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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 212

    select element_reporting_name    /* Modified for bug 4753806 summed up hours and payment using group by */
    ,      classification_name
    ,      SUM(payment) payment
    ,     SUM( hours ) hours
    ,      rate /* 5914696 */
    from   pay_au_asg_element_payments_v
    where  assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
    and    classification_name is not null
    group by element_reporting_name,rate,classification_name;
Line: 555

    select ap.accrual_plan_id
    ,      ap.accrual_plan_name
    ,      hr_general_utilities.get_lookup_meaning('US_PTO_ACCRUAL',ap.accrual_category) accrual_category
    ,      ap.accrual_units_of_measure
    ,      pa.payroll_id payroll_id
    ,      ap.business_group_id business_group_id
    from   pay_accrual_plans ap
    ,      pay_element_types_f et
    ,      pay_element_links_f el
    ,      pay_element_entries_f ee
    ,      pay_assignment_actions aa
    ,      pay_payroll_actions pa
    where  et.element_type_id      = ap.accrual_plan_element_type_id    -- select the accrual plan elements
    and    el.element_type_id      = et.element_type_id                 -- select accrual plan element entries
    and    aa.assignment_id        = ee.assignment_id                   -- select element entries for this assignment
    and    ee.element_link_id      = el.element_link_id                 -- join element to element entries via element links
    and    pa.payroll_action_id    = aa.payroll_action_id               -- need the payroll action to check the action_type
    and    pa.action_type          in ('R','Q')                         -- select only payroll/quikpay runs
    and    pa.action_status        = 'C'                                -- select only successfully completed runs
    and    pa.date_earned          between et.effective_start_date and et.effective_end_date
    and    pa.date_earned          between el.effective_start_date and el.effective_end_date
    and    pa.date_earned          between ee.effective_start_date and ee.effective_end_date
    and    ap.accrual_category     = 'AUAL'                             -- select only annual leave accrual plans
    and    aa.assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
Line: 655

  /* Bug 5036580- Modified procedure to fetch and insert values for absence based on split views .
     l_exists and tab_row declared to ensure duplicate rows fetched from different views are not inserted again
     into pay_action_information */

  procedure archive_absences
  (p_assignment_id              in pay_assignment_actions.assignment_id%type
  ,p_pre_effective_date         in pay_payroll_actions.effective_date%type
  ,p_time_period_id             in per_time_periods.time_period_id%type
  ,p_arc_assignment_action_id   in pay_assignment_actions.assignment_action_id%type
  ,p_run_assignment_action_id   in pay_assignment_actions.assignment_action_id%type
  ) is

    cursor csr_leave_taken1
    (p_time_period_id   per_time_periods.time_period_id%type
    ,p_assignment_id    pay_assignment_actions.assignment_id%type
    ) is
    select row_id
     ,     element_reporting_name
    ,      start_date
    ,      end_date
    ,      absence_hours
    ,      payment
    from   pay_au_asg_leave_taken_v1
    where  time_period_id = p_time_period_id
    and    assignment_id  = p_assignment_id
    and    action_type IN ('R','Q','V');
Line: 688

    select row_id,
    ,      start_date
    ,      end_date
    ,      absence_hours
    ,      payment
    from   pay_au_asg_leave_taken_v2
    where  time_period_id = p_time_period_id
    and    assignment_id  = p_assignment_id
    and    action_type IN ('R','Q','V');
Line: 704

    select row_id,element_reporting_name
    ,      start_date
    ,      end_date
    ,      absence_hours
    ,      payment
    from   pay_au_asg_leave_taken_v3
    where  time_period_id = p_time_period_id
    and    assignment_id  = p_assignment_id
    and    action_type IN ('R','Q','V');
Line: 719

    select row_id,element_reporting_name
    ,      start_date
    ,      end_date
    ,      absence_hours
    ,      payment
    from   pay_au_asg_leave_taken_v4
    where  time_period_id = p_time_period_id
    and    assignment_id  = p_assignment_id;
Line: 733

    select row_id,element_reporting_name
    ,      start_date
    ,      end_date
    ,      absence_hours
    ,      payment
    from   pay_au_asg_leave_taken_v5
    where  time_period_id = p_time_period_id
    and    assignment_id  = p_assignment_id
    and    action_type IN ('R','Q','V');
Line: 747

    select row_id,element_reporting_name
    ,      start_date
    ,      end_date
    ,      absence_hours
    ,      payment
    from   pay_au_asg_leave_taken_v6
    where  time_period_id = p_time_period_id
    and    assignment_id  = p_assignment_id
    and    action_type IN ('R','Q','V');
Line: 761

    select row_id,element_reporting_name
    ,      start_date
    ,      end_date
    ,      absence_hours
    ,      payment
    from   pay_au_asg_leave_taken_v7
    where  time_period_id = p_time_period_id
    and    assignment_id  = p_assignment_id
    and    action_type IN ('R','Q','V');
Line: 1278

      select pea.segment1  seg1,
             pea.segment2  seg2,
             pea.segment3  seg3,
             pea.segment4  seg4,
             pea.segment5  seg5,
             pea.segment6  seg6,
             pea.segment7  seg7,
             pea.segment8  seg8,
             pea.segment9  seg9,
             pea.segment10 seg10,
             ppp.value     amount,
        from pay_assignment_actions paa,
             pay_pre_payments ppp,
             pay_org_payment_methods_f popm ,
             pay_personal_payment_methods_f pppm,
             pay_external_accounts pea
       where paa.assignment_action_id = cp_pre_pay_action_id
         and ppp.assignment_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
         and paa.assignment_id = cp_assignment_id
         and ( (    ppp.source_action_id is null
                and cp_ppp_source_action_id is null)
               -- is it a Normal or Process Separate specific
               -- Payments should be included in the Standard
               -- SOE. Only Separate Payments should be in
               -- a Separate SOE.
               (ppp.source_action_id is not null
                and cp_ppp_source_action_id is null
                and exists (
                       select ''
                         from pay_run_types_f prt,
                              pay_assignment_actions paa_run,
                              pay_payroll_actions    ppa_run
                        where paa_run.assignment_action_id
                                               = ppp.source_action_id
                          and paa_run.payroll_action_id
                                               = ppa_run.payroll_action_id
                          and paa_run.run_type_id = prt.run_type_id
                          and prt.run_method in ('P', 'N')
                          and ppa_run.effective_date
                                      between prt.effective_start_date
                                          and prt.effective_end_date
                (cp_ppp_source_action_id is not null
                 and ppp.source_action_id = cp_ppp_source_action_id)
         and ppp.org_payment_method_id = popm.org_payment_method_id
         and popm.defined_balance_id is not null
         and pppm.personal_payment_method_id(+)
                            = ppp.personal_payment_method_id
         and pea.external_account_id(+) = pppm.external_account_id
         and cp_curr_pymt_eff_date between popm.effective_start_date
                                       and popm.effective_end_date
         and cp_curr_pymt_eff_date between nvl(pppm.effective_start_date,
                                       and nvl(pppm.effective_end_date,
	 /* Bug 6962336 - Add NOT EXISTS Clause */
                ( SELECT pai.action_information_id
                  FROM   pay_action_information pai
                  WHERE  pai.action_context_id = cp_action_context_id
                  AND    pai.action_information_category = 'EMPLOYEE NET PAY DISTRIBUTION'
                  AND    pai.action_context_type = 'AAP'
                  AND    pai.action_information15 = ppp.pre_payment_id
Line: 1492

    select tax_unit_id
    from pay_assignment_actions
    where assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id;
Line: 1505

    select org.org_information12        abn
    from   per_assignments_f        paaf
    ,      hr_soft_coding_keyflex       flex
    ,      hr_organization_information  org
    where  paaf.soft_coding_keyflex_id  = flex.soft_coding_keyflex_id
    and    to_char(org.organization_id) = flex.segment1
    and    org.org_information_context  = 'AU_LEGAL_EMPLOYER'
    and    paaf.assignment_id           = p_assignment_id
    and    p_effective_date             between paaf.effective_start_date and paaf.effective_end_date;
Line: 1518

	SELECT paa.assignment_action_id
	FROM   pay_assignment_actions paa,
		pay_action_interlocks pai,
		pay_run_types_f prt
	WHERE  pai.locking_action_id  = p_prepay_action_id
	and   paa.assignment_action_id = pai.locked_action_id
	and   paa.source_action_id = p_source_action_id
	and   paa.run_type_id =  prt.run_type_id;
Line: 1534

select nvl(ptp.default_dd_date,p_pre_effective_date)
from pay_payroll_actions ppa,
     per_time_periods ptp,
     pay_assignment_actions paa
where  p_run_date_earned between ptp.start_date and ptp.end_date
and    paa.assignment_action_id=p_run_assignment_action_id
and    paa.payroll_action_id=ppa.payroll_action_id
and    ppa.payroll_id=ptp.payroll_id;
Line: 1546

select distinct business_group_id
from per_all_assignments_f
where assignment_id=p_assignment_id
and p_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 1558

    select count(*)
from  per_spinal_point_steps_f psp,
per_spinal_point_placements_f pspp,
per_spinal_point_steps_f psp2
where psp.sequence>= psp2.sequence
and pspp.step_id=psp.step_id
and pspp.assignment_id=p_assignment_id
and psp.grade_spine_id=psp2.grade_spine_id
and pspp.business_group_id=p_business_group_id
and psp.business_group_id=p_business_group_id
and psp2.business_group_id=p_business_group_id
and p_effective_date between
      psp.effective_start_date and  psp.effective_end_date
and p_effective_date between
      psp2.effective_start_date and  psp2.effective_end_date
 and p_effective_date between
       pspp.effective_start_date and  pspp.effective_end_date;
Line: 1816

  procedure insert_quickpay_pa_info
  (p_payroll_action_id    in pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%TYPE
  ,p_effective_date       in pay_action_information.effective_date%TYPE
  ) is

  cursor csr_get_payroll_id
        (p_payroll_action_id pay_payroll_actions.payroll_id%TYPE)
  select payroll_id
    from pay_payroll_actions paa
   where paa.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id;
Line: 1860

  END insert_quickpay_pa_info;
Line: 1879

  select payroll_action_id
    from pay_assignment_actions paa
   where paa.assignment_action_id = p_aa_id;
Line: 1887

  select count(*)
    from pay_action_information pai
   where pai.action_context_type = 'PA'
     and pai.action_information_category = 'ADDRESS DETAILS'
     and pai.action_information14 = 'Employer Address'
     and pai.action_context_id = p_payroll_action_id
     and pai.effective_date = p_effective_date;
Line: 1919

        (p_payroll_action_id    => l_payroll_action_id
        ,p_effective_date       => p_effective_date);
Line: 1945

  select paa_arch_chd.assignment_action_id chld_arc_assignment_action_id,
         paa_pre.assignment_action_id pre_assignment_action_id,
         paa_run.assignment_action_id run_assignment_action_id,
         ppa_pre.effective_date pre_effective_date,
         ppa_run.effective_date run_effective_date,
         ppa_run.date_earned run_date_earned,
         ptp.regular_payment_date, /* 5681819 */ptp.end_date period_end_date,
    from pay_assignment_actions paa_arch_chd,
         pay_assignment_actions paa_arch_mst,
         pay_assignment_actions paa_pre,
         pay_action_interlocks  pai_pre,
         pay_assignment_actions paa_run,
         pay_action_interlocks  pai_run,
         pay_payroll_actions    ppa_pre,
         pay_payroll_actions    ppa_run,
         per_time_periods       ptp
   where paa_arch_mst.assignment_action_id = p_master_aa_id
     and paa_arch_chd.source_action_id = paa_arch_mst.assignment_action_id
     and paa_arch_chd.payroll_action_id = paa_arch_mst.payroll_action_id
     and paa_arch_chd.assignment_id = paa_arch_mst.assignment_id
     and pai_pre.locking_action_id = paa_arch_mst.assignment_action_id
     and pai_pre.locked_action_id = paa_pre.assignment_action_id
     and pai_run.locking_action_id = paa_arch_chd.assignment_action_id
     and pai_run.locked_action_id = paa_run.assignment_action_id
     and ppa_pre.payroll_action_id = paa_pre.payroll_action_id
     and ppa_pre.action_type in ('P','U')
     and ppa_run.payroll_action_id = paa_run.payroll_action_id
     and ppa_run.action_type in ('R','Q')
     and ptp.payroll_id = ppa_run.payroll_id
     and ppa_run.date_earned between ptp.start_date
                                 and ptp.end_date
     -- Get the highest in sequence for this payslip
     and paa_run.action_sequence = (select max(paa_run2.action_sequence)
                                      from pay_assignment_actions paa_run2,
                                           pay_action_interlocks  pai_run2
                                     where pai_run2.locking_action_id =
                                       and pai_run2.locked_action_id =