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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 107

   l_last_updated_by          NUMBER(15);
Line: 108

   l_last_update_date         DATE;
Line: 170

       SELECT ctb.transaction_source ,
          ctb.expenditure_type ,
          ctb.system_linkage_function ,
          NVL(ctb.use_project_rate_flag,'N') ,
          csd.cost_id ,
	  csd.transaction_date ,
	  csd.quantity ,
	  csd.extended_cost ,
	  csd.currency_code ,
	  csd.inventory_item_id ,
	  csd.unit_of_measure_code ,
	  ced.project_id ,
	(SELECT segment1 from pa_projects_all pp where pp.project_id =ced.project_id  ) ProjectNumber,
	(SELECT task_number from pa_tasks pt where pt.task_id =ced.project_task_id  ) ProjectTaskNumber,
   FROM   cs_cost_details csd,
          cs_estimate_details ced,
          cs_txn_billing_types ctb,
           cs_incidents_all_b cia
   WHERE cia.incident_id       = ced.incident_id
	AND ced.estimate_detail_id  = csd.estimate_detail_id
	AND csd.txn_billing_type_id = ctb.txn_billing_type_id
	AND nvl(ctb.interface_to_pa_flag,'N')='Y'
--	and cia.incident_number ='68584' --remove this later
        AND csd.transaction_date BETWEEN NVL(p_creation_from_date,csd.transaction_date-1) AND NVL(p_creation_to_date,csd.transaction_date+1)
	AND ced.project_id          = NVL(p_project_id,ced.project_id)
	AND ced.project_task_id     = NVL(p_project_task_id,ced.project_task_id)
	AND csd.transaction_type_id = NVL(p_transaction_type_id, csd.transaction_type_id)
	AND cia.incident_status_id  = NVL(p_incident_status_id, cia.incident_status_id)
	AND cia.incident_id         = NVL(p_incident_id, cia.incident_id)
	AND csd.source_code         = NVL(p_source_code,csd.source_code)
	AND csd.source_id           = NVL(p_source_number,csd.source_id)
	AND csd.org_id              = NVL(p_org_id , csd.org_id)
	AND csd.inventory_org_id    = NVL(p_inv_org_id , csd.inventory_org_id)
	AND ced.expenditure_org_id  = NVL(p_expenditure_org_id,ced.expenditure_org_id)
        AND  ctb.billing_type       = NVL(p_billing_type , ctb.billing_type) --bug 16806860
	--and csd.cost_id= 39302;
Line: 467

      SELECT pap.employee_number
      INTO l_employee_num
      FROM cs_estimate_details ced,
        fnd_user fu ,
        per_all_people_f pap
      WHERE ced.created_by       = fu.user_id
      AND pap.person_id          = fu.employee_id
      AND ced.estimate_detail_id = l_estimate_detail_id
      AND to_date(ced.creation_date) between nvl(pap.effective_start_date,sysdate) and nvl(pap.effective_end_date,sysdate);
Line: 479

      SELECT pap.employee_number
      INTO l_employee_num
      FROM   csf_debrief_lines cdl,
       csf_debrief_headers cdh,
       jtf_task_assignments jta,
       jtf_rs_resource_extns jrr,
       fnd_user fu ,
       PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F pap
      WHERE  cdh.task_assignment_id = jta.task_assignment_id
       AND cdl.debrief_header_id = cdh.debrief_header_id
       AND cdl.debrief_line_id = l_source_id
       AND jrr.resource_id = jta.resource_id
       AND pap.person_id = fu.employee_id
       AND fu.user_id = jrr.user_id ;
Line: 588

    SELECT name
    INTO l_organization_name
    FROM hr_all_organization_units --need to clarify whether to use hr_organization_units
    WHERE  organization_id = (select expenditure_org_id from cs_estimate_details where estimate_detail_id =l_estimate_detail_id );
Line: 681

  SELECT segment1
  INTO l_project_num
  FROM pa_projects_all
  WHERE project_id = (select project_id from cs_estimate_details where estimate_detail_id =l_estimate_detail_id );
Line: 751

  SELECT task_number
  INTO l_task_num
  FROM pa_tasks where task_id = (select project_task_id from cs_estimate_details  where estimate_detail_id =l_estimate_detail_id );
Line: 866

   select projfunc_currency_code
   INTO l_project_currency
   WHERE project_id = l_project_id;
Line: 1079

l_last_updated_by  := FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID;
Line: 1085

l_last_update_date  := SYSDATE;
Line: 1118

select nvl(costed_flag ,'N')
into l_costed_flag
from pa_transaction_sources
where SYSTEM_LINKAGE_FUNCTION = l_system_linkage
and transaction_source = l_transaction_source;
Line: 1217

		SELECT fu.person_party_id
		      -- jrr.user_id,
		      -- fu.user_name
		INTO   l_person_id
		FROM   csf_debrief_lines cdl,
		       csf_debrief_headers cdh,
		       jtf_task_assignments jta,
		       jtf_rs_resource_extns jrr,
		       fnd_user fu
		WHERE  cdh.task_assignment_id = jta.task_assignment_id
		       AND cdl.debrief_header_id = cdh.debrief_header_id
		       AND cdl.debrief_line_id = l_estimate_Detail_id -- this needs to be changed
		       AND jrr.resource_id = jta.resource_id
		       AND fu.user_id = jrr.user_id ;
Line: 1232

		/*SELECT fu.person_party_id
		INTO   l_person_id
		FROM   cs_estimate_details ced,
		       fnd_user fu
		WHERE  ced.created_by = fu.user_id
		       AND ced.estimate_detail_id = l_estimate_Detail_id;-- this needs to be changed*/
Line: 1240

	       SELECT pap.person_id
		INTO   l_person_id
		FROM   cs_estimate_details ced,
		       fnd_user fu ,
                       per_all_people_f pap
		WHERE  ced.created_by = fu.user_id
                       AND pap.party_id = fu.person_party_id
		       AND ced.estimate_detail_id = l_estimate_Detail_id-- this needs to be changed
                       AND ced.creation_date between nvl(pap.effective_start_date,sysdate) and nvl(pap.effective_end_date,sysdate);
Line: 1360

SELECT pap. business_group_id
into l_business_group_id
FROM cs_estimate_details ced,
  fnd_user fu ,
WHERE ced.created_by       = fu.user_id
AND pap.person_id          = fu.employee_id
AND ced.estimate_detail_id = l_estimate_detail_id and rownum=1;
Line: 1370

Select name into
from hr_all_organization_units
where organization_id =l_business_group_id and rownum=1;
Line: 1533

    , L_LOG_MODULE || 'Before inserting into PA_TRANSACTION_INTERFACE_ALL table'
    , 'Begins'
Line: 1541

	transaction_source,        --1
	batch_name ,               --2
	expenditure_ending_date,   --3
	employee_number,           --4
	organization_name,         --5
	expenditure_item_date,     --6
	project_number ,           --7
	task_number,               --8
	expenditure_type,          --9
	non_labor_resource,        --10
	quantity,                  --12
	raw_cost,                  --13
	expenditure_comment,       --14
	transaction_status_code ,  --15
	transaction_rejection_code, --16
	expenditure_id,             --17
	orig_transaction_reference, --18
	attribute_category  ,       --19
	attribute1,                 --20
	attribute2,                 --20
	attribute3,                 --20
	attribute4,                 --20
	attribute5,                 --20
	attribute6,                 --20
	attribute7,                 --20
	attribute8,                 --20
	attribute9,                 --20
	attribute10,                --20
	raw_cost_rate,              --21
	interface_id,               --22
	unmatched_negative_txn_flag, --23
	expenditure_item_id,         --24
	org_id,                     --25
	dr_code_combination_id ,    --26
	cr_code_combination_id ,    --27
	cdl_system_reference1,      --28
	cdl_system_reference2,      --28
	cdl_system_reference3,      --28
	cdl_system_reference4,      --28
	cdl_system_reference5,      --28
	gl_date,                    --29
	burdened_cost,              --30
	burdened_cost_rate,         --31
	system_linkage,             --32
	txn_interface_id,           --33
	user_transaction_source,    --34
	created_by,                 --35
	creation_date,              --36
	last_updated_by,            --37
	last_update_date,          --38
	receipt_currency_amount,    --39
	receipt_currency_code,      --40
	receipt_exchange_rate,      --41
	denom_currency_code,        --42
	denom_raw_cost,             --43
	denom_burdened_cost,        --44
	acct_rate_date,             --45
	acct_rate_type,             --46
	acct_exchange_rate,         --47
	acct_raw_cost,              --48
	acct_burdened_cost,         --49
	project_currency_code,      --51
	project_rate_date,          --52
	project_rate_type,          --53
	project_exchange_rate,      --54
	orig_exp_txn_reference1,    --55
	orig_exp_txn_reference2 ,   --56
	orig_exp_txn_reference3,    --57
	vendor_number  ,            --59
	reversed_orig_txn_reference,  --61
	billable_flag,                --62
	person_business_group_name,   --63
	projfunc_currency_code,       --64
	projfunc_cost_rate_type,      --65
	projfunc_cost_rate_date,      --66
	projfunc_cost_exchange_rate,  --67
	project_raw_cost,             --68
	project_burdened_cost,        --69
	assignment_name,              --70
	work_type_name,               --71
	accrual_flag,                 --72
	project_id,                   --73
	task_id,                      --74
	person_id,                    --75
	organization_id,              --76
	non_labor_resource_org_id,    --77
	vendor_id,                    --78
	override_to_organization_id,  --79
	assignment_id,                --80
	work_type_id,                 --81
	person_business_group_id,     --82
	inventory_item_id,            --83
	wip_resource_id,              --84
	unit_of_measure,              --85
	po_number,                    --86
	po_header_id  ,               --87
	po_line_num,                  --88
	po_line_id,                   --89
	person_type,                  --90
	po_price_type,                --91
	adjusted_expenditure_item_id, --92
	fc_document_type,             --93
	document_type,                --94
	document_distribution_type,   --95
	si_assets_addition_flag,      --96
	sc_xfer_code,                 --97
	adjusted_txn_interface_id,    --98
	net_zero_adjustment_flag     --99

	l_transaction_source,         --1   comes from cs_projects.transaction_source
	l_batch_name,                 --2   harcoded
	 l_exp_ending_date      ,     --3   Function newgetweekending(p_date in date) return date
	 l_employee_num,	      --4   N/A  - populate the person_id instead of this
	 l_organization_name,         --5   N/A  - This is the name of the expenditure_org_id
	 l_expenditure_item_date,           --6   cs_cost_details.transaction_date
	 l_project_number,	      --7   N/A  - populate the project_id instead of this
	 l_project_task_number,       --8   N/A  - populate the task_id instead of this
	 l_expenditure_type  ,      --9   comes from cs_projects.expenditure_type
	 null,			   --10  N/A for service
	 null,			   --11  N/A for service
	 l_quantity,               --12  cs_cost_details.quantity
	 l_raw_cost ,                  --13  cs_cost_details.extended_cost (cost should be in the OUs functional currency)
	 null,			   --14  N/A for service
	 l_transaction_status_code,			   --15  harcoded
	 null,			   --16  Projects will assign this
	 null,			   --17  Projects will assign this
	 l_orig_ref,                --18  cs_cost_details.cost_id
	 null,			   --19  N/A for service Attribute 1--10
	 null,			   --20  N/A for service
	 null,			   --20  N/A for service
	 null,			   --20  N/A for service
	 null,			   --20  N/A for service
	 null,			   --20  N/A for service
	 null,			   --20  N/A for service
	 null,			   --20  N/A for service
	 null,			   --20  N/A for service
	 null,			   --20  N/A for service
	 null,			   --20  N/A for service
	 null,                     --21  N/A - we have provided total cost , so this is not applciable
	 null,                     --22  Projects will assign this
	 l_UNMAT_NEG_TXN_FLAG,     --23
	null,                      --24  Projects will assign this
	l_cost_org_id,                  --25  cs_cost_details.Operating Unit on the cost record
	null,                      --26  N/A for service , costs will go as unaccounted , this column is the ID of the GL debit account.
	null,                      --27  N/A for service , costs will go as unaccounted , this column is the ID of the GL credit account.
	null,                      --28  N/A for service ,the reference to the record in the external system if it has already been accounted for and                                  interfaced to Oracle General Ledger
	null,                      --28
	null,                      --28
	null,                      --28
	null,                      --28
	null,                      --29  N/A for service
	null,                      --30  N/A for service
	null,                      --31  N/A for service
	l_system_linkage,                --32  cs_projects.function(expenditure type class_
	null,                      --33  Projects will assign this  (UNIQUE indentifier for this table)
	null,                      --34  N/A
	FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,        --35
	sysdate,                   --36
	FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,        --37
	sysdate,                   --38
	null,                      --39 N/A for service , as service does not handle receipts
	null,                      --40 N/A for service , as service does not handle receipts
	null,                      --41 N/A for service , as service does not handle receipts
	l_denom_currency_code,               --42 cs_cost_details.currency_code
	l_raw_cost   ,        --43 Service will calculate the qty x unit cost in the denom_currency_code and put the value in this                                             column.
	null,                      --44 NA for service
	null,                      --45 NA for service
	null,                      --46 NA for service
	null,                      --47 NA for service
	null,                      --48 NA for service
	null,                      --49 NA for service
	null,                      --50 NA for service
	null,                      --51 Project will assign this
	null,                      --52 NA for service
	null,                      --53 NA for service
	null,                      --54 NA for service
	null,                      --55 NA for service
	null,                      --56 NA for service
	null,                      --57 NA for service
	null,                      --58 NA for service
	null,                      --59 NA for service
	null,                      --60 NA for service
	null,                      --61 NA for service
	'N' ,                      --62 hard coded service wil not bill customers thru projects
	l_business_group_name,                      --63 NA for service
	null,                      --64 NA for service
	null,                      --65 NA for service
	null,                      --66 NA for service
	null,                      --67 NA for service
	null,                      --68 NA for service
	null,                      --69 NA for service
	null,                      --70 NA for service
	null,                      --71 NA for service
	null,                      --72 NA for service
	null,              --73 cs_incidents_all_b.project_id
	null,                 --74 cs_incidents_all_b.project_id
	null,               --75 person_id mapped to the USER differs for SR and SD - should nto populate for SUPPLIER invoices
	null,         --76 expenditure_org_id
	null,                      --77 NA for service
	null,                      --78 Incase of SUPPLIER Invoices , person_id mapped to the USER differs for SR and SD (same as 73)
	null,                      --79 NA for service
	null,                      --80 NA for service
	null,                      --81 NA for service
	null,                      --82 NA for service
	l_item_id,                 --83 cs_cost_details.inventory_item_id
	null,                      --84 NA for service
	l_uom,                     --85 cs_cost_details.unit_of_measure_code
	null,                      --86 NA for service
	null,                      --87 NA for service
	null,                      --88 NA for service
	null,                      --89 NA for service
	null,                      --90 NA for service
	null,                      --91 NA for service
	null,                      --92 NA for service
	null,                      --93 NA for service
	null,                      --94 NA for service
	null,                      --95 NA for service
	null,                      --96 NA for service
	null,                      --97 NA for service
	null,                      --98 NA for service
	null                       --99 NA for service

Line: 1777

	If sql%rowcount=1 then -- if record is successfully inserted

           l_success_count := l_success_count+1;
Line: 1782

            Update cs_cost_details set interfaced_to_pa_flag = 'T'
	    where cost_id = l_cost_id;
Line: 1807

	    , L_LOG_MODULE || 'After inserting into PA_TRANSACTION_INTERFACE_ALL table'
	    , 'ends'
Line: 1840

Line: 1849

	    Update cs_cost_details set interfaced_to_pa_flag = 'N'
	    where cost_id = l_cost_id;
Line: 1879

	    Update cs_cost_details set interfaced_to_pa_flag = 'N'
	    where cost_id = l_cost_id;
Line: 1944

		  , '' ||  'Number of  Cost Records successfully inserted into the Projects Interface Table' || ''
		     || l_success_count|| ''
Line: 1955

		  , '' ||  'Number of  Cost Records failed to be inserted into the Projects Interface Table' || ''
		     || l_failure_count|| ''
Line: 1969

		    ||''||'Details of the Cost records that failed Insertion'||''
Line: 1994

		/*	select cost_id into l_err_cost_id
			from cs_cost_details
			where cost_id = l_err_cst_rec(i) ;*/
Line: 2037

		   ||''||'Details of the cost records that succeeded Insertion  '||''
Line: 2072

			/*select cost_id
			into l_succ_cost_id
			from cs_cost_details
			where cost_id = l_succ_cst_rec(i) ;*/
Line: 2143

	    Update cs_cost_details set interfaced_to_pa_flag = 'N'
	    where cost_id = l_cost_id;
Line: 2269

PROCEDURE update_interface_status(P_transaction_source IN VARCHAR2,
                                  P_batch IN VARCHAR2,
				  P_user_id IN NUMBER,
				   P_xface_id IN NUMBER) IS

   l_cost_id      NUMBER;
Line: 2279

   SELECT transaction_status_code ,orig_transaction_reference
   FROM   pa_transaction_interface_all
   WHERE transaction_source  = P_transaction_source
   AND batch_name           = P_batch
   AND created_by           = P_user_id
   AND txn_interface_id     = P_xface_id;
Line: 2293

	UPDATE cs_cost_details
	set interfaced_to_pa_flag = decode(l_status_code,'I','Y',
	where cost_id = l_cost_id;
Line: 2300

	UPDATE pa_transaction_interface_all
	set transaction_status_code ='A'
	where orig_transaction_reference = to_char(l_cost_id);
Line: 2310

END update_interface_status;