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Line 245: FROM fnd_user

241: --
242: CURSOR l_starter_user_name_csr( p_starter_user_id NUMBER )
243: IS
244: SELECT user_name
245: FROM fnd_user
246: WHERE user_id = p_starter_user_id;
247: --
248: CURSOR l_starter_full_name_csr(p_starter_user_id NUMBER )
249: IS

Line 251: FROM fnd_user f, per_people_f p /*Bug 5122724 */

247: --
248: CURSOR l_starter_full_name_csr(p_starter_user_id NUMBER )
249: IS
250: SELECT p.first_name||' '||p.last_name
251: FROM fnd_user f, per_people_f p /*Bug 5122724 */
252: where p.effective_start_date = (select
253: min(pp.effective_start_date) from per_all_people_f pp where pp.person_id =
254: p.person_id and pp.effective_end_date >=trunc(sysdate)) and
255: ((p.employee_number is not null) or (p.npw_number is not null))

Line 260: FROM fnd_user f, per_all_people_f e --pa_employees e Commented for Bug5067575, SQLId:16329634

256: and f.user_id = p_starter_user_id
257: and f.employee_id = p.person_id;
258: /* Replaced below sql with above sql for Bug 5122724
259: SELECT e.first_name||' '||e.last_name
260: FROM fnd_user f, per_all_people_f e --pa_employees e Commented for Bug5067575, SQLId:16329634
261: WHERE f.user_id = p_starter_user_id
262: AND f.employee_id = e.person_id
263: AND rownum=1; -- Added for Bug5067575, SQLId:16329634 */
264: --

Line 578: gms_error_pkg.gms_message( x_err_name => 'GMS_FND_USER_NOT_CREATED',

574: ELSE
575: IF L_DEBUG = 'Y' THEN
576: gms_error_pkg.gms_debug('GMS_CLIENT_EXTN_BUDGET_WF.START_BUDGET_WF - Exception: No users found for this role.', 'C');
577: END IF;
578: gms_error_pkg.gms_message( x_err_name => 'GMS_FND_USER_NOT_CREATED',
579: x_err_code => l_err_code,
580: x_err_buff => l_err_stage);

Line 983: FROM fnd_user

979: --
980: CURSOR l_starter_user_name_csr( p_starter_user_id NUMBER )
981: IS
982: SELECT user_name
983: FROM fnd_user
984: WHERE user_id = p_starter_user_id;
985: --
986: CURSOR l_starter_full_name_csr(p_starter_user_id NUMBER )
987: IS

Line 989: FROM fnd_user f, per_people_f p

985: --
986: CURSOR l_starter_full_name_csr(p_starter_user_id NUMBER )
987: IS
988: SELECT p.first_name||' '||p.last_name /* Bug 5122724 */
989: FROM fnd_user f, per_people_f p
990: where p.effective_start_date = (select
991: min(pp.effective_start_date) from per_all_people_f pp where pp.person_id =
992: p.person_id and pp.effective_end_date >=trunc(sysdate)) and
993: ((p.employee_number is not null) or (p.npw_number is not null))

Line 998: FROM fnd_user f, per_all_people_f e --pa_employees e Commented for Bug5067575, SQLId:16329634

994: and f.user_id = p_starter_user_id
995: and f.employee_id = p.person_id;
996: /* Replaced below sql with above sql for Bug 5122724
997: SELECT e.first_name||' '||e.last_name
998: FROM fnd_user f, per_all_people_f e --pa_employees e Commented for Bug5067575, SQLId:16329634
999: WHERE f.user_id = p_starter_user_id
1000: AND f.employee_id = e.person_id
1001: AND rownum=1; -- Added for Bug5067575, SQLId:16329634 */
1002: --

Line 1326: gms_error_pkg.gms_message( x_err_name => 'GMS_FND_USER_NOT_CREATED',

1322: ELSE
1323: IF L_DEBUG = 'Y' THEN
1324: gms_error_pkg.gms_debug('GMS_CLIENT_EXTN_BUDGET_WF.START_BUDGET_WF_NTFY_ONLY - Exception: No users found for this role.', 'C');
1325: END IF;
1326: gms_error_pkg.gms_message( x_err_name => 'GMS_FND_USER_NOT_CREATED',
1327: x_err_code => l_err_code,
1328: x_err_buff => l_err_stage);
1330: l_err_code := 4; -- This error code will be used to show a warning.

Line 1668: FROM fnd_user

1665: /*
1666: SELECT employee_id
1667: INTO l_employee_id
1668: FROM fnd_user
1669: WHERE user_id = p_workflow_started_by_id;
1670: */
1672: -- Selecting the active Award Manager for this Award as the Baseliner.