

1038: end if;
1039: when others then
1040: x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
1041: rollback to wiplotpb_10;
1042: fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(p_pkg_name => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv',
1043: p_procedure_name => 'deriveLotsFromMTI',
1044: p_error_text => SQLERRM);
1045: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
1046: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveLotsFromMTI',

Line 1046: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveLotsFromMTI',

1042: fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(p_pkg_name => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv',
1043: p_procedure_name => 'deriveLotsFromMTI',
1044: p_error_text => SQLERRM);
1045: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
1046: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveLotsFromMTI',
1047: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
1048: p_msg => 'unexpected error:' || SQLERRM,
1049: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus); --discard logging return status
1050: end if;

Line 1146: wip_logger.entryPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveTxnLots',

1142: l_params(7).paramValue := l_item.revision;
1143: l_params(8).paramName := 'x_compLot(cur_item).primary_quantity';
1144: l_params(8).paramValue := l_item.primary_quantity;
1145: end if;
1146: wip_logger.entryPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveTxnLots',
1147: p_params => l_params,
1148: x_returnStatus => x_returnStatus);
1149: end if;

Line 1218: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveTxnLots',

1214: raise fnd_api.g_exc_error;
1215: end if;
1217: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
1218: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveTxnLots',
1219: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
1220: p_msg => 'procedure success',
1221: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus); --discard logging return status
1222: end if;

Line 1228: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveTxnLots',

1224: exception
1225: when fnd_api.g_exc_error then
1226: x_returnStatus:= fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error; --let caller know item was not fully derived
1227: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
1228: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveTxnLots',
1229: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
1230: p_msg => l_errMsg,
1231: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus); --discard logging return status
1232: end if;

Line 1236: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveTxnLots',

1232: end if;
1233: when fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error then
1234: x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
1235: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
1236: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveTxnLots',
1237: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
1238: p_msg => 'error: ' || l_errMsg,
1239: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus); --discard logging return status
1240: end if;

Line 1248: fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(p_pkg_name => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv',

1244: close c_retTxnBasedLots;
1245: elsif(c_retTxnBasedLots%ISOPEN) then
1246: close c_negRetTxnBasedLots;
1247: end if;
1248: fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(p_pkg_name => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv',
1249: p_procedure_name => 'deriveTxnLots',
1250: p_error_text => SQLERRM);
1251: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
1252: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveTxnLots',

Line 1252: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveTxnLots',

1248: fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(p_pkg_name => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv',
1249: p_procedure_name => 'deriveTxnLots',
1250: p_error_text => SQLERRM);
1251: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
1252: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveTxnLots',
1253: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
1254: p_msg => 'error: ' || SQLERRM,
1255: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus); --discard logging return status
1256: end if;

Line 1400: wip_logger.entryPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveIssueLots',

1396: l_params(7).paramValue := l_item.revision;
1397: l_params(8).paramName := 'x_compLot(cur_item).primary_quantity';
1398: l_params(8).paramValue := l_item.primary_quantity;
1399: end if;
1400: wip_logger.entryPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveIssueLots',
1401: p_params => l_params,
1402: x_returnStatus => x_returnStatus);
1403: end if;

Line 1693: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveIssueLots',

1689: raise fnd_api.g_exc_error;
1690: end if;
1692: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
1693: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveIssueLots',
1694: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
1695: p_msg => 'procedure success',
1696: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus); --discard logging return status
1697: end if;

Line 1703: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveIssueLots',

1699: exception
1700: when fnd_api.g_exc_error then
1701: x_returnStatus:= fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error; --let caller know item was not fully derived
1702: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
1703: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveIssueLots',
1704: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
1705: p_msg => l_errMsg,
1706: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus); --discard logging return status
1707: end if;

Line 1716: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveIssueLots',

1712: elsif(c_expDateOrderedLots%ISOPEN) then
1713: close c_expDateOrderedLots;
1714: end if;
1715: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
1716: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveIssueLots',
1717: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
1718: p_msg => 'error: ' || l_errMsg,
1719: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus); --discard logging return status
1720: end if;

Line 1728: fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(p_pkg_name => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv',

1724: close c_receiptOrderedLots;
1725: elsif(c_expDateOrderedLots%ISOPEN) then
1726: close c_expDateOrderedLots;
1727: end if;
1728: fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(p_pkg_name => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv',
1729: p_procedure_name => 'deriveIssueLots',
1730: p_error_text => SQLERRM);
1731: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
1732: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveIssueLots',

Line 1732: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveIssueLots',

1728: fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(p_pkg_name => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv',
1729: p_procedure_name => 'deriveIssueLots',
1730: p_error_text => SQLERRM);
1731: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
1732: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveIssueLots',
1733: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
1734: p_msg => 'error: ' || SQLERRM,
1735: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus); --discard logging return status
1736: end if;

Line 1772: wip_logger.entryPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveSingleItem',

1768: l_params(4).paramValue := p_treeSrcName;
1769: l_params(5).paramName := 'x_treeID';
1770: l_params(5).paramValue := x_treeID;
1772: wip_logger.entryPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveSingleItem',
1773: p_params => l_params,
1774: x_returnStatus => x_returnStatus);
1775: end if;

Line 1819: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveSingleItem',

1815: --if uncontrolled, return success (no derivation necessary)
1816: if(l_lotControlCode = wip_constants.no_lot) then
1817: x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
1818: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
1819: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveSingleItem',
1820: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
1821: p_msg => 'procedure success (no derivation necessary)',
1822: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus); --discard logging return status
1823: end if;

Line 1864: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveSingleItem',

1860: raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
1861: end if;
1863: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
1864: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveSingleItem',
1865: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
1866: p_msg => 'procedure success',
1867: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus); --discard logging return status
1868: end if;

Line 1874: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveSingleItem',

1870: exception
1871: when fnd_api.g_exc_error then
1872: x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
1873: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
1874: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveSingleItem',
1875: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
1876: p_msg => 'error' || l_errMsg,
1877: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus); --discard logging return status
1878: end if;

Line 1883: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveSingleItem',

1879: rollback to wipbflpb40;
1880: when fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error then
1881: x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
1882: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
1883: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveSingleItem',
1884: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
1885: p_msg => 'unexp error raised:',
1886: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus); --discard logging return status
1887: end if;

Line 1891: fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(p_pkg_name => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv',

1887: end if;
1888: rollback to wipbflpb40;
1889: when others then
1890: x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
1891: fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(p_pkg_name => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv',
1892: p_procedure_name => 'deriveSingleItem',
1893: p_error_text => SQLERRM);
1894: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
1895: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveSingleItem',

Line 1895: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveSingleItem',

1891: fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(p_pkg_name => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv',
1892: p_procedure_name => 'deriveSingleItem',
1893: p_error_text => SQLERRM);
1894: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
1895: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveSingleItem',
1896: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
1897: p_msg => 'unexp error:' || SQLERRM,
1898: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus); --discard logging return status
1899: end if;

Line 1947: wip_logger.entryPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.checkSerialQuantity',

1943: l_params(3).paramName := 'p_qty';
1944: l_params(3).paramValue := p_qty;
1945: l_params(4).paramName := 'p_txnActionID';
1946: l_params(4).paramValue := p_txnActionID;
1947: wip_logger.entryPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.checkSerialQuantity',
1948: p_params => l_params,
1949: x_returnStatus => x_returnStatus);
1950: end if;

Line 2013: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.checkSerialQuantity',

2009: elsif(p_txnActionID = wip_constants.issnegc_action) then
2010: if(p_serControlCode = wip_constants.dyn_rcv_sn) then
2011: x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
2012: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
2013: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.checkSerialQuantity',
2014: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
2015: p_msg => 'procedure success (neg issue and serial is dyn at recpt)',
2016: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus);
2017: end if;

Line 2054: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.checkSerialQuantity',

2050: else
2051: x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
2052: end if;
2053: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
2054: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.checkSerialQuantity',
2055: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
2056: p_msg => 'procedure success',
2057: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus);
2058: end if;

Line 2063: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.checkSerialQuantity',

2059: exception
2060: when fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error then
2061: x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
2062: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
2063: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.checkSerialQuantity',
2064: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
2065: p_msg => l_errMsg,
2066: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus);
2067: end if;

Line 2069: fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(p_pkg_name => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv',

2065: p_msg => l_errMsg,
2066: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus);
2067: end if;
2068: when others then
2069: fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(p_pkg_name => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv',
2070: p_procedure_name => 'checkSerialQuantity',
2071: p_error_text => SQLERRM);
2072: x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
2073: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then

Line 2074: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.checkSerialQuantity',

2070: p_procedure_name => 'checkSerialQuantity',
2071: p_error_text => SQLERRM);
2072: x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
2073: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
2074: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.checkSerialQuantity',
2075: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
2076: p_msg => 'unexp error ' || SQLERRM,
2077: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus);
2078: end if;

Line 2143: wip_logger.entryPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.checkSerial',

2139: l_params(10).paramName := 'p_txnActionID';
2140: l_params(10).paramValue := p_txnActionID;
2141: l_params(11).paramName := 'p_serControlCode';
2142: l_params(11).paramValue := p_serControlCode;
2143: wip_logger.entryPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.checkSerial',
2144: p_params => l_params,
2145: x_returnStatus => x_returnStatus);
2146: if(x_returnStatus <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) then
2147: raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;

Line 2202: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.checkSerial',

2199: end if;
2201: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
2202: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.checkSerial',
2203: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
2204: p_msg => 'procedure success',
2205: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus);
2206: end if;

Line 2212: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.checkSerial',

2208: when fnd_api.g_exc_error then
2209: x_serialReturnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
2210: x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
2211: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
2212: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.checkSerial',
2213: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
2214: p_msg => 'insufficient serial qty. only found ' || l_totalQty,
2215: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus);
2216: end if;

Line 2226: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.checkSerial',

2222: elsif(c_intSerials%ISOPEN) then
2223: close c_intSerials;
2224: end if;
2225: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
2226: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.checkSerial',
2227: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
2228: p_msg => l_errMsg,
2229: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus);
2230: end if;

Line 2239: fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(p_pkg_name => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv',

2235: close c_tmpSerials;
2236: elsif(c_intSerials%ISOPEN) then
2237: close c_intSerials;
2238: end if;
2239: fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(p_pkg_name => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv',
2240: p_procedure_name => 'checkSerial',
2241: p_error_text => SQLERRM);
2242: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
2243: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.checkSerial',

Line 2243: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.checkSerial',

2239: fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(p_pkg_name => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv',
2240: p_procedure_name => 'checkSerial',
2241: p_error_text => SQLERRM);
2242: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
2243: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.checkSerial',
2244: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
2245: p_msg => 'unexp error ' || SQLERRM,
2246: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus);
2247: end if;

Line 2309: wip_logger.entryPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.lot_selected',

2305: l_params(4).paramValue := p_locator_id;
2306: l_params(5).paramName := 'p_lot_number';
2307: l_params(5).paramValue := p_lot_number;
2309: wip_logger.entryPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.lot_selected',
2310: p_params => l_params,
2311: x_returnStatus => x_returnStatus);
2312: end if ;

Line 2339: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.lot_selected',

2336: wip_logger.log( 'Lot Qty Selected ' || p_lot_qty_selected || ' for Lot ' || p_lot_number, l_returnStatus) ;
2338: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
2339: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.lot_selected',
2340: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
2341: p_msg => 'procedure success',
2342: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus); --discard logging return status
2343: end if;

Line 2408: p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveSingleItemFromMOG',

2404: l_params(8).paramValue := p_item.primary_quantity;
2405: l_params(9).paramName := 'p_item.transaction_action_id';
2406: l_params(9).paramValue := p_item.transaction_action_id;
2407: wip_logger.entryPoint(
2408: p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveSingleItemFromMOG',
2409: p_params => l_params,
2410: x_returnStatus => x_returnStatus);
2411: END IF;
2412: -- Under lot control only

Line 2440: p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveSingleItemFromMOG',

2436: END IF;
2438: IF (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) THEN
2439: wip_logger.exitPoint(
2440: p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveSingleItemFromMOG',
2441: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
2442: p_msg => 'procedure success',
2443: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus); --discard return status
2444: END IF;

Line 2451: p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveSingleItemFromMOG',

2447: WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error THEN
2448: x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
2449: IF (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) THEN
2450: wip_logger.exitPoint(
2451: p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveSingleItemFromMOG',
2452: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
2453: p_msg => l_errMsg,
2454: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus); --discard return status
2455: END IF;

Line 2465: p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveSingleItemFromMOG',

2461: WHEN others THEN
2462: x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
2463: IF (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) THEN
2464: wip_logger.exitPoint(
2465: p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveSingleItemFromMOG',
2466: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
2467: p_msg => 'unexp error:' || SQLERRM,
2468: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus); --discard return status
2469: END IF;

Line 2528: p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.setItemRevision',

2524: l_params(8).paramValue := p_item.primary_quantity;
2525: l_params(9).paramName := 'p_item.transaction_action_id';
2526: l_params(9).paramValue := p_item.transaction_action_id;
2527: wip_logger.entryPoint(
2528: p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.setItemRevision',
2529: p_params => l_params,
2530: x_returnStatus => x_returnStatus);
2531: END IF;

Line 2545: p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.setItemRevision',

2541: END IF;
2543: IF (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) THEN
2544: wip_logger.exitPoint(
2545: p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.setItemRevision',
2546: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
2547: p_msg => 'procedure success',
2548: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus); --discard return status
2549: END IF;

Line 2560: p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.setItemRevision',

2557: x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
2558: IF (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) THEN
2559: wip_logger.exitPoint(
2560: p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.setItemRevision',
2561: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
2562: p_msg => 'unexp error:' || SQLERRM,
2563: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus); --discard return status
2564: END IF;

Line 2588: p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveLotsFromMOG',

2584: l_params(2).paramName := 'p_objectID';
2585: l_params(2).paramValue := p_objectID;
2587: wip_logger.entryPoint(
2588: p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveLotsFromMOG',
2589: p_params => l_params,
2590: x_returnStatus => x_returnStatus);
2591: END IF;

Line 2651: p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveLotsFromMOG',

2647: END LOOP;
2649: IF (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) THEN
2650: wip_logger.exitPoint(
2651: p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveLotsFromMOG',
2652: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
2653: p_msg => 'procedure success',
2654: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus);
2655: END IF;

Line 2662: p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveLotsFromMOG',

2658: WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error THEN
2659: x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
2660: IF (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) THEN
2661: wip_logger.exitPoint(
2662: p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveLotsFromMOG',
2663: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
2664: p_msg => l_errMsg,
2665: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus); --discard return status
2666: END IF;

Line 2673: p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveLotsFromMOG',

2669: WHEN others THEN
2670: x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
2671: IF (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) THEN
2672: wip_logger.exitPoint(
2673: p_procName => 'wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveLotsFromMOG',
2674: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
2675: p_msg => 'unexpected error:' || SQLERRM,
2676: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus); --discard return status
2677: END IF;

Line 2682: end wip_autoLotProc_priv;

2678: ROLLBACK TO s_deriveLotsFromMOG;
2680: END deriveLotsFromMOG;
2682: end wip_autoLotProc_priv;