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Line 1: package body wms_atf_dest_locator as

1: package body wms_atf_dest_locator as
2: /* $Header: WMSADELB.pls 120.1 2005/05/25 17:33:52 appldev $ */
3: --
4: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------|
5: -- |-------------------------------< trace >----------------------------------|

Line 37: INV_LOG_UTIL.trace(p_message, 'WMS_ATF_DEST_LOCATOR', p_level);

33: p_message in varchar2
34: , p_level in number
35: ) is
36: begin
37: INV_LOG_UTIL.trace(p_message, 'WMS_ATF_DEST_LOCATOR', p_level);
38: end trace;
39: --
40: -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
41: -- |------------------------< get_dest_locator >--------------------------------|

Line 98: trace(l_proc ||' Entering package wms_atf_dest_locator '|| to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 1);

94: -- ### Initialize API return status to success
95: x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
97: if (l_debug = 1) then
98: trace(l_proc ||' Entering package wms_atf_dest_locator '|| to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 1);
99: trace(l_proc ||' Entering procedure get_dest_locator '|| to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 1);
100: trace(l_proc ||' p_mode => ' || p_mode);
101: trace(l_proc ||' p_task_id => ' || p_task_id);
102: trace(l_proc ||' p_activity_type_id => ' || p_activity_type_id);

Line 155: trace(l_proc ||' Locator ID cannot be null if "wms_atf_dest_locator.get_dest_locator" is called in validation mode');

151: -- ### Check if p_mode is 'Validation' and the p_locator_id is null.
152: if (p_mode = 2 and p_locator_id is null)
153: then
154: if (l_debug =1) then
155: trace(l_proc ||' Locator ID cannot be null if "wms_atf_dest_locator.get_dest_locator" is called in validation mode');
156: end if;
157: return;
158: end if;
159: -- ###

Line 289: end wms_atf_dest_locator;

285: trace('Error within "When Others" of the Outermost block in the get_dest_loc_lpn_wrap package is ..'|| sqlerrm(sqlcode));
286: end if;
287: end get_dest_locator;
289: end wms_atf_dest_locator;