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Line 316: -- MOAC: Replaced the po_line_locations

312: -- Putaway no apply for Inv org
313: -- Delivery rti rti+mtlt rti or mtlt
314: -- Therefore, two cursors are needed, rti+lpnContent or rti+mtlt
316: -- MOAC: Replaced the po_line_locations
317: -- view with a _ALL table the where clause of
318: -- the cursor select is sufficient to stripe
319: -- by a single OU.

Line 372: , po_line_locations_trx_v pll -- CLM project, bug 9403291

368: , wms_lpn_contents wlc
369: , po_lines_trx_v pol -- CLM project, bug 9403291
370: , po_headers_trx_v pha -- CLM project, bug 9403291
371: , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
372: , po_line_locations_trx_v pll -- CLM project, bug 9403291
373: , po_vendors pov
374: , hr_locations_all hrl1
375: , hr_locations_all hrl2
376: , po_vendor_sites_all pvs

Line 398: -- MOAC: Replaced the po_line_locations

394: AND rti.interface_transaction_id = p_transaction_id
395: AND wojv.wip_entity_id = rti.wip_entity_id
396: AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN ppf.effective_start_date(+) AND ppf.effective_end_date(+); -- for bug#5889715
398: -- MOAC: Replaced the po_line_locations
399: -- view with a _ALL table the where clause of
400: -- the cursor select is sufficient to stripe
401: -- by a single OU.

Line 454: , po_line_locations_trx_v pll -- CLM project, bug 9403291

450: , wms_lpn_contents wlc
451: , po_lines_trx_v pol -- CLM project, bug 9403291
452: , po_headers_trx_v pha -- CLM projet, bug 9403291
453: , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
454: , po_line_locations_trx_v pll -- CLM project, bug 9403291
455: , po_vendors pov
456: , hr_locations_all hrl1
457: , hr_locations_all hrl2
458: , po_vendor_sites_all pvs

Line 483: -- MOAC: Replaced the po_line_locations

479: -- RTI + MTLT
480: -- This is the new cursor designed for the "I" cleanup project for printing at receipt
481: -- Added vendor_id and vendor_site_id to the cursor for Bug 2748297
483: -- MOAC: Replaced the po_line_locations
484: -- view with a _ALL table the where clause of
485: -- the cursor select is sufficient to stripe
486: -- by a single OU.

Line 554: , po_line_locations_trx_v pll -- CLM project, bug 9403291

550: FROM rcv_transactions_interface rti
551: , po_lines_trx_v pol -- CLM project, bug 9403291
552: , po_headers_trx_v pha -- CLM project, bug 9403291
553: , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
554: , po_line_locations_trx_v pll -- CLM project, bug 9403291
555: , po_vendors pov
556: , hr_locations hrl1
557: , hr_locations hrl2
558: -- MOAC changed po_vendor_sites to po_vendor_sites_all

Line 625: -- MOAC: Replaced the po_line_locations

621: * Use one cursor that queries RCV_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE and RCV_LOTS_INTERFACE tables for
622: * Item, Lot, Quantity information
623: */
625: -- MOAC: Replaced the po_line_locations
626: -- view with a _ALL table the where clause of
627: -- the cursor select is sufficient to stripe
628: -- by a single OU.

Line 715: , po_line_locations_trx_v pll -- CLM project, bug 9403291

711: , po_lines_trx_v pol -- CLM project, bug 9403291
712: -- , po_distributions_all pod --Commented as part of Bug# 3586116
713: , po_headers_trx_v pha -- CLM project, bug 9403291
714: , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
715: , po_line_locations_trx_v pll -- CLM project, bug 9403291
716: , po_vendors pov
717: , hr_locations_all hrl1
718: , hr_locations_all hrl2
719: , po_vendor_sites_all pvs

Line 913: , po_line_locations_trx_v pll -- CLM project, bug 9403291

909: , po_lines_trx_v pol -- CLM project, bug 9403291
910: -- , po_distributions_all pod --Commented as part of Bug# 3586116
911: , po_headers_trx_v pha -- CLM project, bug 9403291
912: , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
913: , po_line_locations_trx_v pll -- CLM project, bug 9403291
914: , po_vendors pov
915: , hr_locations_all hrl1
916: , hr_locations_all hrl2
917: , po_vendor_sites_all pvs

Line 1096: , po_line_locations_trx_v pll -- CLM project, bug 9403291

1092: , po_lines_trx_v pol -- CLM project, bug 9403291
1093: -- , po_distributions_all pod --Commented as part of Bug# 3586116
1094: , po_headers_trx_v pha -- CLM project, bug 9403291
1095: , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
1096: , po_line_locations_trx_v pll -- CLM project, bug 9403291
1097: , po_vendors pov
1098: , hr_locations_all hrl1
1099: , hr_locations_all hrl2
1100: , po_vendor_sites_all pvs

Line 2110: l_note_to_receiver po_line_locations.NOTE_TO_RECEIVER%TYPE;

2106: l_supplier_site po_vendor_sites.VENDOR_SITE_CODE%TYPE;
2107: l_requestor per_people_f.FULL_NAME%TYPE;
2108: l_deliver_to_location hr_locations_all.LOCATION_CODE%TYPE;
2109: l_location_code hr_locations_all.LOCATION_CODE%TYPE;
2110: l_note_to_receiver po_line_locations.NOTE_TO_RECEIVER%TYPE;
2112: -- END of Bug fix for 3916663
2113: l_routing_name VARCHAR2(30);
2114: l_content_rec_index NUMBER := 0;