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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 14

  SELECT NVL(SUM(fdh.units_assigned),0)
  INTO   ln_units
  FROM   fa_distribution_history fdh
  WHERE  fdh.asset_id            = p_asset_id_in
  AND    fdh.book_type_code      = P_DIST_SOURCE_BOOK
  AND    fdh.code_combination_id = p_ccid_in
  AND    fdh.transaction_header_id_in =
      (SELECT MAX(fdh1.transaction_header_id_in)
       FROM   fa_distribution_history fdh1
             ,fa_transaction_headers  fth1
       WHERE  fdh1.asset_id            = p_asset_id_in
       AND    fdh1.book_type_code      = P_DIST_SOURCE_BOOK   /* why P_BOOK_NAME it should be P_BOOK_TYPE_CODE, both are not synonymous */
       AND    fdh1.code_combination_id = p_ccid_in
       AND    fdh1.transaction_header_id_in = fth1.transaction_header_id
       AND    fth1.date_effective <= gd_per_close_date);
Line: 30

  SELECT (p_original_cost_in/p_units_in) * ln_units
  INTO   ln_amount
Line: 54

    SELECT NVL(fdd.cost,0)
    INTO   ln_amount
    FROM   fa_deprn_detail         fdd
          ,fa_distribution_history fdh
          ,fa_asset_history        fah
          ,fa_transaction_headers  fth
    WHERE  fdd.period_counter = (
              SELECT MAX(fdd1.period_counter)
              FROM   fa_deprn_detail fdd1
              WHERE  fdd1.book_type_code  = P_BOOK_NAME
              AND    fdd1.distribution_id = fdd.distribution_id
              AND    fdd1.asset_id        = fdd.asset_id
              AND    fdd1.period_counter  < gn_lex_begin_period_counter)
    AND    fdd.book_type_code            = P_BOOK_NAME
    AND    fdh.asset_id                  = fth.asset_id
    AND    fdh.transaction_header_id_in  = p_transaction_header_id
    AND    fah.category_id               = p_category_id_in
    AND    fah.asset_type                = p_asset_type_in
    AND    fah.asset_id                  = p_asset_id_in
    AND    fdd.asset_id                  = p_asset_id_in
    AND    fdd.distribution_id           = fdh.distribution_id
    AND    fah.asset_type                IN ('CAPITALIZED','CIP')
    AND    fdh.location_id               = p_location_id_in
    AND  ((fdh.date_effective               >= fah.date_effective
          AND fdh.date_effective            < NVL(fah.date_ineffective, fdh.date_effective + 1)
          AND fdh.transaction_header_id_in  = fth.transaction_header_id)
         OR(fah.date_effective             > fdh.date_effective
             AND fah.transaction_header_id_in  = fth.transaction_header_id
         AND fth.transaction_type_code     = 'ADDITION'  /* CIP ADDITION is not considered?  */
         AND fah.date_effective < gd_per_open_date))
    AND    fdh.code_combination_id          = p_ccid_in
    AND    fdd.distribution_id           = (
              SELECT MAX(fdd1.distribution_id)
              FROM   fa_deprn_detail fdd1
                    ,fa_distribution_history fdh1
              WHERE  fdd1.book_type_code      = fdd.book_type_code
              AND    fdd1.asset_id            = fdd.asset_id
              AND    fdd1.distribution_id     = fdh1.distribution_id
              AND    fdh1.code_combination_id = fdh.code_combination_id
              AND    fdh1.location_id         = p_location_id_in
              AND    fdd1.period_counter      < gn_lex_begin_period_counter);
Line: 120

    SELECT NVL(SUM(NVL(DECODE(fadj.debit_credit_flag, 'CR', -1 * fadj.adjustment_amount
                                             , fadj.adjustment_amount), 0)),0) additions
    INTO   ln_amount
    FROM   fa_transaction_headers  fth
          ,fa_adjustments          fadj
          ,fa_asset_history        fah
		  ,fa_distribution_history fdh
    WHERE  fth.asset_id                = fah.asset_id
    AND    fth.asset_id                = fdh.asset_id
   	AND    fdh.distribution_id         = fadj.distribution_id
    AND    fdh.transaction_header_id_in  = p_transaction_header_id
    AND    fah.category_id             = p_category_id_in
    AND    fah.asset_type              = p_asset_type_in
    AND    fth.asset_id                = p_asset_id_in
    AND    fth.book_type_code          = P_BOOK_NAME
    AND    fadj.transaction_header_id  = fth.transaction_header_id
    AND    ((fth.transaction_type_code IN ('CIP ADDITION','CIP ADJUSTMENT')
             AND fah.asset_type       = 'CIP'
             AND fadj.adjustment_type = 'CIP COST')
           OR (fth.transaction_type_code = 'ADDITION' AND fah.asset_type       = 'CAPITALIZED'
		      AND fadj.adjustment_type = 'COST'))
    AND    fth.transaction_date_entered <= NVL(gd_period_close_date,fth.transaction_date_entered)
    AND    fadj.period_counter_adjusted BETWEEN gn_lex_begin_period_counter AND gn_lex_end_period_counter
    AND    ((fdh.date_effective           >= fah.date_effective
    AND    fdh.date_effective           < NVL(fah.date_ineffective, fdh.date_effective + 1))
	   OR    (fah.date_effective      > fdh.date_effective
              AND fth.transaction_type_code = 'ADDITION'))
	AND    fah.transaction_header_id_in = p_fah_trx_header_id
	AND    fdh.code_combination_id      = p_ccid_in
    AND    fdh.location_id               = p_location_id_in
	AND  (fah.asset_type <> 'CAPITALIZED' OR ((fah.asset_type='CAPITALIZED') AND (NOT EXISTS (-- Added these lines as part of the fix to the SR 7284007.992
    SELECT 'Y'
	FROM  fa_asset_history  fah1
	WHERE fah1.asset_type='CIP'
	and   fah1.transaction_header_id_out = fah.transaction_header_id_in
	and   fah1.asset_id = fah.asset_id
Line: 184

    SELECT NVL(SUM(NVL(DECODE(fadj.debit_credit_flag, 'DR',(-1)*fadj.adjustment_amount,fadj.adjustment_amount), 0)),0) retirements
    INTO   ln_amount
    FROM   fa_books                fb
          ,fa_transaction_headers  fth
          ,fa_adjustments          fadj
          ,fa_asset_history        fah
          ,fa_distribution_history fdh
    WHERE  fth.asset_id                 = fah.asset_id
    AND    fth.asset_id                 = fdh.asset_id
    AND    fah.asset_type               = p_asset_type_in
    AND    fdh.distribution_id          = fadj.distribution_id
    AND    fah.category_id              = p_category_id_in
    AND    fdh.transaction_header_id_in  = p_transaction_header_id
    AND    fth.book_type_code           = P_BOOK_NAME
    AND    fb.asset_id                  = p_asset_id_in
    AND    fdh.code_combination_id      = p_ccid_in
    AND    fadj.transaction_header_id   = fth.transaction_header_id
    AND    fth.transaction_type_code    IN ('FULL RETIREMENT', 'PARTIAL RETIREMENT', 'REINSTATEMENT')
    AND    fadj.adjustment_type         IN ('COST', 'CIP COST')
    AND    fadj.source_type_code        IN ('RETIREMENT', 'CIP RETIREMENT')
    AND    fadj.period_counter_adjusted BETWEEN gn_lex_begin_period_counter AND gn_lex_end_period_counter
    AND    fth.transaction_date_entered <= NVL(gd_period_close_date,fth.transaction_date_entered)
    AND    fth.transaction_header_id    >= fah.transaction_header_id_in
    AND    fth.transaction_header_id    < NVL(fah.transaction_header_id_out, fth.transaction_header_id + 1)
    AND    fb.transaction_header_id_in  = fth.transaction_header_id
    AND    fb.book_type_code            = P_BOOK_NAME
    AND    fdh.location_id               = p_location_id_in;
Line: 238

    SELECT NVL(SUM(x.all_transferred),0)
    INTO   ln_amount
    FROM   (
        SELECT NVL(DECODE(fadj.debit_credit_flag, 'CR', -1 * fadj.adjustment_amount, fadj.adjustment_amount),0) all_transferred
        FROM   fa_transaction_headers  fth
              ,fa_adjustments          fadj
              ,fa_asset_history        fah1
              ,fa_distribution_history fdh
        WHERE EXISTS (
             SELECT 1
              FROM   fa_deprn_detail fdd
              WHERE  fdd.asset_id          = fth.asset_id
              AND    fdd.book_type_code    = P_BOOK_NAME
              AND    fdd.deprn_source_code = 'D'
        AND (fah1.asset_type = p_asset_type_in
            OR (fah1.asset_type = 'CIP'
              AND EXISTS (
                  SELECT period_counter_capitalized
                   FROM   fa_books fb2
                   WHERE  fb2.asset_id                   = fah1.asset_id
                   AND    fb2.book_type_code             = P_BOOK_NAME
                   AND    fb2.period_counter_capitalized < gn_lex_begin_period_counter
        AND   fadj.period_counter_adjusted BETWEEN gn_lex_begin_period_counter AND gn_lex_end_period_counter
        AND   fadj.source_type_code        = 'TRANSFER'
        AND   fadj.adjustment_type         IN ('COST', 'CIP COST')
        AND   fth.transaction_type_code    <> 'TRANSFER IN'
        AND   fth.asset_id                 = fah1.asset_id
        AND   fth.asset_id                 = fdh.asset_id
        AND   fdh.distribution_id          = fadj.distribution_id
        AND    fdh.transaction_header_id_in  = p_transaction_header_id
        AND   fth.asset_id                 = p_asset_id_in
        AND   fah1.category_id             = p_category_id_in
        AND   fth.book_type_code           = P_BOOK_NAME
        AND   fadj.transaction_header_id   = fth.transaction_header_id
        AND   fth.transaction_date_entered <= gd_period_close_date
        AND   fadj.asset_id                = fah1.asset_id
        AND   fadj.book_type_code          = P_BOOK_NAME
        AND   fdh.code_combination_id      = p_ccid_in
        AND   fdh.location_id              = p_location_id_in
        AND   fth.transaction_header_id    >= fah1.transaction_header_id_in
        AND   fth.transaction_header_id    < NVL(fah1.transaction_header_id_out, fth.transaction_header_id + 1)
      UNION ALL  -- Added this query as part of the fix to the SR 7284007.992
        SELECT NVL(SUM(NVL(DECODE(fadj.debit_credit_flag, 'CR', -1 * fadj.adjustment_amount
                                             , fadj.adjustment_amount),0)),0) all_transferred
    FROM   fa_transaction_headers  fth
          ,fa_adjustments          fadj
          ,fa_asset_history        fah
          ,fa_distribution_history fdh
    WHERE  fth.asset_id                = fah.asset_id
    AND    fth.asset_id                = fdh.asset_id
    AND    fdh.distribution_id         = fadj.distribution_id
    AND    fdh.transaction_header_id_in  = p_transaction_header_id
    AND    fah.category_id             = p_category_id_in
    AND    fah.asset_type              = p_asset_type_in
    AND    fth.asset_id                = p_asset_id_in
    AND    fth.book_type_code          = P_BOOK_NAME
    AND    fadj.transaction_header_id  = fth.transaction_header_id
    AND    fth.transaction_type_code = 'ADDITION'
	AND    fah.asset_type       = 'CAPITALIZED'
    AND    fadj.adjustment_type = 'COST'
    AND    fth.transaction_date_entered <= NVL(gd_period_close_date,fth.transaction_date_entered)
    AND    fadj.period_counter_adjusted BETWEEN gn_lex_begin_period_counter AND gn_lex_end_period_counter
    AND    ((fdh.date_effective           >= fah.date_effective
    AND    fdh.date_effective           < NVL(fah.date_ineffective, fdh.date_effective + 1))
           OR    (fah.date_effective      > fdh.date_effective
              AND fth.transaction_type_code = 'ADDITION'))
              AND    fah.transaction_header_id_in = p_fah_trx_header_id
              AND    fdh.code_combination_id      = p_ccid_in
              AND    fdh.location_id              = p_location_id_in
         AND  ((fah.asset_type='CAPITALIZED') AND (EXISTS (-- Added these lines as part of the fix to the SR 7284007.992
             SELECT 'Y'
             FROM  fa_asset_history  fah1
             WHERE fah1.asset_type='CIP'
             and   fah1.transaction_header_id_out = fah.transaction_header_id_in
             and   fah1.asset_id = fah.asset_id
	  SELECT (-1)*(NVL(SUM(NVL(DECODE(fadj.debit_credit_flag, 'CR', -1 * fadj.adjustment_amount  -- Added this query as part of the fix to the SR 7284007.992
                                             , fadj.adjustment_amount), 0)),0)) all_transferred
    FROM   fa_transaction_headers  fth
          ,fa_adjustments          fadj
          ,fa_asset_history        fah
		  ,fa_distribution_history fdh
    WHERE  fth.asset_id                = fah.asset_id
    AND    fth.asset_id                = fdh.asset_id
   	AND    fdh.distribution_id         = fadj.distribution_id
    AND    fdh.transaction_header_id_in  = p_transaction_header_id
    AND    fah.category_id             = p_category_id_in
    AND    fah.asset_type              = p_asset_type_in
    AND    fth.asset_id                = p_asset_id_in
    AND    fth.book_type_code          = P_BOOK_NAME
    AND    fadj.transaction_header_id  = fth.transaction_header_id
    AND    fth.transaction_type_code IN ('CIP ADDITION','CIP ADJUSTMENT')
    AND    fah.asset_type       = 'CIP'
    AND    fadj.adjustment_type = 'CIP COST'
    AND    fth.transaction_date_entered <= NVL(gd_period_close_date,fth.transaction_date_entered)
    AND    fdh.date_effective           >= fah.date_effective
    AND    fdh.date_effective           < NVL(fah.date_ineffective, fdh.date_effective + 1)
	AND    fah.transaction_header_id_in = p_fah_trx_header_id
	AND    fdh.code_combination_id      = p_ccid_in
    AND    fdh.location_id               = p_location_id_in
    SELECT 'Y'
	FROM  fa_asset_history  fah1
          ,fa_transaction_headers  fth1
	WHERE fah1.asset_type='CAPITALIZED'
	AND   fah1.transaction_header_id_in = fah.transaction_header_id_out
	AND   fah1.asset_id = fah.asset_id
	AND   fth1.transaction_header_id = fah1.transaction_header_id_in
	AND   fth1.transaction_type_code = 'ADDITION'
	AND   fth1.transaction_date_entered BETWEEN gd_period_open_date AND gd_period_close_date
        SELECT NVL(DECODE(fadj.debit_credit_flag, 'CR', -1 * fadj.adjustment_amount, fadj.adjustment_amount),0) all_transferred
        FROM   fa_transaction_headers    fth
              ,fa_adjustments          fadj
              ,fa_asset_history        fah1
              ,fa_asset_history        fah2
              ,fa_distribution_history fdh
        WHERE EXISTS (
           SELECT 1
            FROM   fa_deprn_detail fdd
            WHERE  fdd.asset_id          = fth.asset_id
            AND    fdd.book_type_code    = P_BOOK_NAME
            AND    fdd.deprn_source_code = 'D'
        AND (fah1.asset_type   = p_asset_type_in
           OR (fah1.asset_type = 'CIP'
             AND EXISTS (
                SELECT fb2.period_counter_capitalized
                 FROM   fa_books fb2
                 WHERE  fb2.asset_id                   = fah1.asset_id
                 AND    fb2.book_type_code             = P_BOOK_NAME
                 AND    fb2.period_counter_capitalized < gn_lex_begin_period_counter
       AND   fadj.source_type_code        =  'RECLASS'
       AND   fadj.adjustment_type         IN ('COST', 'CIP COST')
       AND   fth.transaction_type_code    <> 'TRANSFER IN'
       AND   fth.asset_id                 =  fah1.asset_id
       AND   fth.asset_id                 =  fdh.asset_id
       AND   fdh.distribution_id          =  fadj.distribution_id
       AND   fdh.transaction_header_id_in  = p_transaction_header_id
       AND   fdh.location_id               = p_location_id_in
       AND   fth.book_type_code           =  P_BOOK_NAME
       AND   fah2.category_id             =  p_category_id_in
       AND   fth.asset_id                 =  p_asset_id_in
       AND   fdh.code_combination_id      = p_ccid_in
       AND   fadj.transaction_header_id   =  fth.transaction_header_id
       AND   fth.transaction_date_entered <= gd_period_close_date
       AND   fadj.period_counter_adjusted BETWEEN gn_lex_begin_period_counter AND gn_lex_end_period_counter
       AND   fadj.asset_id                =  fah1.asset_id
       AND   fadj.book_type_code          =  P_BOOK_NAME
       AND   fah1.asset_id                =  fah2.asset_id
       AND   fth.transaction_header_id    >= fah1.transaction_header_id_in
       AND   fth.transaction_header_id    <  NVL(fah1.transaction_header_id_out, fth.transaction_header_id + 1)
       AND   fdh.date_effective           >= fah2.date_effective
       AND   fdh.date_effective           <  NVL(fah2.date_ineffective, fdh.date_effective + 1)
    ) X;
Line: 424

    SELECT NVL(SUM(DECODE(fadj.debit_credit_flag, 'CR', -1 * fadj.adjustment_amount, fadj.adjustment_amount)),0)
    INTO   ln_amount
    FROM   fa_transaction_headers  fth
          ,fa_adjustments          fadj
          ,fa_asset_history        fah
          ,fa_distribution_history fdh
    WHERE  fth.asset_id                 = fah.asset_id
    AND    fth.asset_id                 = fdh.asset_id
    AND    fdh.distribution_id          = fadj.distribution_id
    AND    fdh.transaction_header_id_in  = p_transaction_header_id
    AND    fah.category_id              = p_category_id_in
    AND    fdh.location_id               = p_location_id_in
    AND    fah.asset_type               = p_asset_type_in
    AND    fth.book_type_code           = P_BOOK_NAME
    AND    fdh.code_combination_id      = p_ccid_in
    AND    fth.asset_id                 = p_asset_id_in
    AND    fadj.transaction_header_id   = fth.transaction_header_id
    AND    fadj.period_counter_adjusted BETWEEN gn_lex_begin_period_counter AND gn_lex_end_period_counter
    AND    fth.transaction_type_code  IN ('ADJUSTMENT')  /* CIP ADJUSTMENT excluded ? */
    AND    fadj.adjustment_type    IN ('COST')
    AND    fth.transaction_date_entered <= gd_period_close_date
    AND    fth.transaction_header_id    >= fah.transaction_header_id_in
    AND    fth.transaction_header_id    < NVL(fah.transaction_header_id_out, fth.transaction_header_id + 1);
Line: 474

    SELECT NVL(SUM(DECODE(fadj.debit_credit_flag, 'CR', -1 * fadj.adjustment_amount, fadj.adjustment_amount)),0)
    INTO   ln_amount
    FROM   fa_books                fb
          ,fa_transaction_headers  fth
          ,fa_adjustments          fadj
          ,fa_asset_history        fah
          ,fa_distribution_history fdh
    WHERE  fth.asset_id                 = fah.asset_id
    AND    fth.asset_id                 = fdh.asset_id
    AND    fdh.distribution_id          = fadj.distribution_id
    AND    fdh.transaction_header_id_in  = p_transaction_header_id
    AND    fah.category_id              = p_category_id_in
    AND    fdh.location_id               = p_location_id_in
    AND    fah.asset_type               = p_asset_type_in
    AND    fth.book_type_code           = P_BOOK_NAME
    AND    fdh.code_combination_id      = p_ccid_in
    AND    fth.asset_id                 = p_asset_id_in
    AND    fadj.transaction_header_id   = fth.transaction_header_id
    AND    fadj.period_counter_adjusted BETWEEN gn_lex_begin_period_counter AND gn_lex_end_period_counter
    AND    fth.transaction_type_code    IN ('ADJUSTMENT','CIP ADJUSTMENT')
    AND    fadj.adjustment_type    = 'EXPENSE'
    AND    fth.transaction_subtype = 'APPREC'
    AND    fth.transaction_date_entered <= gd_period_close_date
    AND    fth.transaction_header_id    >= fah.transaction_header_id_in
    AND    fth.transaction_header_id    < NVL(fah.transaction_header_id_out, fth.transaction_header_id + 1)
    AND    fb.transaction_header_id_in  = fth.transaction_header_id
    AND    fb.book_type_code            = P_BOOK_NAME;
Line: 526

    SELECT NVL(fdd.deprn_reserve,0)
    INTO   ln_amount
    FROM   fa_deprn_summary fds
          ,fa_deprn_detail  fdd
          ,fa_distribution_history fdh
    WHERE  fds.book_type_code      = fdd.book_type_code
    AND    fds.asset_id            = fdd.asset_id
    AND    fds.period_counter      = fdd.period_counter
    AND    fdd.distribution_id     = fdh.distribution_id
    AND    fdh.transaction_header_id_in  = p_transaction_header_id
    AND    fdh.book_type_code      = P_DIST_SOURCE_BOOK
    AND    fdd.asset_id            = fdh.asset_id
    AND    fds.book_type_code      = P_BOOK_NAME
    AND    fds.asset_id            = p_asset_id_in
    AND    fdh.code_combination_id = p_ccid_in
    AND    fdh.location_id         = p_location_id_in
    AND    fds.period_counter      = (
               SELECT MAX(fds1.period_counter)
               FROM   fa_deprn_summary fds1
                     ,fa_deprn_detail  fdd1
                     ,fa_distribution_history fdh1
               WHERE  fds1.book_type_code      = fdd1.book_type_code
               AND    fds1.asset_id            = fdd1.asset_id
               AND    fds1.period_counter      = fdd1.period_counter
               AND    fdd1.distribution_id     = fdh1.distribution_id
               AND    fdh1.book_type_code      =  P_DIST_SOURCE_BOOK
               AND    fdd1.asset_id            = fdh1.asset_id
               AND    fds1.book_type_code      = fds.book_type_code
               AND    fds1.asset_id            = fds.asset_id
               AND    fdh1.code_combination_id = fdh.code_combination_id
               AND    fdh1.location_id         = p_location_id_in
               AND    fds1.period_counter      BETWEEN gn_lex_begin_period_counter AND gn_lex_end_period_counter
Line: 562

    SELECT fdd.deprn_reserve
    INTO   ln_amount
    FROM   fa_deprn_summary fds
          ,fa_deprn_detail  fdd
          ,fa_distribution_history fdh
          ,fa_books  fb
    WHERE  fds.book_type_code      = fdd.book_type_code
    AND    fds.asset_id            = fdd.asset_id
    AND    fds.period_counter      = fdd.period_counter
    AND    fdd.distribution_id     = fdh.distribution_id
    AND    fdh.book_type_code      = P_DIST_SOURCE_BOOK
    AND    fdd.asset_id            = fdh.asset_id
    AND    fds.book_type_code      = P_BOOK_NAME
    AND    fds.asset_id            = p_asset_id_in
    AND    fdh.code_combination_id = p_ccid_in
    AND    fdh.location_id         = p_location_id_in
    AND    fb.asset_id             = fdd.asset_id
    AND    fb.book_type_code       = fdd.book_type_code
    AND    fb.date_ineffective IS NULL
    AND    fb.period_counter_life_complete IS NOT NULL
    AND    fds.period_counter      = (
               SELECT MAX(fds1.period_counter)
               FROM   fa_deprn_summary fds1
                     ,fa_deprn_detail  fdd1
                     ,fa_distribution_history fdh1
               WHERE  fds1.book_type_code      = fdd1.book_type_code
               AND    fds1.asset_id            = fdd1.asset_id
               AND    fds1.period_counter      = fdd1.period_counter
               AND    fdd1.distribution_id     = fdh1.distribution_id
               AND    fdh1.book_type_code      = P_DIST_SOURCE_BOOK
               AND    fdd1.asset_id            = fdh1.asset_id
               AND    fds1.book_type_code      = fds.book_type_code
               AND    fds1.asset_id            = fds.asset_id
               AND    fdh1.code_combination_id = fdh.code_combination_id
               AND    fdh1.location_id         = p_location_id_in
               AND    fds1.period_counter      < = gn_lex_begin_period_counter);
Line: 605

        SELECT NVL(MAX(fdd.deprn_reserve),0)
        INTO   ln_amount
        FROM   fa_deprn_summary fds
              ,fa_deprn_detail  fdd
              ,fa_distribution_history fdh
        WHERE  fds.book_type_code      = fdd.book_type_code
        AND    fds.asset_id            = fdd.asset_id
        AND    fds.period_counter      = fdd.period_counter
        AND    fdd.distribution_id     = fdh.distribution_id
        AND    fdh.transaction_header_id_in  = p_transaction_header_id
        AND    fdh.book_type_code      = P_DIST_SOURCE_BOOK
        AND    fdd.asset_id            = fdh.asset_id
        AND    fds.book_type_code      = P_BOOK_NAME
        AND    fds.asset_id            = p_asset_id_in
        AND    fdh.code_combination_id = p_ccid_in
        AND    fdh.location_id               = p_location_id_in
        AND    fds.period_counter = (
                  SELECT MAX(fds1.period_counter)
                   FROM   fa_deprn_summary fds1
                         ,fa_deprn_detail  fdd1
                         ,fa_distribution_history fdh1
                   WHERE fds1.book_type_code      = fdd1.book_type_code
                   AND   fds1.asset_id            = fdd1.asset_id
                   AND   fds1.period_counter      = fdd1.period_counter
                   AND   fdd1.distribution_id     = fdh1.distribution_id
                       AND    fdh.transaction_header_id_in  = p_transaction_header_id
                   AND   fdh1.book_type_code      = P_DIST_SOURCE_BOOK
                   AND   fdd1.asset_id            = fdh1.asset_id
                   AND   fds1.book_type_code      = fds.book_type_code
                   AND   fds1.asset_id            = fds.asset_id
                   AND   fdh1.code_combination_id = fdh.code_combination_id
                   AND   fdh1.location_id               = p_location_id_in
                   AND   fds1.period_counter      BETWEEN gn_lex_begin_period_counter AND gn_lex_end_period_counter
Line: 661

    SELECT NVL(SUM(DECODE(fdd.deprn_source_code,'B',fdd.deprn_reserve,fdd.deprn_amount)),0)
    INTO   ln_amount
    FROM   fa_deprn_summary fds
          ,fa_deprn_detail  fdd
          ,fa_distribution_history fdh
    WHERE  fds.book_type_code      = fdd.book_type_code
    AND    fds.asset_id            = fdd.asset_id
    AND    fds.period_counter      = fdd.period_counter
    AND    fdd.distribution_id     = fdh.distribution_id
    AND    fdh.transaction_header_id_in  = p_transaction_header_id
    AND    fdh.book_type_code      =  P_DIST_SOURCE_BOOK
    AND    fdd.asset_id            = fdh.asset_id
    AND    fds.book_type_code      = P_BOOK_NAME
    AND    fds.asset_id            = p_asset_id_in
    AND    fdh.code_combination_id = p_ccid_in
    AND    fdh.location_id         = p_location_id_in
    AND    fds.period_counter      <= gn_lex_end_period_counter;
Line: 703

    SELECT NVL(fdd.deprn_reserve,0)
    INTO   ln_amount
    FROM   fa_books fb
          ,fa_deprn_summary fds
          ,fa_deprn_detail  fdd
          ,fa_distribution_history fdh
    WHERE  fb.book_type_code    = P_BOOK_NAME
    AND fb.date_ineffective     IS NULL
    AND fb.book_type_code       = fds.book_type_code
    AND fb.asset_id             = fds.asset_id
    AND fds.period_counter      = gn_lex_begin_period_counter - 1
    AND fdh.transaction_header_id_in  = p_transaction_header_id
    AND fb.asset_id             = p_asset_id_in
    AND fds.book_type_code      = fdd.book_type_code
    AND fds.asset_id            = fdd.asset_id
    AND fds.period_counter      = fdd.period_counter
    AND fdd.distribution_id     = fdh.distribution_id
    AND fdh.book_type_code      = P_DIST_SOURCE_BOOK
    AND fdd.asset_id            = fdh.asset_id
    AND fdh.code_combination_id = p_ccid_in
    AND fdh.location_id         = p_location_id_in;
Line: 746

    SELECT NVL(SUM(fdd.deprn_amount - fdd.deprn_adjustment_amount + NVL(fx.adjustment_amount,0)),0)
        INTO   ln_amount
        FROM   fa_deprn_detail          fdd
              ,fa_distribution_history  fdh
                    ,(SELECT fadj.distribution_id
                                                  ,fadj.adjustment_amount))) adjustment_amount
               FROM fa_adjustments           fadj
                   ,fa_transaction_headers   fth
              WHERE fadj.transaction_header_id = fth.transaction_header_id(+)
              and fth.transaction_type_code IN ('ADJUSTMENT','ADDITION')
              and fadj.adjustment_type(+) = 'EXPENSE'
                    and fadj.book_type_code  = P_BOOK_NAME
              AND fadj.asset_id        = p_asset_id_in
                    and fadj.asset_id = fth.asset_id
                    and fadj.book_type_code = fth.book_type_code
                    group by  fadj.distribution_id
                           ,fadj.period_counter_created) fx
        WHERE fdd.distribution_id = fx.distribution_id(+)
          and fdd.period_counter = fx.period_counter_created(+)
          and fdd.distribution_id = fdh.distribution_id
          and fdd.period_counter BETWEEN gn_lex_begin_period_counter AND gn_lex_end_period_counter
          AND    fdd.book_type_code           = P_BOOK_NAME
          AND    fdd.asset_id                 = p_asset_id_in
          AND    fdh.code_combination_id      = p_ccid_in
          AND    fdh.transaction_header_id_in = p_transaction_header_id
      AND    fdh.location_id                = p_location_id_in;
Line: 802

    SELECT NVL(SUM(NVL(DECODE(fadj.debit_credit_flag, 'DR',(-1)*fadj.adjustment_amount,fadj.adjustment_amount), 0)),0) retirements
    INTO   ln_amount
    FROM   fa_books                fb
          ,fa_transaction_headers  fth
          ,fa_adjustments          fadj
          ,fa_asset_history        fah
          ,fa_distribution_history fdh
    WHERE  fth.asset_id                 = fah.asset_id
    AND    fth.asset_id                 = fdh.asset_id
    AND    fah.asset_type               = p_asset_type_in
    AND    fdh.distribution_id          = fadj.distribution_id
    AND    fah.category_id              = p_category_id_in
    AND    fdh.transaction_header_id_in  = p_transaction_header_id
    AND    fth.book_type_code           = P_BOOK_NAME
    AND    fb.asset_id                  = p_asset_id_in
    AND    fdh.code_combination_id      = p_ccid_in
    AND    fadj.transaction_header_id   = fth.transaction_header_id
    AND    fth.transaction_type_code    IN ('FULL RETIREMENT', 'PARTIAL RETIREMENT', 'REINSTATEMENT')
    AND    fadj.adjustment_type         IN ('RESERVE')
    AND    fadj.source_type_code        IN ('RETIREMENT', 'CIP RETIREMENT')
    AND    fadj.period_counter_adjusted <= gn_lex_end_period_counter
    AND    fth.transaction_date_entered <= NVL(gd_period_close_date,fth.transaction_date_entered)
    AND    fth.transaction_header_id    >= fah.transaction_header_id_in
    AND    fth.transaction_header_id    < NVL(fah.transaction_header_id_out, fth.transaction_header_id + 1)
    AND    fb.transaction_header_id_in  = fth.transaction_header_id
    AND    fb.book_type_code            = P_BOOK_NAME
    AND    fdh.location_id               = p_location_id_in;
Line: 859

  SELECT FSC.category_flex_structure
  INTO   gc_cat_flex_struc
  FROM   fa_system_controls FSC;
Line: 868

SELECT fsav.application_column_name
INTO   lc_maj_seg
FROM   fnd_segment_attribute_values fsav
WHERE  fsav.id_flex_code           = 'CAT#'
AND    fsav.id_flex_num            = gc_cat_flex_struc
AND    fsav.attribute_value        = 'Y'
AND    fsav.segment_attribute_type = 'BASED_CATEGORY';
Line: 876

SELECT fsav.application_column_name
INTO   lc_min_seg
FROM   fnd_segment_attribute_values fsav
WHERE  fsav.id_flex_code           = 'CAT#'
AND    fsav.id_flex_num            = gc_cat_flex_struc
AND    fsav.attribute_value        = 'Y'
AND    fsav.segment_attribute_type = 'MINOR_CATEGORY';
Line: 884

SELECT fifs.concatenated_segment_delimiter
INTO   lc_separator
FROM   fnd_id_flex_structures fifs
WHERE  fifs.id_flex_num  = gc_cat_flex_struc
AND    fifs.id_flex_code = 'CAT#';
Line: 891

select substr(lc_maj_seg,8) into lc_maj_segnum from dual;
Line: 892

select substr(lc_min_seg,8) into lc_min_segnum from dual;
Line: 992

  SELECT FDP.period_counter
  INTO   gn_lex_begin_period_counter
  FROM   fa_deprn_periods  FDP
  WHERE  FDP.book_type_code = P_BOOK_NAME
  AND    FDP.period_name    = P_BEGIN_PERIOD;
Line: 1009

  SELECT FDP.period_counter
  INTO   gn_lex_end_period_counter
  FROM   fa_deprn_periods FDP
  WHERE  FDP.book_type_code = P_BOOK_NAME
  AND    FDP.period_name    = P_END_PERIOD;
Line: 1027

  SELECT FBC.book_class
  INTO   gc_book_class
  FROM   fa_book_controls FBC
  WHERE  FBC.book_type_code = P_BOOK_NAME;
Line: 1042

  INTO   gc_ledger_name
  FROM   gl_ledgers GLED
  WHERE  GLED.ledger_id = lc_ledger_id;